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The Displaced

Wave 1

     Myles King/Kamen Rider Wisp: aka The Aeon Offspring 

     Daniel Fenton/Kamen Rider Ghost II: aka Grue 
  • Swiss-Army Weapon: The Gan Gun Saber, which has many forms by itself and in conjunction with the Ghost Gadgets.

    Brian Ingram/Ultimate Lupin II: aka Wheenesss 
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Finding out that there’s a Great Leader Mite did NOT go well for his sanity. Fortunately, not that many trees were harmed during that temporary lapse.

     Ichika Hyoudou/Kamen Rider Blade II: aka Glacium Frost 
  • Blood Knight: He lives for the trill of fighting, especially against Shocker or the Undead though he does restrain himself during Rider work.

Wave 2

     Ashly Waltz/Mini-Rider Orga: aka WaltzBurgNacht 

     Kaen Nitsume/Kamen Rider Den-O II: aka burningclaw2 
  • Groin Attack: Has attempted it, as well as threatened a recording of Momotaros with it. Doesn’t work nearly as well for him as it does Ashly though, mainly due to his targets ending up not having anything to attack. Because of this, it also tends to bite him in the rear.
  • Meaningful Name: Nitsume Kaen if reversed can almost literally be translated to burningclaw2.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot: Doesn’t know when to shut it. Occasionally just talks what’s on his mind regardless of the consequences.
  • Passing the Torch: The Owner and Taros entrusted the title of Den-O to him until Kotaro can take it.

     Mack Hunter/Kamen Rider Chaser II: aka Symbolic Joker 
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Even in the more sinister Mashin Chaser armor, he’s as heroic as he is normally.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: As Mashin Chaser, which has a bunch of mechanical parts sticking out at odd places. Even as the more symmetrical Kamen Rider Chaser there are pieces of the suit that aren’t symmetrical, especially the helmet.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: He has a pessimistic view of the world and the situations he finds himself in, yet Kamen Rider and other series inspired him to believe in human potential.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite his normal aloof-nature, he’s actually quite silly.
  • Out of Focus: He has the tendency of disappearing for quite a while, given that Symbolic Joker’s other responsibilities have the tendency of interrupting his time online. It once became so bad that Joker actually forgot he started off writing in 1st Person, before suddenly switching to 3rd Person before switching back once he realized what happened.
  • Stealth Pun: The reason why Symbolic Joker gave himself the name "Mack Hunter" is because the name is supposed to be similar to "Mach Chaser".
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Normally he keeps his emotions to himself, though he does reveal them whenever the situation calls for it.
  • Übermensch: The Aeon Offspring had described Symbolic Joker to have a mix of Kouta Kazuraba’s and Kaito Kumon’s beliefs.

     Samuel Sherwood Ulmer/Kamen Rider Zangetsu II: aka Kitsuja 

Wave 4

     Roxanne Ward/Kamen Rider Fourze II: aka gradeonmagus 
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Downplayed as she has slightly more experience with her Driver than the rest of the Wave, but there's a reason why. Namely, she got her powers back in the Displaced's Earth, but her brother, a psychopath, also got powers as a Zodiart. The fight that ensued hurt many and scared her.

     Ayumi Rose/Kamen Cure Echo: aka Jxz 
  • Gender Bender: See that cute girl? She's actually a man turned into one by Kamen Mite.
  • Legacy Character: She sees herself as one to the original Cure Echo.

     Tio Lancer/Kamen Rider Unicorn: aka The Fanfic Addict 

Supporting Characters/Allies

     Category Two of Hearts Undead: Spirit Human 
  • Mistaken Identity: How Wisp and Ghost first ran into him, fighting the Bee Undead. They thought he was a random bystander.
