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Characters / Equestria Across The Multiverse Under The Red Sun

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Under the Red Sun universe

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  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Fluttershy is an insectoid Thri-Kreen in this universe.
  • Crapsack World: It's Dark Sun's world. Obviously it's this.
  • Cruel Mercy: What the Mane Six threaten to do with the slavers—not killing them, but taking all their supplies and weapons and leaving them tied up in the desert. The thought of this fate is enough to get one of the slavers to agree to an alternative.
  • Curb-Stomp Cushion: The slavers get thrashed by the Mane Six, but the fight isn't a complete walkover: several of the girls are wounded or otherwise injured, and need to use the medical supplies they pilfer from the slavers to patch themselves up.
  • Incredible Shrinking Man: Twilight uses a shrinking potion to make all the slavers but Ulna an inch high and stuff them in a jar.
  • Wrong Context Magic: Twilight and Rarity's use of magic scare the hell out of the slavers, whose first reaction is to think they're "Defilers".

  • Bad with the Bone: Along with her fellow slavers, she packed weapons made of bone and/or obsidian.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: When Pinkie helps Ulna up after startling her enough to make her fall down, Ulna is completely shell-shocked as she suspected a trick. Even after multiple assurances she won't be harmed, she's still terrified of the Mane Six.
  • Imagine Spot: At one point Ulna imagines herself doused with Twilight's shrinking potion... and being sold as a tiny slave or fed to Thri-Kreen!Fluttershy.
  • Made a Slave: Tried to do this to the Mane Six... it didn't end well. When the tables are turned, she refers to Twilight as her Mistress; implying Ulna thinks she has been enslaved.
  • Psychic Powers: Is a "psion", the world's equivalent of a normal magic user.
