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Characters / Disney Villains Victorious

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In this upside-down world, the majority of the villains won, and got most, if not everything of what they were looking for. Thus, the villains of the Disney line-up rule the world, with individual Kings ruling over large swaths of land. There are three values that judge what a domain looks like: the King (the person in charge), the Land (what land the King rules over), and the Rule (how the King rules it).

Tropes Applying to Kings in General

  • Affably Evil: Some Kings can be this; as long as you don't disrupt what their kingdom, they won't turn their attention specially on you. The book even says that some villains have mellowed out a bit as a result of having to run a whole country.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Most of them got to the position of King by being more powerful and ruthless than others. Don't think that being in charge of a country have made them any softer; indeed, some villains got even more dangerous as a result.
  • Just You and Me and My GUARDS!: Why you should prioritize getting rid of Villains (the term for the King's bodyguards) before taking on a King: if you don't, the King will be able to summon them during battle instantly, making an already difficult fight even harder.

Base Game Gods And Kings

    Queen Grimhilde 

    The Coachman 
  • Humanoid Abomination: No one, not even the kings who are more magically inclined, have any real idea as to what the Coachman really is. Few even really want to.

  • For the Evulz: Verbatim, the only reason he created Hell on Earth was that it amuses him to do so.
  • Orcus on His Throne: With all the world under his control as the Greater-Scope Villain, Chernabog almost never bothers with those who wander into his domain. Unless it's Walpurgisnacht, the Black God is content to watch the world tear itself apart. But if the heroes prove themselves a threat or a beacon of hope, he will move to snuff them out.

    Queen of Hearts 



    King Louie 

    Shere Kahn 

    Edward Gracey 
