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All spoilers regarding Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha in Kitsune's World, the Sage of the Six Paths, the Dystopia-verse/ANBU-verse and Kaguya Ōtsutsuki — The Fallen Goddess are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

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Kazama's World

    Orochimaru — The Snake 

Orochimaru — The Snake

  • Ax-Crazy: Well, more so than usual after a Body Horror situation.
  • Animal Motifs: The snake.
  • Badass Bookworm: He is most definitely badass, and if his notes are any indication a very through researcher.
  • Badass Decay: Called out on it In-Universe one of the many "The Reason You Suck" Speeches by Kazama during the Kumo arc.
  • Bad Boss: Everyone's just Edo Tensei fodder or a lab rat to him.
  • Body Horror: His bodies and soul begins to rot after being being blasted by the Shinigami's power.
  • Big Bad: Of the Kumogakure arc.
  • Blow You Away: This version of Orochimaru prefers Fuuton Jutsu the most.
  • Breaking Lecture: He probably made the granddaddy of all of Breaking Lectures in Echoes — and that's saying something. His lecture was a long series of excellent points telling Kazama that he had learned nothing while training under Jiraiya, Kazama didn't learn any new Jutsu, he was taught a Taijutsu style that could kill him without the needed Super Mode, Jiraiya never told him he was his Godfather, Jiraiya never used the Kage Bushin training method, Jiraiya never told him about Elemental Chakra, and the Kyuubi training Kazama underwent was killing him without any actual benefits for three whole years! This Breaking Lecture was so effective that it started the entire plot.
  • Deconstruction: Of the Peggy Sue story. Orochimaru shows how bad things can get when a villain goes back in time instead of a hero with perfect foreknowledge with no one to oppose him.
  • Death by Irony: After years of trying to defeat death and gain immortality he was killed by the vessel of death's power.
  • Death by Adaptation: In canon Orochimaru got away with everything and more. Despite winning in a world this Orochimaru gets hit with a ridiculous amount of karma and gets his soul deleted. Funnily enough, this Orochimaru died years before the manga ended.
  • Dirty Coward: Kazama points out that he is one during one final "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
  • Evil Is Hammy: He gets a lot of dialogue in pure caps lock, that's for sure.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Mainly towards Kazama after a certain incident occurs.
  • Irony: By the Kumo arc Orochimaru has become completely obsessed with Kazama and can barely even remember that Sasuke even exists after years of lusting after the Sharingan and years of barely acknowledging Kazama's existence.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: He was slowly killed by the Shinigami's powers then finished off by the vessel of said Shinigami's power after years of trying to cheat death.
  • Mood-Swinger: After his Body Horror situation he randomly swaps from being a Faux Affably Evil schemer to an Axe-Crazy loon at the drop at a hat.
  • Mad Scientist: If he had any standards remaining, they're gone by the Kumo arc.
  • The Man Behind the Man: He's the real ruler of Kumokagure.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Mainly to A and N.
  • Necromancer: One of this versions epithets is "The Necromancer".
  • Not Quite Dead: He returns in the Kumogakure arc.
  • Peggy Sue: Complete with time-and-reality-travelling to another world.
  • One-Winged Angel: Orochimaru does this twice. The first time he used his Eight Branches jutsu to fight Kazama's own One-Winged Angel form Then he does it a second time during his final stand against Kazama. He transforms into an undead version of his true form.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Kazama calls him out on this during his "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
  • Shadow Dictator: Of Kumokagure.
  • Starter Villain: The first enemy Kazama faces and comparatively weaker than many of the foes to come. Until he Took a Level in Badass.
  • The Undead: Orochimaru has basically become a rotting corpse because of being exposed to the Shinigami's power — by the time Kazama meets him during the Kumo arc, he's only "alive" because of the "improvements" he has done to his body. This is Lampshaded by everyone to piss him off.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He had one as Kazama overpowered him, and another being being Killed Off for Real and being made very Deader than Dead.
  • Walking Spoiler: The first of many.
  • You Monster!: Kazama calls him this. He takes it as a compliment.





  • Green Thumb: He has the Mokuton.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: He pretty much just existed to show that the bad guys in this story are smart enough to just shoot their opponents.



  • Combat Medic: Tsukiyomi's top spy and follower and he has the ability to heal and enhance people with Zetsu matter which he does to Izanami after getting badly wounded fighting the Shinigami.
  • Green Thumb: He can use the Mukuton.
  • Mundane Utility: He uses his Mokuton to create a mansion like Yamato likes to do.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Disappears after Pain's attack.

    Sakura Haruno 

Sakura Haruno

  • The Atoner: She feels a great deal of guilt over Kazama's "death"
  • Love Martyr: Still seems to be holding a torch for Sasuke and hopes for his return. Wordof God has stated that she'll eventually move on, however.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: While Kazama is burning down Konoha, Tsukiyomi tries to gloat at her since Tsunade is in a coma.

    Ino Yamanaka 

Ino Yamanaka

  • Hero Antagonist: To Kazama.
  • Revenge: She gets really angry at Kazama once he murders her father in front of her eyes.

    Kiba Inuzuka 

Kiba Inuzuka

    Neji Hyuuga 

Neji Hyuuga

    Shikamaru Nara 

Shikamaru Nara

    Kakashi Hatake 

Kakashi Hatake

    Pain — God 

Pain — God

  • Adaptational Badass Zigzagged. While sealing eight Bijuu inside of himself made him even more powerful, having eight extra psychotic personalities fighting inside of him him has made him dumb even by Ame's ludicrous standards.
  • Ax-Crazy: All of the seen personalities, but Shukaku gets a special mention.
  • Bait-and-Switch: His Paths fold like wet cardboard, but then the monster Nagato turned himself into enters the field...
  • Big Bad Ensemble: An odd case where there's one going on in Pain's own head Isobu and Shukaku hold most of the timeshare and are pretty much on the same page on what they want to do but fight each other anyway.
  • Demoted to Extra: Let's just say that Pain didn't really help Ame's case and leave it at that.
  • Diabolus ex Machina: He practically popped out of nowhere and attacked the Arashi clan at the worst time EVER.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Due to Tsukiyomi following Kazama, Pain got to promote himself to his own boss but he proved to be unsympathetically incompetent at his job.
  • The Dreaded: Even before he appeared on screen the entire Arashi clan was afraid to face him. They overestimated him.
  • Driven to Madness: Him sealing eight Bijuu inside him is actually understandable, given that he was driven crazy by Amatsu-Mikaboshi, who was able to influence him after he used the statue.
  • Dumb Muscle: Pain suffered from the typical Ame stupidity given his bad management of Akatsuki even before he sealed eight Bijuu inside of him.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Isobu was in top form here.
  • For the Evulz: Shukaku and Isobu planned to use Pain to kill everyone for shits and giggles.
  • A God Am I: Sees himself as a God who will remake the world. He fails to live up to it. at all.
  • Gravity Master: As a rinnegan user, this is a given.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Pain's brilliant plan to seal eight Bijuu into him separately was what made defeating him so easy.
  • Irony: Pain stupid idea to seal eight bijuu into himself was part of his Insane Troll Logic plan to bring peace. He ended up becoming two sadists' meat suit and only brought misery and destruction.
  • Magic Eye: His Rinnegan.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Konan originally didn't want to fight Pain and wanted to save him. Then Isobu took control and engaged in his usual sadism and those reservations disappeared very quickly.
  • The Peter Principle: Pain is charismatic but that's it. Without Tsukiyomi telling him what to do (Ame-Nin are stupid like that) he ran Akatsuki into the ground. However, things went more or less like they did in canon for quite a while, so this is debatable.
  • Resistance Is Futile: Says this to the Arashi clan.
  • Right Hand Versus Left Hand: Isobu and Shukaku are shown to be the ones who have the most control of the body and are out to be as evil as possible but fight each other when it's far more beneficial to work together.
  • Sanity Slippage: Losing all of the members of Akatsuki — which this version genuinely saw as his True Companions — has made him noticeably unstable even without Isobu and Shukaku mucking around in his head. It turns out in chapter 49 that he was manipulated by Mikaboshi, however, so he has a fairly good reason.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Pain considers himself the God that will remake the world. He's nothing more than Isobu and Shukaku's meat puppet.
  • Superpower Lottery: He went the extra mile winning the lottery eight more times.
  • Too Dumb to Live: He pretty much committed suicide by sealing eight Bijuu separately inside of him. Even if he won his fight against the Arashi clan, he didn't have long to live anyway.

    Danzo Shimura — The Hokage Candidate 

Danzo Shimura — The Hokage Candidate

  • Stupid Evil: His actions paint him as a colossal moron in-story.

    Jiraiya — The Toad Sage 

Jiraiya — The Toad Sage

  • Butt-Monkey: Played for Drama, his life sucks so much and it is heartbreaking.
  • Because Destiny Says So: Tried to use the Child of the Prophecy to talk Kazama down. This made things worse, because being the Child of the Prophecy is pretty much the ultimate reason Kazama's life sucks so much.
  • Cosmic Plaything: Poor guy.
  • Eccentric Mentor: Deconstructed. While it's obvious to the reader that Jiraiya did genuinely care about his disciple, hiss eccentricities made Kazama believe the exact opposite.
  • Failure Hero: Unlike his canon counterpart, he failed at everything he ever tried in the end and as he died, had to comfort himself with lies.
  • Go Out with a Smile: He dies remembering Naruto as the innocent child he loved, rather than as the adult who cold-bloodedly murdered him.
  • Hero Antagonist He really is only an antagonist, because he faces off against his former pupil. Compared to Kazama, he is extremely heroic.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: This is Kazama's way of saying hello to him after he snapped.
  • Killed Off for Real: By Kazama.
  • Made of Iron: He is able to continue to fight on par with Kazama even after the latter stabbed him through the chest right before the battle. It's implied that the only reason he lost was because Kazama successfully talked him to death by playing on his deep-seated feelings of guilt at having abandoned his godson.
  • My Greatest Failure: His entire life was just one big gigantic tragic failure.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Kazama lost it even more when he tried to use the Child of the Prophecy card to stop him.
  • Poor Communication Kills: It's obvious that Jiraiya did genuinely care about Kazama, but his inability to articulate it normally and his eccentricities led to the latter believing that he never viewed him as anything more than a tool, which ultimately leads to his death at his student's hands.
  • Sloth: In his internal monologue Jiraiya admits to himself that him dodging responsibility is what helped cause his current situation.
  • Spectacular Spinning: His Rasengan.

    The Inner Council 

The Inner Council

Naruko's World

    Iruka Umino 

Iruka Umino

  • Killed Off for Real: When Madara got his hands on him...
  • Papa Wolf: He has Naruko's best interests at heart, which drives his initial suspicions of Kazama.
  • Parental Substitute: To Naruko, just as he is to her male counterpart in canon.

    Yugao Uzuki 

Yugao Uzuki

  • Defiant to the End: She doesn't back down from her duty in protecting Naruko, even when offered the chance to live if she gives up the required information.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: The first sympathetic character outside of Kazama's world to die; if Yamato and Sai were the set-up for the tone of Echoes, she is the reinforcement of it (and the Kabuto of Chibaku's world would be the codifier for it).

Kitsune's World

    Sarutobi — The Sandaime Hokage 

Sarutobi — The Sandaime Hokage

  • Big Good: Deconstructed. He may ultimately serve as the Hokage and far more reasonable than the other psychopaths, general rippers, backstabbers, and social darwinistic kages. The problem is that's everything he tried to maintain the general stability of Konoha ended up leading it to be ruled by internal corruption, and too much power is wrongly given to the civilians.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He was willing to hear out the Arashi clan (with some blackmailing), and explained the situation with Naruto in length. It's also maybe his Fatal Flaw as he allowed too much to go on untouched, and was talked into basically destroying Naruto just to avoid a civil war. Had he put his foot down, and showed more grit to the council, telling them to back off. He may be able to avoid all of these problems his neglect created.

    Spoiler Characters 

Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha

They're Walking Spoilers, so all entries for them are unmarked.
  • Abusive Parents: Fugaku is one of the main reasons why Shisui's so screwed up.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Danzo was not only completely right about them but they have NO sympathetic traits like their canon counterparts.
  • Ambiguously Bi: There's more and more evidence piling up that Mikoto was a Depraved Bisexual that joined the coup in order to get revenge on Kushina for not returning her feelings.
  • Arranged Marriage: Deconstructed. They hate their arranged marriage and don't love each other. They hate it so much that they try to drag all of Konoha down with them in their hatred and envy. This isn't caused by any form of abuse on either side but because they're just generally horrible people.
  • Asshole Victim: While the rest of the Uchiha clan might not have deserved death, they most certainly did.
  • Awful Wedded Life: They hate their marriage and each other. This is the main reason why they became The Starscream, they were jealous that Minato and Kushina were able to defy clan laws and marry for love and not political convenience.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: They are equally petty partners in their relationship. They also think they're in one with Amaterasu, but he's just playing them like a fiddle.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: What they really are. They think they are either using or on par with Amaterasu. But they're just his Unwitting Pawns.
  • Classic Villain: They have become completely consumed by envy so much that it's their entire personalities. Mikoto may qualify for Lust has well if she's a Depraved Bisexual.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: They planned to backstab everybody.
  • Despotism Justifies the Means: Both of them are fine with a Civil War. Fugaku is content with 'ruling a grave' while Mikoto might actually fall deeper into Dystopia Justifies the Means.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Anyone else think that throwing everything away including your entire clan and children just to get a chance at revenge simply out of jealousy, and anger at not getting the Love Interest you wanted a little over the top?
  • Evil Is Petty: They had no real reason to sell out Minato and Kushina other than envy and spite. Amaterasu even calls them Selfish Evil. They don't care.
  • False Friend: To Minato and Kushina respectively.
  • Green-Eyed Monster:Mikoto's reason for her betrayal. Fugaku did it for power.Mikoto did it to get back at Kushina for marrying the man she loved. Or it was to get back at Minato for marrying Kushina, the woman she loved.
  • Hate Sink: In Kitsune's world, Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha have none of their canon counterpart's qualities. Forced in a political marriage despite hating each other, they grew jealous of Minato and Kushina's happy marriage, (especially Mikoto, because Kushina rejected her advances) and revealed their location to Amaterasu (Kitsune's World!Madara Uchiha), during Kushina's pregnancy, leading to the Kyuubi attack, resulting in Minato and Kushina's sacrifice and countless deaths in Konoha. They later plot a coup against Konoha, supposedly for the good of the Uchiha clan, but Fugaku in truth doesn't care about the clan, not even telling them of his role in Konoha's attack, and just wants power for himself, not caring about who lives and who dies in their coup attempt. While Fugaku was uneasy about handing over a Jinchuuriki, Mikoto happily promised to give Kitsune to Amaterasu as a weapon out of spite towards Kushina. Even Amaterasu, one of the main villains, is disgusted by their actions, and call them out on it, to no avail. Fugaku and Mikoto end up being so despicable they're responsible for everything bad in Kitsune's world.
  • It's All About Me: They outstrip every other Uchiha in the story. Mikoto might actually beat Alpha in the ego department.
  • Kick the Dog: While Fugaku was uneasy about handing over a Jinchuuriki, Mikoto happily promised to give Kitsune to Amaterasu as a weapon in order to get one last chance to piss on Kushina's grave.
  • Lady Macbeth: Mikoto to Fugaku. He didn't need much of a push. But it's the thought that counts.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Fugaku abused Shisui's loyalty to the Uchiha clan to make him found the Inner Council for him. Shisui was not amused when he found out the truth.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: They planned to either take over/destroy Konoha just because they didn't get the job and Love Interest they wanted. Their entire Evil Plan comes off as an overdramatic temper tantrum.
  • The Quisling: To Amaterasu. They gave him Minato and Kushina's hidden location where Kushina was giving birth. Fugaku did it to become Hokage and Mikoto did it to have a chance to kill Minato and Kushina.
  • The Resenter: It should be obvious who they resent.
  • Sleazy Politician: The original leaders of the Inner Council.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Mikoto got one scene that started a multiverse spanning plotline.
  • Smug Snake: They are so overconfident that they can't even realize they're being played by a man who Will Not Tell a Lie.
  • The Starscream: To Minato and Kushina. This actually seems to be a multiversal occurrence.
  • Walking Spoiler: Long story short — these two douchebags are behind everything wrong in Kitsune's world.
  • Woman Scorned: Mikoto acts this way towards Minato, even though he never did anything wrong. In a way she hates Kushina more. Though it later turns out to be all about Kushina for her, Minato was collateral in her revenge against Kushina.

    Shisui Uchiha — The Illusionist 

Shisui Uchiha — The Illusionist

  • Anti-Villain: He started out well-intentioned, wanting to defend his clan. After he found out that his clan deserved all the suspicion and distrust he decided to end it all.
  • Arc Villain: One of the major antagonists of Kitsune's world and the antagonist of the first half of the Confronting the Demon arc before Naruko brainwashed him.
  • Boomerang Bigot: He hates everything that being a Uchiha stands for and never turns down a chance to make a dig at one of them.
  • Chessmaster Sidekick: He was basically the one who planned everything out for Fugaku and Mikoto until he decides to become his own Chessmaster and do things his way. The Starscream way.
  • Cowardly Lion: Until he became a Boomerang Bigot.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: Although he didn't want to be one, Fugaku and Mikoto forced him to.
  • The Dragon: Originally Fugaku's primary weapon to found the Inner Council but after a Breaking Lecture from Amaterasu, Shisui becomes a Boomerang Bigot, gets his own ideas, and successfully Starscreams the entire Uchiha clan.
  • Driven to Suicide: As part of a Thanatos Gambit.
  • Enemy Within: To Kitsune.
  • Forced into Evil: Thanks to his aunt and uncle being petty douchebags he got dragged into being a Diabolical Mastermind.
  • Genocide from the Inside: Shisui is the sole architect of the Uchiha Massacre in Kitsune's world.
  • Heel–Face Brainwashing: Done to him by Naruko (to her horror).
  • Heel Realisation: He realized he spent too much time cowering away and manipulating from the shadows. So he left Kitsune's body, and passed on after giving some parting words to Naruko.
  • Irony: In canon Itachi says that Shisui loved both his Village and Clan that did everything to save both and was a great friend. This Shisui was tricked into started a conspiracy, was a Boomerang Bigot towards his own Clan, and saw Itachi as a weapon.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Shisui turns out to be behind a lot of problem in Kitsune's backstory. He's basically the real ruler of Konoha. Subverted in that he never planned to make anyone suffer, and that most events were beyond his control. Played straight, however, with him being the true mastermind behind the Uchiha Massacre. He shows no regret over that part.
  • Master of Illusion: Considered his clans best illusionist. Though he only became this because he feared direct combat.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: What he made Itachi do to this universe's Uchiha Clan.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Poor Shisui.
  • Shadow Dictator: Thanks to his mind control jutsu he became Konoha's real leader, but he only made one real command; destroy the Uchiha clan.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Heavily implied to have PTSD given all the pills he takes.
  • Thanatos Gambit: He brainwashes Itachi and has him kill him so he can get the Mangekyo Sharingan and become powerful enough to kill the entire Uchiha clan.

    Hinata Hyuuga 

Hinata Hyuuga

  • Only Friend: Was this to Kitsune. When she died, he cracked very quickly.
  • The Unfavorite: Hiashi branded her with the Caged Bird Seal. When she died due to complications from the seal, Hiashi said to Hanabi during Hinata's funeral "Do not weep for this failure." Kitsune tried to kill him on the spot.

    Hiashi Hyuuga 

Hiashi Hyuuga

  • Abusive Parents: Thanks to Shisui.
  • Anti-Villain: Being a brainwashed pawn thanks to Fugaku and Mikoto's egotistical revenge trip makes him one.
  • Asshole Victim: It's very hard to feel any sympathy for the guy when Kitsune kills him, given what he did to Hinata...until you learn he's just as much of a victim due to Fugaku and Mikoto's pettiness. However, how much of his actions was due to their influence is up for debate.
  • Be as Unhelpful as Possible: Actually invoked by Shisui. Hiashi was brainwashed to only support the Uchiha clan and oppose the Hokage at every opportunity, causing him to be as Stupid Evil as possible which is where his abusive behavior comes from.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: It turns out all of Hiashi's horrible actions were due to Shisui brainwashing him into being a slave of the Uchiha clan.
  • Tragic Villain: Hiashi is actually a rather sad figure when you think about. He was originally a staunch supporter of the Hokage but the Uchiha clan brainwashed him into being a horrible monster.

Wave Verse

    Naruto Uzumaki — The Normal 

Naruto Uzumaki — The Normal

    Sasuke Uchiha — The Good 

Sasuke Uchiha — The Good

    Sakura Haruno — The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki 

Sakura Haruno — The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki

    Kisame Hoshigaki 

Kisame Hoshigaki

    Kimimaro Kaguya 

Kimimaro Kaguya

  • Asshole Victim: He mightn't have been entirely bad, but it's still very difficult to feel sorry when he's incinerated by a Kyuubi-possessed Sakura — after all, his last act alive was to kill both her teammates (one of whom was her boyfriend) right before her eyes and gloat about it.
  • Big Brother Bully: Towards Haku — he teases her a bit after she mentions she met an attractive male (before learning said male is their enemy).

Mokuton World

    Naruto Senju — The Prince 

Naruto Senju — The Prince

  • Born Lucky: Unlike majority of his counterparts, he lived a really good life. He is popular, loved, respected, and happy. His only tragedy in life is the death of his half-sister.
  • Chick Magnet: He claims that he is one.
  • Death by Origin Story: His half-sister, Natsuki, the daughter of his verse's Minato and Kushina, was killed by Madara not long after her birth.
  • Green Thumb: He has the Mokuton.

    Tsunade Senju 

Tsunade Senju



Cloud Verse

    A — The Raikage 

A — The Raikage

  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Was originally in one with Orochimaru but by the time he appears Orochimaru has completely dominated their relationship leading him to be...
  • Demoted to Dragon: He fits this despite being physically stronger than Orochimaru.
  • A Father to His Men: Despite being far worse than his canon counterpart, he still possesses attachment to his men demonstrated by his inner anger at Kazama for hurting his subordinate.
  • Killed Offfor Real: Kakashi ends his life.
  • Knight Templar: He will do anything to make Kumo the greatest country in the elemental nations.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Despite acknowledging the benefit of working with his partner, he despises Orochimaru and views him as a coward who plays all the sides. Likewise, Orochimaru only sees him as a tool and seems to mutually dislike him as well.

    N — The Cloud Naruto 

N — The Cloud Naruto

    Killer Bee 

Killer Bee



    The Sarutobi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade revived by Edo Tensei 

The Sarutobi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade revived by Edo Tensei

  • Dark Action Girl: Tsunade is the most effective zombie as her fighting style just relied on smashing stuff.
  • The Brute: Hammered home when Jiraiya summoned a toad that saw him die.
  • Came Back Wrong: It's Edo Tensei: what did you expect?
  • Too Dumb To L Ive: Due to the Edo Tensei used to revive them was incredibly flawed, they lack any of their experience or combat instincts causing them to make rookie mistakes allowing much weaker characters to easily beat them.

Responsible!Jiraiya World

    Jiraiya — The Responsible One 

Jiraiya — The Responsible One

  • Animal Motifs: Toads.
  • Badass Bookworm: If you can consider Icha Icha "literature"...
  • Combat Pragmatist: He will fight very dirty to protect his friends. Best shown when he plays dead and then gores Amaterasu through with a Rasengan from behind.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: This version spends most of his time being a complete joke and even has a moment when he shouts in a house full of badass woman that his Sage Mode makes him a better pervert. Then Amaterasu shows up and he makes every other version of himself look like Genin.
  • Dirty Old Man: ... Are you really surprised?
  • Glass Cannon: He describes himself as this when he mixes Frog-Fu with Sage Mode.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: Acts as one during the conclusion of the Great Chase arc. He contributed just as much — if not more — to the fight against the Madara trio than the rest of the Arashi Clan.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: At first he was pure Plucky Comic Relief with his mansion of porn and trying to pair Kazama with someone for fun. But when Amaterasu shows up and kills everyone who lived at the village he was staying at for being weak, he enters a state of Tranquil Fury and becomes VERY dangerous. So dangerous that the Arashi clan would've never killed Amaterasu without his help.
  • The Reliable One: His diverging character trait. He will always make the most responsible decision and will never back down when helping people he has commited himself to.
  • Scars Are Forever: He was permanently burned by his fight with Amaterasu.
  • Super Mode: His Sage Mode.

    Naruto Uzumaki — The Pervert 

Naruto Uzumaki — The Pervert

Godaime!Itachi World

    Itachi Uchiha — The Godaime Hokage 

Itachi Uchiha — The Godaime Hokage

  • Big Good: He's the Hokage.
  • Born Lucky: Every other Itachi must be envious of him. He's the Hokage, has the approval and respect of the village, his family loves him, and he has his parents' love and respect.
  • Deadpan Snarker: A incredibly deadpan one.
  • Decon-Recon Switch: This is a world where a fan-created scenario that would be seen as more optimistic than canon... is, in fact, actually more optimistic than canon — not perfect, but it doesn't have a Catch-22 like most scenarios seen in the story. Especially surprising given the contrast with most (if not all) of the other worlds the Arashi Clan visits during the story; even the Arc Villain is not actually from this world but from one of the others.
  • Irony: The Uchiha canonically staged a coup because they felt 'oppressed' and refused to cooperate with Sarutobi. In this world they did and it led to Itachi becoming Hokage.
  • Magic Eye: His Mangekyo Sharingan.
  • Power Copying: Shows this when he uses all of his copied jutsu on Kitsune's Kyuubi at once.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Definitely portrayed as one.

    Fugaku Uchiha 

Fugaku Uchiha

    Mikoto Uchiha 

Mikoto Uchiha








  • Big Damn Heroes: Shows up just in time along with Konan and Izanami to save Kazama from the Sanbi.
  • Cosmic Plaything: No multiverse will let him catch a break.
  • Gravity Master: He can repel a Bijuu Dama.
  • Handicapped Badass: Losing his ability to walk will not stop him from helping his friends and kicking ass.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Sacrificed his life to revive everyone killed by the Sanbi.
  • Hope Spot: Izanami's medical skills would have let him walk again after using the Gedo Mazou.But he was sadly needed to perform a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • The Worf Effect: He's brought back fully healed by Susanoo with Edo Tensei. It takes half a second for the Sage of the Six Paths to waste him.

    Hanzo — The Amekage 

Hanzo — The Amekage

  • Adaptational Heroism: In canon, his attack on Akatsuki was a petty attempt to keep himself in power. In the Ame-verse, however, his attack was completely justified as Akatsuki was a group of Unwitting Pawns who almost destroyed Ame while he saved it.
  • Arc Villain: Although he's on par with the Big Bad.
  • Adaptational Badass: An inverted case with Hanzo, he was fought in the past before he lost his touch.He was so badass he killed Tsukiyomi twice even though he was taking him seriously from the start.
  • Asskicking Grants Authority: Deconstructed. He's an excellent fighter and tactician but a horrible leader. Unlike most cases he knows that he's a horrible leader but believes that he's the only person available that can do the job. He's sadly somewhat right because the only other two options for leadership of Ame are a Too Dumb to Live twit and a potential megalomaniac.
  • Animal Motifs: Hanzo the Salamander.
  • Anti-Villain: Type III with dashes of Type IV. He truly wants what's best for his home. He's just taken things way too far, and he knows it.
  • Badass Boast: To Tsukuyomi when he breaks his Tsukuyomi:
    Hanzo: Your illusions cannot work on a mind of steel hardened by pain. I live with nightmares every day, do you truly think I can't break such an unimaginative one that you have fabricated?"
  • Demonization: After his death he has been flanderized into some sort of monstrous Card-Carrying Villain, when really, the only evil thing he did was team up with Yagura.
  • Determinator: He never gives up, even on the verge of death.
  • The Extremist Was Right: In hindsight he was right about not trusting Minato with the revelations about his Puppet King status. Any deal Akatsuki would have made with Minato would have been empty with the real movers and shakers plundering Ame for all that it was worth with Minato none the wiser.
  • Fallen Hero: Just like in Canon, but unlike his counterpart he's completely aware of how far he's fallen and hates himself because of it.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: To all of Ame, everyone but him is an idiot of the highest caliber.
  • I Let You Win: Non-villainous example. He let Yahiko and Akatsuki alone even though they spoke out against his policies because they were better at helping people than he was. He only took direct action when he thought they were going to betray Ame (and in hindsight he was right), but sadly he took things waaaaaaay to far.
  • Making a Splash: Knows lots of Suton Jutsu.
  • Only Sane Man: He is the only person in Ame that is actually competent and has their priorities straight. Everyone else is Too Dumb to Live.
  • Pet the Dog: Letting the survivors of Akatsuki live even though they were still a potential threat.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: From his point of view he's just protecting his home. The main reason he's evil is that he's willing to work with Yagura.

    Yagura — The Mizukage 

Yagura — The Mizukage

  • Adaptational Villainy: He makes his canon counterpart when he was controlled by Tobi look saintly.
  • Animal Motifs: The shark.
  • Arc Villain: Of the Ame arc.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: The only reason this psycho is in charge is because he is the most depraved jackass in Kiri who just happens to have an Eldritch Abomination backing him up.
  • Ax-Crazy: He is COMPLETELY out of his gourd. This psychopath outdoes everyone else in the entire story.
  • Bad Boss: He kills, tortures, flays; and eats anyone who fails him, has a bloodline, or just because he feels like it. At least Kenta has somewhat rational reasons for his actions.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: He's in two at once. One with Hanzo and another with the Sanbi
  • Blood Knight: Only when he's winning though.
  • Brains and Brawn: Has this relationship with the Sanbi — he's the Brawn by the virtue of not being sealed.
  • The Caligula: He's so insane that it is a good thing that Tobi was controlling him in Canon!
  • Evil Counterpart: To what Kazama used to be and Naruko. Like what Kazama was and Naruko is now he is completely reliant on his Bijuu and only a couple powerful Jutsu and never mastered any of his skills.
  • Evil Overlord: Besides the genocide he's committing see Bad Boss above.
  • For the Evulz: He gleefully admits that the only reason he teamed up with Hanzo was for a chance to kill more people.
  • Fangs Are Evil: He sharpened his teeth into fangs in order to make it easier to eat people.
  • Freudian Excuse: It's implied that despite being Mizukage, nobody liked him and eventually he snapped from the growing pressure. Ending up going insane and becoming the decrepit monster he would become.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Very, very, very evil scars.
  • Hate Sink: In the "Ame-Verse", Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage, lacks his canon counterpart's redeeming qualities, leaving only a murderous Social Darwinist. Willingly starting the canon graduation program in Kiri's Ninja Academy consisting of students killing each other (to weed out the weak in favor of the strong), Yagura sent his "Blood Police" kill any "weak" civilian, shinobi and clansman, and also plans a genocide against anyone who's unlucky enough to have a bloodline. Allying with Ame's Hanzo, he chose to kill Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan, not due to his alliance with Hanzo, but because he hated them, stating that he would have killed them even if he wasn't allied with Hanzo. After killing Yahiko, he laughed while Konan cried, and mocked Hanzo when the latter also regretted having to send Yahiko to his death. When challenged alongside Hanzo to a fight by Kazama and Tsukiyomi, he accepted and later came close to killing part of the audience during one of his attacks, and released the Sanbi out of spite when Kazama defeated him.
  • The Heavy: Of the Ame arc. Lots of antagonists are scheming in the background but Yagura is the most direct threat and the plot is shaped by his rampage.
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Yagura's favorite pastime is hunting humans.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Yagura tries to eat Kazama during their fight. Yes, after all this time it's confirmed. Yagura is a cannibal.
  • Jerkass: On top of all of the genocide, tyranny, and his cannibalism. Yagura is a complete and total tool.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While Yagura is not the most competent villain in the fic he fits this trope due to his sheer depravity. While previous antagonists were bad, they never committed genocide for fun, engaged in cannibalism, destroyed the last of Kazama's idealism, and physically and psychologically crush a version of Akatsuki in a single scene. Yeah, this Yagura is seriously bad news.
  • Last Breath Bullet: After Kazama mortally wounds him he releases the Sanbi before he dies.
  • Making a Splash: He uses big, destructive, Water Release attacks.
  • Master Race: He considers Jinchuuriki to be this.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: His purifying the gene pool speech sounds similar to Nazi propaganda and he sees Jinchuuriki as the Master Race.
  • Older Than He Looks: Similar to his canon counterpart, way older than what his outer appearance shows. Older than Zabuza even.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: He can create tsunamis.
  • Psycho for Hire: He's treating as nothing more than an attack dog by Hanzo, and it's all he's really good for.
  • Pungeon Master: Yagura makes a lot of fish and animal based puns comparing people to different fish and animals. They are not funny, at all. Not because they are bad, but because you realize that due to Yagura's Ax-Crazy literally Darwinian ideology, he sees people as actual animals. If he calls you a sheep or fish, run.
  • Smug Snake: A rather vicious, venomous, high-functioning one, but a Smug Snake nonetheless. Complete Jerkass to everyone? Check. Over inflated ego? Check. Believes he's the best thing ever when there are clearly people out there stronger than him? Check.
  • The Social Darwinist: He believes that he's the "Ultimate predator" and that all humans should live like animals.
  • Strong, but Unskilled: Kazama notes during his fight with him that Yagura fights like an amateur, since he always relied on the Sanbi to win his battles, and never trained because, before he fought Kazama, he didn't need to.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Like Orochimaru the second Kazama begins to overpower him he has a breakdown.
  • You Monster!: First Konan calls him this. Then Kazama tries to kill him "For being an all-around monster"... before invoking this trope one last time when he realizes Yagura is a cannibal.

    Isobu — The Sanbi 

Isobu — The Sanbi

  • Admiring the Abomination: Inverted with Yagura and the Sanbi. The Sanbi admires Yagura's depravity and cruelty and wants to learn from him.
  • Arc Villain: With Yagura.
  • Arch-Enemy: Konan hates its guts. It's not hard to see why.
  • Ascended Extra: From a living plot device, to one of the most hideous creatures in the multiverse.
  • Asshole Victim: Being completely erased from reality and having your soul destroyed and never being allowed to reincarnate would normally garner at least some sympathy. But since this jackass is a sadistic monster that commits genocide for fun, no one really cares about it much, more about what happened and how.
  • Avenging the Villain: This is the Sanbi's goal after Kazama kills Yagura.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Yagura. It is actually the only Bijuu that has a truly equal partnership with its Jinchuuriki.
  • Brains and Brawn: With Yagura, it's the Brains. Yagura wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as he is without the Sanbi's eye for detail.
  • Climax Boss: While it's not the Final Boss of the Seperation arc, most of the major whams started after its death.
  • Despotism Justifies the Means: It rules the Mist merely to lord its power over the weak for fun.
  • Dissonant Serenity: It's rather disturbing how chill the Sanbi acts while it nonchalantly lists off its atrocities.
  • Evil Counterpart: To canon Kurama after its Heel–Face Turn. Both are smarter and cooler headed compared to their Jinchuuriki, both were changed by their Jinchuuriki's outlook of the world, and both are very supportive of their respective Jinchuuriki. The main difference is that Isobu is a complete and utter Faux Affably Evil bastard.
  • Evil Overlord: Its just as much the Mizukage as Yagura is.
  • Faux Affably Evil: The Sanbi, unlike its Jinchuuriki, is able to put up a mask of politeness and civility to hide how much of a monster it is.
  • For the Evulz: It's basic motivation was that it thought that being an Evil Overlord would be fun. Unfortunately (for everyone else) it had a blast being a murderous genocidal monster.
  • Genius Bruiser: The Sanbi is extremely intelligent for a giant turtle-crab thingy and is clearly the brains behind Yagura's genocidal reign.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: To Yagura — it's basically Yagura with brains and is clearly the one who organizes everything, plans everything out, and seems to be Kiri's administrator; in the end Yagura is basically Isobu's meat suit, but there's no Man Behind the Man because the Sanbi admires Yagura's evil and looks up to him.
  • Making a Splash: Isobu knows how to use actual jutsu.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Has one, soulless red eye.
  • Rolling Attack: Uses this when it fights Kazama.
  • Sea Monster: It takes this form.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: An odd case where the Can is just as bad as the Evil sealed inside of it.
  • The Social Darwinist: In a manner similar to Yagura.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: This is the thing that makes it so disturbing. Every other villain in Echoes will go on a rant to try to justify their evils. Isobu cheerfully talks about genocide like it's the latest fad and nonchalantly tells Kazama that it specifically planned out a Uzumaki genocide for shits and giggles while treating him like he was an old chum.
  • Taking You with Me: Tries to do this to Kazama after Nagato begins to seal it inside of a miniature moon. Amatsu-Mikaboshi intervenes.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Its Bijuudama.

    Minato Namikaze — The Yondaime Hokage 

Minato Namikaze — The Yondaime Hokage

  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: A deconstruction. Just because you're the best ninja doesn't make you the best leader. Kushina admits that she is afraid about what is going to happen to him on the day he is handed real political power.
  • Born Winner: According to Kazama.
  • Broken Ace: Kazama points out in his Breaking Speech to him that his incredible talents are ultimately the cause of his inability to relate to normal humans on any real level.
  • Expy: He basically acts like post-Fate route Shirou Emiya.
  • Four-Star Badass: In direct combat only, Kushina hints that he's either a General Failure, or lacks any real experience in commanding large scale combat.
  • Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: Minato is this trope to the point that he's Stupid Good.
  • Happy Ending Override: Kushina implies that it's going to happen to him when he finally is given real political power.
  • Heroic Wannabe: Wants to be heroic, yet has no clue to how to be considering how talented he is.
  • Kirk Summation: Minato unwittingly performs an inverted version of this trope on Kazama. It causes him to cross the Despair Event Horizon and go crawling to Tsukiyomi for power.
  • The Leader: He is a weak type 4. The fact that basically the only thing he has going for him is his charisma means that he is more Konoha's figurehead than an actual leader.
  • Malicious Slander: A lot of the negative things said about him come from biased sources. Kushina is a ridiculously pessimistic about everything and Izanami is insanely envious of him.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: He is basically the exact same person that Kazama used to be before the start of the story. Kazama lampshades this in their first conversation.
  • Pride: He doesn't like being proven wrong.
  • Puppet King: Kushina admits that he's the Hokage in name only because he has no real leadership experience. However, at the same time, she says that this is not permanent, and Minato will soon be given power over the war effort.
  • Rescue Romance: Him rescuing Kushina from Kumo was ultimately the source of her feelings for him.
  • Sloth: As Kazama points out despite all of his big talk about being a Hero of Justice. He's just that: talk. He has never done anything to improve the world in favor of letting other people make the tough decisions.
  • Stupid Good: Extremely intelligent in combat, not so much in philosophy and practility. He doesn’t know how to lead, think about the effects of his actions, nor relate to the average shinobi.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Very wild eyed, but deconstructed as it’s more naive and leads to him to not do as much.

    Kushina Uzumaki 

Kushina Uzumaki

  • Anti-Hero: She sees Kazama's actions as heroic and is completely unfettered whenever Mikoto is involved.
  • Agent Mulder: Whenever Mikoto is involved. She's perfectly willing to follow non-sensical leads and risk her unborn child for just a clue about what happened to her.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: When Kazama asks her why she fell in love with Minato, she responds that it was because he was the only person who noticed she was gone and went to the trouble of finding her when Kumo kidnapped her when she was young.
  • Character Shilling: Downplayed. While this Kushina is rather cynical, melancholy, and depressed. If you ask Izanami about her she will probably have a speech prepared about how she's the most perfect, selfless, greatest, purest human being to ever live.
  • The Cynic: Very much so. The Mikoto incident made her as cynical as Kazama.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Whatever happened to Mikoto was this for her. It made her lose faith in everything she used to believe in.
  • The Eeyore: She acts more and more depressed in every scene she appears in.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Something happened in the past that made her change from an idealist to more of a pessimistic realist. It involved Mikoto becoming a certain masked individual.
  • Fiery Redhead: Invoked unsuccessfully. She tries to act like her old canon self to cheer Kazama up, but fails to convince even herself.
  • Heroic Vow: Makes one swearing that she will make sure her version of Naruto will never turn out as bitter as Kazama.
  • He's Just Hiding: In-Universe, she refuses to believe Mikoto is dead even though all of her proof points to her being deceased and is willing to risk everything, even her unborn child, to confirm that she's alive. She was half-right. Mikoto did die, but was brought back as Izanagi's lab rat/Bastard Understudy.
  • In Name Only: Lampshaded by Kazama. She's not a Ditzy Genius, she's not Hot-Blooded, she's not a Tsundere, she's not a Fiery Redhead, and she's not a Wide-Eyed Idealist. Instead she acts like she's always at a funeral. Whatever happened to Mikoto must have been incredibly tragic to have made her lose faith in all of her former ideals.
  • Irony:
    • In canon Kushina was the only thing that made Mikoto noticeable. This Kushina's whole character revolves around Mikoto.
    • In canon its said that Jinchuuriki are cynical, pessimistic people. Kushina fits this perfectly but said cynical outlook doesn't come from being one.
  • My Greatest Failure: Whatever turned Mikoto into Tobi, then into Izanami was this for her. It affected her so greatly that she lost pretty much all of her former ditzyness and upbeat personality.
  • Noodle Incident: Whatever happened to Mikoto as always. It completely defines her character.
  • Not So Similar: Kushina is one of the many people trying to become a Parental Substitute for Kazama. The only reason why it's working is because this Kushina is nothing like her canon self. Best shown when Kazama tells her how much he hates the idealistic, ditzy, Tsundere Kushina that gave birth to him, then tells this pessimistic and cynical Kushina that he wishes she could have been his mother.
  • Only Friend: She says that she and Mikoto were this trope. It tragically shows — losing her Only Friend completely shattered her idealism.
  • Pregnant Badass: Only when Mikoto is in trouble, though.
  • Rescue Romance: What kick-started her relationship with Minato.
  • Satellite Character: As you can tell from all these other tropes, Kushina's life completely revolves around Mikoto with Minato and Naruto coming in a distant second.
  • Stepford Smiler: And not because she's the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. The Mikoto incident broke her.
  • Undying Loyalty: Mikoto is Kushina's only priority. Konoha, her husband, and Naruto are strictly secondary compared to Mikoto's needs.
  • The Unfettered: Whenever Mikoto's involved she's willing to risk anything to get a lead, even her unborn child.

    Spoiler Character 

The Sage of the Six Paths

  • Badass Preacher: The creator of Ninjutsu, people!
  • Bargain with Heaven: The Sage actually got his powers and Rinnegan by making a deal with the Kami in order to defeat the Juubi. And it was implied that there was a big price tag attached.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: Spends his 'fight' with Hashirama and Izanagi either complimenting them or lamenting on how he raised his kids wrong.
  • Church Militant: Far more focused and war-like than his canon counterpart due to fighting the Amatsu Mikaboshi's Juubi which lead him to create Ninjutsu to fight against any future incursions instead of creating Ninshu to spread peace.
  • The Corruptible: He acknowledges he's this trope and we saw what happened with the other Sage...
  • Crazy-Prepared: The Sage actually left lots of countermeasures behind to help fight evil in the Echoes-multiverse. Humanity was just too greedy and stupid and screwed everything up.
  • Curbstomp Battle: Calling that one-sided affair with Hashirama and Izanagi a "fight" would be way too generous.
  • Darker and Edgier: Thanks to Amatsu-Mikaboshi's intervention, the Sage became a far more militant and cynical person and instead of spreading peace he created weapons to fight Mikaboshi after his death. But just like in canon, his sons and the rest of humanity shot themselves in the foot.
  • Drama-Preserving Handicap: Because he'd be powerful enough to win it easily, he spends most of the battle he appears in using his powers to prevent Susanoo's attempted Colony Drop of the moon.]
  • Driven to Suicide: He killed himself and created the Bijuu because the Juubi was about to take over and corrupt him completely.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Played With. This was his reaction to Kazama banishing him back to the Pure World...while conveniently forgetting that he was trying to convince Kazama to kill himself.
  • Fatal Flaw: He has too much faith in humanity.
  • Good Parents: This Sage chose both his sons to be his successors. Unfortunately, Asura didn't want to share, starting a vicious cycle that Indra gets blamed for.
  • Invincible Hero: He spends his 'fight' with Hashirama and Izanagi just thinking jutsu into existence while complaining about how his sons screwed everything up by being egotistical dicks. It takes Izanagi using Basho Tenin to rip the moon out of its orbit around the planet to actually distract him far enough to make him stop fighting.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Parodied. When Izanagi and Hashirama work together to create a construct that is as strong as the Kyuubi, he decides to use his hands to defeat it. Played straight when he has to put the moon back into orbit.
  • Magic Eye: His Rinnegan given to him by the Kami. Though didn't need it to casually crush Izanagi and Hashirama.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Izanagi pulls the moon out of orbit to stop the Sage from completely crushing him.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: Brought back as an Edo Tensei Zombie by Izanami.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Played straight and inverted: he was able to destroy a construct as strong as the Kyuubi, and made the moon.
  • Power of Creation: When he 'fought' Hashirama and Izanagi he literally created his jutsu out of nothing.
  • Slowly Slipping Into Evil: The Juubi's very existence corrupted him to the point where he committed suicide to stop it from taking control.
  • Superpowerful Genetics: Averted. Everyone thinks he has this trope, but in reality he got his powers by making a deal with the Kami.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Considered working with both Indra and Asura to be this. He turns out to be completely correct, considering how they screwed up his plans after he died.
  • Too Powerful to Live: Well, he was already dead. But it was no surprise that the super immortal broken zombie messiah wouldn't be staying around long.]
  • Walking Spoiler: He is the unknown zombie that Izanami used to blackmail Tsukuyomi and Susanoo into allowing her into their group.
  • Warrior Monk: Mikaboshi Sages created Ninjutsu as a religious sect to fight against Amatsu-Mikaboshi.
  • World's Strongest Man: Hashirama? Minato? Madara? All Z-list compared to this guy.
  • Written by the Winners: According to him, both of his sons were complete jerks, not just Indra. Asura is only considered a hero by history because he won.


    Alpha — The Despot 

Alpha — The Despot

  • Beta Test Baddie: She was the first clone made.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Deidara knocked her out of the running for power in Teikoku real fast.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Tries to put up the front of a loving savior despite being a callous, tyrannical despot.
  • Blow You Away: Wind is her natural element.
  • Classic Villain: Represents Pride and Sloth.
  • Dark Action Girl: Even without the Juubi she can still fight.
  • Demoted to Dragon: She has joined Teikoku in order to get their resources to get revenge on Orochimaru. But her current rank is unknown.
  • Despotism Justifies the Means: It might have once been Utopia Justifies the Means but by the time she appears it has become all about Alpha.
  • Evil Counterpart:
    • To Hashirama Senju. Well, eviler, her Hashirama was up there with Kenta in the evil department.
    • Alpha and Naruko both have Holier Than Thou attitudes, show signs of being The Fundamentalist, rely on an Eldritch Abomination to make up for their weaknesses in combat and both Mind Rape people into agreeing with them.
  • The Evils of Free Will: Alpha claims this is the reason for her Mind Rape Lotus-Eater Machine. But it's more like "The Evil's of Not Worshipping the Ground I Walk on and Telling Me I'm Full of Shit".
  • Evil Mentor: To Three and Five. She is one of the major reasons they are so screwed up in the head.
  • Evil Overlord: Alpha is a textbook example: she's committing genocide on ninety percent on of the world's population; attacks her own subjects and troops in order to manipulate them to keep herself in power; is willing to nuke everyone if it looks like she might lose; uses slave labor; and Mind Rapes the other ten percent of the worlds population into losing their free will. Why is she doing all of this? So no one will ever tell her that she's wrong.
  • Evil Is Petty: Alpha is extremely petty. Her whole Evil Plan is basically a gigantic personal ego trip.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Tries to pass herself off as Affably Evil Anti-Villain, but because her Final Solution she's way too far past "redeemable" to be considered any of those things.
  • Final Solution: She's killing every person who doesn't have a bloodline, not out a misguided attempt to to the right thing, nor out of any inherited belief that they are dangerous, she's doing it because it's convenient.
  • The Fundamentalist: Anyone who disagrees with her risks becoming the Unperson.
  • Humans Are Morons: Alpha believes this to unhealthy levels. She makes it clear in her Motive Rant that she thinks that everyone but her is blithering, idiotic, neanderthal with IQ points in the negatives and that only she can be right.
  • Hypocrite:
    • She blames the state of her world on Madara and Hashirama while conveniently ignoring that she's doing the exact same atrocities they performed with an extra helping of Mind Rape. When she is in the perfect position to fix the world they destroyed, she merely propagates their work and is worse than the two of them combined.
    • She claims that one of the reasons she rebelled against Hashirama was to free her clones from being a Slave Race but under her command they were still just slaves and nothing changed with them doing the same atrocities they were doing under Hashirama's command. A lot of them were rather happy when Orochimaru took over.
    • She claims to spread a message of peace and love to everyone, while killing anyone outside of her clones that know she exists and while escalating the violence and war outside of Konoha by ordering her clones to kill anyone without a Bloodline because it makes her life easier.
    • According to the author, Alpha is meant as a Deconstruction of a Messianic Archetype trope — specifically, of when being the world's saviour goes to your head so much, that you're overwhelmed by hubris to the point of being unable to accept that your deeds and actions are wrong. Not to mention just how far she's willing to go for the sake of peace, or to satisfy her gigantic ego — which, when you think about it, is exactly how Canon-verse Naruto views the world...
  • Lack of Empathy: Despite claiming to be empathetic and ironically having empathetic powers, it's very obvious that she only cares about herself, her ego, and nothing else. It completely escapes her that people besides her have needs. Best shown with her relationship with her Co-Dragons, Five and Three. She never gave them any actual help psychologically and even seemed to encourage their dysfunctions, sadism, and insanity. And finally never even tried to fix the Clone Degeneration her troops suffered from in favor of just making new ones.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Best shown with Five and Three's mental states and how she manipulates her subjects as a Shadow Dictator.
  • Mind Rape: Expert at causing this.
  • Miko: Tries to invoke this. But no one — not even her clone army — buys it.
  • Narcissist: Alpha constantly shows signs of being one. She is constantly described as beautiful, wears pure white Miko robes, and lives in a beautiful garden while everyone else lives in a world based on Nineteen Eighty-Four, her whole Evil Plan basically revolves around stroking her own ego, and is completely convinced of her own infallibility and brilliance.
  • Ignored Epiphany: She starts to consider whether she might have been wrong all along after her defeat and how much pain she's wrought is brought to her feet... and then decides that no, she wasn't after all.
  • It's All About Me: She has to be the most egotistical person in the entire multiverse beating the canon-Uchiha clan by a landslide and is utterly convinced that the multiverse revolves around her. To put it into perspective: Her Evil Plan is basically the multiverses biggest ego trip.
  • Never My Fault: She's in a perfect position to fix the Crapsack World she lives in but continues to perform Madara and Hashirama's genocidal campaign while adding an extra helping of Mind Rape to it and blames them for things she is personally doing. She later begins to blame Orochimaru for anything that goes wrong in her life.
  • One-Winged Angel: Alpha channels the the Juubi's powers to fight Sasori and Good!Orochimaru.
  • Pride: There is nothing left inside of her head other than her massive ego. If she ever had any good intentions, they've been obliterated by her hubris.
  • Psychopathic Womanchild: Alpha shows signs of being both a Type C and D. Which makes a lot of sense when she's an accelerated age clone.
  • Razor Wind: Most of her Fuuton jutsu are based on this concept, making her even more of a Hypocrite.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Who expected someone named Alpha to be a girl?
  • Selective Memory: Her Motive Rants tend to leave out all of the horrible things she's done, such as her pettiness, habit of turning people that criticize with her into the Unperson, and the pointless genocide she's performing just to make her life easier.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Refuses to accept all of these listed flaws.
  • Shadow Dictator: Very few people know that she exists and she will go to any length to keep it that way.
  • Sloth: As Sasori points out she never tries to find real solutions to her problems in favor of her Mind Rape plot or Unperson punishment.
  • Sore Loser: Unable to accept that losing is possible for her and the Big Good is pretty sure she will nuke everyone with the Juubi when she realizes she CAN lose. The Big Good was right.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: While channeling the Juubi her fighting style is just More Dakka and Beam Spam.





    Orochimaru — The Sage 

Orochimaru — The Sage

    Manda — The Snake King 

Manda — The Snake King

  • The Ace: Just like his summoner he's freakishly good at everything, and is the strongest summon shown in the story.
  • Blatant Lies: When he says he is not helping the humans because he likes them.
  • Friendly Rival: To Gamabunta, in clear contrast to their canon relationship.
  • The Good King: To the snakes: save in times of war, he apparently lets them rule themselves.
  • Made of Diamond: Claims his scales are strong as diamonds (Orochimaru says he's scratched them multiple times).
  • Purple Is Powerful: As a violet boss summon this is a given.
  • Redemption Promotion: Just like Orochimaru, he's a billion times more competent as a force for good.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Subverted — he's egotistic, but not a man-eating bastard like in the mainstream timeline.
  • Smug Super: Played for Laughs; he and his Orochimaru are like a straight man/funny man duo.

Alive!Yondaime World

    Minato Namikaze — The Yondaime Hokage 

Minato Namikaze — The Yondaime Hokage

  • Action Dad: He's Naruto's father, and the main character of his world.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: If the Ame-Verse Minato was a deconstruction, then he is a reconstruction. Despite being a psychological wreck, Minato is by far one of the strongest and most competent leaders in the entire story.
  • Badass Longcoat: Same as cannon.
  • Big Good: As the Hokage, he is definitely one.
  • Born Winner: A deconstruction. He's so talented at everything that he's almost completely lost his ability to relate to normal, less-talented people, such as his own son. The worst part is that the poor guy recognizes this quality in himself, and hates himself for it.
  • Broken Ace: Became so perfect that once he faced failure for the first time in his life with Kushina's death, it ultimately crushed him.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Yes, this version of Minato angsts in private, Mikoto's the Gentle Girl, by the virtue of being better at dealing with negative emotions.
  • Crusading Widower: His backstory was basically him forming a crusade to avenge Kushina's death.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Kushina's death completely changed him.
  • Deconstruction: Of " the Yondaime lives and the world is a perfect place" cliche. While the world is a better place, it is through the choices of other people, not Minato being alive, him living was just a side effect. First, Sarutobi sacrificed himself to let Minato live, Danzo decided not to indulge in Stupid Evil, Zabuza triumphed over Yagura, and Mikoto deciding not to be a petty Starscream, that led to a better world. Basically, the sacrifice of others led to a better world, not Minato being alive. Though then again, it is primarily because of Minato that Madara died so early in the history of the Alive!Yondaime world. The point of the deconstruction is not that Minato barely helped make the world a better place. The point was that it was not Minato alone who saved the world. Everyone else contributed just as much as he did.
  • Expy: If the Ame-verse Minato acts like Shirou, then Alive!Yondaime is basically a somewhat more idealistic Archer or Kiritsugu.
  • Foil: To his Ame-verse self.
  • Fourstar Badass: Both on the physical battlefield and in the political battlefield.
  • Heartbroken Badass: After Kushina's death. He gets better by the end.
  • Humans Are Flawed: As a Broken Ace Minato is slowly accepting that humanity will never be perfect, himself included, upon realizing how being perfect has divorced him from reality after facing a Trauma Conga Line starting with his wife's death and ending with learning that his supossed "best friend" Fugaku always hated him and sold him out to Madara. These traumas have made him imperfect and it horrifies him. But unlike his son he views this trope more positively.
  • Irony: Ame!Minato thinks revenge is pointless and empty due to him having never had a bad thing happen to him in his life. Although he didn't let it consume him, this Minato's main motivation in life after Kushina's death was revenge.
    • But at the same time, Alive!Yondaime Minato seems to still believe that revenge is pointless, even after he got his. He just also acknowledges that it's not as easy to let go of as he thought.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: Minato is secretly this. He puts up a good facade of being a Knight in Shining Armor and The Ace but he is actually rather cynical and unsure of himself, but still constantly tries to do the right thing and puts up his Ace facade to help keep the peace.
  • The Leader: A strong Type IV. He leads through his incredible charisma, and is the most feared and skilled ninja in all of Konoha.
  • Lonely at the Top: He's the best at everything, and boy is it a hollow experience.
  • Misery Builds Character: Minato himself wonders if this happened to him as he remembers his life and his talks with Mikoto.
  • My Greatest Failure: Kushina's death, of course.
  • Pride: Minato is very prideful, he's the best at everything and he knows it and his Pride causes him to take personal failure very badly, leading him to enter a self-destructive lifestyle as Mikoto points out.
  • Parents as People: Overlaps with not being good with people. He truly loves Naruto but just doesn't understand fatherhood.
  • Razor Wind: His wind jutsu.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Very reasonable, heard out everything Kakashi said, and was fully willing to help him afterwards.
  • Revenge: This is ironically what got him off his ass and made him try to improve the world instead of using destiny as a justification for his inaction. A lot of his internal monologues involve him thinking about avenging Kushina's death. At the same time though, getting his revenge has simply reinforced his belief about how pointless it is.
  • Romancing the Widow: He and Mikoto accidentally did this to each other.
  • Spectacular Spinning: This Minato finished the Rasenshuriken.
  • Stepford Smiler: So good that only Mikoto knows what he's really like even Kakashi to a certain degree doesn't seem to know the real Minato, though all Kakashi show a very Selective Memory when Minato is involved.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: He and Kazama do not like each other, by any stretch of the imagination, but they work together against the common threat that Teikoku poses regardless.
  • The Unchosen One: He's not the Child of Prophecy but he is the person that saved the world from Madara and Pain.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: A brutal deconstruction. He used to be one of these until he passed the Trauma Conga Line.

    Mikoto Uchiha 

Mikoto Uchiha

  • Action Girl: One of Minato's top subordinates and supporters and can fight S-Rank Ninja.
  • Action Mom: Stronger than both her children.
  • Adaptational Badass: In canon Itachi effortlessly stabbed her and it was over. This Mikoto is stronger than Itachi and can evenly fight S-Rank missing-nin, Hero Killers, and cosmic horrors.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Saves Yugito and Mei from Kakuzu Amatsu-Mikaboshi and Hidan.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: The Gentle Girl to Minato's Brooding Guy; while she has lost as much as Minato, she's much better at dealing with failure than he is, making her the positive one in their relationship.
  • The Confidant: She's the only person who knows Minato's real personality, and not The Ace facade he shows the world.
  • Expy: She's the Irisviel to Minato's Kiritsugu.
  • Foil:
    • To Izanami. Mikoto is polite, kind, motherly, and soft-spoken. While Izanami is hammy, perverted, lustful, loves being a Femme Fatale, and trolly. Their fighting styles also contrast each other. Mikoto relies on pure power, Susanoo's defense, and high powered wide area jutsu while attacking from a distance. While Izanami fights up close with a sword, relies on trickery, dodges attacks, and uses her ghost powers to confuse her opponents.
    • She's also one to Ame-Kushina. Both lost someone very important to them, but while Ame-Kushina shows very unhealthy behavior chasing ghosts while living in the past, Mikoto has moved on with her life and built something better.
  • Guardian Entity: Her Susanoo. It takes the form of a fusion of the Kyuubi and Kushina. It takes that form because of both Mikoto's envy and admiration for Kushina.
  • Hellfire: Amaterasu. Used to break through Hidan's Barrier Jutsu.
  • Insecure Love Interest: She sometimes feels like she's a Replacement Goldfish for Kushina to Minato.
  • Irony: Kitsune's Mikoto's love for Kushina (unknown if it was platonic or romantic) turned her into one of the most vile characters in the story, while this Mikoto's love for Kushina turned her into one of the most heroic.
  • The Lancer: To Minato, she's his lover, right-hand, and seems to hold authority second only to him.
  • Magic Eye: Her Mangekyo Sharingan.
  • Mind Rape: Tsukiyomi.
  • Number Two: Minato's right hand woman, and he seems to hold her advice in high regard.
  • Playing with Fire: Just like the rest of the Uchiha.
  • Romancing the Widow: Just like Minato after losing her significant other they got together to move on from their mutual pain.
  • Second Love: To Minato.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: More like Silk Hiding blasts of Hellfire and a Youkai like Guardian Entity.
  • Sixth Ranger: To the Rin Rescue Team.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Fits this to a tee, although a lot more badass.

    Kakashi Hatake — The ANBU 

Kakashi Hatake — The ANBU

  • Foil: To Kamui. He is happy married to Rin, most of his friends are alive, he's still in the Anbu but he lives a life a good life and has a son. Kamui on the other hand lost his Rin, most of his friends are dead, he's not in the Anbu anymore, he's recovering and his son died before he did.

    Rin Inuzuka 

Rin Inuzuka

  • Continuity Drift: In only two known worlds (this one and the Wave-verse), she was of the Inuzuka Clan, due to her surname having since been revealed. The author admits he hadn't expected Kishimoto to reveal it at all, and so he's decided that her differing heritage is just one more variable in the Echoes multiverse.
  • Love Interest: To her world's Kakashi, beyond which she has little purpose in the narrative (making her a borderline Satellite Love Interest).
  • Spared by the Adaptation: From Kamui's perspective; also to canon, but the circumstances are very different.

    Itachi Uchiha 

Itachi Uchiha

    Naruto Namikaze, Sasuke Uchiha, Obito Hatake 

Naruto Namikaze, Sasuke Uchiha, Obito Hatake

  • Chaotic Stupid: Directly responsible for the poor relations between Konoha and Iwa (though the story of how it happened is fairly funny).
  • Dead Guy Junior: Obito Hatake, who is of course, named other the thankfully deceased Obito Uchiha.
  • Parental Abandonment: Minato apparently pays almost no attention to his son, throwing himself into his work to the point where Naruto spends more time with his father in detention than at home. This finally stops at the end of the Alive!Yondaime world's story.
  • Revenge: After Itachi dies, Naruto swears revenge against his killer. However, Minato quickly stops him by giving him a Cooldown Hug, and telling him that he's not going to let Naruto waste his life on "Pointless, sterile revenge".

    Tsunade Senju 

Tsunade Senju

    Kenta Ayatsuri 

Kenta Ayatsuri

  • Arc Villain: Of the Past Enemy Arc.
  • Bad Boss: Don't expect a long life expectancy if you work for this guy, you'll eventually fail him in some way.
  • Evil Mentor: An unknown number of Kentas have been this to their version's Kakashi. Not in every universe though — as Word of God has stated, canon-Kakashi and the one from Kazama's world weren't exposed to him as he didn't exist there.
  • Expy: Not in terms of personality, but it's quite obvious that the abilities he shows in his final battle are based on canon Kabuto.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He invokes this trope to function in society and lampshades it as well.
  • Freudian Excuse: He implies he had a bad past, and that Konoha's teaching is what lead to he is.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Kamui points out that he had it twice as bad as Kenta had it, and he is still nowhere near close to the evil he is. So his excuse in not only bullshit, but his reason for what his evil is twice as faulty.
  • Hate Sink: Behind his status as a Konoha jounin, a philanthropist and the founder of an orphanage, Kenta Ayatsuri experiments on children, turns them into Tyke-Bombs or into prostitutes to fund his activities. Raising Kakashi after his father's death, he turned him into a child soldier, and out of spite towards Minato when the latter took Kakashi away from him, sold information to Iwa and orchestrated Obito's death. Kidnapping a pregnant Rin in the Wave-Verse after she married Kakashi, he killed the baby and tortured Rin to death. In the Alive!Yondaime verse, Kenta is introduced sending his dogs to maul a young Kin to death because she cried when he gave her to a brothel. Kidnapping Alternate!Rin, he blamed her for taking Kakashi away from "his rightful owner" and tried to kill her. He later revealed that he committed all of this to turn Kakashi into his "masterpiece", and so that he will be remembered. When Kakashi replies that he will do everything to forget him, a spiteful Kenta attempts to kill him and Rin. AM hypocrite, he claimed that bonds with others were useless, while constantly using others to fulfill his ambitions.
  • Off with His Head!: Goodbye, and good riddance.
  • Power Parasite: For his final battle with Kakashi, Kenta has incorporated the Kaguya bloodline, the Byakugan, the Scorch Release, and Karin's Uzumaki Healing Factor into his body.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: When he tried to make an excuse for what he is and what he does.
  • The Sociopath: Kenta was based on real life sociopaths.
  • Stalker without a Crush: Kenta acts like one towards Kakashi bordering on being a Yandere. It's horrific.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Kills one of his own troops because she displeased him, and another because she was worth more dead then alive.

    Kakuzu — The Greedy 

Kakuzu — The Greedy

    Hidan — The Fanatic 

Hidan — The Fanatic

Godaime!Danzo World

    Danzo Shimura — The Godaime Hokage 

Danzo Shimura — The Godaime Hokage

  • Evil Overlord: Apparently rules his entire world.
  • Expy: He acts just like the Canon Danzo.
  • Flat Character: He isn’t fully developed and there’s a lot we don’t know about him.



  • Blow You Away: Appears to be about as good at this as the Feral Gale.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: After Teikoku killed his Sasuke.
  • Expy: Given how his ANBU codename Masayoshi means "justice" in Japanese, and his opposition to a Joker!Naruto, he's arguably one to Batman.
  • The Faceless: He lost his face fighting Sasuke.
  • Friendless Background: Apparently, the rest of the Konoha 11 were killed in the 4th shinobi war, and that's not counting most Naruto's common background...



    Konohamaru Sarutobi 

Konohamaru Sarutobi

Road To Ninja World

    Minato Namikaze 

Minato Namikaze

  • Artificial Human
  • Good Parents: Him and Kushina to Menma, (and Kazama, after the two get mixed up). Though it might be more accurate to see him as Menma's brother.

    Kushina Uzumaki 

Kushina Uzumaki

  • Artificial Human
  • Good Parents: Her and Minato to Menma, (and Kazama, after the two get mixed up). Though it might be more accurate to see her as Menma's sister.

    Sasuke Uchiha 

Sasuke Uchiha

    Sakura Haruno 

Sakura Haruno

    Spoiler Character 

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki — The Fallen Goddess

  • Abusive Parents: When you compare how she treats Kazama compared to her apathy towards Hamura you begin to understand why he became so bitter.
  • Adaptational Badass: Despite her Unskilled, but Strong and Faux Action Girl problems being emphasized heavily. Kaguya still manages to put up a fight against someone who can counter her Reality Warper powers without the absent Black Zetsu holding her hand.
  • Alien Blood: Subverted, it's red, and she almost drowns in it.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Girl: To massage her wounded ego she fights Kazama in a taijutsu duel with her Gentle Fist. Being even more unskilled than a genin Hinata it doesn't go so well.
  • Bad with the Bone: Her All-Ash Killing Bones which she finds herself using as shields to ward of Kazama's attacks.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Kaguya treats her revival as a grand occasion and is primed to start her grand plan to take back all chakra in her world. She's forgetting a lot of important facts. One: The only reason she's on the board is because Obito let her. Two: Her own incompetence in combat. Three: She's just another one of Amatsu-Mikaboshi's pawns, the Chakra Fruit she ate was created by it and gets hijacked by the dark god when she fails. Kaguya doesn't last a chapter as the Big Bad.
  • Climax Boss: Is the final opponent in Kazama's character arc acting as his penultimate Evil Counterpart representing him at the height of his evil.
  • Cold Ham: Kaguya's voice is described as soft and she never raises it but all of her dialogue and body language is extremely dramatic.
  • Demonic Possession: After inevitably fucking it up and failing Kaguya is possessed by Amatsu-Mikaboshi who turns her into a demonic black-skinned, star eyed version of her rabbit Bijuu form to finish the job.
  • Deal with the Devil: Her world's Chakra Fruit was made by Amatsu-Mikaboshi. By eating it Kaguya entered a pact with the dark god for power which let it possess her body directly, which it can't do with its other initiates.
  • Defector from Decadence: Kaguya was originally sent to guard the Shinju by other Ōtsutsuki and wait for it to mature. After watching her fellows war over their own greed and immortality, she decided to quit her job and join humanity.
  • Dirty Coward: The only response she has to someone standing up to her is panic and fear.
  • Drunk on the Dark Side: Kaguya originally planned to destroy the Shinju after eating its fruit so it couldn't destroy the planet, but the promise of more power put it at the very bottom of her to-do list. Altruism and actually defending the planet later joined the bottom of the list as well.
  • Empty Shell: She becomes this even before her Humiliation Conga ends.
  • Evil Counterpart: Kaguya and Kazama were both people that once wanted to do good, but when both gained a godly power, it corrupted them both becoming ruthless tyrants, they used a facade of self-righteousness to hide the vices that truly motivated them (Wrath for Kazama, Greed for Kaguya) and both thought that the power they gained made them special when it just made them pawns of a greater force.
  • Failed Attempt at Drama: Kaguya thinks she's much cooler than she really is:
    • Upon her revival she makes a Badass Boast about how all chakra shall return to her. Becomes much less cool because it gives Kazama an opening to break her nose because she honestly didn't expect him to fight back.
    • Her attempts to beseech Kazama as an equal 'God' all get ignored or mocked.
  • Faux Action Girl: A fact hammered home by many blows to the face by Kazama.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: It's been over a thousand years since Kaguya has been around. She has trouble grasping that princes and princesses no longer hold power, how politics and people have changed, and being the last of her family hasn't sunk in on an emotional level yet. There's also the fact that her planned revival ended up with Obito destroying all life on Earth in the name of his selfish fantasies.
  • A God Am I: Has the biggest God complex among the entire cast. By the time she's been defeated it's been debunked.
  • Greed: Just like in canon, but it takes a back seat to Kaguya's newfound personality.
  • Healing Factor: A rather impressive one given that she regenerated from Obito's charred skeleton.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After her defeat, possession by an actual God of Evil, and receiving mercy she didn't deserve, Kaguya realizes how far she's fallen and makes an effort to change. Her natural conceit and ego makes that a problem.
  • Humiliation Conga: Kaguya's entire return becomes so humiliating for her that it breaks her. Her motives are casually deconstructed, her attempts to treat Kazama as a Worthy Opponent as also casually brushed aside by him, the person she fights is a Man of Kryptonite who cancels out her strongest powers, she's revealed to be a Dirty Coward, she gets beaten up so badly that by the end of her battle with Kazama it's devolved into her execution. After her defeat, Amatsu-Mikaboshi takes control of her body deeming her ineptitude too great to be ignored, trapped in her own body once more the dark god further deconstructs her delusions of godhood as nothing more than greed, revealing that her Prime self's original reign is what gave it the push it needed to start its plans to end reality. After Amatsu-Mikaboshi leaves her body Kaguya is left to drown in her own blood the corruption of the possession canceling her Healing Factor and immortality. She only lives because Kazama sees too much of himself in the Fallen Goddess and then she has to live off of the charity of a race of chakra constructs that she'd normally view as food leaving her an Empty Shell. There's Break the Haughty and then there's this. Kaguya's done.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Using her gravity dimension spelled her defeat as it made it easy for Kazama to crush her under Amaterasu's armory.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: She gets defeated by being impaled with all of Amaterasu's armory falling onto her.
  • Jerkass: Trying as hard as she might to reform, Kaguya's default personality is conceited and prickly at best.
  • Lack of Empathy: Kaguya is ultimately dismissive of people who aren't at a certain level of power. Best shown with how she treats Menma and Sakura compared to Kazama. She also doesn't seem to care that Black Zetsu is nowhere to be seen.
  • Magic Eye: Her Byakugan and Rinne-Sharingan. She seems to be really bad at using them though, given how easily Kazama gets the jump on her during their fight.
  • Oh, Crap!: Actually shows shock when she sees an alternate Hamura's ghost.
  • Only Friend: Kazama is the only person she treats with courtesy and respect. Her own children don't get half the amount of dignity that she gives to him.
  • One-Winged Angel: After failing to defeat Kazama, Amatsu-Mikaboshi deems her inept and transforms her into a black-skinned, star-eyed rabbit monster bigger than her Bijuu form and with enough power to destroy the world merely by raising its chakra wavelength.
  • Perspective Flip: In canon many people speculated about what Kaguya wanted, but no concrete answer was given, only contradicting theories. This Kaguya actually explains things from her point of view, as well as her motives and why she did certain things.
  • Pride: Kaguya's massive ego causes her to make some bad tactical decisions when Kazama begins discrediting her god complex.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • For all her many flaws, Kaguya's first action after waking up is to make the Road to Ninja world suitable for supporting life again after Amatsu-Mikaboshi razed it to the ground.
    • Her friendship with Kazama as well. She treats him much better than how she treats everyone else.
  • The Quiet One: Subverted. Since Black Zetsu's nowhere to be seen Kaguya gets a lot more dialogue. Openly talking with people and explaining her very skewed recollection of her life.
    • Played straight with everyone else because of sheer ego.
  • Quizzical Tilt: Since her ego prevents her from using facial expressions, Kaguya tends to convey her emotions through the way she turns her head.
  • Sole Survivor: While it's never stated, Kaguya's the only original being from the Road to Ninja world alive. Obito killed everyone else.
  • Self-Serving Memory: Kaguya tells a very vague version of her backstory while completely forgetting that her sons rebelled against her because she turned herself into the Ten-Tails and got stuck as a rampaging monster. Kazama easily spots the holes in her story.
  • The Stoic: Kaguya does not show emotion. Kazama thinks it's because she considers such actions beneath her.
  • Super-Toughness: Her Bone Bloodline lets her her tank damage rather well even after her chakra defenses are pierced.
  • Walking Spoiler: Kaguya showing up right before the climax of the story is a big surprise. But what happens to her after her defeat is where the real twists start.
  • Wham Line: When she meets Kazama she says "You are not one of my sons..." if canon is intact in any way that raises some very interesting questions about Indra and Asura.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Has pure white hair bigger than her own body and is a greedy tyrant with a god complex.
  • Worthy Opponent: To psychologically deal with the fact that Kazama can stand up to her Kaguya tries to appeal to him as a fellow 'God'. He casually rebukes her and her delusions.
  • You Are What You Hate: Kaguya left her clan because she was tired of watching them destroy worlds in the name of greed and chakra. She later becomes the cliche.

Red Zetsu's World

    Tobi — The Sage 

Tobi — The Sage

  • Adaptational Heroism: Instead of throwing a petty and melodramatic hissy fit because of Rin's death (like Teikoku Obito) or becoming a Well-Intentioned Extremist willing to annihilate free will for a sake of peace (like canon Obito), this Obito became an altruist, and did his best to help people.
  • Big Good: He leads the resistance against Red Zetsu and is the resident wise man.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Not to Shisui's genocidal extremes but one of the reasons this Obito calls himself Tobi is because he doesn't like being associated as a Uchiha.
  • Foil: Both him and Teikoku Obito serves as a foil to the canon Obito as well as each other. All three of them loved Rin and were noticeably heartbroken by her death, leading to their respective motives. However, while Red Zetsu's World!Tobi became a Nice Guy and a hero willing to do anything to help, canon Obito's motive is a mix of selfishness and selflessness, using the Infinite Tsukiyomi to trap everyone in their dream, eradicating their free will but ensuring peace and making everyone happy. Which contrasts with the purely self-serving Teikoku Obito who used the Infinite Izanagi to wipe out all life on the planet all so that he could get his personal paradise. His love for Rin is non-existent in the present : he loves his idea of how Rin should be, not Rin herself.
  • I Hate Past Me: He admits that he dislikes how self-centered he was as he a child, and Spiral's childish action irk him.
  • Irony:
    • He's an Obito that never went evil, but "Tobi" became the identity he spent most of his as.
    • By not pursuing Infinite Tsukuyomi, he got everything he wanted in life besides Rin.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Spiral.
  • Nice Guy: Very polite, easy to talk to and reasonable.
  • Superpower Lottery: He invoked this when Red Zetsu started to take over the world, going out to find the Rinnegan. If that's not enough, he also has the Mangekyo Sharingan and Hashirama Senju's DNA, like in canon.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: He feels sorry for Red Zetsu for basically having the need to fight and conquer literally programmed into him.
  • That Man Is Dead: Despite being a clear hero, this Obito refers to himself as Tobi.
  • Unexpected Successor: To Hagoromo as the Sage of the Six Paths of his world. Indra and Asura finally completely fucked everything up with Red Zetsu, leaving Tobi to pick up the remains of his legacy to power himself up, master his techniques, and fight back.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: His refusing Madara's offer led to Madara creating the Red Zetsu. The rest is history.

    Spiral — The Pretty One 

Spiral — The Pretty One

  • Green Thumb: As a Zetsu, he's got the Mokuton.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Tobi.
  • Manchild: Loud, hammy, overreacts for fun, and wanted to drop the moon on Earth because he thought it would be cool.
  • Sidekick: To Tobi.
  • Super Prototype: The only Zetsu not connected to the World Tree, and as such the only Zetsu who is immune to Red Zetsu's control.
  • Token Heroic Orc: The only good Zetsu in his world and Tobi's best friend.
