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Characters / Dragon Goes House-Hunting

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Main Characters

Voiced by: Shun Horie (Japanese), Michael Kovach (English)
Letty is a young dragon who has been Forced from Their Home by his father for letting a dragon egg get stolen under his watch.
  • Art Evolution: Letty's proportions change gradually as the manga progresses, with his head, neck and body becoming bigger & thicker while his limbs shrink.
  • Gender-Blender Name: A male dragon named Letty.
  • Gentle Giant: Extremely nice and shy for a big dragon.
  • Loser Protagonist: Despite being a dragon, Letty is childish, gullible, has very low stats and isn't much good for anything. At one point, Nell scathingly insults him for being homeless and jobless despite having a child (Pip) to take care of.
  • Nice Guy: He would never hurt a fly, making him a Delightful Dragon.
  • Vocal Dissonance: In the anime, he has the voice of a young boy.

Voiced by: Kaito Ishikawa (Japanese), Steven Kelly (English)
An elf realtor who agrees to help Letty find his dream home and accompanies him throughout his journey. He is also a very powerful sorcerer who happens to be the current Dark Lord.
  • Authority in Name Only: Dearia is the current Dark Lord (i.e. the ruler of all the non-humans), but since he isn't interested in ruling, and most of the non-human tribes are autonomous anyway, his title is basically just formality.
  • Brutal Honesty: Dearia is not afraid of bluntly pointing out Letty's shortcomings and will immediately agree with Letty's self-deprecating statements instead of consoling him.
  • Never Gets Drunk: Dearia participates in a drinking contest, and manages to outdrink thirteen people straight.
  • Stealth Mentor: Whenever Letty runs into trouble, Dearia often delays intervening to ensure that the dragon can grow up and become stronger. He does, however, remain on stand-by to help out in case Letty gets into an emergency.
  • The Stoic: Dearia never loses his cool no matter what troubles his group encounter—whether it's Letty going missing or being besieged by an entire army due to a misunderstanding.

Voiced by: Shiori Izawa (Japanese), Lindsay Sheppard (English)
A Hraesvelgr chick who imprinted on Letty while the latter is looking for a home in a frozen tundra. He is very fond of his papa.
  • Loud of War: Pip is a Hraesvelgr chick whose cry is loud enough to knock people out cold.
  • Overly Long Name: Pip's full name is Piyovelt Phelpia Pi Alpine Piyoderika, courtesy of Letty.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Pip is a fluffy chick with big, round eyes and innocent look that quickly wins him Letty's, and later Nell's, affections.

Supporting Characters

Voiced by: Misato Fukuen (Japanese), Jad Saxton (English)
A princess whom Letty rescued from being kidnapped from bandits after she ran away from home.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Her mother once tossed her from a cliff to emulate a lion doing the same to their young to test their mettle. The whole incident is played for laughs, and is described as the reason why Nell doesn't accompany the Queen in her subsequent travels despite having the same free-spirited nature and wanderlust.
  • Overly Long Name: Nell's real name is Andriana Ellen Croixdea Margarethe Emmalyn Narsham Felna
  • Princesses Prefer Pink: Nell's dress is mainly pink with some green.
  • Royal Brat: She is a princess who runs away from home because her father ate her cupcake, and despite the chaos she left behind by her stunt, refuses to forgive him until he "comes crawling to her to beg for forgiveness". Then, after she returns home and makes up with her father, she immediately runs away again because he ate her meringue.
    Letty: All of this for a cupcake?!
  • Silk Hiding Steel: After her first outing with Letty and co., Nell wisens up enough to take up personal defense before she runs away again, since she is a princess and all. By the time she reunites with everyone else she's packing brass knuckles and is implied to have already become stronger than Letty!
  • Sweet Tooth: The princess loves her desserts, and she frequently runs away from home due to her father eating her sweet snacks. When this happens, the soldiers would lure her back by leaving cakes on the road.

Voiced by: Kenjiro Tsuda (Japanese)
The Dark Dragon of Destruction. A Black Dragon who sought out Dearia's to help him acquire a home before the events of the story.

Victor is a vampire realtor sent by Nell's mom to help Letty find a home while Dearia is away to attend an exhibition. Unfortunately, he's a frankly terrible real estate agent whose house selections are defective in some way.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: The other vampires consider him a disgrace because he lacks most of the common vampire powers: he is unable to maintain a human form more than three minutes a day, nor is he able to transform into mist or smoke. This is why he left his clan to strike out as a realtor instead.
  • The Atoner: He finally realizes the error of his ways and attempts to become a better realtor while making amends to the customer he cheated in the past.
  • Commonality Connection: After realizing that Letty isn't a great and powerful dragon, but rather a weak failure like himself, Victor becomes Letty's good friend.
  • Hidden Depths: Chapter 28 provides an insight to his backstory and motivation. As it turns out, Victor didn't start out as a Shady Real Estate Agent. Instead, he's an outcast who specializes in "defective" houses because he sees himself in them, and thought that if he can find someone willing to accept these homes, he could be "saved". However, the longer the houses remained unsold, the more desperate he becomes, and eventually he uses dirty means to trick or coerce his customers into buying the defective houses.
  • The Resenter: At first, he is jealous of Letty for being a member of an apex species, and thought that his status as the Flame Dragon King makes his life easy. He deliberately tries to force Letty to buy a bad home to embarrass the dragon.
    "This world is unfair. Just by being born into an apex species, this creature has everything I want [...] I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget. Things won't fall into his lap so easily this time."
  • Shady Real Estate Agent: All the houses he has to offer are practically unlivable, and the people he offers it to refuses to make a purchase from him, so he resorts to coercion and other deception to force-sell his defective products.
  • Vegetarian Vampire: Victor finds drinking blood disgusting, so he survives by eating bugs instead. Dearia suggests that his lack of proper nourishment is the reason why he is unable to use most of the typical vampire powers.
