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Characters / Grimm Fall Cult Of Cipher

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The Cult Of Cipher

  • Upon learning of a prophecy that involved him and the third dimension, Bill would attempt to establish a connection on earth to one day create a portal to allow him entry onto earth. While those such as 'The Owl' or other beings would attempt to stop him, Bill has had some success in creating his own Cult. A group of worshipers known as the 'Blind Eye Society' who worshiped him as a God. They would aid Bill alongside his 'daughter' at times of need, and help him against possible enemies. Gaining their own unique power that allows them to even stand against strong foes like the Justice Friends.


     Bill Cipher 
An ancient demon who desires to bring about "Weirdmageddon", bringing the forces of the Nightmare Realm into the real world. He has made deals with many in the past, and after his last one nearly succeeded, has put the final parts of his plan into motion...
  • Adaptational Badass: Gravity Falls was not an action-oriented series, and thus despite his power-level, Bill could still be harmed (or at least annoyed) by various attacks like the Shacktron or Mabel simply spraying his eye with paint. He's capable of sharing his power with his cult (and the fact that he took control of said cult instead of letting them do their own thing means he's more serious this time around), and they don't disappoint, so it's likely Bill could show a greater amount of power in Grimmfall. However, Raven debunks this when he invades her mindscape, accusing Bill of only really getting ahead thanks to being a Manipulative Bastard than be an actual combatant, so it may be more akin to him simply shifting his plans to fit the setting of Grimmfall rather than him actually being more powerful. It's rather telling that Bill deliberately delays Weirdmaggedon despite having the means to enact it like in canon, as he doesn't want to come into conflict with Sammael or GOLB until both have been sufficiently distracted.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: While it might seem ludicrous that a being like Bill would be reduced to this, it does happen in one timeline. Specifically, the original timeline where Aku dominated the entire world, destroying everything that got in his way, ensuring that Bill's plans never even got off the ground.
  • The Chessmaster: He has been arranging events for his arrival for some time, having organized a science competition to seek out individuals to assist in opening the portal underneath the Mystery Shack.
  • The Dreaded: Almost everyone in the series who knows of him fears him. The Grim Reaper is terrified at the prospect of Bill arriving, his impending coming being serious enough to get Juniper Lee out of Orchid Bay to try and stop him, and even while stretched thin for resources, Sebben still sends agents to Gravity Falls to investigate. This notably ends up working against him however, as it means that he can't recklessly initiate Weirdmaggedon with so many heroes and villains alike willing to take him out, forcing him to wait and time his scheme so as to eliminate them all at once.
  • Evil vs. Evil: Versus Sammael, the actual Big Bad of Grimmfall, and GOLB.
  • Manipulative Bastard: His primarily trait. Instead of directly attacking his enemies, Bill prefers psychological manipulation. Against the wide berth of individuals in Grimmfall where he can't do one-on-one/personal torment so easily, he plans to let the various factions weaken each other before he swoops in with a well-timed Weirdmaggedon to obliterate them all. Because of this, he sends Mabel onto the train through a possessed Jack Spicer, because while at this point he has the Rift like he did in canon, he intends to wait until everyone is too weak to stop him before he uses it.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He succeeds in getting the Rift like he did in canon...but chooses not to unleash Weirdmaggedon just yet, instead letting Mabel board a certain train. This is not out of pity, but rather instead due to Bill wanting to wait until all of the other factions in the story have been weakened enough fighting each other so that he can take them all out in one fell swoop.
  • Rogues' Gallery Transplant: Surprisingly enough, he's become more of a general threat than solely focused on the Pines Family, as he generally ignores Dipper and Mabel, though this is because of the increased number of factions gunning for him, which means he doesn't have the time to engage in his usual sadistic antics. When he does finally deal with the twins, he does so indirectly via sending Saint Olga's School for Wayward Princesses after Mabel.
  • Villainous Friendship: Has one with Klarion.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Raven, in a roundabout way, considers him this. While calling Bill weak would be foolish, when compared to his rival abominations, such as Trigon, Canaletto, and Sammael, his true skills are in his ability to manipulate others rather than combat prowess or raw power. While they too are quite capable of making dangerous plans and getting others to do their dirty work, they have a better track record of backing up their power by fighting against those who can naturally fight back, whereas Bill basically bullied a town full of normal people who couldn't do so. It's worth noting his plan to get rid of Sammael, GOLB, and all of the world's heroes revolves around them all fighting each other, thus enabling him to take them all out at once when they are weakened.

Cult of Cipher Leader

     Fiddleford Mc Gucket (Former) 

     Blind Ivan 
  • Actually, I Am Him: Turns out, Blind Ivan's real identity is Nathanial Northwest, the false founder of Gravity Falls. Having made a deal with Bill long ago to live forever.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Gains the other followers of Cipher aside from Gideon's dad own powers after they failed in proving their worth.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In Gravity Falls Nathanial was just an idiot who got lucky in being the man to pretend to be the founder of Gravity Falls. Here, he steals others bodies and is willing to kill people to stay alive and wishes to bring the end of the world for Bill.
  • Corrupted Character Copy: In a way, he's like Ozpin of RWBY since they have the same reincarnation powers. But whereas Ozpin was a heroic character dealing against unfavorable odds, circumstances, and his own flaws as a person, Blind Ivan uses his powers for evil and has no care about the circumstances of others so long as he continues to live, a selfish behavior more akin to Ozpin's corrupted lover Salem.
  • Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: This is what causes his downfall and later death. He tells Miss Spell that even if he kills her, he'll just reincarnate to another body. She doesn't kill him, she banishes him to another dimension where he can't escape.
  • Logical Weakness: He states even if he dies to Miss Spell, he'll just find another body to attach himself and continue living. Miss Spell banishes him to another dimension where they're are no humans to use his reincarnation. Needless to say, Bill isn't happy and simply lets him die.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: Blind Ivan is a lot stronger here and has ripped muscles.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Thanks to Bill, he has a much longer life span as he's immortal thanks to the fact that he can find a new host body.
  • You Have Failed Me: Once he fails in producing results and unable to even beat the Justice Friends like Miss Spell and even giving away his weakness, Bill cuts off his deal with him turning him to dust as he dies.

Cult of Cipher Lieutenants

     Pacifica Northwest 
A member of the Northwest Family with unusual powers.
  • Adaptational Badass: Was a regular human in Gravity Falls canon and like the other characters, got by solely with her wits. Due to being infused with Bill's energies however, she's far more powerful, able to even defeat Mandy.
  • Adaptational Species Change: A regular human in canon. A demon-infused spawn in Grimmfall
  • Adaptational Villainy: Thankfully not in the sense of her being more like her parents...but rather in the sense that she's closer to Bill's mentality, as he deliberately infused Pacifica with his energies while she was in the womb, turning her into much more of a Creepy Child. While she does follow the same baseline of actions as her canon self, her motives are very different. Case in point, Pacifica in canon broke the curse on her family simply by striving to be a better person, ending the curse of the Lumberjack through that motive. In Grimmfall, she does it simply because her family's motives do not interest her, nor align with her own goals.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: She's...out there to say the least. While she does put on her Alpha Bitch on from canon, it masks an individual with chaotic and strange motivations.
  • Creepy Child: In her true persona, she is this in spades, being the same age as Dipper and Mabel and worshiping Bill Cipher, even calling him her true father.
  • Psychic Powers: Her Semblance, in essence. In practice, she can manipulate auras, see into the future, and paralyze enemies, with the ability depending on what color her eye tattoo takes on.
  • Third Eye: Has this in the form of a tattoo on her forehead, being the source of her Semblance.
  • Villain Takes an Interest: An interest in Dipper, to be specific, but for what reasons are unknown.

     Preston Northwest 
The patriarch of the Northwest Family, and one of Bill's human agents.
  • Adaptational Villainy: He was a far more mundane villain in canon, with simple motives being that of a rich man disdaining the common folk. He's aligned with Bill Cipher in this universe, with full knowledge of what the dream demon will do to the world.

Followers of Cipher

     Bud Gleeful 


     Woodpecker Guy 

     Toby Determined 


Allies of Cipher

     Klarion 'The Witch Boy' 
A Lord of Chaos who has teamed up with Bill. Also does double-time as a member of the organization known as The Light
  • Ascended Extra: If one compares his screen time in Young Justice to his screen time in Grimmfall, one will notice that he's a significantly more prominent character here.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In the end, his goal to make Nyx a Lady of Chaos succeeds, and she is now working with Cipher's faction, at least until it's revealed that she is rebelling, but even then her actions just play into Klarion's hands by weakening the heroes.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Hates Canaletto for being boring, but even he knows that GOLB is not to be trifled with and actually considers a team-up with him after Bill strikes a deal with the Lord of Purity.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Has this going on with Canaletto, whining that he makes chaos boring.
  • Villainous Friendship: With Bill.

     Jack Spicer 
One of the individuals who was scouted out by Bill, a boy genius who desires to unite the world against the Grimm.
  • Adaptational Badass: He suffered a great amount of Villain Decay in his home series and was generally treated as a joke as more players came in, with Chase Young and Hannibal Bean in particular using him as either a punching bag or a pawn. While he's not that great at combat in Grimmfall, he's at least a lot more composed, even if he's nothing but a pawn of Bill in the end.
  • Adaptational Heroism: His canon version deliberately desired to be evil. This Jack actually desires to unite humanity to fight the Grimm.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To Bill Cipher, having arranged for the contest that began the initiation of Bill's plans in Grimmfall on the triangle's instructions.

     Gideon Gleeful 

     Dexter O' Riley 

     Edd Vincent 


