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Southern Griffonia

    Commonwealth of New Mareland
Flag of New Mareland 
Flag of New Mareland (Supremacy) 
Flag of Our Nation 
Flag of Thestralia 
Flag of Solar New Mareland 
Flag of Marelandia 
Full Name: Commonwealth of New Mareland, New Mareland (Independent), Socialist Republic of New Mareland (Lufty Star), Our Nation (Equalist), Marelandia (MARESOC), Thestralia (Lunar puppet state)
Ruling Party: United Equestria Party
Ideology: Democratic Monarchismnote 

  • Allohistorical Allusion:
    • After the collapse of the Griffonian Empire, New Mareland saw its stock market plummet, causing its economy to collapse and creating an era of economic depression.
    • In the "Legacy of the Cockatrice War" focus, it was mentioned that New Mareland fought a humiliating "war" with the local cockatrice population. This is a reference to the memetic Emu War of Australia.
    • As an analogue of Australia, New Mareland starts with the armor technology "Bitty Simple", which is the infamous Bob Semple Tank invented in Australia's neighbor New Zealand.
    • The news event for New Mareland's capitulation references the lyrics of the popular Australian folk song "Waltzing Matilda".
    • Duke Haygle's BNPL bills (Build Now: Pay Later) are based on Nazi Germany's MEFO bills.
  • Civil War: There are three ways for New Mareland to fall into civil war: if MARESOC is not chosen during the First Socialist Conference and subsequently launches a coup; if Candy Garden tries to overthrow a government that rejects the Solar Empire when Celestia becomes Daybreaker; or if Candy Garden launches a counter-revolution against MARESOC after the latter takes power.
  • Government in Exile: If New Mareland remains loyalist, they can accept the Equestrian government in exile if Equestria is defeated. They will get some extremely powerful bonuses and a chance to create a massive faction for a chance to take back Equestria. That is if Beakolini hasn't seized the country or planning on seizing the country in his focus, which will nip the whole idea in the bud.
  • Multiple Endings: New Mareland has one of the largest number of possible country paths in EAW, and goes beyond simply having country paths for individual ideologies, as some of their paths are dependent on other countries going down certain paths.
    • New Mareland can remain as an Equestrian dominion. If Equestria was defeated, they will house the Equestrian Government in Exile, which really is a full path of its own considering the drastic gameplay changes.
    • New Mareland can seek patriation and begin begin new elections, allowing four different non-communist paths: Jet Set's Harmony path, Gladmane's neutral pro-business Non-Aligned path, Kingfisher's populist anti-communist Non-Aligned path, and Duke Haygle's Supremacist path.
    • New Mareland can seek patriation, recognize Stalliongrad, and form Communist Unions. This opens up three different communist paths: Lufty Star's Stalliongradian communism, Blueberry Frost's equalism (further splitting into rational equalism or radical equalism), and MARESOC's "Mareland Socialism".
    • If New Mareland remains a dominion, and the Solar or Lunar Empire forms, secret puppet state paths will be opened up for New Mareland, both of which also have three more branchesnote .
  • New Neo City: One of New Mareland's cities is named New Manehattan, after one of Equestria's largest cities. If annexed by the Talonsian Empire, it will be renamed Nova Talononte.
  • Please Select New City Name: If New Mareland becomes a puppet of the Lunar Empire, its capital city Sunset gets renamed to Midnight.
  • Puppet State: If New Mareland maintains their ties with Equestria, they can choose (or be forced to) become a Solar Empire or Lunar Empire puppet state when they emerge, opening up new focuses and events.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: New Mareland is stuck in a deep economic depression following the collapse of the Griffonian Empire, and Equestria isn't doing much to help New Mareland. New Mareland can thus seek patriation and declare independence from Equestria and seek their own future.

Jet Set
Role: Head of State
Party: United Equestria Party, United Imperial Party (Lunar puppet state)
Ideology: Democratic Monarchismnote , Harmonic Republicanismnote  (Independence), Centrismnote  (Lunar puppet state)
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • Adaptational Heroism: In the source show, Jet Set is a minor antagonist for all of one episode, here he is the harmonist governor of New Mareland and the only way it stays harmonist after patriation.
  • Good Old Ways: A traditionalist, Jet Set maintains the harmonic government if he is elected after New Mareland declares its independence.

Role: Head of State (Election)
Party: New Mareland Freedom Party
Ideology: Oligarchynote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Gladmane, a successful businesspony-turned-politician who rose to prominence through his loud and populist rhetoric and adopts pro-business policies, is based on 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. Gladmane promises to build a wall to keep all the griffons out and have the griffons pay for it.

Role: Head of State (Election)
Party: New Mareland Freedom Party
Ideology: Populismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Kingfisher, a populist Presidential candidate for New Mareland, is directly based on Huey Long, who was famously portrayed in Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg. His name is based on Long's nickname "The Kingfish", his slogan "Every Pony A Princess" is taken from Long's "Every Man A King", his "Share Our Wealth" policy is the exact same policy from Long, and his populism and anti-communism are all traits of the real (and Kaiserreich's) Huey Long. If Kingfisher is not elected, he might get assassinated by one of his opponents, mirroring the death of the real Huey Long.
  • Shout-Out: The "President of the Downtrodden" focus description mentions that Kingfisher has a slogan/promise called "It can happen here!" This is a reference to the book It Can't Happen Here, which prominently features a Huey Long expy called Buzz Windrip.

Duke Haygle
Role: Head of State
Party: New Mareland Republican Fascist Party
Ideology: Fascismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • Cooperation Gambit: Despite being an anti-Griffon pony supremacist, Haygle can make a deal with Beakolini of Wingbardy over their shared Supremacist ideology, allowing New Mareland to join the Karthinian Pact.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Haygle is directly modeled on famous philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

Picket Fence
Role: Head of State (Election)
Party: New Mareland Republican Fascist Party
Ideology: Fascismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • Fantastic Racism: Picket Fence is very racist against Griffons, and runs on a platform of Griffon segregation. He can also optionally choose to segregate thestrals too, though he can choose to accept them as proper ponies instead.
  • Historical In-Joke: One of the earlier character-establishing events for Picket Fence involves him making a day-long filibuster, referencing Strom Thurmond's day-long filibuster in 1957.
  • Meaningful Name: The picket fence is a symbol of idealized American middle-class nuclear family suburban life, which is the sort of lifestyle that American segregationist politicians that Picket Fence is based on idealized.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Picket Fence is a hybrid of George Wallace and Strom Thurmond, two prominent American segregationist politicians during the Civil Rights era.

Lufty Star
Role: Head of State
Party: Communist Party of New Mareland
Ideology: Marksismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • Chummy Commies: Lufty Star is a Stalliongrad-styled communist whose policies are aimed at benefiting the people. She especially stands out when compared to the other two communist options for New Mareland, the radical Equalist Blueberry Frost, and the totalitarian MARESOC.

Blueberry Frost
Role: Head of State
Party: New Equality Party
Ideology: Equalismnote 

  • Bait-and-Switch Tyrant: If Blueberry Frost takes the "Equality within Reason" tree, she can create a surprisingly, well, reasonable version of the "Our Town" policies, creating equal education, schools, working rights and luxuries for all citizens, even letting them keep their cutie marks with no objections. The Total Equality path, on the other hand...
  • Obviously Evil: Just by looking at her portrait you can already tell that she's not a good choice for leader.
  • Happiness Is Mandatory: In the Total Equality path, the "Smile, Smile, Smile" focus forces all New Marelanders to be happy, and those who don't share the happiness will be "brought into line".
  • Individuality Is Illegal: In the more extreme "Total Equality" path, Blueberry Frost considers any New Marelanders who who believe in individuality to be reactionaries, and sends them into "Equality Camps" where they are reeducated.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Going down the extremist "Total Equality" path will see Blueberry Frost's idea of Equality spiral out of control into dystopian insanity.

Big Sister 
Role: Head of State
Ideology: Oligarchical Collectivismnote 

  • Big Brother Is Watching: Fitting the Whole-Plot Reference to Nineteen Eighty-Four, extreme surveillance through telescreens is a key part of the MARESOC society, complete with a Big Sister watching over all of the society.
  • The Coup: MARESOC always comes to power through a coup d'etat. They can also attempt a coup in a communist non-MARESOC path, which can plunge the country into a civil war.
  • Dirty Communists: MARESOC is one of the most totalitarian and repressive (nominally) communist regimes in the entire world.
  • Dystopia: MARESOC's Marelandia, directly based on the original dystopia, Oceania, is just as much of a totalitarian hellscape as Oceania is.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: After MARESOC takes power, while many griffons are expelled from Marelandia, this is done out of pure pragmatism, as they are seen as a potential fifth column. Those who willingly join the party and espouse its values are warmly welcomed. In fact, there's no racial discrimination in the process of becoming a party member, as everycreature is given an equal chance as long as they fulfil the numerous other prerequisites, most importantly absolute loyalty to MARESOC.
  • Expy: MARESOC is unambiguously and totally based on INGSOC from Nineteen Eighty-Four.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Despite being classified in-game under Communism, MARESOC's socialism is only skin deep—its goals are simply the complete political domination of the populace and the pursuit of power for its own sake.
  • Newspeak: In order to prevent heretical thoughts, MARESOC simplifies the language, greatly reducing its vocabulary and removing any nuance or innuendo.
  • The Purge: MARESOC is simply too radical for the other socialist factions in New Mareland to accept. Therefore, MARESOC resorts to forced disappearance to weaken the other socialist factions and grow their own.
  • Renegade Splinter Faction: In other communist paths, MARESOC splits away from the Socialist Alliance when the alliance realizes just how insane MARESOC really is. They proceed to plan for a coup to take power by force.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: The New Mareland that MARESOC creates is totally based on Oceania from Nineteen Eighty-Four. The four ministries, Big Sister, thought police, brainwashing, and the "War is Peace" slogans are all a part of MARESOC's Marelandia.

Sour Sweet
Role: Head of State (Lunar puppet state)
Party: Shadowbolt Society
Ideology: Oligarchynote 

  • Puppet King: In the Shadowbolt Society's radical path, Sour Sweet loses control over her own society to ponies loyal to the Empress and the Nightmare alone.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: If a Solarist government takes over New Mareland and purges the Shadowbolt Society, while the old guard remains and gets gunned down, Sour Sweet convinces the moderates, including her personal friends, to flee while they still have the chance and start a new life elsewhere in Griffonia.

Evening Dew
Role: Governor-Generalnote  (Lunar puppet state)
Party: New Mareland Agency
Ideology: Esotericismnote 

  • Fantastic Racism: Evening Dew views griffons as a loathsome species, natural enemies of equinity, who must work off their crimes in heavily guarded labour camps before being expelled from New Mareland.
  • Mad Scientist: Evening Dew sees the idea that some things cannot be done in the name of science is a dogma that should be done away with. When it comes to scientific progress, the ends always justify the means.
  • Tempting Fate: When Evening Dew proclaims himself Prophet of the Nightmare, whose words shall carry the same weight as those of the Empress, he assures his followers that the Empress will gladly accept this unprecedented power grab. Nightmare Moon then proceeds to denounce Evening Dew as a traitor and officially severs all ties with New Mareland to punish his insubordination.
  • Undying Loyalty: Evening Dew can be chosen by Nightmare Moon as Governor-General of New Mareland simply because his loyalty to Nightmare Moon is unquestionable, sufficient to offset his lack of qualifications.

Candy Garden
Role: Head of State (Solar puppet state)

  • My Master, Right or Wrong: General Candy Garden is motivated entirely by her loyalty to Princess Celestia, even if Celestia had become Daybreaker. She is a force for Harmony when she launches a counterrevolution against the nightmarish MARESOC, but is also a force of Autocracy when she launches a coup to establish Solar rule over a New Mareland that rejected Daybreaker.

Arcane Nova
Role: Head of State (God-Empress Solar puppet state)

  • The Fundamentalist: Arcane Nova, who can only be installed by the Solar Empire if Daybreaker has taken the most extreme God-Empress path, is a zealot who turns New Mareland into a Solar Empire cult, embracing extreme principles and theocratic intolerance of dissent. Common law is suspended and replaced by a new system of courts centred around devotion and loyalty to the Empress.

    Kingdom of Wingbardy
Flag of the Wingbardian Social Republic 
Flag of the Wingbardian Republic 
Flag of the Wingbardian Socialist Republic/Wingbardian Democratic Republic 
Flag of the United Kingdom of Karthinia 
Flag of the Karthinian Federation 
Flag of the Karthinian Republic 
Flag of the Karthinian Empire 
Flag of the Karthinian Social Republic 
Flag of the United Socialist Republics of Southern Griffonia 
Full Name: Kingdom of Wingbardy, United Kingdom of Karthinia (Consiglio Reale), Wingbardian Republic (PRW, PSU, Left PPW after voting out the monarchy), Karthinian Republic (PRW, Karthinia formed), Wingbardian Democratic Republic (PSW), Karthinian Federation
PNF: Wingbardian Social Republic (Republican), Karthinian Empire (Karthinia formed), Karthinian Social Republic (Republican, Karthinia formed)
PCW: Wingbardian Socialist Republic, United Socialist Republics of Southern Griffonia (Karthinia formed)
Ruling Party: Partito Liberale Wingbardo
Ideology: Conservative Liberalismnote 

  • Civil War: The anti-fascist Wingbardy path will start a civil war between Beakolini's fascists and the National Republican Front, a coalition of leftists and liberals opposing Beakolini.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Wingbardy's language, history and prominent figures are an analogue of Italy.
  • Great Offscreen War: Wingbardy along with the rest of the Karthinian Pact underwent a bloody war with the neighboring nation of Falcor for four years shortly after its independence. The result was the taking of the latter's capital while at the same time influencing or even creating many of the playable politicians in this alliance.
  • The Mafia: The Wingbardian Mafia have long plagued the nation, especially in the recent years after the Falcor War. For many they offer a stable alternative to the corrupt and inefficient governments.
  • The Quisling: Wingbardy rules Purrsia, a colony located off the western coast of Zebrica, indirectly through the traditional power on the island, the Ras.
  • When It All Began: In 972, Gumberto I, the then-King of Wingbardy, was attending a party at Griffenheim where he was assassinated right in the palace grounds. When the murder investigation was stopped cold by the Regency Council (Grover V was just 12 at that time), his son Garibald Talonuel III was enraged and proceeded to secede his country along with its vassals from the empire. This started the chain of events that led to the collapse of the Griffonian Empire with other secessionists like Aquileia following suit and the 978 revolution happening afterwards.

Gallo Ventriglio
Role: Prime Ministernote 
Party: Partito Liberale Wingbardonote , Liberal-Democratic Harmonist Party (Griffonian Republic)
Ideology: Conservative Liberalismnote , Harmonic Republicanismnote  (Griffonian Republic)
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • The Bus Came Back: Ventriglio's term as prime minister ends soon after the March on Karthin. Even if he declares martial law to stop the fascists, he will either be dismissed by the king or replaced by the far more popular PPW. However, should the Republicans conquer most of Griffonia and hold elections, he can return to power as President of the Griffonian Republic.

Garibald Talonuel III
Role: Monarchnote 
Party: Consiglio Realenote 
Ideology: Despotismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • All for Nothing: Wingbardy can choose to dissolve the monarchy after his death in a focus, rendering both his struggles and worries moot.
  • Emergency Authority: To stop the March on Karthin by Beakolini's fascist Blackwings, the King can declare martial law, dissolve the inept Chamber of Deputies and assume in full the legislative and executive authority vested in his royal prerogative.
  • For Want Of A Nail: If he didn't declare independence in response to his father's murder investigation being denied by the Regency Council, the Griffonian Empire could have remained a superpower instead of the Vestigial Empire it is in present day.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: Worries that his hedonistic son will run the country to the ground after his death and is taking measures to prevent that. The varying degrees of success is up to the player's decisions.
  • Irony: Despite having a military based title, he is not a Field Marshal or General.
  • Multiple Endings: Depending on your choices, you get one of five separate endings when it comes to beating the hedonism out of his heir and son Gumberto II.
    • Back Where We Started: Gumberto II doubles down on his habits of alcoholism and smoking, ensuring that the monarchy is doomed.
    • A Disappointment No Longer: Gumberto II shakes off his hedonistic habits and becomes a proper heir. However, he is still a far cry from his father's competence.
    • The New Heir: Gumberto II becomes a truly worthy heir of the country, shaped in his father's image and becomes the ideal future king. His father couldn't be anymore proud of him and is certain that the monarchy is safe and secure.
    • Trading Devils: Gumberto II shakes off his hedonistic habits, but his fascist friends influenced him to champion that ideology instead.
    • A King of Fascism: Gumberto II becomes the very heir his father wanted him to be but his fascist friends influenced him to become a champion of that ideology as well, leaving Garibald very distraught at the thought Beakolini's ideology gripping its claws on his son.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: His life and lineage is based on King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, who dealt with the rise and fall of Benito Mussolini's regime in Italy.
  • Random Number God: His date of death isn't set in stone, ranging randomly instead from the start of 1016 to the end of 1019.
  • Revisiting the Cold Case: When the country is stable once more, King Garibald Talonuel III gets the opportunity to reinvestigate the assassination of King Gumberto. If you succeed in collecting evidence and nailing down the culprit along with the mastermind, you get a powerful buff while providing closure to the decades old murder.
  • You Killed My Father: Garibald Talonuel III has never forgiven the Griffonian Empire for having covered up the assassination of his father in Griffenheim.

Don Luigi Guturzo
Role: Head of State
Party: Partito Popolare Wingbardonote 
Ideology: Democratic Monarchismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Luigi Guturzo, a priest of Boreas and centrist anti-fascist politician, is based on Italian Catholic priest and politician Luigi Sturzo.

Giovanni De Gaspwingi
Role: Head of State
Party: Partito Popolare Wingbardonote 
Ideology: Democratic Monarchismnote 

  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Giovanni De Gaspwingi is based both on appearance and in policy on Italian polician Alcide De Gasperi, the founder of Christian Democracy and one of the founding fathers of the European Union.

Guto Golajanni
Role: Head of State
Party: Partito Repubblicano Wingbardonote 
Ideology: Harmonic Republicanismnote 

  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Guto Golajanni, a criminologist and republican politician, is based on Napoleone Colajanni, a Sicilian criminologist and politician who alternated between republicanism and socialism.

Giovanni Gacci
Role: Head of State
Party: Partito Socialista Wingbardonote 
Ideology: Democratic Socialismnote 

  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: The socialist journalist and politician Giovanni Gacci is based on Italian journalist and politician Giovanni Bacci, one of the leaders of the Italian Socialist Party.

Giacomo Gatteotti
Role: Head of State
Party: Partito Socialista Unitarionote 
Ideology: Harmonic Socialismnote 

  • Internal Reformist: Gatteotti is the leader of the moderate Unitary Socialist Party, and advocates for keeping the capitalist democratic system and using it as a foundation to work towards socialism.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Giacomo Gatteotti, leader of the Unitary Socialist Party who can be murdered by fascists if they take power, is clearly based on Italian Unitary Socialist Party politician Giacomo Matteotti, who was killed by fascists.

Giulio Beakolini
Duce Beakolini 
Beakolini post-Karthinian unification 
Role: Prime Ministernote 
Party: Partito Nazionale Fascistanote 
Ideology: Fascismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Demoted to Dragon: At game start, Beakolini is the chief ideologue of fascism, whose influence extends past Wingbardy to Francistria and Hippogriffia, and is in a prime position to seize power in the most powerful country in Southern Griffonia. However, if he fails to do so while his mistress Gherita Zarfatti succeeds in Francistria, he'll move there and accept a role as her advisor.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: When he receives news that Vittorio Felice has killed his mistress Gherita Zarfatti and taken over Francistria, Beakolini reacts in shock and horror, vows to avenge her death, and immediately declares war on Francistria.
  • Historical In-Joke: One of Beakolini's focuses is an infrastructure improvement focus called "Make the Trains Run on Time", referencing the saying that Mussolini made the trains run on time.
  • Let No Crisis Go to Waste: When the North Zebrican War erupts, he would declare war on Hippogriffia to do some land grabbing. This turns the conflict into a much maligned three-front war, much to the anger of Queen Novo who calls him a "vulture". Because of the sea and ponypower difference, after defeating both Colthage and Chiropterra, Hippogriffia can force a white peace on him instead of taking the fight to him.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Beakolini is Benito Mussolini with a beak. The chief ideologue of Fascism, he marches on a decaying monarchy with his party, gets appointed as the Prime Minister by the King, does away with democracy completely, proceeds to reshape the country into a fascist nation, and starts waging war on bordering nations.
  • President for Life: Beakolini's parliament passes the Agerbo Law (referencing the real life Acerbo Law), allowing the Fascist party to permanently gain a majority and make Beakolini stay as Prime Minister indefinitely.
  • Spanner in the Works: Has a war goal focus on New Mareland. Whether or not he chooses to act on it is completely random. So if you have plans to play the "Homecoming" path as New Mareland, hope that he doesn't choose it or you will get an early game over. It is also very inconvenient if he just so happens to demand the place if it is still in the same faction as Equestria/Solar Empire/Lunar Empire while the latter is fighting another major power. Thankfully, an AI-controlled Beakolini usually goes for the decision to demand a white peace immediately after capitulating the country, as Equestria/Solar Empire/Lunar Empire usually cannot hope to fight on multiple major fronts for a long period.
  • State Sec: The Blackwings are a paramilitary organisation loyal to no one but Beakolini himself. After becoming Duce, he signs their special status into law, giving him an army of loyal warriors at his beck and call.

Antonino Proletarino
Proletarino post-Karthinian unification 
Role: Head of State
Party: Partito Comunista Wingbardonote 
Ideology: Revolutionary Dictatorshipnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Dirty Commies: In contrast to the much more moderate and democratic Gacci, Proletarino is very power-hungry and is even willing to use physical threats to force the PSW to merge with his party and give him absolute power. However, he can moderate his views and become a more typical Stalliongrad style communist.
  • Meaningful Name: His surname Proletarino is unusually appropriately for the leader of the Communist Party.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Proletarino's nickname "Il Migliore" ("The Best") is a clear reference to Italian communist leader Palmiro Togliatti.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: After purging and throwing the fascist Blackwings into prison, Proletarino still regards them as parasites who eat good food and give the people nothing from their gilded cage of prison, and proposes to move all fascists in prison to camps where they will mine and build for the good of the party and the honest workers (and indeed, few griffons have sympathy for the Blackwings).

Gennaro Bordiclaw

  • Defector from Decadence: While he supports many of General Secretary Proletarino's more controversial measures, if Proletarino chooses to endorse communism in one country, Bordiclaw will denounce him as a counter-revolutionary opportunist, saying that the revolution must be international or it is no revolution at all and declaring that any true revolutionaries would join him in his new International Communist Party.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Bordiclaw, a Marksist theorist who advocates for ultra-left positions and can have a split with Antonino Proletarino over his communism in one country policy and split to form his own International Communist Party, is based on Amadeo Bordiga, a prominent Italian left communist theorist and leading figure of the real life International Communist Party.

    Duchy of Talouse
Flag of the Talousian Worker's Republic 
Flag of the Union of Talonsian Communes 
Flag of the Talonsian Empire 
Full Name: Duchy of Talouse, Talousian Worker's Republic, Union of Talonsian Communes, Nova Talonsia (Fetivola), Talonsian Empire (Fetivola, conquered Karthinian Pact members)
Ruling Party: Partito Liberalenote 
Ideology: Democratic Monarchismnote 

Marco Paltori
Role: Head of State
Party: Partito Liberalenote 
Ideology: Democratic Monarchismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Realpolitik: One of his focuses, named as such, allows Paltori's Talouse to maintain the alliance with a fascist or communist Wingbardy out of simple pragmatism, despite the mismatch in ideology.

Antonia di Colliverde
Role: Head of State (Election)
Party: Partito Conservatorenote 
Ideology: Conservative Liberalismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

Amilcare Fetivola
Role: Head of State
Party: Lega per il Restauro Nazionalenote 
Ideology: Authoritarian Theocracynote  (façade), Esotericismnote  (actual)
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Evil Reactionary: Fetivola dreams of seeks to resurrecting Talouse (or rather Talonsia) to its glorious past as Warden of the South, renewing faith in Arantigos, restoring the customs and language of ancient Talonsia, and rejecting the modern movements that corrupted the once-great country.
  • The Fundamentalist: After resurrecting the faith of Arantigos-Boreas and endorsing it as the state religion, Fetivola declares those who refuse to convert as a threat to national unity, and sends them to camps where they might be enlightened.
  • Moral Guardians: Fetivola compels all Talonsian citizens to conduct themselves in accordance with Talonsia's religious values and teachings, since he believes that spiritual decay among a nation's citizens will lead to society-wide decay.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Fetivola, an ultra-reactionary intellectual and author of "Revolt Against The Modern World", is based on the famous Italian "fascist intellectual" Julius Evola.
  • Regent for Life: After ousting Duchess Ginevra, Fetivola proclaims himself regent of Talonsia, so he could watch over the country until the prophesied arrival of a divinely ordained chosen one who will lead Talonostra's sons to glory.

    County of Francistria
Flag of the County of Francistria (Supremacy) 
Flag of the Agrarian Communes of Piumont 
Flag of the Order of the Trinity 
Full Name: County of Francistria, County of Piumont (Cult of personality removed), Order of the Trinity (Harmony), Agrarian Communes of Piumont (Communist)
Ruling Party: Patto Martilalesenote 
Ideology: Despotismnote 

  • Balance of Power: The country is torn between two major groups, the FLNT (Front de Libération Nationale de Tarrin) who are Tarrin resistance fighters and the LPF (Lega Patriottica di Fransistria) who are Francistrian fascists and nationalists. Pleasing one faction often angers the other and the player must constantly alternate between pleasing either factions to prevent chaos. Angering the FLNT will cause the Republic of Tarrin to secede at a high enough resistance level sooner than you would like to. Angering the LPF will result in a military coup which spawns its own focus tree to spread and/or join fascism.
  • Cult of Personality: Since the reign of Francis I, whose ego was as big as the Griffonian Empire, the Martlewing dynasty has built up a personality cult where the Counts were seen as divine monarchs who could do no wrong, which justified absolute power. With the reign of Francis IX, most griffons stopped taking the personality cult seriously.
  • Duel to the Death: Gherita Zarfatti and Vittorio Felice, two rivals for leadership of the LPF, can settle their differences through a duel after which only one is allowed to survive.
  • Egopolis: When Count Francis I carved out his own country, he renamed both the nation and its capital city (originally Piumont and Pulcino, respectively) Francistria, after himself. He also created a Cult of Personality for his successors, which backfires during the reign of Francis IX.
  • Interfaith Smoothie: Many Francistrians belong to an unusual religious sect known as Trinitarianism, which worships all three griffon deities as manifestations of a single divine form.
  • Multiple Endings: It has five different endings and leaders, most who are hidden behind various choices later in the initial focus tree. Some are even intertwined with each other!
    • In the pro-Wingbardy path, Francistria becomes so intertwined with Wingbardy that the two nations are practically one. A referendum is held for complete annexation. If it succeeds, the country is annexed by Wingbardy and Francis IX retires. If not, he is pulled back on the throne and the country remains a subject, much to his dismay and surprise. He immediately chooses a replacement for him, who can either be the Knights of the Trinity's Grandmaster, Gina de Gioia or his uncle Marco Martlewing.
    • In the anti-Wingbardy path, Francistria becomes its own separate nation. However, with the fascists gone, the communists attempt to coup Francis IX now that their biggest enemy is no more. If the coup succeeds, the communists take over and Francis IX dies. If it fails, Francis IX will come for his worried wife Lady Bianca, who reveals that she is pregnant.
    • The communists take over the country and turn it into an agrarian state, destroying or abandoning much of the modern infrastructure and policies. At the final focus, Arturo will decide to whether or not kill the communist leader Mario when he comes to his house for their usual talk. If he does, the country falls into chaos and he flees to Solarspike in Griffonstone for self-reflection and salvation. If not, Mario will reveal that he has a (downplayed) Heel Realization and is considering toning down or removing his more brutal practices.
    • The Knights of the Trinity become leaders of the country, be it saving Francis IX from fascists or taking over after the failed referendum. They start a crusade to destroy fascism in the south while turning the nation into a religious militaristic state.
    • The LPF, when angered enough by the actions of Francis IX, coups the government. The LPF's two main leaders are split between uniting with Wingbardy or keeping the nation's sovereignty. Eventually, it culminates in a duel between the two where only one of them survives, which in turn results in a fascist Wingbardy's response of invasion or annexation.
  • Our Founder: A large statue of Francis I, the man who turned Piumont into his own country, stands high at the centre of Francistria City.
  • Praetorian Guard: The Knights of the Trinity as a whole are breakaways from the knights of the old Griffonian Empire. They serve the Francis lineage with utmost loyalty.
  • Private Military Contractors: In the past, Francistria used to have a strong mercenary tradition, rooted in Count Francis I's own motley band of adventurers and sellswords. While conscription made most mercenaries obsolete, Francistria can resume this practice.

Francis IX Martlewing
Role: Monarchnote 
Party: Patto Martilalesenote 
Ideology: Despotismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Abdicate the Throne: After the LPF takes over Francistria only to be overthrown by the Order of the Trinity, the Count decides that the coup is a sign of his failure as a leader. With his final decree, he abolishes the monarchy and turns the country into a junta ruled by the Order. He can also do this, or simply abdicate and leave the throne to his uncle Marco, in the pro-Wingbardy path, if the referendum about joining Wingbardy fails.
  • Arranged Marriage: In the pro-Wingbardy path, Francis IX can choose between a princess from Talouse or Wingbardy to form stronger ties. Either choice isn't good for him personally, as the former reduces him to a Henpecked Husband while the latter is clearly unhappy being hitched with him, which is a sign of a future Awful Wedded Life.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: In the anti-Wingbardy path, it is revealed that he is in love with Lady Bianca, his childhood friend. He would marry her in a later focus, much to the joy of both parties.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After constantly balancing the political strife between the FLNT and LPF, enduring having his country sundered in half, allying with communists who will kill him once the fascism opposition is gone, growing a spine to make his country a proper nation instead of a Wingbardian subject, counter-coup his former communist allies and losing his stutter, his wife Lady Bianca will reveal that she is pregnant in the aftermath of the failed communist coup, securing the line of succession. That is if in the grand scheme of things, an outside force doesn't come crashing down on their nation.
  • Lord Country: Like all of his predecessors, Giosé Debolino took the name Francis upon becoming Count of Francistria.
  • Puppet King:
    • Downplayed. While the Count is not entirely powerless, true power lies with the Arengo, an advisory council consisting of the four highest-ranking nobles in Francistria, who treat Francis IX as little more than a fifth member. However, the nobles often end up in deadlocks and need the Count to function as a tie-breaker.
    • Played straight if the fascists take over. They proceed to place him under house arrest and use him as a figurehead. This can backfire spectacularly if the Count grows a spine and takes his country back with the help of his supporters. They can be the Knights of the Trinity in the pro-Wingbardy path or PSA communists in the anti-Wingbardy path.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: If the fascists take over, he can choose to personally break out of house arrest and get his country back.
  • Serenade Your Lover: During a poetry duel for Lady Bianca, which is chosen due to his stuttering as the other option is a duel to the death, he proceeds to awe everyone present by singing his poem without a single stutter. Not surprisingly, he wins and marries Lady Bianca later on.
  • Stutter Stop: His most infamous trait. It even lowers the rate you gain political power! He (mostly) loses it in the presence of Lady Bianca, the only one who never made fun of him in his life. After his public speech, the trait changes to "Silver Tongue", a rather reasonable buff.
  • Unexpected Successor: Francis IX, a third child, was never prepared for his role as Count of Francistria before he was forced to succeed his cousin Francis VIII, who died childless. This results in the country's current situation.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: After being made the new ruler, Marco Martlewing consoles him, saying that he isn't a bad ruler. He managed to erase most of the problems with the nation by being an expert delegator while breaking the hold of the Arengo and putting the right individuals in charge.

Gina de Gioia
Role: Grandmaster of the Knights of the Trinity, General, Chief of Army, Head of State
Party: Fratelli e Sorelle Della Trinitànote 
Ideology: Chivalric Knightly Ordernote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • The Alliance: To withstand the might of a fascist Wingbardy, she can form the Anti-Radical Front. Potential members include the Duchy of Talouse and the Falcorian Queendom.
  • Big Good: Is considered as such against the rise of fascism in Wingbardy. If Wingbardy isn't fascist, she can focus on running the nation instead.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: If the LPF takes over Francistria and forces the Order of the Knights of the Trinity to be integrated into the army, while some knights resist, Gina de Gioia appeals to them, asking them to stop resisting for their own sake. They could not resist the entire Francistrian army by themselves, so they had no choice but to become part of it, or face destruction.
  • Large and in Charge: The Grandmaster of the Knights of the Trinity is well-known for her height.

Mario Vicino
Role: Political Advisor, Head of State
Party: Partito Socialista Agrarionote 
Ideology: Agrarian Socialismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Asshole Victim: During one of his purges of the military, one of the victims allegedly had a track record of abusing his workers with poor working conditions.
  • Cult of Personality: Mario repurposes the Martlewing dynasty's cult of personality around himself, the exemplary peasant who led the revolution.
  • Cycle of Revenge: In his talks with Arturo, he remarks that both of them are motivated by hate, which by itself will cause an eternal loop of conflict down the line. That's why he liked him on top of the general's commoner background.
  • Dirty Communists: Mario destroys most of Piumont's infrastructure and instates what amounts to mob rule in his quest to build an agrarian socialist 'utopia'.
  • Evil Reactionary: His prime motivation. He doesn't like the industrialisation and modernisation of Piumont and vows to return the country back to its rural roots once he is in power.
  • Family-Values Villain: Mario believes that Piumontese peasants must return to the past, when instead of nuclear families there was the support net of an extended family that could take care of offspring.
  • Fat Bastard: Is a very reprehensible character to play as, given who you had to kill to put him into power before Character Development sets in.
  • Heel Realization: At the end of Mario's focus tree, he feels remorse for what he done and felt that some of his policies and actions were unnecessary. He resolves to Arturo that he would stop going down that road and try to fix the damage caused. However, if Arturo chooses justice over friendship, he will be shot dead before being given the chance to even reveal this to him.
  • Interface Spoiler: Looking him up reveals that you need to kill Francis IX to play his route.
  • Kangaroo Court: After Mario takes power, peasant courts spring up everywhere, condemning griffons who were disliked or who had grudges with others as criminals and sentencing them to death.
  • Only Friend: Considers Arturo to be this over time.
  • Smash the Symbol: Blows up Martlewing Castle to signify the end to the old status quo.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Be it saving Francis IX from fascists or helping Francis IX separate Francistria from Wingbardy's influence, the end result is the fascists losing their influence over the nation while the communists take power. Once this is achieved, Francis IX is no longer of any use alive. It is noted that if the latter scenario happened, Francis IX knocks him out cold and his coup can fail.

Gherita Zarfatti
Role: General, Head of State
Party: Lega Patriottica di Fransistrianote 
Ideology: Fascismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Dark Messiah: According to Zarfatti's fascist mysticism philosophy, fascism should not limit itself to the realm of politics, but extend beyond into the spiritual. The doctrine of Duce Giulio Beakolini is the absolute truth and none should question it. The Duce embodies the griffon spirit which trancends the individual and binds nations together.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Gherita Zarfatti, a journalist, art critic, fascist politician and propagandist, and mistress of Giulio Beakolini, bears more than a passing resemblance to Margherita Sarfatti, journalist, art critic, fascist propagandist, and mistress of Benito Mussolini.
  • Press X to Die: If Wingbardy is fascist, in the duel between Gherita and Vittorio, the game tells you in clear terms that choosing the option for her victory will end the game as Francistria is annexed by Wingbardy.
  • Voluntary Vassal: If Wingbardy is fascist, a countdown of around 160 days will trigger where she hands the country over to Beakolini, resulting in an early game over. Vittorio needs to save up enough political power to gain the majority of the LPF support to wrench the leadership from her claws.
  • Wicked Cultured: Gherita is both a fascist politician and a critic and patron of the arts, who supports artists who do not dwell in the past or explore degenerate ideas, allowing them to express the inner soul of the nation on canvas, in the process surpassing the achievements of yesterday.

Vittorio Felice
Role: Field Marshal, Chief of Army, Head of State (Coup)
Party: Lega Patriottica di Fransistrianote 
Ideology: Stratocracynote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Driven to Suicide: If Felice fails to seize power from Gherita on time to prevent her from letting Wingbardy annex Francistria, he sings a local hymn before shooting himself, ending the game.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Thinks that making Francistria a fascist state is more than enough, as he doesn't want the local culture to be lost. That's why he opposed unifying with Beakolini.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: If he loses the duel to Gherita Zarfatti for leadership of the LPF, she cleaves him in twain.
  • Incompatible Orientation: When Gherita Zarfatti visits his office and tries to seduce him, Vittorio flatly tells her that he does not care for females and suggests that she should try sending a handsome male instead of embarrassing herself.

    Republic of Tarrin
Flag of the Free Republic of Tarrin 
Flag of the National Republic of Tarrin 
Full Name: Republic of Tarrin, Free Republic of Tarrin (Trasviraire), National Republic of Tarrin (Pandionne)
Ruling Party: Rassemblement Tarrin-Aquileianote 
Ideology: Harmonic Republicanismnote 

  • Allohistorical Allusion: The first five focuses of Tarrin's focus tree is named after the chorus of La Marseillaise, the anthem of France.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Tarrin is an analogue of Occitania, being a region of Aquileia (itself an analogue of France) with a distinct culture and language based on Occitan.
  • The Remnant: The Burgundy Order is a group of former aristocrats and army officers that still support the claim of Guillaume Discret to the throne of the County of Tarrin, and are the primary collaborators with the Francistrian occupational authority. If the Republic of Tarrin regains independence but fails to deal with them in time while the monarchists win in Aquileia, they will launch a coup to restore Duke Guillaume to the throne.
  • Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters: The Front de Libération Nationale de Tarrin is regarded by many to be a terrorist group. For most Tarrinians, however, the FLNT is a guerilla army of freedom fighters, struggling against a foreign oppressor.

Meinard Nocère
Role: Field Marshal, Chief of Army, Head of State
Party: Rassemblement Tarrin-Aquileianote , Pro-Republican Faction (after communist rebranding)
Ideology: Harmonic Republicanismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Cincinnatus: If he manages to defeat the Kingdom of Aquileia and establish the Federal Republic of Aquileia, Meinard retires from politics, believing that his work is done and that he should leave Aquileia and Tarrin's leadership to younger griffons.
  • Rebel Leader: Meinard Nocère led the first republican revolution in Tarrin against the despotic Discret countess. Since the first revolution ended in failure and Tarrin was annexed by Francistria, Meinard has continued fighting for Tarrin's freedom at the helm of the Front de Libération Nationale de Tarrin.
  • Short-Lived Leadership:
    • During the first Aquileian revolution in 980, Meinard served as the first President of the Republic of Tarrin, but didn't even have the time to form his government before Francistria invaded and annexed Tarrin.
    • If the Second Aquileian Revolution is successful, the only thing he has to do is to formally merge Tarrin with Aquileia in a single focus.
  • Voluntary Vassal: Meinard is an Aquileian republican, believes that Aquileians and Tarrinians are kinfolk with shared heritage, and will carry on his plan of reuniting Tarrin with the rest of Aquileia if he wins the second elections and the republicans won the Aquileian civil war. Completing the first focus available will result in Tarrin's annexation and will end the game for you. If the revolutionaries lost, he will be instead be responsible for the "Third Revolution", which is what the rest of his focus tree is all about.

Corina Trasviraire
Role: General, Chief of Army, Head of State
Party: Asunança Socialiste Tarrinencnote , General National Congress (after communist rebranding)
Ideology: Democratic Socialismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Dry Crusader: Corina bans alcohol, viewing it as a vice that harms the moral character of the Tarrinian people.
  • Moral Guardians: Believing that Tarrinian society must have moral superiority over other cultures, especially that of the decadent Francistrians, Corina forces all immoral establishments to be closed.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Colonel Corina, the socialist Sisterly Leader of Tarrin, is based on Libyan politician Muammar Gaddafi.

Leontina Pandionne
Role: General, Chief of Army, Head of State
Party: Partit Nacional Tarrinencnote , Ultranationalist Faction (after communist rebranding)
Ideology: Ultranationalismnote 
In-Game Biography Click to Show 

  • Child Soldier: It is implied from her bio that she spent her later childhood being a resistance fighter.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: Lost her parents who were also freedom fighters in the initial Francistrian takeover, which goes a long way to explain her zeal. If she is elected leader, she will eventually visit her home village where a statue of them is erected. Her composure completely breaks and she proceeds to cry into the chest of her peers.
  • Patriotic Fervor: Is the most patriotic of the among the FLNT leadership, even going as far as to declare that Tarrin is only for Tarrinians only. She would expel both Aquileian and Francistrian influences from the country.
  • Shout-Out: One of Leontina's early focuses is called Veterans of the Long War, a term often used to refer to the Traitor Chaos Space Marine Legions in Warhammer 40,000.

    Barony of Arantiga
Flag of the People's Republic of Arantiga 
Full Name: Barony of Arantiga, Kingdom of Sparléos (Mediate), People's Republic of Arantiga (Communism)
Ruling Party: Sostenitori della Baronessanote 
Ideology: Despotismnote 

  • Badass Army: While small in size, the Arantiga military is extremely competent, and has an extensive army tree.
  • Resurgent Empire: Even though King Arantigos' Empire is long dead, Dorotheos Featherin, younger brother of Baroness Margareth Featherin, wants to restore the glory of the ancient Empire by reconquering their ancient territories.
  • Vestigial Empire: Many centuries ago, before Grover I created the Griffonian Empire, before Celestia even became the Princess of Equestria, King Arantigos Featherin conquered a massive Empire on Griffonia, stretching from Romau to Midoria. Following his death, the Empire collapsed due to infighting, and the Featherin dynasty was reduced to a small barony by the time of the Griffonian Empire.

Margareth Featherin
Role: Monarchnote 
Party: Sostenitori della Baronessanote 
Ideology: Despotismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Dorotheos Featherin
Role: Field Marshal, Head of State (Successful coup)
Party: La Giuntanote 
Ideology: Autocracynote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • Four-Star Badass: Dorotheos is said to have a brilliant mind and was responsible for reforming the Arantiga military. Fittingly he starts as one of the best field marshals in the game.
  • Military Coup: Dorotheos will attempt a coup in April 1008.
  • Young Conqueror: Dorotheos aspires to be this. Wishing to reconquer the territories his ancestor Arantigos Featherin once held.

Antioco Moro
Role: Head of State (Failed coup, election)
Party: Partito Riformatorenote 
Ideology: Democratic Monarchismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Ciriaco Mediate
Role: Head of State (Failed coup, election)
Party: Partito Comunista Nazionale di Arantiganote 
Ideology: Rozenkampismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • Commie Nazis: The National Communist Party of Arantiga led by Ciriaco Mediate is a radical party in Arantiga with an ideology inspired by the Rozenkamp brothers in Feathisia (who are Strasser expies), which advocates for a radical state that is both socialist and nationalist.

    Falcorian Queendom
Flag of the Falcorian Military Government 
Full Name: Falcorian Queendom, Falcorian Military Government (d'Artiglio)
Ruling Party: Signoria della Princessipanote 
Ideology: Despotismnote 

  • Shocking Defeat Legacy: Since losing the Falcorian War in 989, Falcor has been a country without its capital, as Wingbardy demanded the annexation of Falcor City in exchange for peace. Now, Falcor's army is in shambles, the economy crumbling, the navy near non-existent. Radical revanchists under the banner of the Eagles of Falcor clamour every week for decisive action to retake what is rightfully Falcor's. Not surprisingly, unless the warhawk d'Artiglio takes over, they surrender to a fascist Wingbardy when pressured on Historical AI and get annexed.

Princess Maximiliana
Role: Monarchnote 
Party: Signoria della Princessipanote 
Ideology: Despotismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • A Child Shall Lead Them: Maximiliana was only 14 years old when her mother's illness made her the de facto ruler of Falcor.
  • The Chains of Commanding: Ever since the end of the Falcor War, she's had to deal with rampant instability and pressure from warhawks who demand revenge on Wingbardy for the loss of their capital.

Gabriele d'Artiglio
Role: Head of State
Party: Le Aquile Falcorianenote 
Ideology: Stratocracynote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • Cultural Posturing: D'Artiglio considers Wingbardian to be an unsophisticated and ugly language, and wants Falcorian to become the main dialect of the southern Griffons instead.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: D'Artiglio's name and backstory are somewhat inspired by the eccentric Italian nationalist Gabriele D'Annunzio.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: If d'Artiglio manages to conquer Wingbardy, he institutes a reign of terror and razes Karthin to the ground as retaliation for the loss of Falcor.
  • Warrior Poet: D'Artiglio was a colonel in the Falcorian army, and when he was forced to retire due to a crippled leg, he turned to poetry and painting. He soon became the leader of a paramilitary force of other Falcorian veterans and can wage a brutal war of revenge against Wingbardy.

    Federated Parishes of Sicameon
Flag of the Federated Parishes of Sicameon (Communism) 
Flag of the Freeholder Corsairs 
Full Name: Federated Parishes of Sicameon, Freeholder Corsairs
Ruling Party: Partido de la Independencia Sicameon - Moderadosnote 
Ideology: Harmonic Republicanismnote 

  • The Republic: Sicameon has been a democratic republic for longer than the Griffonian Empire has even existed. While it was conquered by the Empire for a while, their period as a colony was short-lived, and their democracy emerged stronger than ever.
  • La RĂ©sistance: When the ruthless conqueror Grover II took Sicameon, the Sicameonese griffons fought his rule viciously, destroying armories and assassinating imperial officials. Soon, the new Emperor Grover III realized his father's mistake, and granted Sicameon its independence.
  • Shout-Out: The focus "Jojo's Bizarre Situation" (which deals with the disputed Jojo Islands) is an obvious reference to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
  • The Syndicate: Sicameon's relatively laissez-faire economy, while good for trade, has also led to the rise of the Freeholders' Syndicate, a powerful group of pirates, black market dealers, and other criminals. The Syndicate can take absolute control of the country with their extensive network, turning Sicameon into a bandit state similar to nearby Blackhollow.

Alexis de Sicameon
Role: Head of State
Party: Partido de la Independencia Sicameon - Moderadosnote 
Ideology: Harmonic Republicanismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Remige Plumar
Role: Head of State (Election)
Party: Partido de la Independencia Sicameon - Radicalnote 
Ideology: Syndicalismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Don Espadarte
Role: Head of State (Rigged election)
Party: Los Corsarios Libresnote 
Ideology: Kleptocracynote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

  • The Don: Don Espadarte is a big player in Sicameon's criminal underworld, with many connections with mafia bosses and corsairs, who can use questionable means to become head of state.
  • President for Life: After Don Espadarte's Free Corsairs win the 1007 elections, he immediately begins to aggressively silence opposition, culminating in the dissolution of what he calls an ineffective parliament.

    Republic of Asterion
Flag of the Collective of Asterion 
Full Name: Republic of Asterion, Collective of Asterion
Ruling Party: Enótitanote 
Ideology: Harmonic Republicanismnote 

  • Enemy Mine: The Communists and Fascists of Asterion have against all odds formed a coalition (classified in-game as Populist), their opposing ideologies united entirely through their mutual rejection of the status quo and desire to reclaim their lost territories. When the coalition beats out the Harmonists, the two sides quickly turn on each other, ending with one side forcing the other out of the country.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Asterion is analoguous to modern Greece.
  • Our Minotaurs Are Different: Asterion is the sole minotaur nation in the world.
  • Vestigial Empire: Asterion's territory once encompassed all minotaur settlements in southern Griffonia, before it was conquered by the Griffonian Empire. While Asterion later regained independence, it only controls the Asterion archipelago, not the mainland, which remains under griffon rule as part of the County of Cyanolisia. No matter which path Asterion follows, it will go to war with Cyanolisia to liberate their fellow minotaurs.

Konstantine Opli
Role: Head of State
Party: Enótitanote 
Ideology: Harmonic Republicanismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Andris Dóry
Role: Head of State (Fascio-Communists elected, Declare a state of emergency)
Party: Fasistikí Paliá Frouránote 
Ideology: Fascismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Maximin Kókkinos
Role: Head of State (Fascio-Communists elected, Socialist revolution)
Party: Kókkini Katharótitanote 
Ideology: Equestrian Socialismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

    County of Cyanolisia
Flag of the Free State of New Thymíau 
Full Name: County of Cyanolisia, Freistaat Neu Thymíaunote , Equal Cyanolisia (Communist civil war victory)
Ruling Party: Imperial Court
Ideology: Despotismnote 

  • Foreign Ruling Class: Cyanolisia's native minotaur population is ruled entirely by the griffon minority, who originally colonised the region when it was still controlled by the Griffonian Empire.
  • Land of One City: If Cyanolisia is defeated by Asterion and either sues for peace or is turned into Asterion's puppet, it will have to cede all territory except the capital city Thymíaushafen, in the process becoming known as the Free State of New Thymíau.
  • Our Minotaurs Are Different: The majority of Cyanolisia's population consists of minotaurs.
  • The Remnant: They are the only nation in the south still having loyalties to the Griffonian Empire.

Countess Taillow Sumpfkiel
Role: Monarchnote 
Party: Imperial Court, Haus Liváninote  (Freistaat Neu Thymíau)
Ideology: Despotismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 

Alexandria Rinde
Role: Head of State (Peaceful transition)
Party: Neue Demokratische-Sozialismusparteinote 
Ideology: Democratic Socialismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show 
