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Characters / Digimon World

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    Main Character 
The main character of Digimon World, a ten-year old summoned to File Island to deal with the catastrophe afflicting the island.
  • Ascended Fanboy: A fan of Digimon before he gets transported to Digimon World itself and train his Digimon in person.
  • Character Tic: Tilts his head from side to side when thinking.
  • Fluffy Tamer: Doesn't matter what his partner looks like, whether it's a cuddly Patamon, a disgusting Sukamon or a SkullGreymon, he'll treat it like a puppy dog when praising or scolding it.
  • Hello, [Insert Name Here]: The character is named by the player. Later installments give him the handle Mameo but his real name is unknown.
  • Magnetic Hero: Usually the way to get Digimon to join File City is him giving them a pep talk... after his partner's beaten several shades of tar out of them.
  • Signature Mon: His Digimon in the ending cutscene is Mamemon.

    Partner Digimon 
The Main character's faithful Digimon.
  • Came Back Wrong: If killed in battle, he'll forget techniques.
  • Hello, [Insert Name Here]: You name him at the beginning of the game, and can rename him whenever he dies.
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: The partner's voice is unintelligible to the player but the character can understand him just fine.
  • Magikarp Power: While his digivolution into Sukamon, Numemon, or Nanimon is a punishment for raising him poorly, they digivolve into powerful Ultimates as compensation.
  • Mega Manning: His main way of learning new techniques is to defeat enemies that have used them in fights with him.
  • Undying Loyalty: He will follow you anywhere and at any level. This can actually get you in trouble as he can pass out in extreme climates he dislikes.

    File City Digimon 


The leader of File City. An elder Digimon who summons the player character to the island.

  • Mr. Exposition: He is the one who fills in the player as to what is going on with the island. He also lets him know what the prosperity of the city and what any new recruits are up to.
  • Non-Action Guy: His age completely removes him from combat. Unlike the others he won't be in tournaments.
  • Summon Everyman Hero: He's the one who brings the player to the digital world.


The first Digimon found after leaving File City. Operates the Item Bank.

  • Boring, but Practical: Giving you a way to drop off and pick up items isn't the most flashy job in the world. It may be the most used service because of how limiting your item bag is.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: The first recruitable Digimon, which requires defeating him.
  • Warmup Boss: The easiest enemy in the game. Beating him right after getting started is entirely possible.


A plant Digimon found in Native Forest. Upgrades the meat farm.

  • Blatant Lies: Tries to convince the player that they are just a flower. It's pretty unsuccessful, because flowers don't usually talk.
  • Rule of Three: Has to be talked to three times before they'll fight the player, reaching their breaking point.
    Palmon: I SAID I'M A FLOWER! Weren't you listening?!
  • Wakeup Call Boss: You will be given a much harder fight than Agumon. He does much more damage, has moves that poison and has enough health that he might get off his finisher before the fight is over.


An insect Digimon found in Native Forest. Eats the vegetation blocking the eastern side of the southern area in File City.

  • Big Eater: Needs to be given a piece of food to bring him out of his tree. After losing to the main character, he proceeds to eat a few trees worth of food when he goes to the city.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: His response to being given food is to pick a fight. When he loses he gets told to contribute something for it.


An aquatic Digimon found at Coela Point. After ferrying the player across the beach he operates an item shop when they check up on him again.

  • Fish People: He's a sentient Digimon based on a coelacanth.
  • Improvised Platform: He uses himself and a few other Coelamon as platforms to bridge the player to the other side of the beach.


An aquatic Digimon found in Jungle Point. Seeing the mc reawakens his senses and he operates and/or upgrades the item shop.


A Centaur-like Digimon that joins when the player gets by his maze in the aptly name Amida Forest. Runs a clinic when recruited.

  • Ghost Leg Lottery: How his maze works is to pick a route and make every turn available to you.
  • The Medic: The clinic he runs gives better health and stamina recovery then the bed in Jijimon's house and he sells medicine to help your digimon.
  • Random Number God: His maze's exit is random on each attempt. That could make it take a dozen attempts.


A ghost Digimon found wandering outside the Grey Mansion.

  • Bedsheet Ghost: Looks like one.
  • The Unfought: Doesn't have to be fought to join the city.
  • The Unintelligible: Can only say its name, unless the player's partner is a Bakemon, in which case they can translate what he's saying.


A Digimon made of fire who nearly blows up the Drill Tunnel. After the main character stops him, he joins the city and opens a restaurant.

  • Playing with Fire: The look of being a man of flame isn't for show. His power is actually great enough to threaten File Island when he gets going.
  • Sanity Slippage: Is in the middle of losing his marbles. The main character tells him off for thinking blowing the mountain up will save anything.


A digimon based off of a unicorn. The player finds him injured in the Spore Area. After giving him some medicine, Unimon joins the city and upgrades the Item Shop to its full building form.

  • Winged Unicorn: He's got a horn and wings. Fight him in the arena and he will show his air powers.


A small bird Digimon that is found in the Gear Savanna. After cornering the Digimon using his own Digimon, the player convinces him to join the city and upgrades the item shop.
  • Random Number God: Better pray to him hard cause Biyomon can go to three places and you can only cut him off at one.


A small mammal Digimon found just outside Trash Mountain looking for a fight.

  • I Can Still Fight!: Even after three fights, he's still raring for more, until the player gets fed up and yells at him to stop.
  • Rule of Three: It takes three gos for the player to get fed up with him.


A dinosaur-like Digimon who operates a store.


  • Giant Flyer: As a large bird Digimon capable of carrying the player and their partner pretty much anywhere.
  • Warp Whistle: On joining the city, Birdramon opens up a transport shop where they'll take the player to anywhere on the island for a price.


A Dinosaur Digimon who comes to File City looking for the player
  • Challenge Seeker: Comes looking for a fight, after the player's made a name for themselves.
  • Made of Iron: His health is 50000. Add to that he hits like a truck, and it's not advised to trigger his fight without being prepared.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: By the time he shows up, most of the fights, even against other Champions, have been tough, but not so difficult. At fifteen prosperity points, this guy shows up, and suddenly the bosses become much harder.


A criminal Digimon who causes trouble across the entire island.

  • Apocalypse Anarchy: As he eventually reveals, he figured since the island was done for, that gave him free reign to do whatever he liked. In this case, attacking people and stealing their stuff.
  • Flunky Boss: Orgemon never fights alone. Fortunately, his techniques also hurt his allies.
  • Recurring Boss: He's fought four times before he finally gives in and joins the city for real.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Ogremon's got a knack for fleeing after he's beaten.


A lion Digimon living on the Gear Savannah, searching for an unknown item.

  • Big Damn Heroes: The player first meets him when seeing him rescue a Patamon from a Shamamon.
  • Fetch Quest: He's looking for an ancestral item which has gone astray, which requires finishing the Ogremon plot to finish first.


A slime Digimon found in the sewers of Factorial Town.
  • Joke Character: Playable Numemon are only acquired if you screw up raising your Digimon, and this guy is much the same. Unless you go into the fight with a baby Digimon, it's pretty difficult not to win on the first attack.


A tiny pixie occasionally found in Amida Forest.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: A tiny little ball of fluff, so how hard can he be to fight? Very. Piximon's an Ultimate level, his HP starts at 5000 and he is much stronger than he looks.


A dragon Digimon who attacks the player after the city reaches a sufficiently high population.

  • Big Damn Heroes: After being beaten, he'll sleep in Jijimon's house until the player beats Analogman, appearing to rescue him from File Mountain.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: It's happening to all the Digimon on File Island, but poor Airdramon is deliberately targeted by Analogman and thrown at the player on purpose.


A cyborg dragon Digimon found within File Mountain.

  • Optional Boss: Fighting him isn't required to get through the mountain, as he's sitting off on his own minding his own business.

    Other File Island Digimon 


The king of Trash Mountain, a giant Sukamon. If your Digimon becomes a Sukamon he can transform it back to it's original form.

  • Forced Transformation: He has the ability to transform Digimon from Sukamon to their original forms. From the Sukamon's perspective they think it's the other way around and they become something horrible.
  • Get Out!: If your partner's not a Sukamon, he'll growl and tell you to go away.
  • King Mook: Is a giant, metal-crusted version of the common Sukamon.


The ruler of the Geko Swamp. When the player roughs up one of his Otamamon he has him brought before him. Despite that ShogunGekomon gives them an incantation to help him get through the Misty Trees.

  • Collectible Card Game: He is an avid collector of the local cards. He gives the player merit points for trading items with him.
  • King Mook: The shogun of Gekomon.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: A pretty chill guy, which is good given his Gekomon found you roughing up an Otamamon. ShogunGekomon is needed to get through the Misty Trees and find Cherrymon.


An elderly Digimon who lives deep in the Mist Forest.

  • Cool Old Guy: He's at least eighty years old, old enough to remember at least some of the time before everyone's memories started to fade.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Lacks the glowing red eyes, sinister mustache, cherries and cane of most Cherrymon.
  • Mr. Exposition: He helps explain some of the backstory of File Island, such as the fact some of it is older than the rest.


A sea dragon Digimon that acts as the Guardian of the Lake. If you can catch him he will either let you ride him over to Beetle Land, teach your Digimon partner a new water move or acquire his digivolution item

  • Fishing Minigame: Catching him is the most difficult accomplishment of the minigame.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: He's a more eastern style dragon in both looks and temperament. With ice powers and giving out things in return for finding him.


The lord of File Manor.

  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite being a vampire Digimon who lives in a spooky castle, he's alright.
  • Nice Guy: He's pretty nice to the player character.


One of the administrators for Factorial Town.

  • Lawful Stupid: Refuses to admit there's any sort of error going on, much to the player character's frustration.
  • Mr. Exposition: Once Giromon is subdued, he helps fill in some more of the backstory.

    Antagonists (spoilers within) 


The human antagonist of the game, who wishes to enslave the Digimon and take over the Digital World.

  • Ambition Is Evil: His sole drive is to take over the Digital World.
  • Badass Normal: He begins as this, just a regular man with a laptop and a desire for power.
  • Big Bad: Of Digimon World, Digital Card Battle, and eventually -next 0rder-.
  • Brain Uploading: Whatever his fate at the end of World was, he was able to survive and transfer his consciousness into the Digital World prior to the events of Digital Card Battle.
  • Demonic Possession: In -next 0rder-, he takes advantage of Shoma's desire to become stronger and possesses him, using his body to wreak havok on the Digital World once again.
  • Cheaters Never Prosper: In Digital Card Battle, he has his deck specially programmed to give him a massive advantage in the first round, while forcing the player's partner Digimon cards to the bottom of their deck. This doesn't stop the player from beating him.
  • The Corrupter: He uses his technical knowledge to corrupt the hearts of Digimon, leading to File City becoming deserted.
  • Death Is Cheap: He appears to die at the end of Digimon World, but reemerges in later games.
  • Determinator: He will not rest until he's taken control of the Digital World. Not even losing his physical body is able to stop him.
  • Evil Genius: He has incredible programming and technical knowledge, and he uses it to corrupt and control Digimon.
  • Evil Gloating: After setting the self-destruct program and escaping Infinity Mountain, he gloats to the player that he's won and that the player is doomed.
  • Foil: To the player character. While the player cares about his Digimon and sees them as friends to work with to build a better world, Analogman sees them only as tools to use for his own personal gain.
  • For the Evulz: In Digimon World Next 0rder, his plan is to destroy all Digital Worlds just to see what happens next.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Sports large glasses and wants to rule the Digital World, no matter who he hurts in the process.
  • Hidden Villain: In World, he's the one responsible for everything, but you don't meet him until the last room of the last dungeon.
  • Hijacked by Ganon: The original villain from World turns out to be the Big Bad of Next 0rder.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: Across the games where he appears, he's by far the most evil threat, more so than the visibly monstrous Digimon the players face.
  • Ironic Hell: His fate at the end of Digital Card Battle, where he's imprisoned in a security code of infinitely looping programming.
  • Lack of Empathy: He has absolutely no compunctions about enslaving Digimon, despite them proving to have minds of their own.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Zig-zagged. He has no combat ability himself and relies on brainwashed Digimon and his personal guard Machinedramon for most battles. He does possess the ability to directly affect and shutdown the world and does so when all other options fail him.
  • Robot Master: He created Machinedramon using the parts of other mechanical Digimon bodies.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: The flicker of his real face in Digital Card Battle shows him with these.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: At the end of Digital Card Battle, he's sealed inside an infinite loop of data, cut off from the rest of the Digital World by Rosemon.
  • Sole Survivor: Implied by Andromon's dialog in Factorial Town. One hundred years ago, a group of humans (dubbed the "Analog Humans" by the Digimon) ventured into the Digital World with the goal of taking over, and fought for ten years before the Digimon emerged victorious. By the time the player gets involved, Analogman is the only one left.
  • Sore Loser: His reaction to Machinedramon falling is to destroy the Digital World and escape. He does not take it well when that is stopped midway.
  • This Cannot Be!: Analogman's reaction when the combined hopes of File City's Digimon stops his shutdown and strands him between worlds.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • At the end of Digital Card Battle, when he realizes he's becoming trapped in Rosemon's security program loop and desperately tries to break his way out of it.
    • Has another one at the end of -next 0rder-, when Mameo appears just after he's been defeated again and is losing his control over Shoma.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He attempts to destroy the Digital World with the young player still inside it.
  • "You!" Exclamation: At the end of -next 0rder-, when Mameo appears:
    "You! That brat from before?! The stupid little brat who crushed my ambitions?!"


Analogman's personal guard and the most powerful digimon.
