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Characters / Digimon Adventure: (2020), Enemy Digimon

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  • Adaptational Badass: A ton of enemy Digimon have been given a massive boost in strength and versatility that's not normally there in past iterations. Some Digimon even have qualities and abilities they didn't have before, such as Sakkakumon being able to control each of its eyes separately for instance. This mostly applies to villains and antagonists from the original Digimon Adventure, as well as more minor Digimon in general.
  • Adaptational Wimp: On the other hand, there are a slightly smaller number of Digimon that have had their capabilities either nerfed somewhat, or the heroes just happen to be that much stronger than them for one reason or another. This mainly applies to Digimon that served as major villains at one point or another, since a minor antagonist is obviously a lot easier to defeat than a major one.

The Mysterious Eye



Voiced by: Takashi Matsuyama (Japanese)
Negamon, The Great Catastrophe

An enigmatic digital being that dwells within the Network and has some connection to the actions of the forces of darkness, but only rarely intervenes. It exists as a counterbalance the Digital World's endless potential for life and growth and to that end, it has been working behind the scenes for the entirety of the series to bring about a Great Catastrophe.

Its Digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training: Negamon, a tentacled eyeball that somewhat resembles Soundbirdmon.
  • ???: Negamon (Giant), a fleshy abomination with a giant mouth and a serpentine body that looks vaguely whale-like.
  • Mega:
    • Abaddomon, a sphere with a huge mouth and many tentacles with their own eyes and mouths, formed from the sphere of negative data that Negamon created around itself.
    • Abaddomon Core, a many-eyed humanoid figure hidden in the center of Abaddomon's body, directing it from within.

  • Ambiguously Evil: While it is the cause of a large deal of the Digital World's evils behind the scenes, it was created to cause war and conflict as a counterbalancing force. While it's now a world-eating abomination, it's unclear if it's even capable of moral choices or higher thought. Even when it actually speaks, it can only occasionally construct very simple sentences, otherwise merely repeating words relating to negative energy and nothingness without any coherent thought, suggesting that's literally all it can think.
  • Anti-Magic: Abaddomon straight-up negates any attacks that would hit its body, with the sole exception being Omnimon's attacks.
  • Arm Cannon: Abaddomon Core can extend a cannon from a mouth at the end of its left arm.
  • Balance Between Good and Evil: Negamon’s original purpose was to act a counterbalance for the Digital World’s endless potential for life and growth, by bring about war and conflict. Unfortunately when the Digital World reached out to humanity to try and break the cycle, Negamon did the same and found the Network, becoming addicted to the sheer negative energy generated by the data. This made it powerful enough to overwrite it original purpose and become obsessed with the complete destruction of everything.
  • Beam-O-War: Abaddomon Core gets into one of these between its Arm Cannon and Omnimon's Garuru Cannon.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Shares the Big Bad spot with Millenniummon, both being active and menacing the heroes at the same time. After Millenniummon is destroyed, it finally takes over as the sole main villain.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: Abaddomon Core has a lance at the end of its right arm, morphed from its hand.
  • Born-Again Immortality: Omnimon restores Negamon with the rest of the Digital World. The last we see of it is an egg hatching with Negamon's eye peering out.
  • Casting a Shadow: Unlike its other forms, Abaddomon Core can emit black lightning.
  • Cessation of Existence: Its goal is to do this to all of reality, devouring everything until there is only a white void where nothing can ever be created. It nearly does this to Sora, Mimi, Izzy, Joe and their partners, eating them and leaving them as phantoms who barely cling to their existence. Averted with itself, where the heroes make sure that he has the chance to be reborn with the Digimon it destroyed, defying Negamon's nihilistic world view.
  • Combat Tentacles: Abaddomon attacks with tentacles covered in eyes and mouths which respectively fire lasers and bite. They can even split into more hairlike tendrils to grab things. As Negamon (Giant), it can attack with the tentacles on its dark sphere.
  • The Corrupter: It subtly influences aggressive and malicious Digimon into starting conflicts. Originally, this worked toward keeping the endless life of the Digital World in check by turning it against itself. Over the course of the series, however, it acted more as a distraction so that Negamon could gather more power in peace.
  • The Corruption: It fell victim to this when it began to consume data from the network, which was full of the negative emotions of the humans that created it.
  • Cyclops: Its most noticeable feature is a large yellow eye amid its tentacles. As Negamon (Giant), it still has the eye, which it can retract to open its mouth.
  • Diabolus ex Machina: After Nidhoggmon dies, it starts the countdown right back up and opens a tear in space to send everyone except Tai and Matt back to the human world.
  • Eldritch Abomination: It's able to damage spacetime itself in both worlds merely by existing and according to Argomon, Negamon is the opposite of the Digital World and the life within it. This shows in its physical form, which are all nightmarish horrors not resembling anything remotely recognizable.
  • Emotion Eater: It grew stronger and also more malevolent by feeding on data created by fearful humans. This made it go completely out of control.
  • Evil Counterpart: Abaddomon Core is one to Omnimon, being a caped humanoid figure with a lance on one arm and a cannon-bearing mouth on the other.
  • Evil Is Not Well-Lit: Thanks to it living inside an orb of darkness in the Network.
  • Expy: Kenji Watanabe has said that he based Abaddomon on characters from Fullmetal Alchemist, with specific inspirations appearing to be the homunculi Pride (the Combat Tentacles covered in eyes) and Father (the giant evil mouth). It's also more explicitly one to Apocalymon, being the source of the series' events as well as being an Eldritch Abomination with a smaller true form within.
  • Eye Beams: True to form for the series, Abaddomon can fire lasers from the eyes on its tentacles. Abaddomon Core can also do this with its many eyes, including several on its cape.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Abaddomon's tentacles are covered in eyes and they're red ones like Eyesmon's. Abaddomon Core also has eyes running up its right side.
  • Feed It a Bomb: Negamon (Giant) is defeated when WarGreymon shoves a Gaia Force down its throat while the other seven whale on it from the outside.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: It was supposed to act as a counterbalancing force for the Digital World by using war and conflict to balance potential and growth. Humanity's negative emotions caused it to go completely Off the Rails until it became a world eating Eldritch Abomination.
  • Goo-Goo-Godlike: Negamon is a Baby II/In-Training Digimon in its initial form, and served an important role in counterbalancing the Digital World's growth. It's able to create and command legions of Digimon that are of much higher levels than it, including well-known heavy hitters such as Argomon, ZeedMillenniummon, and Deathmon. Even newer Digimon such as Nidhoggmon still required Omnimon to be taken down, and Negamon's the one who created its Champion form, Eyesmon, to begin with.
  • Healing Factor: After Omnimon punches a hole in Abaddomon, the hole closes quickly but not fast enough to keep Omnimon from getting inside.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: When it broke through the boundary between the two worlds, that allowed the hope of both humans and Digimon to be converted into positive data that allowed Omnimon to re-form and the other Digimon to digivolve right back to Mega-level.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Abaddomon's core can only be described as a mass of teeth and eyes twisted into a vague humanoid shape.
  • Lean and Mean: It has a very thin torso and limbs and is an Omnicidal Maniac.
  • Light/Darkness Juxtaposition: Abaddomon Core takes on a very Omnimon-like form. Omnimon is created by a Miracle of 'The Light of Hope'. Negamon/Abaddomon's source of power was Darkness and it is driven by nihilistic despair; the exact opposite to 'The Light of Hope'.
  • Madness Mantra: During the final battle, it chants with multiple voices, repeating various nihilistic words related to destruction and negative emotions.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: Negamon (Giant) can emit a screech that stops incoming attacks in their tracks.
  • Maker of Monsters: It was the one who created the Argomon Hive Mind and Eyesmon.
  • Mysterious Benefactor: To Devimon, who is thus far the only villain to have shown any awareness of it. The Soundbirdmon that Devimon uses to brainwash Digimon work for it.
  • Nested Mouths:
    • Negamon (Giant) retracts its eye to reveal one of these, with the inner mouth attached to more of its weird blue flesh.
    • Abaddomon Core's body is one of these, with a mouth at the top of its head, which emerges from a pair of jaws that form its torso. Its Arm Cannon is also one of these, with the barrel extending from the inner mouth. In the end, it also unleashes a billowing, Negamon (Giant)-esque mass of flesh with a fanged mouth from the mouth on its head in a last desperate attack on Omnimon Alter-S.
  • No-Sell: Abaddomon just cancels out any attacks that would hit its main body until Omnimon shows up.
  • Oculothorax: Abaddomon's central mouth is briefly replaced by an eye as it dies.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: The humanoid Argomon says that it is trying to being about "the time of the end," assumed to be the Great Catastrophe warned of by the scholars at the Tree of Information.
  • Orcus on His Throne: It mainly stayed in one place to consume negativity, while its followers and creations did most of the dirty work. Before it was encountered for real, the most direct action it took against the DigiDestined was sending Sora, Izzy, Mimi and Joe back to the real world.
  • Pocket Dimension: If Abaddomon's interior wasn't this already, it becomes this as the battle between Omnimon and Abaddomon Core turns it into a starfield.
  • Readings Are Off the Scale: Negamon (Giant) causes Izzy's laptop to bluescreen when he tries to scan it.
  • Recurring Element: On how it's a roughly biblically named final digimon villain in the Adventure continuity in the vein of Devimon, Apocalymon, Diaboromon and Armagedemon before it.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: All of its forms have this color scheme. Negamon and Negamon (Giant) have black sections covered in glowing red markings. Abaddomon is mostly black with red eyes and Abaddomon Core has this color scheme on one side of its body, the other half being red and covered in mouths.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Abaddomon has red eyes on its tentacles. Abaddomon core has the same red eyes on one side of its body.
  • Shapeshifter Weapon: Abaddomon Core morphs its right hand to form a lance.
  • Shock and Awe: Zigzagged. Both Abaddomon and Abaddomon Core have lightning-like attacks, but they're different types of energy entirely.
  • Slasher Smile: Pretty much its only expression once it actually has a mouth is an insane, hungry smirk.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: Negamon has a yellow eye that glows when it uses whatever power it has. The eye carries over to its Giant form.
  • Swallowed Whole: The first thing Abaddomon does is swallow Izzy, Sora, Mimi, Joe and their Digimon, reducing them to formless data until they are restored by the hope of both worlds.
  • Tombstone Teeth: Negamon (Giant) has very large, human-like rectangular teeth. Abaddomon's central mouth also has very wide, uniform teeth, though these ones taper to points.
  • Too Many Mouths: Abaddomon has mouths on all of its tentacles and Abaddomon core has them down the left side of its body and lining the inside of its cape.
  • Villainous Glutton: Negamon became hopelessly addicted to humanity's negative emotions after trying to draw power from it. Now it's nothing more than a living void that exists to eat and nothing else. It will keep eating until nothing remains for it to eat.
  • Void Between the Worlds: The void it creates is capable of reaching both the Digital World and the human world.
  • Volcanic Veins: Abaddomon has glowing red cracks running around its central sphere. It fires a lightning-like version of the red energy it uses in its Eye Beams from them.
  • The Walls Have Eyes: Eyes open on the tunnel walls in Abaddomon's interior so that Abaddomon Core can observe Omnimon approaching.
  • War God: Negamon was essentially the Digital World's war god, intended to sow war and conflict as a counterbalancing force to growth and potential. However, it's since become something far worse.
  • Weaponized Offspring: Abaddomon Core fires a blob that spawns a second Negamon (Giant) to try to get through the barrier projected by Omnimon's Brave Shield. Unfortunately for it, Holy Burns Evil.

The Dark Crystal


Millenniummon (Millenniumon)

Voiced by: Volcano Ota (Japanese)
MoonMillenniummon, The sealed Evil God
Click here to see him as Millenniummon 
Click here to see him as ZeedMillenniummon 

A dark crystal used by the forces of darkness to digivolve Digimon to higher levels. Its true form is the twisting, two-headed dragon within the crystal. Once known as Millenniummon, it was a living weapon used by Deathmon that nearly destroyed the Digital World, only to be stopped by the combined forces of the previous incarnations of the DigiDestined's Digimon, its parts scattered across the world in the forms of various crystals and miasma on the Cloud Continent. But Negamon's action of seeping darkness from the human world into the Digital World awakened the largest fragment of Millenniummon, who seeks to revive itself.

Their Digivolutions are as follows:

  • Mega:
    • MoonMillenniummon (Moon=Millenniumon): A series of dark crystals containing evil spirits made from a corrupting miasma.
    • Millenniummon (Millenniumon): A fusion of MoonMillenniummon with Kimeramon and the miasma Machindramon sacrificed itself to acquire. Resembles a larger Kimeramon with Machinedramon's cannons and glowing energy forming a second head.
    • ZeedMillenniummon (ZeedMilleniumon): A spherical two-headed abomination that served as the ultimate weapon of the forces of darkness in ancient times. Notably lacked Power Limiters during that time. It Came Back Strong as an Eldritch Abomination of apocalyptic power in the present.

  • The Ace: Considered as such for the Army of Darkness in the distant past, dubbed their "greatest weapon". Its power became too great for them to control and it took the combined might of eight Megas, two of which are Seraphimon and Ophanimon while implied to be boosted with the power of the other five Holy Digimon just to defeat it. This only scattered its body into pieces, from which it Came Back Strong thanks to its minions feeding it data.
  • Adaptational Badass: Yes, even he got this, which is saying something. The original Millenniummon was powerful enough to break a continent in half, in his weakest form, and was a clever Mad Scientist. However, he was canonically beaten multiple times by his Arch-Enemy Ryo and a few no name Digimon Ryo was able to raise, including two Rookies. This version trades in the genius intellect for more power and keeps the competency. He's big enough to dwarf the floating Cloud Continent, so powerful that his cannon fire can reshape the landscape, and one of his claws is larger than a mountain. Despite being mute, he's not stupid, as the first thing he does when regaining his physical body is capture the Digimon kids and decide to murder them rather than playing the sadistic games the original did. As ZeedMillenniummon, again, the original was beaten by Ryo and a Rookie. This version was beaten by eight super-powerful Mega Digimon in the backstory, while this one required a Combined Energy Attack from every Digimon and the eight children to go down.
  • Adaptational Wimp:
    • Downplayed. While Millenniummon’s destructive force wasn't compromised, they distinctly lack the Reality Warper or regeneration traits of past incarnations, and unlike previous iterations, was actually able to be fully destroyed as ZeedMillenniummon, which previously required to undo the form entirely to be possible, and in Ryo's case simply merged with his own partner into an (albeit slightly) less chaotic state. MoonMillenniummon is also not even able to really fight in this version. There's also the fact that Millenniummon in the WonderSwan games is the Greater-Scope Villain for the entire original Adventure continuity while, despite also having a great amount of plot importance in the reboot, it's merely a Climax Boss that's taken out an episode after its revival.
    • The past version of ZeedMillenniummon plays this straight. For all its devastating power, it was neither the apocalyptic force that it becomes in the present nor the Reality Warper that it is in the greater franchise. Even base-form Millenniummon is stronger in the present than Zeed was during the ancient war.
  • Ascended Extra: Millenniummon in the original Adventure continuity was only present in the Digimon (WonderSwan Series) of games, and only made appearances in Digimon Adventure 02 via flashback. But it's a major antagonist here with the goal of the DigiDestined during its arc is to prevent its revival.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Millenniummon is absolutely titanic, easily the largest Digimon in the series to the point that one of his claws is larger than a mountain. For scale, Wargreymon in this series is roughly the size of a building, but compared to Millenniummon, he's practically a fly. Only Goldramon and Magnadramon can match it in size. ZeedMillenniummon is even larger than that, being roughly the size of a small moon, making even the aforementioned Goldramon and Magnadramon look microscopic in comparison.
  • Battle Aura: Millenniummon's body has a glowing aura that serves as a second head. It can even attack on it’s own.
  • Beam-O-War: Engages in one with Goldramon and Magnadramon and gets its cannons melted for its trouble. As ZeedMillenniummon it uses this as a last-ditch effort to stop Wargreymon's empowered Gaia Force, but fails and gets destroyed for good when the holy dragons overload it.
  • Benevolent Boss: Despite Devimon's failure, they still direct DarkKnightmon to give Devimon one last power boost to digivolve to Mega level. The knight's last line indicates this was done as Devimon persevered to the very end rather than cutting and running. Curiously enough, they allow their army a great amount of freedom and are even willing to have their own army be weaker should a recruit not desire digivolution from the crystal, despite clearly being able to forcibly digivolve Digimon like Parrotmon and Devimon.
  • BFG: Millenniummon is equipped with Machinedramon's cannons which serve as its main weapons. They get destroyed during his fight with Goldramon and Magnadramon.
  • Big Bad: Is shaping up to be this for the entire show as of Episode 31. It turns out however, that this is not the case as by the time it's defeated, there are 16 episodes left to go.
  • Breath Weapon: ZeedMillenniummon can fire purple and green lightning that shimmers like the bottom of a lake from its mouths.
  • Came Back Strong: In the ancient war with the forces of darkness, ZeedMillenniummon was the ultimate weapon of the Army of Darkness. While devastating and uncontrollable, its power was nowhere near the apocalyptic levels it has in the present day and it was defeated by the past selves of the main Digimon. In the present, it's fed on so much data that even as base-form Millenniummon, it can destroy whole landscapes with casual ease. This is to say nothing of what the present version of ZeedMillenniummon can do.
  • Climax Boss: It's a super-powerful Digimon that takes a Combined Energy Attack from the entire Digital World to permanently take out, and it isn't even the last enemy the DigiDestined face.
  • Crystal Prison: Appears to need the assistance of lesser Digimon to carry their crystalized form and properly enact their plot, as SkullKnightmon was quick to retrieve them before helping a dying Devimon.
  • Data Crystal: A rare example of being a sentient one of these. When it was killed originally, it shattered into countless pieces of dark crystals, though only one seems to fully contain his mind.
  • Draconic Abomination: Both of ZeedMillenniummon's heads have a draconic appearance, though more so in the past than the present.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Their crystal appears when SkullKnightmon asks Devimon for more power, right before sending enough dark energy to digivolve them. Their body doesn't actually appear until Devimon has a mental break down and is forced to digivolve in order to remain somewhat sane.
  • Eldritch Abomination: While its silhouette in the flashback to the ancient war suggests that ZeedMillenniummon's halves were more bestial, its full appearance in the present is more evocative of this. It's a moon-sized mass of jagged flesh that can cause apocalyptic destruction across the entire Digital World without even trying and even Izzy's computer can't get a read on it.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Millenniummon's toenails dwarf mountains and ZeedMillenniummon is the size of a small moon, making it far and away the largest thing in the series.
  • Expy: Of Myotismon, believe it or not. It's the Arc Villain of show's longest arc, has a large influence on the plot and the enemies the heroes face, and it has a One-Winged Angel form in ZeedMillenniummon similar to VenomMyotismon. In addition, it's a minor Greater-Scope Villain in a similar vein to Myotismon working behind the scenes in season 2 and coming back as MaloMyotismon.
  • Eye Beams: It uses these in an attempt to stop Wargreymon from freeing the others from the dark sphere. Wargreymon simply uses his Brave Shield to block them.
  • Fighting Spirit: Its Machinedramon Battle Aura can attack independently of the main body.
  • Gone Horribly Right: It was unleashed by the Army of Darkness as their ultimate weapon. Good news is it delivered on being the ultimate weapon, bad news is it saw no reason to take orders and turned on everyone.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: His revival attempts are essentially what drives the motivations of the various Arc Villains, be it directly or indirectly, along with causing the crises that occur in the human world. It is because of this that what remained of the Celestial Digimon had to bring in the children, starting the plot. It's not this to the same level as its WonderSwan games, as it's taken out shortly after being revived, but it's still a very involved Digimon even as MoonMillenniummon.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Appears to be the one providing Devimon with the power to digivolve Digimon without partners and has an agenda that exceeds Devimon's own goals, which involve allowing itself to act on its own through revival.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: It's revived form has four arms, being a fusion of Kimeramon, with two extra arms as part of it’s Battle Aura.
  • Multiple Head Case: It has two heads, more obvious in its ZeedMillenniummon and MoonMillenniummon forms.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Upon fully reviving itself in episode 50, Millenniummon's first order of business is to use its Time Unlimited attack to trap the DigiDestined in a sphere of dark energy and attempt to crush it between its jaws, intent on killing them all in one fell swoop. The only reason it fails is because Tai and Agumon, who were knocked out after getting caught up in Machinedramon's self-destruct, didn't get caught and were able to free the gang.
  • One-Winged Angel: Upon being overwhelmed by both Magnadramon and Goldramon, its body starting to dissolve, Millenniummon is forced to digivolve to ZeedMillenniummon to even the scales. Even Wargreymon using a Gaia Force empowered by all the hopes of the Digital World isn't enough on its own. It takes Goldramon and Magnadramon turbocharging it with their powers to finally bring the beast down.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: In its revived form, a single shot from its cannons causes widescale destruction, resulting in volcanic eruptions. Upon becoming ZeedMillenniummon, even with its Power Limiter, it's able to discharge electricity that cuts wide swaths of destruction across the Digital World.
  • Power-Upgrading Deformation: Basically the trade off of receiving power from the crystal save for SkullKnightmon. Many Digimon that receive this power up end up far more monsterous and feral minded in servitude, as is the case with Orochimon and Devimon's experiences. While Digimon don't mind becoming more monsterous for power, losing their will is far more undesirable, which explains why the most sane and wise Digimon under Millenniummon's army are also their weakest.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: As the Vademon explain, Millenniummon intended to use the DigiDestineds' Digimon to gain a new physical form since they defeated it in the ancient war. The original plan involved the captive Celestial Digimon, using AxeKnightmon as a vessel. But when that failed, Millenniummon has Sakkakumon observe and assimilate the battle data of the DigiDestined Digimon to use the latter as a vessel while creating a Machinedramon from Agumon's data to retrieve its miasma from the Cloud Continent.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Is simply called Millenniummon by the narrator, though that name refers to its previous form. Due to various factors in attempting to make this Digimon seem strange and divine, even the name of this form has been referred to as both "MoonMillenniummon" and "Moon=Millenniummon" throughout Digimon media. Furthermore, its original Japanese name has one 'm' near the end while its dub name has two.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Millenniummon's Beam-O-War with the holy dragons causes its cannons to melt due to the enormous amount of heat that the three attacks give off.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: It was the ultimate weapon of the forces of Darkness during the war, but went out of their control.
  • Walking Spoiler: Their mere existence alone recontextualizes and expands vastly on the Army of Darkness given what information is known about them and the requirements for such a monster to exist, and this is before they even have a proper introduction in 2020!
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Millenniummon's Mugen Cannons are powerful enough to cause enormous volcanic eruptions wherever they hit.
  • Your Size May Vary: Compared to its appearance in other media, the MoonMillenniummon in this series appears to be far smaller. Doesn't stop it from being incredibly strong, however. This may be due to not being properly revived, however. It's later revealed that this is actually just a small piece of him.

Darkness commanders (Unmarked Spoilers)



Voiced by: Hisao Egawa (Japanese), Bill Butts (English)
An ogre-like Digimon that serves as a lieutenant to Devimon and leads his efforts to eliminate the DigiDestined. He eventually meets his supposed end against MetalTyrannomon, having turned face and helped the kids escape.

For tropes pertaining to Rebellimon, go here.
  • Adaptational Badass: Rather than being a largely comic relief brute, in this series Ogremon is dead serious and competent, strong enough to fight a drawn-out brawl with Greymon, and capable to perform surprisingly complex strategies with his mooks in order to surprise his enemies; as a consequence, he is something like a field commander here rather than a lone Dumb Muscle as in Adventure. He even faces off directly against MetalTyrannomon - an Ultimate Digimon - without any fear, while the original Ogremon often chickened out whenever things turned dire.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: The original Ogremon was cowardly, goofy and a bit hysterical, while this version of him is ice-cold and focused. Also, when one of his horns is broken in battle, he turns berserk in a way never seen before in the character. His honorable traits also get a lot more focus than they did in the original, where he was more often a big clown that needed external pushes to do anything heroic.
  • Adaptational Villainy: This Ogremon is a lot more brutal than his previous counterpart, willing to kill the children outright rather than be a Dirty Coward about it, as well as clearly much more psychotic, seen when one of his horns is broken by Greymon. He was also shown to be working for Devimon by his own will, whereas in the original he was actually intimidated into working for him. His Noble Demon traits, however, are shown a lot earlier.
  • "Blind Idiot" Translation: Its appearance was around the time that official translations started referring to it as "Orgemon".
  • Blood Knight: The kids notice that he seems to be having fun during his fight against Greymon.
  • Cold Ham: He speaks very slowly, enunciating each of his words.
  • Dragon Rider: He rides a blue Coredramon, though he hasn't yet fought while doing so.
  • Fair-Play Villain: Becomes obessessed with taking down Greymon personally in revenge for his broken horn, and even attacks his own reinforcements in order to have a fair duel.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Upon realizing he's been replaced by MetalTyrannomon and his duel with Tai and Greymon is interrupted, he decides to give his life so they can escape.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Despite being heavily injured thanks to MetalTyrannomon, he still gets up and points the kids in the direction of the Holy Digimon, right before charging a final Haouken intending to take MetalTyrannomon with him. While he fails to take MetalTyrannomon down, his sacrifice allows the kids the chance to escape and recoup, as well as continue their journey.
  • Made of Iron: Gets back up after being stomped on by MetalTyrannomon, with only the loss of an eye and a second broken horn, and faces him down.
  • Mook Lieutenant: He's the one giving orders to the hostile Digimon faced by Tai and Sora.
  • Noble Demon: After seeing he's been replaced by MetalTyrannomon, he uses a Haoken to open a path for the DigiDestined to the Holy Digimon.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: He attacks an army of Coredramon's that were supporting him against the DigiDestined and orders them to leave so he can fight Greymon himself.
  • The Rival: Acts as this for Tai and Agumon in episode 9. Challenging them to a fight to rebuild his broken pride after they broke one of his horns and wanting the fight to be just him and Greymon. The kids also notice that the two seem to be having fun with their fight.
  • Uncertain Doom: He fully intended to give up his life so the kids could escape, but it's unclear whether or not he was actually deleted. All that is known is that MetalTyrannomon survived his attack none the worse for wear, and Tai and Agumon are operating under the belief he perished. Episode 46 seemed to indicate that Ogremon did indeed perish, as one of the data clones Sakkakumon creates is him. However, it's revealed that he Came Back Strong as Rebellimon.
  • Villainous Breakdown: After his attempt to kill Mimi is foiled and Greymon breaks his horn, he is reduced to screaming in hatred.
  • Worthy Opponent: Much like how he views Tai and Agumon as this, the feeling seems to be mutual. Both accepting his challenge for a fight and Greymon even seeming to enjoy fighting him. Agumon also admitted that he wanted to finish their fight and is saddened over his apparent demise. The recap of ep. 10 during episode 11 also mentions that one of the reason they fought against MetalTyrannomon was to avenge Ogremon.
  • Would Hurt a Child: In episode 6, he tried to attack Mimi directly while a newly-digivolved Togemon was holding back Drimogemon. Thankfully, he was thwarted by a timely intervention from Greymon.



Voiced by: Ryōtarō Okiayu (Japanese)
A demonic and dreaded Digimon who's out to destroy the children so that he can conquer both worlds. He has an incredible clout in the Digital World, with the capability of sending out Digimon that can ravage entire continents as though they are expendable mooks. He serves the main antagonist of the Holy Digimon Arc.

His Digivolutions are as follows:
  • Rookie: Tsukaimon (Tukaimon): A purple version of Patamon. Briefly appears during a mental conversation between him and Patamon.
  • Champion: Devimon, a tall, thin, winged demon with glowing red eyes and extremely long arms.
  • Ultimate: NeoDevimon, a cybernetic demon with six eyes.
  • Mega: DanDevimon (DoneDevimon), A much larger version of Devimon that wears a Dracula-style cape and is covered in dark miasma that forms two massive arms.

  • Actually Pretty Funny: After becoming Angemon's Enemy Within, Devimon openly asks his other half if he really believes hope (the source of his power) to be undying. When MagnaAngemon responds that the answer to that question lies at the end of his and T.K's journey, Devimon can't help but let out a genuinely amused laugh.
  • Adaptational Badass: In a series filled with them, he might just be the biggest example. Both his fighting prowess and sphere of influence vastly exceed the originals.
    • Devimon in the original was the Starter Villain and well aware that he was a Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond, limiting his conquest to the small isolated File Island and using the Black Gears to take control of a small army of weaker Champion levels and (by chance) two Ultimate levels. In 2020 he instead wages war with the mainland continent and commands an army with diehard loyal members that includes hordes of Champion levels and various Ultimate level Digimon, including heavy hitters like Velgemon, all without needing the use of Black Gears. It is even implied he has convinced some Digimon to join him with nothing but the promise of power. He's even revealed to have already captured Angemon, the Digimon who had previously gave him a Curb-Stomp Battle in the older series, making this version of both Devimon and his army vastly more expansive and threatening.
    • In the original, Devimon was simply suggested to be a stronger-than-average Champion level Digimon, and did not feel comfortable battling the DigiDestined's six Champions without enhancing himself with black gears. Here, when Devimon finally fights for himself he is able to short out both MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon despite both being Ultimate level. Then, he digivolves into his own Ultimate form, NeoDevimon, something he never got the chance to do in the original series, and simply beats the duo down faster. It takes the other four DigiDestined cutting off his power supply in the network to slow NeoDevimon down, letting MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon actually destroy him. Even then, thanks to DarkKnightmon's Millenniummon shard, NeoDevimon is revived and digivolves further to DanDevimon. DanDevimon then proceeds to nearly curb-stomp the Dark Digivolution of MetalGreymon who, in this continuity, is Machinedramon. The original Devimon couldn't have even hoped to match one of the Dark Masters, while this Devimon's Mega level is able to nearly kill one of its strongest member, albeit not fully formed yet. When he returns in episode 46, he loses his higher forms, but his fighting power keeps pace with whatever increase Angemon has gained at the same respective level.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Of all things. Compared to his original version, who lacked both redeeming qualities and a significant background, this one has both, and in fact, his spirit briefly comes back to assist Seraphimon in the final battle.
  • Adaptation Origin Connection: All Devimon are corrupted forms of Angemon in all continuities, but in this case, this one turns out to be a Literal Split Personality of T.K's Angemon.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Tokomon seems to have pity for Devimon after he becomes DanDevimon, pointing out that his mind has deteriorated beyond saving.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: As a regular Devimon, he is stronger than any Champion level in his army and most Ultimate levels. As NeoDevimon and DanDevimon, he is unquestionably stronger than any of his regular servants, with only Nidhoggmon possibly being stronger.
  • Arch-Enemy: He's fixated on Angemon, and for good reason. He and Angemon were once the same being and Angemon is deeply ashamed of accidentally creating him. Angemon refusing to fall to darkness infuriates Devimon, leading to their apparent final confrontation in episode 46.
  • Big Damn Heroes: During the final fight against Abaddomon, he partially emerges as DanDevimon to aid Seraphimon against an otherwise fatal attack, also showing that he now has control over his Mega form.
  • "Blind Idiot" Translation: Possibly. Its Mega form's Japanese name, DanDevimon, is likely a corruption of DoneDevimon. However, it could also refer to this being Devimon's final form.
  • Blow You Away: NeoDevimon's first act after digivolving was to generate a whirlwind.
  • Breath Weapon: DanDevimon can breathe fire.
  • Came Back Wrong: When NeoDevimon is brought back and digivolves into DanDevimon, Tokomon reveals the demonic Digimon’s power was revived, but not his mind. Indeed, DanDevimon merely giggles and roars, thrashing at his enemies like a feral animal.
  • Casting a Shadow: Devimon can control the miasma and convert it into whatever substance he needs.
  • Corrupted Character Copy: His design in all three of his forms borrows from Akira Fudo from Devilman. He's also a thoroughly evil servant of an evil eldritch god, in direct contrast to Akira's Noble Demon nature.
    • DanDevimon's design is also inspired by comic book characters Venom and Spawn. Venom started out as a villain before becoming an Anti-Hero while the already anti-heroic Spawn is a case of Horrifying Hero and Good is Not Nice. DanDevimon by comparison is a villain who has been reduced to that of a mindless berserker which Venom never was, even as a villain.
  • Composite Character: Although he is this series incarnation of the original series Devimon. He also has traits of the two Arc Villains after him Etemon and Myotismon such as having the surveillance and Dark Network of the former and having a mindless Mega level form, which gets defeated by WarGreymon similar to the latter. More obviously, he is literally a part of T.K's Angemon in this version.
  • Creepily Long Arms: Devimon and NeoDevimon's arms come down to their knees, and they can extend them even further.
  • Creepy Monotone: He speaks slowly and neutrally regardless of mood or facial expression.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Was believed by children to be the Big Bad, but after his defeat it became clear he's only one of the Co-Dragons.
  • The Dragon: By the near end of the Holy Digimon Arc, it's revealed that he's this to MoonMillenniummon. While Millenniummon has other servants, the heroes don't confront him until after Devimon goes down.
  • Fallen Angel: All three forms use this as their title, and a few lines from him and Angemon imply they were both once normal angels and friends. They're actually the same Digimon, with Devimon split off from him after the war against Millenniummon.
  • Enemy Within: After MagnaAngemon reabsorbs him, he decides to bide his time for opportunities to re-corrupt the former. They're still able to talk to each other in this state, with Devimon seemingly becoming the black section of MagnaAngemon's armor.
  • Enemy Without: At some point after the war with the forces of darkness, Angemon was immersed in miasma. Devimon is a part of him that broke off and gave into darkness from the resulting pain. He kept Angemon immersed in miasma in hopes of converting the rest of him. This connection means that when Sakkakumon recreates him from Angemon's memories, he's actually resurrected entirely instead of as puppet knockoff. Ultimately, Angemon digivolves to MagnaAngemon by accepting and reabsorbing him and Devimon becomes an Enemy Within.
  • Expy: DanDevimon is rather similar to VenomMyotismon since they are both mindless humongous Mega level forms of demonic Digimon who end up defeated by WarGreymon. He's also explicitly said to be based on the comic book characters Spawn and Venom.
  • Extendable Arms: According to his profile, Devimon has stretchable arms. As DanDevimon, he can use the miasma he generates to effectively do this. He makes great use of these in his rematch with Angemon.
  • Extra Eyes: NeoDevimon has six eyes.
  • Fighting Spirit: During the fight with Abaddomon, Devimon extends himself out of Seraphimon in his DanDevimon form to free the latter from one of Abaddomon's tentacle-mouths, seemingly having been empowered by the hope of both worlds. He then wishes Seraphimon well and vanishes.
  • Glass Cannon: Both Devimon and NeoDevimon can control a vast amount of space with his miasma increasing his range, on top of generally high speed and dexterity, and have plenty of power to back that up. As long as he puts an effort in defending himself, he is able to simply overpower Kaiser Nail and Giga Storm with a flick of his claws. However, a direct hit from Giga Destroyer one shots even NeoDevimon upon being slowed down and depowered by the dark network's destruction. This was likely the reason for their highly defensive fighting style.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: Two hole-ridden bat-like wings emerge from his back. He's a villain.
  • Graceful Loser: After being re-absorbed by MagnaAngemon, he accepts it and bides his time for another chance to corrupt his original self.
  • Hand Blast: DanDevimon unleashes an enormous purple one at T.K. and Tokomon.
  • The Heavy: It turns out that he isn't the real leader of the dark Digimon, but is leading their forces at the behest of MoonMillenniummon.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: According to Devimon's profile, he can mind control what he looks at with both eyes. This doesn't seem to work on the DigiDestined or their Digimon partners, however.
  • Karmic Transformation: Devimon's arc revolves around corrupting Angemon into a Fallen Angel, presumably one that Devimon can control. His last plan forces a Dark Digivolution on Angemon, but Angemon cancels the transformation and reclaims Devimon, turning him into an Enemy Within.
  • Laughing Mad: DanDevimon absolutely will not stop laughing once he exists.
  • Literal Split Personality: While inside Sakkakumon’s body, Angemon remembers that Devimon was actually born out of his own darkness.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Is the one in command of the dark Digimon and Soundbirdmon. He is shown overlooking Ogremon's operation and giving him instructions at one point, and was the one who ordered both Velgemon and SkullKnightmon directly to kidnap T.K. in an operation to corrupt the Holy Digimon. The characters weren't even aware of Devimon's existence until Episode 18.
  • Meaningful Name: DanDevimon is derived from the Italian "dante", shortened from "durante" which means "to endure", referring to Devimon enduring his own death twice in order to obtain this form. It's also known for Dante Alighieri, the writer of The Divine Comedy which starts in Hell before moving upward.
  • Palette Swap: Tsukaimon is a purple version of Patamon, though it still has Patamon's eyes. Devimon takes this form during a mental conversation with Patamon and T.K. in episode 64.
  • Power Limiter: According to NeoDevimon's profile, the mask he wears is to suppress his power.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: DanDevimon is mostly black with some red, and is the final form of a leader of an army of darkness.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His eyes are crimson, and he his the commander of the forces of Darkness. As NeoDevimon he even gets two extra pairs of red eyes.
  • Resurrective Immortality: Devimon cannot be destroyed permanently as long as Angemon lives. When Sakkakumon creates duplicates for the Digidestined to fight based on their memories, Devimon actually takes over his copy and is returned to life in full.
  • Telepathy: Unlike the original series, Devimon only uses telepathy to talk, something that becomes clear in episode 23 when his mouth doesn’t move in sync with his speech. When he starts going crazy over Tokomon’s continued defiance, his speech starts glitching out.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Angemon constantly defying his corruptive plans sends Devimon into a rage, and it only gets worse when he becomes DanDevimon.
  • Villain Respect: By the final arc, Devimon's habit of calling Angemon his friend has become genuine, to the point Devimon warns him about the true enemy Negamon. This also counts as Pragmatic Villainy, as if Angemon dies Devimon goes with him.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: As NeoDevimon he wears black pants, but his pale chest is bare.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: NeoDevimon sports a messy mane of white hair, but is just as evil as Devimon's other forms.
  • Winged Humanoid: Two bat-like wings riddled with holes emerge from his back.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Even before losing his mind as DanDevimon, he was perfectly willing to kill Matt and Tai if it came to it. Afterwards, well, he just eats Tai and beats Matt almost to death.
  • Worf Had the Flu: As both Devimon and NeoDevimon he increasingly badly overpowers WereGarurumon and MetalGreymon, but after the other DigiDestined shut down his dark network he starts glitching out and losing power.



Voiced by: Mie Sonozaki (Japanese), Xander Mobus (English)
A small and speedy Digimon with the appearance of a knight in skull-themed black armor who serves Devimon, or more practically, the Dark Crystal.

Their Digivolutions are as follows:
  • Champion: SkullKnightmon, a small, skull-themed knight in black armor with detachable lances on their arms and a second set of red eyes built into their chestplate.
    • Mode Change: SkullKnightmon Naginata Mode, in which SkullKnightmon wields a curved, double-ended gold blade instead of their lances.
    • Mode Change: SkullKnightmon Arrow Mode, in which SkullKnightmon wields an Energy Bow.
  • Ultimate: DarkKnightmon, a much larger knight formed by rearranging SkullKnightmon's parts. Wields a double-ended lance.

  • Adaptational Badass: As competent as the DarkKnightmon from Digimon Fusion was, this one is far more dangerous. They wield multiple weapons and can switch between them without missing a beat. They also fires ranged attacks from pretty much every part of their armor. They even get an actual digivolution sequence, a rarity among villains in any series.
  • Badass Cape: DarkKnightmon uses theirs to successfully shield themselves from WereGarurumon Sagittarius Mode's blast. SkullKnightmon wraps themself in theirs while travelling with Kari.
  • Battle Boomerang: They used Naginata Mode's blade as one of these, first throwing it into Greymon and then shoving Garurumon into it as it comes back.
  • Big Damn Heroes: During the final fight against Abaddomon; she emerges to protect Orphanimon from an otherwise fatal attack; indicating that like Devimon; SkullKnightmon's personality still exists within Gatomon.
  • Black Knight: They're an undead knight clad in black armor and working with Devimon for sinister purposes.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: Which can be summoned or banished at will. When SkullKnightmon digivolves into DarkKnightmon, they combine into a double-ended lance.
  • Blow You Away: SkullKnightmon can generate whirlwinds by spinning his Naginata.
  • Calling Your Attacks: They avert this until they use their Undead Soldier ability while fighting Tai, Sora, and T.K. in episode 33.
  • Casting a Shadow: DarkKnightmon has an impressive arsenal of different dark energy attacks at their disposal.
  • Chest Blaster: SkullKnightmon can unleash a red and black energy blast from the eyes on their chest. As DarkKnightmon they countered MetalGreymon's Giga Storm with a purple one.
  • Combat Pragmatist: According to SkullKnightmon's profile, they will use any means to achieve victory, whether that's straightforward battle or underhanded tactics.
  • Double Weapon: SkullKnightmon's two lances combine to become a double-edged lance for DarkKnightmon.
  • Dragon Rider: Has a personal steed in DarkMaildramon, a dragon clad in black armour and with tattered red wings.
  • Enemy Summoner: DarkKnightmon's Undead Soldier allows them to summon the shades of Evilmon.
  • Energy Bow: SkullKnightmon and DarkKnightmon use a golden one that fires black and red arrows.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Despite being voiced by Mie Sonozaki, SkullKnightmon's voice is artifically deepened to show that this is not a case of Crossdressing Voices. Rather, it's used to hide that SkullKnightmon is indeed female in a sense. Specifically, that SkullKnightmon is the corrupted Gatomon.
  • Eye Beams: DarkKnightmon can unleash these from the eyes concealed beneath SkullKnightmon's helm on their shoulder.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: DarkKnightmon has SkullKnightmon's head on their right shoulder, and if DarkKnightmon closes their eyes, they can uses that helmet as a second head. SkullKnightmon themself also has a second pair of eyes on their chest.
  • Fighting Spirit: During the fight with Abaddomon, SkullKnightmon's spirit emerges from Ophanimon to clear away the nearby tentacles before vanishing, seemingly empowered by the hope of both worlds.
  • Hand Blast: After getting empowered by the black lighting, DarkKnightmon could unleash blasts of black energy from their palm, strong enough to counter Angemon's Heaven's Knuckle with.
  • Jousting Lance: SkullKnightmon's arms are medieval lances befitting its knightly theme. Upon digivolution into DarkKnightmon, the lances are combined into a single, double-edged one.
  • Lightning Bruiser: As SkullKnightmon they're strong enough to fight both Greymon and Garurumon simultaneously, and fast enough to do so without taking a blow from either. As DarkKnightmon they're strong enough beat MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon fighting together, and is just as fast as SkullKnightmon despite the size increase.
  • Magic Knight: Like previous incarnations of DarkKnightmon, their very able with their physical weapons. Unique to this incarnation, however, is the wide array of dark energy attacks this DarkKnightmon can use.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: They are able to fire several homing lances at a time from dark portals, enough that MetalGreymon can't intercept them all with his attacks even in Alteros Mode. They're much less effective against WarGreymon.
  • Magic Missile Storm: As DarkKnightmon they're able to continuously fire dark projectiles from the grille around their neck.
  • Mind over Matter: Both SkullKnightmon and DarkKnightmon are capable of some telekinesis, as when SkullKnightmon stole Patamon's Digitama the Digitama floated above their hand rather than physically holding it, and DarkKnightmon recovered the Dark Crystal from the rubble that was Devimon's castle by levitating it out of the ground.
  • Multishot: They fired three shots at once from their Energy Bow to nail WereGarurumon to a pillar. As painful as it looks, DarkKnightmon doesn't expect WereGarurumon to absorb the arrows and undergo a mode change.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: When Lopmon uses their power as a reincarnated Cherubimon, SkullKnightmon is able to sense it happening. This is meant to hint that SkullKnightmon is also a Holy Digimon, specifically Gatomon.
  • Necromancer: Not only is SkullKnightmon an Undead Digimon, DarkKnightmon has an attack called Undead Soldier.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: SkullKnightmon is much smaller than Greymon, but is much stronger than Greymon and Garurumon fighting together - necessitating that both of them digivolve to Ultimate to get the upper hand.
  • Power Floats: While requiring DarkMaildramon as a steed in order to actually fly, SkullKnightmon could hover over the ground without touching it, perhaps as a result of telekinesis.
  • Power Glows: After absorbing Kari and taking in Millenniummon's power for the revival ritual, DarkKnightmon glowed with a blue aura.
  • Samus Is a Girl: SkullKnightmon is Gatomon's negative emotions given form.
  • Shock and Awe: They call down a massive bolt of dark lightning in episode 33 in an attempt to stop Tai and MetalGreymon from reaching them and Kari. Tai just digivolves MetalGreymon to WarGreymon in response.
  • Shoulder Cannon: When they digivolve to DarkKnightmon, SkullKnightmon's helmet moves onto their right shoulder and becomes a rotating turret that fires dark Eye Beams.
  • Spin to Deflect Stuff: SkullKnightmon can spin their naginata in order to block physical projectiles, as seen when they do so to deflect a Peckmon's attack.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Manages to physically kidnap Kari while she's in the middle of a conversation with Tai and Agumon without either of them noticing.
  • Summon to Hand: They can make the lances on their arms disappear when they need to use their hands for something and bring them back when they don't. This also applies to their other weapons; they simply appear in SkullKnightmon's hands when they change modes.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: SkullKnightmon was formed when Gatomon's negative emotions and desire for power were amplified by Millenniummon to the point of being all-consuming. As a result, Gatomon is initially afraid to digivolve since SkullKnightmon will always be a part of her. They partly re-manifest when Gatomon is briefly exposed to dark power form a MarineDevimon.
  • Sword Beam: Both SkullKnightmon and DarkKnightmon can fire these from their lances.
  • Technicolor Blade: Their lances are the same shade of red as the eyes on their chest. Naginata Mode's Double Weapon has gold blades.
  • Thinking Up Portals: They can create dark portals into themself, which they first use to absorb Kari. They then create more to launch a number of homing lances at Tai and Greymon.
  • Transformation Sequence: After being given more power by Devimon, they have an digivolution sequence involving their various pieces rearranging themselves. It takes about as long as the heroic Digimon's shortened digivolution sequences, but the fact alone that they have one instead of just transforming on the spot makes them a rarity among Digimon villains.
  • The Unfettered: According to SkullKnightmon's profile, they will do absolutely anything to achieve victory.
  • Walking Armory: They wield lances, a double-ended blade, and a bow and can switch between them seamlessly.
  • Weakened by the Light: The holy light emitted by Patamon's Digitama has driven off DarkKnightmon twice.
  • Weaponized Headgear: DarkKnightmon can fire a red Agony Beam from the horns on their helmet.
  • Weapon Twirling: In Naginata Mode, they rapidly spin their weapon to create a whirlwind.
  • Would Hurt a Child: They repeatedly try to attack the children directly, at one point causing Matt and T.K. to nearly fall into a pit of miasma. The two are lucky that WereGarurumon got that Mode Change when he did.
  • Your Size May Vary: SkullKnightmon has appeared as both twice Kari's size and big enough to hold Kari in the palm of their hand.


MarineDevimon (MarinDevimon)

An aquatic variant of Devimon who commanded attacks on MarineAngemon's underwater city, they attempted to recorrupt Gatomon into DarkKnightmon.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In the original continuity, it shows up near the end of Digimon Adventure 02 as one of the Daemon Corps, meaning three in-universe years had passed before it made a proper appearance. This is obviously not the case here.
  • Breath Weapon: According to their profile, they can expel a poisonous ink from their mouth.
  • Cthulhumanoid: While they are mostly humanoid, their arms are actually tentacles and they not only have two more permanently growing out of their back, but they sprout as many more additional tentactles as they need.
  • Combat Pragmatist: According to their profile, even if their opponent loses their fighting spirit they'll just keep on attacking.
  • Combat Tentacles: They first attacked the DigiDestined by wrapping Komondomon in their tentacles, and continued to harrass them with more tentacles afterward.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Two additional tentacle arms emerge from their back, not counting the smaller black tentacles.
  • Poisonous Person: Guilty Black is the name of their attack, where they fire deadly poisonous ink from their mouth according to their profile.
  • Power Crystal: They have one of Millenniummon's crystals inside their body, allowing them to control the dark lightning. They die when the crystal is shot out by Angewomon.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: MarineDevimon has three red eyes, and is a servant of Millenniummon commanding attacks on an underwater city of refugees from the war. Opening their eyes even alerts Kari and Gatomon to their presence due to the evil they exude.
  • Sea Monster: MarineDevimon lives at the bottom of the ocean, and spends their time ordering attacks on a peaceful village of underwater Digimon.
  • Shock and Awe: Attacked Komondomon by transmitting black lightning through their tentacles.


Mephistomon (Mephismon)

An evil and eerie demonic goat Digimon who cruelly sacrifices weaker Digimon to Millenniummon.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Somewhat downplayed. Mephistomon's first animated appearance was in the Digimon Tamers movie The Adventurers' Battle where it served as the Big Bad, while here it's merely a commander of Millenniummon's forces serving to make Millenniummon stronger. Also, the Tamers version of Mephistomon was a reborn Apocalymon that could digivolve into the Mega-level Gulfmon, and it took WarGrowlmon, Rapidmon and Taomon's Combination Attack to finally take him down. Here, while Mephistomon is able to control several Troopmon and puts up a decent fight by itself, its powers are thwarted by Joe's own focused mind, allowing it to be easily defeated by WereGarurumon's Sagittarius Mode once Matt saves Gabumon from his clutches. That said, he more than makes up for his lowered scope by being a much more vile Digimon than his Tamers counterpart (which, considering Tamers as a whole was already Darker and Edgier than the two seasons that came before it, is saying a lot).
  • Baphomet: It resembles the eponymous demon, being a goat-like demonic Digimon. It even strikes the stock Baphomet pose at one point.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: When reversed, his boring chant becomes "El Sabbath Millenia", a reference to the Christian Millennial Day Theory paired with the Spanish article for "the" (or maybe the name of the Semitic god El, as a lot of the classical Abrahamic demonology comes from demonized deities).
  • Gruesome Goat: It's a caprine demon with lots of Baphomet and Hollywood Satanism imagery. There's also the whole Digimon sacrifice thing. Safe to say, it's a nastier fellow than in its previous appearance.
  • Hellfire: It's able to cover the landscape in a dark cloud that somehow also sets fires all over the place. This all somehow gets frozen and disintegrated right along with Mephistomon when WereGarurumon Sagittarius Mode uses MetalGarurumon's Grace Cross Freezer, leaving everything unharmed.
  • Hollywood Satanism: The ritual it performs gives off this vibe, as it does its reverse religious chant, with echoes the old urban legends of Satanic Subliminal Seduction in various music songs.
  • Human Sacrifice: It sacrifices Digimon and feeds their data to Millenniummon.
  • Instant Runes: When Matt makes it to the top of its mountain, it creates a magic circle with digi-letters and a pentagram to kill him and Gabumon faster. It nearly works, but gets dispelled by The Power of Friendship when Matt reaches Gabumon at the last second.
  • Madness Mantra: Makes its minions echo its Satanic chant. Even Mephistomon himself gives this impression, as it seems the chant is all it can say.
  • Sdrawkcab Speech: Its chant says "El Sabbath Millenia" in reverse.
  • Technicolor Fire: One of its attacks is to shoot purple fire from its hands.



Voiced by: Yasuhiro Takato (Japanese), Brittany Lauda (English)
A group of alien-like Digimon who worship the Dark Crystal.
  • Adaptational Wimp: In the original series, while initially looking a bit ridiculous, Vademon was surprisingly dangerous in battle and could pelt his enemies with huge meteors and miniature planets, to the point Kabuterimon was overwhelmed and had to digivolve into MegaKabuterimon in order to beat him. The Vademon from 2020, in contrast, only use their laser sidearms if they have to fight, and explicitly need to capitalize on their large numbers to fight off Kabuterimon and Birdramon, two enemies of a level that in previous continuities they could have easily handled one-on-one.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: The Vademon from Adventure was quite expressive, being flamboyant, goofy and a bit hysteric. These Vademon, meanwhile, are dead serious and speak in a cold monotone, like brainwashed cultists.
  • Aliens Are Bastards: They are not only aligned with the Army of Darkness, but also seem to worship the Dark Crystal like a cult.
  • Beam Spam: Their ray guns may not be powerful individually, but when fired together, they're more than enough to counter Birdramon and Kabuterimon's attacks.
  • The Corrupter: They were this to Gatomon, turning her into SkullKnightmon.
  • Graceful Loser: After the DigiDestined foiled DarkKnightmon's attempt at resurrecting Millenniummon, they are dissapointed but quickly move on because they know there will be other opportunities to achieve their goal.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Their aim is terrible individually, but their sheer numbers make up for it by saturating whole areas with lasers. It helps that by the point the DigiDestined confront them, they're only stalling for time.
  • Minor Major Character: They seem to be the éminence grise behind all the dark Digimon who worship Millenniummon, but have relatively little screentime compared to other members of their army.
  • The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: They form one, being quickly identified as belonging to the Army of Darkness yet not showing immediately what's their actual plan to resurrect their leader.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Despite their numbers, they don't attack the DigiDestined directly until they reach FAGA.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: After one of Sakkakumon's orbs is destroyed, they have it fall back rather than risk it again in another confrontation.
  • Ray Gun: They all wield these and use them when confronted by Birdramon and Kabuterimon.
  • Scary Dogmatic Aliens: They have definitely a cultish vibe, speaking in unison and in a robotic tone.
  • Speak in Unison: Barring their leader, this is how they mainly talk.



A number of winged, spherical Digimon capable of controlling other Digimon via sound. They act as commanders of a sort to various hostile Digimon.
  • Ascended Extra: The most screentime it got in Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time was through an Eye Catch. This time around, they serve a much more plot-important role.
  • The Corrupter: These small, unimposing musical note bats have abysmal combat ability, but their main skill is the ability to turn virtually any non partner Digimon into an enemy, even against their will. While it seemed to only turn animalistic to their side, their possession of Andromon proved that they can even corrupt heroic Digimon with virtually minimal effort. Digimon corrupted this way are signalled by their red, glowing eyes.
  • Decapitated Army: After Deathmon is defeated, the entire murder of them subsequently dies off.
  • Keystone Army: When Kabuterimon destroys one, the Tylomon it was commanding come to their senses and swim away as though nothing happened.
  • Loud of War: Downplayed. They can distrupt data with their sound attacks, but only when working together in large numbers.
  • Music Is Eighth Notes: Its main body is a sphere with an antenna forming the shape of an eighth note and it has sound-based powers.
  • Recurring Element: They fulfill the same role as the Black Gears from the original series and Dark Rings from 02, turning Digimon into minions of the villain.
  • The Swarm: They often appear in groups, which allows them to manipulate stronger Digimon, disrupt data, and even create new minions from junk data.



Voiced by: Volcano Ota (Japanese)
The Soundbirdmon horde's true form. A large, cyclopean Digimon that led the forces of darkness in battle during the ancient war.

Their Digivolutions are as follows:
  • Rookie: Soundbirdmon, a one-eyed eighth note with wings covered in speakers. Able to brainwash other Digimon and disrupt data using sound.
  • Mega: Deathmon, an odd-looking silver demon with a single eye on its head and two more on its hands, formed by the fusion of hundreds of Soundbirdmon. Immediately becomes:
    • Mode Change: Deathmon Black, a black Palette Swap of Deathmon with red eyes.

  • The Dragon: All of its efforts, past and present, were to bring Negamon's omnicidal plans to fruition.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: During the first War of Light and Darkness, it was this, as everyone assumed it was the true leader of the forces of darkness.
  • Eye Beams: It can fire them from all three of its eyes, with the center eye being powerful enough to punch through the trunk of the Tree of Knowledge.
  • Fusion Dance: Deathmon is a fusion of hundreds of Soundbirdmon.
  • Hand Blast: Deathmon is able to fire individual blasts and continuous beams from the eyes on its hands.
  • Keystone Army: Deathmon's destruction causes all the other Soundbirdmon across the Digital World to drop like flies.
  • No Mouth: Deathmon lacks the Jagged Mouth that the individual Soundbirdmon have.
  • Palette Swap: Deathmon immediately changes to its black version after forming.
  • Predecessor Villain: It's stated to have been the leader of the Dark Digimon and the one who began the ancient war to begin with, making it indirectly responsible for everything that's happened since.
  • Red Baron: The King of Darkness
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Deathmon Black has red eyes instead of the usual yellow from its other appearances.
  • Straight for the Commander: Defeating it kills off the Soundbirdmon.
  • Suddenly Voiced: It gets a single line as it dies, about how it's the vanguard of the Great Catastrophe.
  • Torso with a View: Ophanimon kills it by using Eden's Javelin to punch a gigantic hole straight through its torso.

Enemies targeting the human world (Unmarked Spoilers)

  • Arc Villain: Act as The Heavy and the DigiDestined's primary concern. Once one gets defeated another one takes its place.
  • Race Against the Clock: As Izzy notes, the damage they cause will go from inconvenience to a catastrophe with countless human casualties if not stopped in time.
  • Marathon Boss: Usually the strongest opponents the heroes face up until then and take considerable effort to take down, especially when they digivolve on the spot.


Argomon (Algomon)

Voiced by: Takashi Matsuyama (Japanese), Xander Mobus (English)
A horde of Digimon that spread like a virus, causing disruptions all around Tokyo, and later, the world. The Argomon first appear in their easily dispatched baby forms, before one digivolves into its more powerful Champion form, providing the first serious test for Tai And Agumon. Later, more Argomon are seen causing a cyber attack in the United States. Even later, some Argomon directly ambush Tai and Agumon to test them.

Their Digivolutions are as follows:
  • Fresh: Argomon (Fresh), a colorful seed-like Digimon that first appears very briefly as a glowing silhouette that digivolves to the Baby II form immediately after hatching.
  • In-Training: Argomon (In-Training), a floating plant-like creature with a single eye eye.
  • Rookie: Argomon (Rookie), a large bulb with a single eye and limbs made out of vines.
  • Champion: Argomon (Champion), a larger bulb monster with multiple eyes and masses of vines as arms and legs.
  • Ultimate: Argomon (Ultimate, Worm Phase), a sentient and aggressive mass of vines with multiple eyes and capable of using its vines for attacking or ensnaring opponents, then electrocutes them.
    • Mode Change: Argomon (Ultimate), a humanoid vine monster with multiple eyes.
  • Mega: Argomon (Mega), a larger humanoid monster that uses its multiple eyes to fire powerful beams, in addition to spawning vines to attack.

  • Adaptational Badass: Argomon in his Mega form actually manages to fend off Omnimon for a brief time, blocking an attack, tanking a Garuru Cannon and even landing a hit (although this seems to have little effect). Considering most cases where Omnimon fights something it's a Curb-Stomp Battle it's a rather impressive feat.
  • Adaptational Ugliness: Unlike previous versions of the character, the first Argomon’s Ultimate form lacks any human parts, looking (and acting) more monstrous as a result. Subverted with the second Argomon (Ultimate) looking the same as his 2020 Worm Phase, before using his original Worm Phase as an interim into his more humanoid form.
  • Ascended Extra: Argomon was the villain of a single Non-Serial Movie for a different series. Here, they get a full digivolution line and elevate to Starter Villain status for the whole continuity. They become even more important later on, as it turns out they work for the mastermind behind the real world attacks. Thanks to this, it's also the first time Argomon has spoken in English thanks to the movie's No Export for You status.
  • Breath Weapon: It blasts Omnimon with one of these at one point while in its Mega form. It's made of the same dark purple energy as its other attacks.
  • Cannon Fodder: The easily dispatched In-Training Argomon serve as this, being taken out by Agumon and Tai with relatively little effort.
  • Chest Blaster: Its Mega form has a massive opening in its chest, which fills with eyes before firing off energy blasts.
  • Combat Tentacles: All of its forms have vines or tendrils to attack with.
  • Cyborg: Argomon becomes this in its Champion form, giving it actual hands.
  • Degraded Boss: The first Argomon (Champion) that Tai and Agumon battled gave them a hard time, causing Agumon to digivolve to Greymon for the first time in order to win. Near the end of the series, Greymon is able to take out a larger squad of (admittedly smaller) Champion Argomon, even before digivolving further himself.
  • Demoted to Dragon: The original Digimon Savers Argomon was the main villain of its movie, while the ones in this are secondary to the mastermind. Since the Argomon are a hive mind, they’re both the Dragon (represented by the humanoid Argomon (Ultimate) later) and the Mooks.
  • Expy: Argomon was already an offshoot of the Diaboromon line, but it's more overt here. Argomon is given a new In-Training form resembling Kuramon and Tsumemon, as well as a Rookie and Champion form that consist of creatures with geometrically-shaped bodies with tentacles, similar to Chrysalimon and Infermon. The final Argomon in the first episode even skips its Rookie stage, going from In-Training to its Champion stage like how Keramon in the movie skipped its Champion stage, going straight to the Ultimate-level Infermon. Another Argomon later skips from Rookie directly to Ultimate; identical to Keramon. Then they end up hijacking a weapon from the US military, just as Diaboromon did. When they return much later, the first words they ever say to Tai and Agumon are “Hello” over and over like their inspiration, though they can speak longer sentences.
  • Extra Eyes: The lower forms also have sensors on their horns that function as this. Ends up growing multiple actual eyes when it digivolves into a Champion.
  • Eye Beams: Used by Argomon (Mega) with the eyes in his chest and when he uses his tendrils to take over the battlefield during his fight with Omnimon.
  • Eye on a Stalk: Those little horns on its Fresh through Champion forms have little red points at the end that are its actual eyes. The patterns that look like eyes on their main bodies are just eyespots.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Despite being relatively humanoid, its Ultimate and Mega forms have eyes on their shoulders and legs. The Mega form also has about a dozen more inside its Chest Blaster, plus the ones that it projects onto the walls for its Beam Spam.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Its Fresh form only appears for a few frames as a glowing purple silhouette right as it hatches at the beginning of the first episode. It digivolves into the In-Training form before the bits of eggshell even have a chance to vanish.
    • You also can see Argomon (Rookie) breifly twice in Ep 1 as it skips it's Rookie form, before it's formal apperance in Ep 2.
  • Hellish Pupils: The eyes in its Mega form's Chest Blaster have vertical slits for pupils.
  • Hive Mind: Tai and Agumon find out the Argomon share the same memories, especially of all the battles the DigiDestined fought with them.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Argomon (Mega)'s fate, just like his inspiration, Diaboromon. Notable in that he survives the first attempt at it, only to be finished off this way later.
    • It also shares this fate with his incarnation from the Savers movie; who was run through by Shinegreymon Burst Mode.
  • Knight of Cerebus: They become this when return later in the series, revealing they were created by the main villain and nearly choking Tai to death.
  • Magikarp Power: The lower forms aren't much of a threat, so weak even Tai can kill the In-Training ones. This is very much NOT the case when one of them digivolves straight to Champion.
  • Mouth of Sauron: The humanoid Argomon (Ultimate) acts as this for the Argomon hive-mind in episode 57. He also acts as this for Negamon, as Negamon is an Eldritch Abomination who might or might not even be sapient.
  • Planimal: At least partially plant based, as shown by Rookie, Champion, and Ultimate's viney limbs and Ultimate's vine-like "hair", and the roots the In-Training forms grow when they infect something.
  • Plant Person: Its Ultimate and Mega forms have humanoid forms. Argomon (Ultimate) is a humanoid with leaves coming out of its shoulders while Argomon (Mega) is an armored mass of vines with a more-or-less humanoid shape.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The humanoid Argomon (Ultimate) has blood-red eyes behind its visor.
  • Starter Villain: The first opponents faced by Tai and Agumon. A very unusual case, as the power of its Mega form eclipses anything that followed in the next dozens worth of episodes, and it is not until the DigiDestined battle the likes of Nidhoggmon and DanDevimon that comparable threats pop up again.
  • The Swarm: Its In-Training form first appears in a massive swarm. Later on, a Calmaramon show up flanked by a swarm of its Baby I form.
  • Timed Mission: Any fight with these Digimon boils down to this. Given their tendency to rapidly digivolve and straight up skip stages of their digivolution, they need to be taken out as fast as possible before they reach their Mega form.
  • The Walls Have Eyes: While fighting Omnimon, Argomon Mega weaponizes this by projecting several dozen eyes onto the walls around them and makes them all fire beams. Omnimon just dodges them all and runs Argomon through, which causes the eyes to vanish.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Argomon (Champion)’s body opens up to reveal one of these.



Voiced by: Volcano Ota

A bizarre dinosaur/dragon-like Digimon with many eyes on its entire body, Eyesmon created a virtual Tokyo based on data gathered from the real locale. Despite being beaten, Eyesmon manages to Digi-volve into Orochimon near death, a massive, eight-headed snake monster. And when he's defeated yet again, he is empowered by the Dark Crystal to become Nidhoggmon, a city-sized serpentine abomination set to destroy Tokyo in a blast by overloading its technology with his energy.

Their Digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion:
    • Eyesmon Scatter Mode, a shady bat-like monster with eyes on boths its wings and a dark maw. Dozens of these can combine together into...
    • Eyesmon, a gargantuan shadow creature with hundreds of eyes covering its body.
  • Ultimate: Orochimon, an eight-headed snake monster.
  • Mega: Nidhoggmon, a city-sized serpentine abomination with eyes across its body, and large, cannon-like wings coming from its back.

  • Adaptational Badass: The Orochimon in Tamers was weakened slightly by getting its heads drunk, similarly to the creature he was based on, before ultimately being defeated by Jeri's Leomon, a Champion level, albeit with a Digi-Modify upgrade. Here, he's able to hold his own against all six of the DigiDestined's Ultimate levels with little issue and, even after they figure out how to gain the upper hand, still doesn't make it easy for them.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Zigzagged. The first anime Orochimon from the Digimon Tamers continuity was a one-off bad guy menacing a village of Gekomon for sakenote . The second anime Orochimon from the original Adventure continuity, though, is revealed in Tri to be the Ultimate form of Ebonwumon, one of the Digimon Sovereigns, placing him on the children's side. By stark contrast, this Orochimon digivolved from the definitely evil Eyesmon and is out to destroy Tokyo.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: Only Orochimon's central head is real and taking it out brings it down. The others are decoys that double as arms that it can defend itself with.
  • Beam Spam: Its merged form can fire beams from all of the dozen or so eyes on its head at once, though it seems to most prefer using the six big eyes running the length of its snout.
  • Breath Weapon: Sake Breath is the only attack it's shown using as Orochimon. As Nidhoggmon, it can fire Eye Beams from its tongue, which then focus into one of these.
  • Draconic Abomination: Nidhoggmon takes more than just its name from its mythological inspiration. It's a city-sized serpentine horror that's been syphoning massive amounts of data and energy from the human world, "gnawing at the roots" as it were.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Eyesmon’s Scatter Mode form is seen earlier in the series, hatching from the void where Omnimon destroyed Argomon (Ultimate)’s missile.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Easily one of, if not the biggest Digimon in the series up until its debut. Even MetalGreymon, Garudamon, MegaKabuterimon and Zudomon, who are the biggest and largest Digimon from the DigiDestined, are tiny next to Eyesmon. It somehow gets even bigger as Nidhoggmon, easily several times bigger than the city it loomed over. Only Millenniummon, ElDoradimon, Entmon, Petaldramon and the holy dragons are larger.
  • Evil Is Burning Hot: Nidhoggmon gives off more heat the more power it consumes.
  • Expy: With a shadowy appearance and multiple red eyes, Eyesmon seems to closely resemble Shademon.
  • Eye Beams: Its bat-like form can fire beams from its eyes. Its merged form fires beams from all of the eyes on its head. Nidhoggmon fires them from its nine regular eyes. It can also fire beams from the eyes on its tongue, which it then funnels into a Breath Weapon.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Eyesmon can hide on any surface as a shadow and then open its eyes, invoking this on ordinary objects. Its merged form is absolutely covered in eyes as well.
    • Nidhoggmon is similarly covered in eyes, having several yellow slit-shaped eyes scattered across its body.
  • The Heavy: In its introduction it at first seems like it is just going to be the most recent Monster of the Week, but then it's revealed to be the primary orchestrator of the Tokyo blackout as well as a very powerful Digimon. Nidhoggmon, despite only being one of Devimon's experiments, is quite possibly the strongest member of the Army of Darkness as a whole, possibly even moreso than DanDevimon.
  • Idiot Ball: Despite being rather clever with setting up its fighting arena and making up the difference in power with skillful summoning, Eyesmon somehow believes that a cluster of buildings would trap six Ultimate level Digimon, all of whom were just shown to individually destroy the terrain in a single hit. The concentrated collection of all their signature attacks blasting outwards thanks to this enclosed space ends up killing almost all the Eyesmon right then and there.
  • Living Shadow: Eyesmon can merge with any shadow and then open its eyes to shoot lasers from relative safety, though attacking whatever it's attached itself to is enough to force it back into its normal state.
  • Making a Splash: As Orochimon, its main method of attacking is with breathing jet streams of water.
  • Oh, Crap!: When the six Ultimate Digimon break through Eyesmon’s building barrier, the beast suddenly becomes worried.
  • Ominous Visual Glitch: The people it generates will visually glitch, with the top part of their face replaced with a black void with white big pixels for eyes while sporting a Slasher Smile without teeth. Then one hits the entire city when Orochimon is defeated, followed by an even more ominous countdown.
  • The Power of Creation: It's able to recreate all of Tokyo from data it collected from the real thing. It also weaponizes this by creating buildings to use as shields and vehicles to throw at the Ultimate Digimon, though these disintegrate upon impact.
  • Slasher Smile: The people it generates sport insidious ones once the jig is up.
  • Stronger Than They Look: Despite only being Champion level, Eyesmon is able to outmuscle three Ultimate Digimon at once thanks to its eye lasers and city manipulation. It's slightly inverted in that the gang don’t find out Eyesmon is “only” a Champion until Izzy scans it, though he is surprised to learn. It takes all six Ultimate Digimon the children have to defeat Eyesmon Then he starts digivolving...
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Eyesmon looks quite a bit like Shademon from the Digimon Xros Wars manga, a shadowy creature with red eyes and a draconic head silhouette.
  • Readings Are Off the Scale: Nidhoggmon's power level as an Mega is too high for Izzy's computer to get a reading on.
  • Weak, but Skilled: As Eyesmon Scatter Mode, they're so physically vulnerable that even Digimon an entire level below them are capable of destroying them. Despite this, with some coordinated strength and quick summoning skills, a cluster of Eyesmon were capable of fending off 3 Ultimate level Digimon's assault. Strongly subverted with Orochimon and Nidhoggmon, however.
  • Welcome to Corneria: Played for horror, as the people it generates only have one line of dialogue. Once the jig is up, they'll visually glitch as they repeat their lines in a distorted tone.
  • Zerg Rush: Eyesmon almost immediately does this once upon being found out, with several dozen of its Scatter Mode appearing out of... basically everything. It quickly realizes that it doesn't work well individually and merges into its giant form.


Calmaramon (Calamaramon)

A mermaid-like Digimon whose lower body resembles a squid. She attacks the data of several tanker ships in Singapore in order to send it to Devimon while flanked by a swarm of Argomon's Fresh form.
  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Despite having less of a personality than her Frontier counterpart, her features are somewhat softened in contrast to the Gonk treatment she received there. This fits with her siren-like behavior in calling ships to their doom.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In Digimon Frontier, Calmaramon and her pre-evolution Ranamon were the Legendary Spirits of Water that were corrupted by Cherubimon. After their defeat, they helped the heroes against Lucemon. Here, Calmaramon is antagonistic the whole way through.
  • Acid Attack: Her ink is corrosive.
  • Chameleon Camouflage: When she is first attacked by the children's Digimon, she vanishes similar to how real squids can change color to closely match their surroundings. She then ambushes them when they try to take out the tower she was using to get at the ships' data.
  • Combat Tentacles: She uses her tentacles to grab Birdramon, Togemon, and Kabuterimon so that she can attack them directly with her corrosive ink.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Her eyes and mouth glow violet when she interfaces the ships' data.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: Her upper half is mostly blue and her lower body looks like an entire squid with lots of eyes. She can even retract her humanoid upper half into her lower half.
  • Sirens Are Mermaids: This version of Calmaramon has a siren-like motif, calling ships to their doom. It fits with her Adaptational Attractiveness.
  • Throat Light: Her mouth glows right along with her eyes when she attacks the ships' data.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: She makes good use of he squid half's tentacles in ensnaring three of the four Digimon attacking her.



A yellow blob-like Digimon that appears in massive swarms. They attack the data of spacecraft and satellites in order to send dark energy to the Digital World.
  • Blob Monster: They're small yellow blobs with red eyes and tend to move as a cohesive mass.
  • Colony Drop: Their interference set satellites on collision courses with the International Space Station, which would knock it out of orbit.
  • Zerg Rush: There so many of them that they're often depicted more as a single cohesive mass than as individual Digimon. Izzy realizes that fighting them directly isn't an option due to their sheer numbers.

The Army of Darkness



Several spider Digimon under Ogremon's command that attack Tai and Sora at Valdurmon's resting place.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: A sole Dokugumon appeared in Myotismon's castle, much later in the show. These guys attack a lot earlier.
  • Adaptational Wimp: The aforementioned original Dokugumon was able to hold its own against Garurumon, Togemon and Ikkakumon by its lonesome, requiring WereGarurumon to kill it. Here, Dokugumon's Poison Cobweb is easily blocked by attacks from Rookie-level Digimon, and they're all defeated at once by Greymon.
  • All Webbed Up: The Dokugumon use their Poison Thread attack to trap the DigiDestined. The web itself is fortified by Soundbirdmon's sound waves, preventing the web itself from being burned by Agumon or Biyomon's attacks. As soon as Birdramon comes out and attacks Soundbirdmon, however, the web is shattered.
  • Ambiguous Situation: It's unknown whether they were working for Ogremon of their own accord, or if they were controlled by the Soundbirdmon. Kind of hard to tell since they don't have eyes.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: All of the Dokugumon are taken out by a sweeping Nova Blast from Greymon.
  • Giant Spider: And several of them, at that.
  • Energy Ball: Their Poison Cobweb attack is fired as a bright purple blast of energy.



A Cyborg Digimon that's working under Devimon, and implied to be the digivolution of the previously fought DarkTyrannomon that guarded a fortress.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: Effortlessly defeats both Greymon and Ogremon. The latter acknowledging it, saying he's been replaced and it's what motivates him to aid the kids to escape so they can find the Holy Digimon. He ends up meeting a bigger fish after Greymon digivolves to MetalGreymon and delivers a Curb-Stomp Battle against MetalTyrannomon.
  • Arm Cannon: On each arm. The right fires missiles, and the left unleashes energy blasts.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
    • Defeats Greymon and later Ogremon with no effort. Justified as they're both only Champion level while he's at Ultimate level, meaning he's a whole level stronger than they are.
    • His second fight against Greymon doesn't go any better. MetalTyrannomon has him at his mercy and Greymon spends most of the fight either hiding or being thrown around with his attacks barely doing anything. Turned against him after Greymon digivolves to MetalGreymon.
  • Death Glare: Has one on his face after Greymon digivolves to MetalGreymon. Presumably because he knew he'd had to fight seriously now.
  • Elite Mook: Devimon's army typically were cannon fodder at worst and standing even with one of the team's Champion Level Digimon at best before MetalTyrannomon. Even as DarkTyrannomon, he proves to be so strong that the best the team can do is simply push him off a cliff rather than actually fight. As MetalTyrannomon, he gives the entire team a run for their money and seemingly destroys the previous mook, Ogremon. This is all despite being expendable enough that Devimon losing him meant very little in the long run.
  • Evil Counterpart: His missiles are strikingly similar to those used by MetalGreymon, and like him, he's a cyborg dinosaur Digimon.
  • Evil Is Bigger: He absolutely towers over Greymon. Averted with MetalGreymon who is the same size as he is.
  • The Juggernaut: He's basically unstoppable, to the point that Greymon and Ogremon, both of which had already proven to be very powerful Champion level Digimons, are barely a inconvenience to him as he effortlessly defeats both. During his second fight against Greymon, he barely even has to move to curbstomp him. It's not until Greymon digivolves into MetalGreymon that we see him really on the losing end of a fight.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Not that things were easy before he showed up but Greymon and Ogremon's fight was even but then when he shows up, things turn bad... for both sides.
  • Mighty Glacier: As DarkTyrannomon, Garurumon was unable to dent his bulk and it required both Birdramon and Greymon to push him off a cliff. As MetalTyrannomon, he's even stronger and his Cyborg body also makes him very durable, though very slow and as a result, he spends most of his fights standing still and attacking his opponents. It doesn't hold him back against Greymon or Ogremon as their power difference is too vast for them to do any damage to him. Against MetalGreymon on the other hand....
  • Older Than They Think: This isn't the first time a DarkTyrannomon suddenly digivolved into MetalTyrannomon in a Digimon anime. Back in Digimon Tamers, among the first scenes was Calumon unwillingly digivolving a hostile DarkTyrannomon into MetalTyrannomon, although this was in part due to Takato playing the card game.
  • Terrifying Tyrannosaur: A robotic tyrannosaur-like Digimon who is extremely powerful and towers over Greymon.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: The first Digimon that faced the kids gave them trouble but were ultimately defeated. MetalTyrannomon, on the other hand, hands them their first defeat in the series and they're forced to retreat. MetalTyrannomon mainly exists as a way for Greymon to digivolve into MetalGreymon for the first time, just to even have a chance of defeating him.


SkullScorpionmon (Scorpiomon)

A desert scorpion that works for Devimon. It's seen terrorizing the Digimon that Neemon is looking after, before ultimately being defeated by WereGarurumon.



Voiced by: Volcano Ota (Japanese), Bill Butts (English)
A powerful cyborg Digimon brainwashed by Soundbirdmon.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Zig-zagged. At first it seems this version of Andromon is a villain, as he chases Mimi and Palmon with the intent of killing them and actually kills Guardromon after he tries saving them, as well as fighting Kabuterimon and MetalGreymon. However, it ultimately turns out he was also Brainwashed and Crazy, much like in the original anime. Still, while the Andromon from Adventure was freed and became a cherished ally for the rest of the series, this version of him only snaps seconds before being fatally taken down by Lillymon.
  • Back from the Dead: Two Hagurumon at the end are seen playing around in the factory around their bodies.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Andromon was reawakened and controlled by Soundbirdmon.
  • Chest Blaster: He fires Gatling Missile from the hatch on his chest - whether it's firing the missiles or the gatling.
  • Flash Step: Performs some to evade MetalGreymon's attacks.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: Unlike the original series, by the time Andromon’s brainwashing is undone, he’s buried under lots of bushes, seemingly forever. However he seems to have revived by the end, being one of two Hagurumon playing together.
  • More Dakka: A variation of Gatling Missile is to open the chest hatch and unleash machine-gun fire instead of firing missiles.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: As Lillymon is burying Andromon under bushes, Andromon is freed of Soundbirdmon's control and comes to his senses. Unfortunately, it's too late for everybody.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: While controlled by the Soundbirdmon he has glowing red eyes.
  • Sword Beam: His Spiral Sword fires one when he spins his hand like a drill.
  • Uncertain Doom: He's left under Lillymon's parasitic vines after the battle, just as covered and immobile as Guardromon's corpse is, but whether this means he can be considered dead too or only sealed away is left ambiguous.
  • We Used to Be Friends: According to old ruin factory archives, Andromon and Guardromon used to be comrades.



An army of drone/bee-like Digimon that regularly kidnap helpless FunBeemon.



An incredibly massive Digimon that's a mix of a bee, a mecha, and a fortress, where the Waspmon hordes are launched from, and also where their victims are stored.
  • BFG: It has a huge laser cannon instead of stinger, with enough power to cleave through a mountain in a single shot.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: It's enormous, towering over Garudamon.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Extremely so, to the point even the already gigantic Garudamon is minuscule compared to it. It's so huge in fact that it could easily be mistaken for a spaceship rather than an actual Digimon.
  • Sapient Ship: It resembles that of an aircraft carrier.
  • Shoulder Cannon: It can fire four missiles at once from a port on its upper left.
  • Unusual Weapon Mounting: It has a laser cannon in place of a stinger.

    Kuwagamon and Okuwamon 

Kuwagamon and Okuwamon

Ferocious red stag beetle Digimon found by the DigiDestined. They are lead by an Oukuwamon, a larger grey Kuwagamon with greater power.
  • Adaptational Badass: Not that the Kuwagamon from Adventure weren't monsters in their own right, but they were usually treated like dumb beasts. They had no special attack aside from their natural weapons, were slow and clumsy enough to be taken down by basic teamwork, and their durability was so lacking that even the Rookie attacks of the heroes' Digimon could defeat them through concentrated fire. The Kuwagamon from 2020 are comparatively smaller in size, but everything else in them has been greatly enhanced: they are nimble and smart enough to dogfight, can shoot energy beams from their mouths, and are a threat to any Champion level Digimon in close quarters.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: The kids never encountered an Okuwamon until Digimon Adventure 02, and even then it was an artificial Digimon created by Arukenimon. This Okuwamon is the real deal, and is fought earlier alongside its Champion-level brethren.
  • Adaptational Late Appearance: In the original series, a single Kuwagamon was the very first Digimon the seven children faced together when they arrived in the Digital World, armed with only In-training and all unlocking Rookies for the battle. In the reboot, meanwhile, Kuwagamon are battled as a horde as the children are split into two teams and unlocking their Ultimate forms, including one for this fight.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: They're giant hostile red stag beetle with powerful jaws.
  • Eyeless Face: Instead of eyes it has Facial Markings.
  • Evil Counterpart: Kuwagamon are red, stag beetle-themed version of Kabuterimon hunting the DigiDestined. In addition, Kuwagamon are virus Digimon while Kabuterimon is vaccine.
  • Japanese Beetle Brothers: Kuwagamon are stag beetle's to Kabuterimon's rhinoceros beetle - and the two are natural rivals. The same goes for Okuwamon and MegaKabuterimon.
  • King Mook: Okuwamon is this to the Kuwagamon.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Four arms, like Kabuterimon, and they help with subduing prey.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: Like the one from the original series, the Kuwagamon are natural born predators that are wired to attack anything that ventures into their territory, hunting their prey relentlessly until they're taken down. Not even the presence of larger and stronger Ultimate level Digimon like MegaKabuterimon and MetalGreymon will deter their hunting instincts, even if it doesn't end in their favor.
  • The Rival: Kabuterimon and Kuwagamon-species have a natural rivalry, with Tentomon considering Kuwagamon "a nasty lot". Kabuterimon, while fighting one of them, even declares he wants to see which of them is stronger.


Mammothmon (Mammon)

A hulking mammoth Digimon that attacks Matt's group along with several Frigimon (Yukidarumon).
  • Adaptational Badass: This Mammon is much more powerful and skillful than it used to be. For starters, its old version was a really slow Mighty Glacier, while this one, aside from retaining all of its offensive power, is surprisingly fast on its feet and can perform wild stunts in addition, like leaping high over a wide crevasse and skiing down a slope without losing balance. Moreover, it shows the ability to conjure up a massive ice bridge to chase its enemies.
  • Cruel Elephant: Chases the DigiDestined mercilessly in an effort to destroy them.
  • An Ice Person: It blasts ice from its trunk, making an ice bridge across the river.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: Proves to be admirably determined to reach the DigiDestined no matter the obstacles it finds in its way.


Velgemon (Velgrmon)

An ancient and colossal avian Digimon that consumes the dead and is immensely powerful for being an Ultimate levelnote . It serves Devimon closely and is an example of how powerful Devimon's influence is.
  • Adaptational Wimp: While it is made rather explicit that Velgemon is still vastly stronger than an average Ultimate level, he is quickly killed by two Ultimate level Digimon blessed with Angemon's power. What makes this Velgemon less impressive is that in Digimon Frontier, Velgemon was weakened by a similar Holy Power yet still required to be bombarded by repeated attacks from what's effectively two Mega level Digimon to be defeated. It can be argued, however, that Velgemon might not be weaker at all, but rather that Angemon is just that much stronger in this version. That, and its Dark Is Evil nature makes it a sitting duck for Angemon's holy attacks.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Velgemon barely gives MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon any attention during their fight, lazily showering them with feathers and ignoring their signature attacks before nearly killing them both with only a glance and the weight of its aura. However, being a creature of darkness, it quickly receives its end of the curb stomp the moment Angemon is involved and blesses the two with the Holy Power to smite Velgemon.
  • Draconic Abomination: While named after a vulture that roams the top of Yggdrasil, Velgemon appears much more draconic in a manner similar to Ridley from Metroid, right down to the skeletal body.
  • Energy Weapon: It fires beams from its tail and wings. No Eye Beams, though. The blast from its wings is easily turned back by a turbo-charged MetalGreymon.
  • Faster Than They Look: Despite being the size of a kaiju, Velgemon is rather fast in proportion to his colossal size.
  • Feather Flechettes: Unleashes a storm of its feathers to attack MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon.
  • Giant Flyer: Velgemon is huge, his wingspan alone blocking out the entire sun and dwarfing MetalGreymon.
  • Gravity Master: Its "Zone Deleter" has an added gravity effect that it uses to try and trap Tai and Matt in the blast radius.
  • Holy Burns Evil: It gets knocked out of the sky by Angemon's aura alone. Velgemon also goes from being completely unaffected by MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon to getting a vicious Curb Stomp as soon as they're imbued with holy auras.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Velgemon is a kaiju-sized Digimon who's not only unexpectedly fast but immensely strong and even bulkier than you'd expect (in fact, its raw bulk seems to surpass even that of Devimon’s stronger stages). It's so far above the team that it barely fought back against Tai and Matt's combined teamwork yet seemed to be invincible, though its weakness to holy made it very much vincible.
  • Mind over Matter: It snatched T.K's stasis pod this way, though it's ambiguous whether it used true telekinesis or if it was just an extension of its gravity powers.
  • Made of Iron: Effortlessly among Devimon's bulkiest members, if not THE bulkiest. Even while airborne and struck from the back by both Giga Destroyer and Kaiser Nail, Velgemon was more slightly annoyed than hurt. For comparison, none of Devimon's own forms could shrug off Giga Destroyer, and even Mega levels were at least knocked back by it. Not Velgemon though, unless you're packing some hefty holy elemental power.



A large dragon with tattered red wings wearing blackened armour that resembles a knights, it serves as SkullKnightmon's personal steed, carrying them wherever its master wishes.
  • Armored Dragons: It's clad entierly in black armour.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: It has a spike at the end of its tail, which it uses to attack Birdramon in episode 33.
  • Giant Flyer: At it's biggest, it easily dwarfed its master, but being able to carry the MetalGreymon sized DarkKnightmon qualifies it for this anyway.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: It's blood red, tattered wings mark it as an agent of darkness.
  • Horn Attack: It can imbue it's horn with purple energy and use it to impale opponents.
  • Horse of a Different Color: It serves as SkullKnightmon's ignoble steed.
  • Magic Missile Storm: It can rain a storm of dark blasts from its wings.
  • Non-Mammalian Hair: Yellow hair spikes out from the back of it's helmet.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: It's wings are a tattered red, it wears black armour, and its a dragon in the service of evil.
  • Red Herring: While Kari sensed Gatomon calling her after she was captured by SkullKnightmon, it'd be easy to assume that DarkMaildramon was the corrupted Gatomon due to regular Maildramon being her Digi-Egg of Miracles form. In reality, it was SkullKnightmon.
  • Your Size May Vary: When it was introduced SkullKnightmon could straddle their steed easily. Then the much larger DarkKnightmon could do the same. Later on in the series, SkullKnightmon was roughly the size of DarkMaildramon's horn. And when Kari is on top of it, the size changes again, it's much bigger when Kari was first brought on top of it by SkullKnightmon, than when they are already flying on it on the next episode.



A massive tiger-like Digimon made of water that stands guard in the corrupted ponds outside Devimon's fortress. As it's made of the pond's water, it can flow around attacks and spread the miasma. It's actually called Splashmon Darkness Mode in the broader franchise lore.
  • Adaptational Wimp: In Fusion, Splashmon was roughly around the Mega level in terms of power even at his base form, was a ruthless tactician, and had a literally self made army at his disposal, requiring the augmented Mega tier power of Shoutmon DX to defeat them. In Adventure 2020, while his own water abilities are still intact, he's ultimately alone, feral minded, and defeated by MetalGreymon (though admittedly only after MetalGreymon gets a stronger slide form). A more explicit nerf would be that his vulnerable body no longer needs the surrounding water to be evaporated first in order to attack and kill, and this is all while Splashmon is in his strongest form. This all makes Splashmon look several times weaker than he is in Fusion. Justified as Splashmon and Splashmon Darkness Mode have been retconned as Ultimate levels, and the Fusion continuity, though edigivolution did exist within it, generally lacked the usual levels.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: It dies when MetalGreymon shoots out its glowing core.
  • Blob Monster: As it's just a mass of water that vaguely looks like a tiger, it can dodge attacks by simply flowing around them.
  • The Corruption: Its bite directly injects the miasma into MetalGreymon's body. Its water attacks also caused a crust of the stuff to start to form on MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon.
  • Making a Splash: Its attacks are all water-based and since it draws water from a corrupted pond, these attacks also spread the miasma.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family: It has two rows of needle-like teeth that it can use to inject the miasma like venom.
  • Unusual Weapon Mounting: It can shoot water projectiles from the ball on its tail.


Sakkakumon (Sephirotmon)

A Digimon composed of ten round bodies. Each body can capture Digimon, copy their data, and either use whatever attacks they learned or give what they learned to someone else.Its Digivolutions are as follows:
  • ???:
    • Sakkakumon, a hive-mind of ten spheres that normally stay in the shape of the sephirot, but can detach from each other to independently seek Digimon whose data they can consume.
    • Kimeramon (Chimairamon), a mashup of several different Digimon intended to fuse with MoonMillenniummon. It can create perfect copies of Digimon by breaking off pieces of itself.

  • Adaptational Villainy: Technically. The Sakkakumon that previously appeared in Frontier was not an evil Digimon per se, but one of the Legendary Warriors who served three Angel Digimon; he was only an antagonist because he and his partners had been corrupted by their master when the latter fell into darkness. Here, Sakkakumon works for the Army of Darkness from the start, and nothing indicates he has been forced into doing so.
  • The Assimilator: Sakkakumon's main operation is copying and absorbing the data of Digimon it defeats. It’s not just doing it for itself, either - it plans to give the data to Millenniummon and help it compose an unstoppable form from the data of countless Digimon.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: All it can do as Kimeramon is break off a piece of itself to create a Gryphonmon and wait for Millenniummon to assimilate it.
  • Composite Character: In addition to both previous Sakkakumon, this one also takes elements of Quartzmon from Xros Hunters, creating mindless clones of Digimon it previously assimilated note  to wear down and devour more foes.
  • Continuity Cavalcade: An entirely justified example. It creates copies of most of the enemies the DigiDestined have fought over the course of the series by pulling them from their Digimon's memories.
  • Decomposite Character: This Sakkakumon seems to act as multiple differentiated entities, with every sphere of his body serving as one, while the one from Frontier only acted as one being, if a very complex one (although it did feature a similar oddity that he could somehow coexist outside of his previous form, Mercuremon).
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: All of the spheres except for the head have eyes.
  • Fighting a Shadow: How Sakkakumon eventually gains the data of its prey. It creates clones of past opponents from its prey's memories. While the clones it creates don’t have much durability, it can keep creating them infinitely, even bigger than they were originally, and in greater numbers, too. Eventually, the prey is overwhelmed, and it finally devours their own data.
  • Glass Cannon: The Digimon it creates have just as much power as the originals, but aren't nearly as durable.
  • Hive Mind: Its ten spheres act as a single entity and the head can regrow any that are destroyed. This allows it to search across an entire continent if it wants to.
  • Light Is Not Good: As Kimeramon, before and after completing its transformation, it is sickly white.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Kimeramon is made of pieces of all of the DigiDestined's Digimon and Devimon. Justified as Millenniummon wanted the partner Digimons' power as its own.
  • Mook Maker: As Kimeramon, it breaks off a piece of itself to form Gryphonmon.
  • Power Copying: In addition to making clones of Digimon, Sakkakumon itself can make use of whatever’s currently inside him, and often to greater effect by firing omnidirectional versions of its prey's attacks.
  • Power Glows: Kimeramon's entire body gives off a constant white glow.
  • Tractor Beam: Its spheres capture prey by projecting one from an eye.
  • Transformation Horror: Sakkakumon doesn’t digivolve into Kimeramon cleanly- it outright mutates, with at least one of its eyes forming a wing. It’s only a half-formed Kimeramon initially too, the other half a splotchy mound of white until it gets blasted away to reveal a complete body.
  • We Need a Distraction: It creates Gryphonmon to distract Matt and MetalGarurumon while it fully forms into Kimeramon, and in turn Millenniummon’s new body.
  • Zerg Rush: It can create copies of its prey's past opponents endlessly until they're worn down, even if said prey had only faced one of that opponent before.


Machinedramon (Mugendramon)

A mechanical dragon Digimon created from the data of several other Digimon. The Vademon created it to help with giving a body to Millenniummon.
  • Adaptational Badass: While Machinedramon was a threatening major antagonist in the original Adventure, he mostly preferred to use tactics to try and kill the DigiDestined he was fighting against. While he put up a good fight, he was ultimately defeated by WarGreymon's Dramon Killers which, while WarGreymon immediately reverted to Koromon afterward, still sliced Machinedramon like an onion in a Single-Stroke Battle. Here however, it takes considerably more effort to bring Machinedramon down. Not even WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon together could stand a chance, and it took a boost from Kari and Angewomon to give WarGreymon a fighting chance. Even post-boost, Machinedramon was far more resilient to the Dramon Killers than he ever was before, and even after his death, his cannons launch themselves into the Cloud Continent as a last hurrah and cause Tai and WarGreymon's Disney Deaths.
  • Arm Cannon: Its right arm, which ultimately gets blown out by one of WarGreymon's Dramon Killers.
  • Backpack Cannon: It has a pair of Wave Motion Guns on its back.
  • Beam Spam: It's able to fire an omnidirectional one from small barrels between its tail segments. It can even aim the individual barrels in different directions to hit a huge area or or all together for a directed attack.
  • Blade on a Rope: Its fires off its left arm on a cable to knock WarGreymon away and impale him with the middle claw.
  • Death In All Directions: Its Beam Spam attack normally aims some beams in every direction.
  • Decomposite Character: To itself, and actually slightly discussed. This Machinedramon is not only separate from the phantom one MetalGreymon dark digivolved to when battling Devimon- part of its data even came from that incident.
  • Demoted to Extra: Machinedramon in the original was one of the four Dark Masters, the final villains in that anime, while here it's a one-off antagonist that still affects the next episode's plot.
  • Didn't Need Those Anyway!: When its tail and arms are disabled, it jettisons them. The latter case leads up to a desperate charge to take WarGreymon down.
  • Empty Shell: It's a mindless robot made from data collected by Sakkakumon, which lets Millenniummon pilot it without pesky things like an original personality getting in the way.
  • Evil Knockoff: Downplayed. Agumon's Machinedramon form is only part of the data that went into it.
  • Expy: Oddly enough, not of the original Machinedramon, but its Taking You with Me of Tai and WarGreymon and leaving the DigiDestined without their usual leader feels more similar to how Etemon went down in the original series.
  • Implacable Man: Almost nothing the children’s strongest Digimon land on Machinedramon slow it down. Even severing it piece by piece with an emergency power up still let it use one last trick.
  • Jump Jet Pack: It has them built into its knees, which it uses to add a little height to an attempt at a final Foe-Tossing Charge against WarGreymon.
  • Killer Robot: It tries to shoot an entire continent out of the sky. Even worse, it's piloted by Millenniummon itself.
  • Knight of Cerebus: It's the first antagonist in the series to make WarGreymon struggle in a fight, and even though he just barely managed to win, Machinedramon uses its trump card to supposedly kill Tai and WarGreymon, by launching them into the Cloud Continent. This puts the others in a period of grief. And it's the final component needed to revive Millenniummon.
  • Power Copying: The Vademon want the children to fight Machinedramon, since like Sakkakumon, the robot dragon can scan their data for Millenniummon to use.
  • Self-Destruct Mechanism: After its defeat, the Vademon leader sets the reactor in its chest to overload and rockets it into the bottom of Cloud Continent with Tai and WarGreymon in tow, causing a titanic explosion.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Machinedramon serves a role more similar to Cherrymon from the original, being a minor antagonist that serves as the driving point of a major change in the story near the season's end. Though, instead of Tai and Matt fighting and the DigiDestined splitting up, it's now seemingly killing off Tai and WarGreymon and forcing the kids to move on without him for an episode.
  • Tail Slap: It can project an energy whip from its tail, which it uses to knock MegaKabuterimon, Lillimon, and Zudomon out of the fight before MagnaAngemon severs it. With its energy whip destroyed, it just settles for whacking Garudamon with its tail, taking her out of the fight.
  • Taking You with Me: With Tai and WarGreymon exhausted from the total disassembly they gave it, Machinedramon’s emergency measures kick in, rocketing all three of them towards the bottom of Cloud Continent and culminating in a massive explosion.
  • Ultimate Lifeform: Machinedramon was created to serve as this, and it lives up to that purpose.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: It has a pair of them on its back, which it uses to try to shoot Cloud Continent out of the sky. When that's not enough, it uses its self-destruct instead.


Gryphonmon (Griffomon)

A griffin-like Digimon created by Kimeramon to repel Matt and MetalGarurumon.

  • Make Me Wanna Shout: Its only attack besides ramming MetalGarurumon is a scream that causes data to start to disintegrate. Fortunately, MetalGarurumon recovers instantly.
  • Our Gryphons Are Different: Its body is that of a vaguely feline Cartoon Creature, and has a pair of bat wings. Its tail has a mouth and its forelegs are covered in exoskeleton and the head is cybernetic.
  • We Need a Distraction: The entire reason Kimeramon creates it is to distract Matt and MetalGarurumon.



A pink, blobbish creature that invades the Tree of Information that houses the crests. It invaded the place in order to assimilate any knowledge that the tree housed.
  • Adaptational Badass: Its Digimon Twin appearance has it as a Video Game Cruelty Punishment for overfeeding your Digimon, with its main gimmick being that anything it touches becomes a Burpmon in turn. Here, it's a resilient Digimon that can take anything thrown its way.
  • Adorable Abomination: A constantly-eating, ever-growing monster with a cute face. It doesn't even have a level or attribute.
  • Ascended Extra: Burpmon only appeared in one v-pet 14 years prior to its episode.
  • Big Eater: Burpmon is a very hungry Digimon that eats anything it sees, including enemy attacks. It even gets bigger the more it eats.
  • Blob Monster: It can turn into a giant puddle of goop to assimilate its opponents, in addition to simply eating them.
  • Death by Gluttony: It's defeated by the Digimon throwing garbage data into its mouth and forcing it to overeat until it explodes.
  • Kevlard: It has an incredibly strong defensive game, and generally just gets bounced around without feeling much pain.
  • Messy Pig: It has a piglike tail and ears, and is also a massive glutton.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Even Burpmon has things it won't eat. For instance, Gerbemon and his trashcan.



A massive insect Digimon used by the controlled Nanomon to fight Izzy and Tentomon. It's eventually defeated by HerculesKabuterimon.

Enemies digivolved by the Dark Crystal (Unmarked Spoilers)




A giant bird-like Digimon. After Tankdramon was defeated, it took over leading the army of Allomon and Megadramon to attack the peaceful forest Digimon. Tai and Agumon took it upon themselves to keep Parrotmon and his army occupied while Sora and Piyomon led the forest Digimon to safety. However, it is soon blessed by the Dark Crystal and digivolves into the golden knight known as Eaglemon.

His Digivolutions are as follows:
  • Ultimate: Parrotmon, a Giant Bird Digimon shaped like a green parrot with arms and wings on his back.
  • Mega: Crossmon, a Giant Bird Digimon whose body is clad in gold armor.

  • Adaptational Badass: The Parrotmon from the original series went toe-to-toe with Greymon, who's a level below him, and although he got a good shot in, he was ultimately defeated by the Dinosaur Digimon. In Last Evolution Kizuna, he and Greymon once again face off, and like before, the difference in levels is of no concern to Greymon who has Parrotmon on the run, before he's defeated by the combined teamwork of Tai, Matt, T.K. and Kari's Digimon. This version of Parrotmon, however, is notably bigger than his original series counterpart, being as large as MetalGreymon himself, managing to fight evenly with the Cyborg Dinosaur Digimon and even manages to leave scratches on his Trident Arm with his talons, and briefly immobilize him with his Sonic Destroyer attack, buying himself enough time to digivolve into his Mega level, Eaglemon.
  • Adaptational Late Appearance: Parrotmon holds a record for this trope. In the original continuity, Parrotmon appeared in the pilot movie as the Starter Villain, occurring years before the DigiDestined officially begin their adventure and only just getting the Champion level Greymon for the one battle with him. Since Argomon is the Starter Villain in the reboot, Tai and Sora instead encounter Parrotmon midway through the DigiDestined's quest, serving as the Digimon that forces Tai to finally unlock Agumon's Mega digivolution into WarGreymon.
  • Bare-Handed Blade Block: Does this when MetalGreymon tried hitting him with his Alterous arm before throwing him to the ground.
  • Feathered Fiend: Both its forms are quite terrifying Bird Digimon.
  • Light Is Not Good: Parrotmon and Crossmon are both Vaccine Digimon, and neither of them are very nice. Crossmon even more so, considering its usual species' occupation of eliminating Digital World invaders.
  • No-Sell: As soon as Parrotmon digivolved into Crossmon, he made it painfully clear to Tai and MetalGreymon just how out of their league they were, easily shrugging off MetalGreymon's attacks and taking him out in one hit with Kaiser Phoenix. During their second fight, even though MetalGreymon was able to last longer thanks to his and Tai's Heroic Second Wind, it's still clear they weren't any closer to harming the armor-cladded bird Digimon and at one point, MetalGreymon's Trident Arm shattered upon Crossmon's armor.
  • Shock and Awe: Parrotmon and Crossmon's main choice of attack is shooting lightning from their heads.



An army of ghostly Digimon empowered by the Dark Crystal to stop Tai and Sora. Several digivolve to the more skeletal MetalPhantomon and one of those digivolves further into Reapermon.

Their Digivolutions are as follows:
  • Champion: Bakemon, a tattered-looking Bedsheet Ghost with beady eyes and a toothy mouth.
  • Ultimate: MetalPhantomon (MetalFantomon), a metallic, skeletal Digimon that wields an energy scythe and wears a grim reaper-themed cloak.
  • Mega: Reapermon (Gokumon), a metallic Digimon themed after the grim reaper with blades all over.

  • Arm Cannon: Reapermon's left arm is a cannon with a regular barrel as well as a second that allows it to fire its hand on a chain similar to a grappling hook. It uses the latter to trap MetalGreymon
  • Bedsheet Ghost: The Bakemon are a rather tattered and toothy take on this.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: Reapermon's right arm has a scythe that reaches to its ankles in place of a hand.
  • Dem Bones: The MetalPhantomon are metallic skeletons.
  • Extendable Arms: Reapermon's left hand is attached to an extendable chain that it can fire from its Arm Cannon.
  • Grappling-Hook Pistol: Its left hand is attached to a chain that it can fire from its Arm Cannon like one.
  • The Grim Reaper: MetalPhantomon and Reapermon are themed after this, both being skeletal Digimon that wield scythes. Only MetalPhantomon has the cloak, though.
  • Laser Blade: The scythes of the MetalPhantomon have blades made of energy. One first uses theirs to cleanly slice through a tree.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: The Bakemon have a vocal attack that is able to damage nearby trees.
  • Playing with Fire: Reapermon is able to summon fire tornadoes and uses one to toss MetalGreymon and Garudamon about.
  • Sinister Scythe: The MetalPhantomon wield scythes made of energy. Reapermon instead has one attached to its right arm.
  • Skull for a Head: MetalPhantomon and Reapermon both have this feature in keeping with their grim reaper motif.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: Reapermon uses its Grappling-Hook Pistol hand to ensnare MetalGreymon and reel him in for a fire attack.



An crustacean-like dragon living in the ocean, after attacking the DigiDestined, MarineDevimon digivolved it into Gusokumon to make the battle harder for them.

Their Digivolutions are as follows:
  • Champion: Ebidramon, a crustacean-like dragon with a hard shell and two scissor-like pincers.
  • Ultimate: Gusokumon, a blue crustacean who lives on the seabed away from light.

  • Giant Enemy Crab: Ebidramon is a giant lobster who fights on Millenniummon's side, and Gusokumon is even larger.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: According to Gusokumon's profile, it can unleash countless fish-shaped missiles from it's back with Colony Torpedo, but we only see it use two at time in the actual show.
  • One-Steve Limit: An Ebidramon is shown getting munched on by a Seadramon in a prior episode, causing it to digivolve into WaruSeadramon; this is obviously not the same Ebidramon.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Ebidramon looks like a lobster, but the -dramon in it's name makes it a dragon.



An undead Digimon that's encountered in Gerbemon's junk pile. It eats garbage and fellow Digimon, and is responsible for most of the Tyumons' deaths.

It's Digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Raremon, the default form. A heap of rotting flesh kept alive by machines.
  • Ultimate: RareRaremon, Raremon's digivolved state. An even larger heap of rotting flesh with multiple green heads and several eyes.

  • Adaptational Badass: Raremon was one of Myotismon's minions in Adventure that, while resilient, was ultimately destroyed by Kabuterimon. Here, it's instead a standalone threat that does a lot more harm than its previous incarnations could hope to deal with, and is significantly bigger in size. Even in its Champion form, it's able to absorb attacks from both Kabuterimon and Greymon, and has to be frozen in order for a decisive victory; but it also gets its own Ultimate form in RareRaremon, who tanks attacks from MegaKabuterimon and MetalGreymon until Izzy comes up with a plan to use its oil diet to beat it.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: RareRaremon has a lot of eyes all over its various heads, especially the main one.
  • Multiple Head Case: Digivolving gave RareRaremon more heads to work with, making it more versatile than it was originally.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: Raremon is classified as an Undead type Digimon.

Other Enemies



An insect Digimon resembling a praying mantis with giant sickles for hands. It's the first wild Digimon that the kids encounter, chasing Tai and Sora after they save Biyomon from its clutches, and is defeated when Biyomon digivolves into Birdramon.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: A Snimon appears in the original anime, but as a minion of Myotismon who doesn't even make himself known until episode 22. Even then, it's one of the last minions shown, showing up four episodes before the end of the arc. This time, it shows up very shortly after Tai and Sora enter the Digital World.
  • Adaptational Wimp: The Snimon in Adventure was able to hold its own against Garudamon, whereas here it's taken out shortly after Birdramon appears.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Like most depictions, it's absolutely massive.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: Its sickle-like arms make it extremely formidable up close.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Snimon shows up alive and well under Babamon's tutelage.
  • High-Altitude Battle: Ends up in one with Birdramon.
  • Lost Food Grievance: Implied to be the reason why it chases after the kids, since Biyomon was going to be its snack. Of course, it doesn't mind three other courses along with its side order of pink poultry.
  • Sword Beam: Its Twin Sickles attack fires a pair of pink energy slashes from its sickles.



A coelacanth Digimon that Tai and Sora encounter while rafting down the river. It's fought and defeated by Greymon while Sora and Biyomon are busy with Snimon.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Like Snimon in the same episode, it appears later in the anime than it does here. Unlike Snimon however, it takes until way late into season 2 to show up.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The only Coelamon shown in the Adventure continuity was partnered to an Australian DigiDestined named Derek, whereas this Coelamon is a minor Monster of the Week. It does eventually show up redeemed, however.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Ends up on the receiving end of one as soon as Agumon becomes Greymon.
  • Fiendish Fish: A giant coelacanth that was more than happy to have Agumon as a spicy appetizer.
  • Heel–Face Turn: The next time we see it, it's in Babamon's school and completely non-aggressive.
  • We Need a Distraction: Not on purpose, but narratively, its only purpose is to keep Tai and Greymon preoccupied while Snimon attacks Sora and Biyomon.



A bunch of aquatic lizard Digimon that attack Izzy, Tentomon and Whamon on their way to regroup with Tai. They're among the first Digimon controlled by Soundbirdmon.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The original series' Gatomon can Armor Digivolve into Tylomon through the Digi-Egg of Reliability, but only in the debatably canon Digimon Digital Card Battle. The Tylomon here are enemies controlled by Soundbirdmon.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: They were used by Soundbirdmon to attack Izzy and Tentomon. As soon as the latter digivolves into Kabuterimon and destroys it, they cease their onslaught.
  • Dinosaurs Are Dragons: In this case, mosasaurs (a family of lizards) rather than dinosaurs. They're based on the Tylosaurus proriger, and are listed as Sea Dragon Digimon.
  • Flying Seafood Special: They're all aquatic Digimon, and are flying through cyberspace.
  • Malicious Monitor Lizard: Downplayed. They are aquatic Digimon based on mosasaurs, which are close relatives of monitor lizards, but they are only attacking because they are under the control of Soundbirdmon.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: The entire lot introduces themselves by firing several concentrated Torpedo Attacks on Whamon.
  • Zerg Rush: They attack Izzy with sheer numbers.



Several dragon Digimon under Ogremon's command. The blue variant serves as his mode of transportation while several green ones appear as Ogremon's aerial forces.
  • Adaptational Badass: The green Coredramon are supposed to be poor flyers compared to the blue ones, but these ones have no issues attacking from the skies.
  • Airborne Mook: As soon as the Dokugumon horde is taken out, the green Coredramon show up to finish the job. Since they're all cleared out when the episode cuts back, it's safe to assume that they weren't any more successful.
  • Beast of Battle: The blue Coredramon serves as this to Ogremon. It's only ever fought solo, however.
  • Heel–Face Turn: One of the green ones appears at Babamon's school, implying the others have followed suit.
  • High-Altitude Battle: Like Snimon before him, engages in one of these with Birdramon. It ends with him falling on top of one of the mind-controlled Tuskmon.



Six green dinosaur Digimon that have been stealing fruit from the Tanemon. Soundbirdmon controls them before Mimi joins the group.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: One initially appeared alongside Snimon in episode 36, while six of them appear far earlier.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Like the aforementioned Snimon, every single Tuskmon is taken down easily, either by traps or by Greymon. The remaining one is even defeated by Birdramon dropping Coredramon Blue on it.
  • Heel–Face Turn: One of the Tuskmon shows up at Babamon's school, implying that the rest of them must have followed suit.
  • Vegetarian Carnivore: They all resemble carnivorous dinosaurs, but they're stealing fruit.
  • We Need a Distraction: The Tuskmon are all used to keep Tai from being able to stop him and Drimogemon from burrowing underground.



A giant mole-like Digimon with drills on its nose and feet that attacks the Tanemon kingdom under Ogremon's command.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Seems to be a Running Gag with Drimogemon. The ones in Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 were controlled by a Black Gear and Dark Ring, respectively, and stopped their onslaught when their devices were broken. This is also the case here, with Drimogemon being controlled by Soundbirdmon.
  • Blow You Away: Unlike most Drimogemon, its drill can apparently create a giant tornado.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: It delivers a brutal one to Palmon that almost causes her to be deleted. Then she digivolves into Togemon and puts Drimogemon on the receiving end.
  • Drill Mole: Like previous depictions, it's exaggerated in the sense that the drills are everywhere.
  • Heel–Face Turn: It seems to have pulled one after its initial defeat, as it shows up later at Babamon's school. Justified as it was under mind control at the time.
  • Temporary Bulk Change: It briefly does this to get Palmon off of it.
  • This Is a Drill: It has a giant one on its nose, and several more on each of its toes.



A squid Digimon found by the DigiDestined in the strait towards the Cloud Continent.
  • Adaptational Badass: The single Gesomon who appeared in the original Adventure was quickly defeated by Ikkakumon in a short encounter. This version of Gesomon, meanwhile, puts Birdramon out of commission with a surprise attack earlier in the episode, and then easily holds its own against Greymon and Togemon, two Digimon who should have been individually stronger than it; even the intervention of Ikkakumon at the end only secures a difficult, bare-bones victory despite the numbers being already three on one.
  • Made of Iron: Absorbs multiple attacks from Digimon its own level without showing visible damage. In one particularly shocking moment, Greymon can be seen repeatedly throwing Mega-Flames to one of its grasping tentacles without causing it to even flinch. Even when it is finally beaten, Gesomon just goes down without much fanfare rather than being obliterated.



A large draconic sea serpent race of Digimon that live in very hostile oceans, constantly preying on any Digimon that aren't other Seadramon. They follow a very basic instinct to digivolve into stronger forms and become top predators.

Their Digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Seadramon, a fish like snake Digimon that fights with icy breath and a voracious appetite.
  • Ultimate: WaruSeadramon, a larger sea serpent with rough skin, multiple flippers, and a jet black, horned helmet. Fights with orbs of darkness.
  • Ultimate: MegaSeadramon, a large sea serpent that strongly resembles WaruSeadramon, but with a golden helmet as opposed to a black one, and fights with electricity.

  • Adaptational Badass: Seadramon never worked with allies in previous adaptations, and often were so fragile that they were only a real threat to the human characters, even as Ultimate levels. 2020 gives them a light buff by making them synergize well among themselves, similar to Kuwagamon, and can put up a fight against even numerous stronger opponents.
  • Adaptational Late Appearance: Seadramon was one of the first foes the group fought in the original continuity, the last one they battled during their very first day in the Digital World, and the one that kickstarted Gabumon's digivolution into Garurumon. Here however, it and its two Ultimate forms are encountered shortly after Devimon's defeat, at which point Gabumon had already unlocked WereGarurumon. Technically downplayed with MegaSeadramon, who appeared in Myotismon's army and was taken out by Zudomon, but still took significantly more episodes to show up compared to the ones seen here (episode 36 in the original as opposed to 26 in the reboot).
  • Casting a Shadow: WaruSeadramon summons and fires orbs of darkness to attack.
  • Horn Attack: MegaSeadramon and WaruSeadramon's horns are quite sharp and more than capable of leaving nasty gashes on other Digimon, complete with Symbolic Blood in the form of glowing data bits. WaruSeadramon is also on the receiving end of one, getting sliced down the middle by Greymon.
  • Made of Iron: Their brutal lifestyle enables them to take some punishment, from being bombarded by a small army of Digimon to having their body sliced open without breaking into data.
  • Magic Missile Storm: WaruSeadramon is able to generate and fire a large number of dark orbs at once.
  • Palette Swap: The two look almost exactly alike save for their color schemes, with their helmets differing the most. To be specific, MegaSeadramon was created first while WaruSeadramon came about a month later.
  • Shock and Awe: MegaSeadramon fires electrical attacks from its horn.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: Justified, as the ocean they live in is so aggressive that Seadramon must essentially consume anything smaller than themselves in order to digivolve enough to not be preyed upon themselves.
  • Tornado Move: MegaSeadramon and WaruSeadramon work together to create a waterspout in one last desperate attack, only to get blown up by Garudamon before they can actually hit anyone.
  • Yellow Lightning, Blue Lightning: MegaSeadramon electricity is blue, with its horn glowing the same shade while creating the waterspout. Oddly, WaruSeadramon's darkness attack also gives off blue sparks despite its horn glowing yellow.



A reptilian cyborg Digimon that leads a small army of Allomon and Megadramon in attacking and consuming the Digimon that live in a forest on the Cloud Continent.
  • Breath Weapon: It kills a Budmon with a breath attack made of the same purple energy that it fires from its cannons.
  • Hollywood Cyborg: Its body is reptilian, but with everything below the waist replaced with a tank and various weapons and plating grafted onto the rest of it.
  • Mook Lieutenant: It leads the Allomon in battle once Tai and Agumon decide to fight, with Parrotmon taking its place after it's defeated.
  • More Dakka: Averted. Despite being practically covered in weapons, it only uses the guns on its shoulders and never for spam-attacks.
  • Multi-Track Drifting: Despite using tank treads to move, it's able to spin very rapidly in place to make sure MetalGreymon's missiles hit its armored portions.
  • Shoulder Cannon: It has two extendable cannons attached to its shoulders that fire a purple energy.
  • Spin to Deflect Stuff: Despite being on tank treads, it's able to spin in order to block incoming attacks.
  • Tank Goodness: Its lower body is a tank with its torso protruding from the center.
  • Would Hurt a Child: It obliterates a Budmon using its Breath Weapon with nary a second thought.


Veggiemon (Vegimon)

A diminutive plant creature that gives orders to Parrotmon and the remaining Allomon after Tankdramon's defeat.
  • Ambiguous Situation: It's left unknown whether it also gave orders to Tankdramon or if it just took Tankdramon's place as leader.
  • Mook Lieutenant: It gives orders to Parrotmon and the remaining Allomon after Tankdramon is gone.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has one of these when WarGreymon No Sells its underlings' attacks.
  • Smug Snake: It leads from the rear and is the weakest of this particular group of hostile Digimon, never even fighting itself.
  • The Unintelligible: It "speaks" in high squealing noises, though it does do an Evil Laugh at one point.



A pack of large, wolf-like Digimon that attack T.K. in an open plain, turning against Tai and Sora when they rescue him. They are led by a Cerberumon.
  • Breath Weapon: They can shoot energy bursts from their mouths.
  • Canis Major: They're taller at the shoulder than any of the characters, though still smaller than Komondomon.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Despite their numbers, they go down easily against Garudamon and MetalGreymon.
  • Draw Aggro: They act as a distraction for MetalGreymon and Garudamon and last long enough for two of their number to make a direct attempt on T.K. and Patamon's lives. The pack is wiped out fairly quickly, but if Patamon hadn't digivolved, things would have ended very badly.
  • Savage Wolves: They are extremely aggressive and attack in an ever-growing pack. They're based on several depictions of The Big Bad Wolf across classical fairy tales.



A massive, three-headed canine Digimon that leads a pack of Fangmon in attacking Tai, Sora, and T.K.. It is stronger than any one of the heroes' Ultimate-level Digimon.
  • Breath Weapon: All three of its heads can breathe green fire. The middle head's breath attacks can also cause massive explosions and the blasts from the smaller ones are still enough to send Sora flying across the deck from a distance.
  • Canis Major: It's a three-headed dog that's even larger than Komondomon. In fact, the two smaller heads at its sides are almost as big as Komondomon's entire body.
  • Cybernetic Mythical Beast: Its resemblance to the mythical Cerberus ends with it being a three-headed dog. It's body is has armor plating grafted all over. Its extra heads are connected to its shoulders by extendable cables.
  • Eye Beams: All three of its heads can fire green ones for a total of six possible shots at once.
  • Extendable Arms: It can extend its other two heads on cables to attack in different directions, similar to Orochimon. It also uses one's mouth to grab onto Komondomon to that a couple Fangmon can get in close.
  • Hellhound: Named and designed after Cerberus of Classical Mythology.
  • Mook Lieutenant: It acts as a pack leader for over a dozen Fangmon, which it can digivolve from.
  • Villainous RRoD: Ultimately how Pegasusmon was able to severely damage it. The cause? Having its own Hellfire attack backfire on itself when Pegasusmon struck it's chin with Rodeo Gallop. It momentarily recovered and tried again, only to be permanently stopped by Garudamon slamming one clawed foot or knee down hard on the top of its mouth, forcing it to swallow its Hellfire attack, before MetalGreymon delivered the coup de grace with Giga Destroyer, followed by Pegasusmon's Silver Blaze for good measure.
  • Weather Manipulation: It's in the middle of creating a thunderstorm when it first appears.



A giant crustacean Digimon who attacks the Underwater City.



A group of Insect-type Machine Digimon whose entire body has been weaponized and turned into Chrome Digizoid. They were led by MetallifeKuwagamon, and digivolved to adapt to the conditions of the pillar of light.

  • Razor Wind: They're capable of generating this with their Air Knife attack.
  • The Swarm: Individually, not a single one of them is a threat. As a group, they necessitate the DigiDestined splitting up because there's just so many of them.



A humanoid subspecies of Kuwagamon which rapidly boosted its offensive power by means of armification. It leads the BladeKuwagamon who live on the pillar of light.

  • Arm Cannon: Each arm ends with five cannons, that can either fire homing laser blasts, or produce a laser blade.
  • Finger Firearms: It can fire Homing Lasers from its fingers. It can also projects a Laser Blade from all of the fingers on one hand.
  • Homing Laser: It can fire five of these from each hand. The attack is actually called Homing Laser in other media.
  • Laser Blade: It can generate one from its cannons to engage in close combat.



A crystal-like golem Rock Digimon who enslaves the Gotsumon.———-



A massive and fierce Plant Digimon capable of flying. It invades Pomumon's floating island and turns Pomumon into fruits, which it then eats when the fruit turned ripe.
  • "Blind Idiot" Translation: Official subtitles and the Digimon Reference Book refer to it as "Toropiamon".
  • Breath Weapon: Its Tropical Venom attack. However, unlike its Reference Book description where the attack is a blast of gas, the anime version of the attack has Tropiamon fires a laser from its mouth.
  • Monstrous Cannibalism: The Pomumon that it eats are its pre-evolved form.
  • Mook Lieutenant: It leads a small swarm of Flymon.
  • Multiple-Tailed Beast: It has two long, whip-like tails that it wields quite effectively against Garudamon. This also works against it as Garudamon also swings it around by said tails.
  • Planimal: Much like Pomumon, it's a Plant Digimon, just one that resembles a gigantic winged dinosaur.
  • Tail Slap: It puts its tails to good use while fighting Garudamon, hitting hard enough to knock her back a good distance.



A gigantic bee-like Digimon. Initially appearing only as random background Digimon, the species later on shows up as enemies alongside Tropiamon.
  • Bee Afraid: A swarm of Flymon appears as Tropiamon's minion.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: They can shoot their stingers, which regrow immediately to be fired again.
  • Spike Shooter: Their stinger attack, Deadly Stinger, fires a needle that quickly poisons and paralyzes the target from just a single hit. As said above, it can be quickly reloaded, so even one Flymon can fire multiple in short amount of time.
  • The Swarm: Downplayed. There are a couple dozen of them and they're individually a threat, unlike the massive numbers of individually weak BladeKuwagamon.



Voiced by: Ryōko Shiraishi (Japanese)

A small rodent Digimon that floats with the help of balloons. It presents itself as a friendly individual...but it’s just a trick. In truth, Oppussummon lures young Digimon to the park, then captures them with balloon monsters and feeds them to Monzaemon to power it up.

  • Adaptational Villainy: Downplayed. The Opossummon from Xros Hunters was the partner of rival huntress Suzaki Airu, but it was ultimately on the heroes’ side in the end. This Opposummon, however, is an outright villain, feeding innocent Digimon to a monstrous mascot and laughing about it.
  • Ambiguous Situation: It's never revealed whether Opossummon and Monzaemon were actually corrupted by the dark lightning despite them opening the theme park during that time.
  • Annoying Laugh: Keeps snickering at everything, mostly Matt and T.K’s misfortunes after revealing its true nature.
  • Back from the Dead: It watches from a distance as Monzaemon gives out balloons to the baby Digimon it previously terrorized.
  • Evil All Along: Presents itself as a friend to all, but it turns out to be a disguise for a more sinister, conniving manipulator.
  • Karmic Death: Opossummon is crushed to death by a defeated WaruMonzaemon, the Digimon it was feeding.



The mascot of a theme park, Monzaemon is secretly Opossummon’s weapon to feed the energy of young Digimon.

Their Digivolutions are as follows:

  • Ultimate: Monzaemon, the park mascot. A large yellow bear with slender eyes.
  • Ultimate: WaruMonzaemon, Monzaemon’s powered up dark form. Armed with a sharp claw and poison breath.

  • Adaptational Badass: In the original Digimon Adventure, WaruMonzaemon was a slave driver under Machinedramon's payroll that's quickly taken out by Birdramon, Angemon and Angewomon (two of which are Champion-levels) once Kari's light heals everyone. It's sent sniveling to Machinedramon, who wastes no expense in killing it for its failures. Here, it's able to gain more power the more Digimon it eats, and by the time it's encountered, it's able to more than hold its own against fellow Ultimate-level WereGarurumon and the Armor-level Pegasusmon, requiring Angemon to weaken it before it can be taken down.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Also in the original Adventure, the regular Monzaemon was the benevolent mayor of Toy Town and only captured the DigiDestined while he was Brainwashed and Crazy due to a Black Gear lodged in its stuffing. Here, it's a ruse for WaruMonzaemon to lure unsuspecting Digimon with.
  • Composite Character: Monzaemon and WaruMonzaemon are one and the same here, instead of seeming to be two separate beings in the original Adventure continuity.
  • Emotion Eater: It gains power from the despair of those it absorbs, including T.K. and Patamon briefly. It induces said despair via Mind Rape.
  • Killer Teddy Bear: It's even stronger than WereGarurumon thanks to the emotions that it's fed on. When its victims escape, it becomes weak enough to be taken down by a single combined attack from WereGarurumon and Angemon.



Voiced by: Yasunori Masutani (Japanese)

An Ultimate level Digimon rock star and entertainer, he challenges the DigiDestined in order to become the King of Digimon. Shares a rivalry with Volcamon.

  • Adaptational Badass: Despite being downgraded from main antagonist to minor comedy villain, Etemon gained a decent amount of versatility. Its music can now distort Digivices as opposed to simply devolving the heroes' Digimon, and it's continually seen holding its own against its fellow Ultimates. It's even capable of holding his own against MetalGreymon in his base form, whereas in the original MetalGreymon completely trounced his Chaos form. He's also actually a good singer.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: While initially antagonistic towards DigiDestined, his goals are far smaller in scope compared to the original, simply content with entertaining his adoring fans. He also expresses admiration towards Mimi's Ponchomon after he's defeated by her.
  • Adaptational Comic Relief: Etemon from the original Digimon Adventure series was the main villain of second arc that actively pursued the protagonists. While his original self was far from devoid of comedy, he's now just a minor comical villain who gets quickly trounced by Ponchomon.
  • Brown Note: His shout-based special move causes electronic devices and Digimon within it's radius to behave erratically and unpredictably. While his fans don't seem to be harmed by it, the DigiDestined's Digimon and Izzy's laptop are shown to be negatively affected.
  • Graceful Loser: After he and Volcamon were defeated by Ponchomon, he's simply awestruck by her power and skill.
  • Ham-to-Ham Combat: With Volcamon.
  • Large Ham: Bombastic, loud and energetic, true to his rock star theme.
  • Laughably Evil: Much like the original, and far less antagonistic.
  • Silly Simian: Etemon is a hammy entertainer monkey.



Voiced by: Volcano Ota (Japanese)
A muscular Ultimate level cyborg Digimon who loves music and exercise, he challenges the DigiDestined in order to become the King of Digimon. Shares a rivalry with Etemon.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: A Volcamon appeared in Digimon Frontier, where it was the guardian of Sakkakumon's Earth Area and fought by J.P. Shibayama's human spirit, Beetlemon. During the fight, Volcamon attempted Break Them by Talking on J.P. before being defeated, and its psychological warfare was continued by a shadow version of Beetlemon on its behalf. This Volcamon is far more jovial, as well as being a Graceful Loser when it's defeated by Ponchomon.
  • Graceful Loser: After he and Etemon were defeated by Ponchomon, he's simply awestruck by her power and skill.
  • Ham-to-Ham Combat: With Etemon.
  • Large Ham: At the same level as his rival Etemon.
  • Laughably Evil: Much like the original, and far less antagonistic.
  • Magma Man: Courtesy of the volcano on its back.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: One of his attacks is called "Big Bang Voice" which releases red sound-waves that stuns enemies with a heavy bass mic performance.
  • The Rival: Shares a rivalry with Etemon.



A massive Ultimate level plant Digimon whose body is made up of dead trees, and long time enemy to Petaldramon.



A Mega level parasite Digimon that had attached itself to Machmon long before the DigiDestined met the latter.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Parasimon was famously the main antagonist in Runaway Locomon, where it controlled Locomon and was planning on having it rampage through the Real and Digital Worlds, and also took control of Ruki for a small while. While it was just as easy to take out after being separated from its hosts, it caused an invasion of Parasimon that took Dukemon: Crimson Mode to completely exterminate. Here, it doesn't get to call in any help; the instant it's separated from Machmon, all it can do is fly helplessly into the air while MetalGarurumon deals the finishing blow. The ones in Tamers are also considerably huge, some being on par with a truck in terms of size, while this one is only about as big as Machmon, who is a motorcycle.
  • Combat Tentacles: Uses its Spider Limbs this way to try and skewer anyone that gets too close.
  • Foil: To Matt. He and Gabumon are healthy, respecting partners that work together through their situations, while Machmon is only begrudgingly Parasimon's rider.
  • Glass Cannon: Parasimon may be a Mega level, but without a host, it's as easy to squash as a regular bug. Once MetalGarurumon ripped it away from Machmon, all it took was one Cocytus Breath to finish the job.
  • Puppeteer Parasite: Parasimon's modus operandi. It controls the host and enhances their power, which is how it gains power equal to its level.

    Gaossmon and Tyrannomon 

Gaossmon and Tyrannomon (Tyranomon)

A couple of antagonistic sworn brothers fighting for water in the wasteland. Gaossmon is a tiny blue T. rex head on legs, and Tyrannomon is a full-on T. rex body but with large arms. Their group had captured Joe prior to the episode's start.
  • Adaptational Badass: In the original Adventure, Greymon easily trounced one of the Tyrannomon under Etemon's command without leaving it a chance to fight back, despite both Digimon being of similar size and type. In the reboot, however, the one Gaossmon rides on manages to hold its own against Greymon and trade blows with him.
  • Ascended Extra: Gaossmon were previously foot soldiers for the Blue Flare army in Digimon Fusion and its manga. Here, one serves a more directly antagonistic role.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Minidekachimon.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Tyrannomon is the big guy to Gaossmon's little guy.
  • Breath Weapon: They're both capable of breathing out flames.
  • Cephalothorax: Gaossmon is a T. rex head with a pair of feet and a tail.
  • Dinosaurs Are Dragons: Both are fire-breathing tyrannosaur-like Digimon.
  • Dumb Muscle: Tyrannomon is Gaossmon's enforcer and quite the berserker when not told otherwise by Gaossmon.
  • Horse of a Different Color: Gaossmon rides on Tyrannomon for much of its screentime.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Quite literally in this case. Tyrannomon is the muscle while Gaossmon is the brains.
  • Terrifying Tyrannosaur: Both are antagonistic tyrannosaurs.
  • Undying Loyalty: Tyrannomon had sworn loyalty to Gaossmon and obeys him no matter what. Nohemon convinces Tyrannomon to perform a Heel–Face Turn, however.

    Minidekachimon and Atamadekachimon 

Minidekachimon and Atamadekachimon

A duo consisting of a t-rex with a giant head, and a smaller t-rex living inside its mouth. They lead one of the villain groups fighting for water in the wasteland, having captured Gomamon before the start of the episode.
  • Ascended Extra: Easily among the biggest examples in the franchise. Atamadekachimon only previously appeared as Temporary Online Content in the DigiWindow v-pet, all the way back in 2006 during the Digimon Data Squad era. Minidekachimon even more so, considering it only appeared in Atamadekachimon's sprite and description, and nowhere else. Even better, Minidekachimon is the one in charge with Atamadekachimon acting as its Dumb Muscle.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Gaossmon.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Atamadekachimon is the big guy, and Minidekachimon is the little guy.
  • Dumb Muscle: Atamadekachimon is Minidekachimon's none-too-bright enforcer, opposite Tyrannomon.
  • Horse of a Different Color: As opposed to Atamadekachimon being the main Digimon and protecting Minidekachimon like in its bio, Minidekachimon is actually the one in charge and riding on Atamadekachimon.
  • Pokémon Speak: Atamadekachimon actually yells "Dekaa!" at a couple of points, similar to its Verbal Tic from its profile.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: Atamadekachimon has a giant head on an otherwise tiny body. Minidekachimon too, though it's slightly less pronounced.

    Giromon and Boarmon 

Giromon and Boarmon

Giromon are a group of machine Digimon that attack in groups. They're fought in the wasteland by MetalGreymon and Rebellimon. They also ride several Boarmon, which are giant fire-wielding boars.
  • Cephalothorax: Giromon are just floating heads with arms.
  • Chainsaw Good: Giromon use their Giro Chainsaw attack for direct contact.
  • Full-Boar Action: Boarmon are big, fiery pigs, and pretty mean ones to boot.
  • Red Shirt Army: The Giromon only briefly give MetalGreymon trouble, and are quickly dispatched by Rebellimon in their first appearance.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: At least one Giromon manages to escape MetalGreymon and Rebellimon in both of their encounters.
  • Throw Down the Bomblet: Giromon's Deadly Bomb attack has it throw several hand grenades as a projectile.



A Frankenstein's Monster-styled Digimon that inhabits the wasteland area. Rebellimon had lost to it once.



A demon general fused with a horse. Long ago, it battled a gold warrior wielding a blade of light. The gold warrior was victorious, sealing Zanbamon. However, Zanbamon eventually escaped, destroying and menacing nearby villages.
  • Adaptational Badass: In Digimon Frontier, Zanbamon fought two Mega levels and was taken out easily (although, to be fair, his opponents were two of the Royal Knights, who are especially powerful even for Mega levels). Here, in comparison, a flashback shows Zanbamon going toe-to-toe with this series' versions of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, other two powerful Mega who had also gone through the Adaptational Badass route themselves.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The previous series’ Zanbamon were good guys, while this one is a villain through and through.
  • Alien Blood: Both of the hits it takes before dying cause it to bleed glowing blue data from its head.
  • BFS: While it dual-wields, it mostly uses its giant golden sword.
  • Bling of War: Its giant sword and several parts of its armor are golden.
  • Boss Warning Siren: Its appearance is preceded two long blasts on a war horn.
  • Diagonal Cut: It gets finished off with a diagonal slash through its head.
  • Dual Wielding: While it mostly fights with its giant sword, it also wields a second one that's more proportional to its size in its off-hand.
  • Eye Lights Out: When it gets finished off with a Diagonal Cut, its eyes stop glowing before it disintegrates.
  • Intangible Man: Its body is intangible to everything except the weapon of its arch-enemy.
  • The Juggernaut: It rushes through and obliterates everything in its path.
  • Our Monsters Are Weird: It has a humanoid upper body fused to the back of a partly-skeletal horse, giving it a nuckelavee-like appearance.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Zanbamon was sealed away by the gold warrior. Eventually, though, Zanbamon’s persistence won out and it escaped.
  • Shockwave Stomp: Its horse half knocks WereGarurumon flat by rearing up and slamming its hooves down to create a shockwave.



Voiced by: Brittany Lauda (English)
A massive horde of ghostly Digimon that have taken up residence in Petaldramon's forest. They hate life and are trying to keep the DigiEggs that appear there from hatching. They arew led by a SkullBaluchimon.
  • Bedsheet Ghost: They look like transperent Bakemon with witch hats. Like Bakemon, they're completely solid. They lose the transparency when exposed to Angewomon's Ophanimon aura.
  • Enemy to All Living Things: They hate life itself and want to keep other Digimon from hatching.
  • Extendable Arms: They have arms hidden in their sleeves and can extend them hundreds of feet into the air.
  • Ghostly Chill: They spread a chill to the DigiEggs in the forest to prevent them from hatching, though they have to actively work in groups to do so.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: They all have glowing red eyes and there are more than enough of them to invoke The Darkness Gazes Back.
  • The Swarm: While they never do an outright Zerg Rush, there are enough of them that they can attack in seemingly unending waves. When they extend their arms, there are enough of them to form a solid wall around Angewomon and Kari in a clearing with SkullBaluchimon with enough arms left over to ensnare Angewomon.



An enormous fossil beast that hates all that lives. It spreads cold throughout Petaldramon's forest in hopes of keeping the DigiEggs there from hatching.

Its Digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Baluchimon, its uncorrupted form. A shaggy horse-like animal decked out in resplendant armor.
  • Ultimate: SkullBaluchimon, a massive skeletal beast with canine and draconic features. It gives off an aura of darkness and cold.

  • Bad Boss: When it uses its roar attack on Angewomon, it also disintegrates several dozen Soulmon in the area.
  • Born-Again Immortality: It gets reverted to an egg by Angewomon's Ophanimon aura.
  • Breath Weapon: It can exhale the same chill that the Soulmon are trying to spread. Downplayed in that the only real harm it does is preventing DigiEggs from hatching.
  • Dem Bones: It's a giant fossil beast made from the bones of multiple creatures.
  • Dying as Yourself: It's purified by Angewomon using Ophanimon's power, before reverting back to a DigiEgg. The golden sillouhette of a regular Baluchimon is also shown as it begins its cycle anew.
  • Enemy to All Living Things: Like the Soulmon it commands, it hates life and wants to prevent any more Digimon from being born.
  • Evil Is Deathly Cold: Its body constantly gives off darkness and cold and it can breath even more of it out.
  • Eye Beams: When it first appears, it fires a sweeping eye-laser strong enough to disintegrate the trees in front of it. Gatomon and Kari narrowly duck under it.
  • Eye Lights Out: Its eye sockets go dark when Angewomon purifies it and reverts it to an egg.
  • Ghostly Chill: It gives this off continuously, unlike the Soulmon who have to actively work in groups to spread it.
  • Hellhound: It's an enormous, life-hating, skeletal canine with elements of a Dracolich. Also overlaps with Hellish Horse, since the baluchitherium is basically an ancient horse.
  • Kaiju: It absolutely towers over every part of the forest except for where the much larger Petaldramon and Entmon are frozen.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: Its roar is powerful enough to send Angewomon flying across the forest.
  • Nested Mouths: The front of its skull has a pair of tusks with horse-like rows of teeth between them. Behind that is a more human-like set of teeth.
  • Non-Human Undead: Upon its defeat and reversion to a DigiEgg, it's revealed to be an undead Baluchimon.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Just like the Soulmon it commands.
  • Shockwave Stomp: It slams the ground several times with its claws to create shockwaves.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: To Baluchimon, whose spirit resurfaces as Angewomon purifies it.
  • Walking Wasteland: Its body constantly gives off an aura of darkness and cold. Among other things, it keeps DigiEggs from hatching.
  • Weaponized Teleportation: It teleports to avoid an attack from Angewomon and then counterattacks with a stomp from above.
