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    Students of Speck 

The Protagonist

The unpowered main character of the story.
  • Badass Normal: They have no special abilities and they are still able to be more or less equal with their powered classmates.
  • Clothes Make the Superman: Since they have no powers, they have to rely on equipment to fight.
  • Costume Evolution: Beyond just the PC's initial chosen hero costume, different armor can be gained for increased defense based on their class, which is unlocked by getting a high enough GPA in your classes during the first game.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Captain Powerless/CP", courtesy of Dirty Girl. They can even change their superhero name to that if they wanted to, and it is the character's designated placeholder name.
  • Lawman Baton: The PC can get one if they pass either the midterm or final exams and is either an Acrobat or a Detective.
  • The Leader: They can be elected leader of their core group of friends if they have a high enough relationship with them.
    • Make the right decisions, and they will retain or gain (if they weren't elected leader before) the leadership role at the end of Book 2. Otherwise, the leadership position will go to Tress instead.
  • Power Fist: Uses brass knuckles if they are an Acrobat or a Detective.
  • Power Nullifier: It's been confirmed that if they decided to get superpowers for the last game in the series, the one they get is blocking other people's powers.
  • Scholarship Student: How they got into Speck in the first place.
  • The Strategist: They can become this in the second game as one of their paths to unlock more potential for themselves, which they achieve by coming up with interesting combos for their friends to use during combat.
  • Vigilante Execution: Happens if the PC kills the Wyvern instead of just letting the police capture him after their confrontation, leading to the Dragon Slayer achievement.


One of the students in the class and a member of Team B, along with Stunner, Dirty Girl and the PC. She has the power to control and lengthen her hair. She wears a green costume with a domino mask.
  • First Girl Wins: Is the first possible love interest introduced and whose option comes up much earlier than most of the others.'
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Appears to start developing this after feeling like she failed as a role model for the rest of the group despite always trying to look so emotionally strong, although there are hints it may have been pre-existing.
  • The Leader: Becomes the leader of your core group of friends if the MC doesn't volunteer or if they do volunteer but they don't have enough votes to become leader.
  • Prehensile Hair: Her power.
  • The Prima Donna: Displays a more mild version of this personality in certain circumstances, especially during interactions with Dirty Girl, who she even calls Fog Bitch during an argument in the second game. At the 1990s themed party for Crook, this is commented on due to her wearing a very sultry purple dress to show off.
  • The Resenter: Although she does not openly vocalize such thoughts, it is hinted that whenever the PC performs well, she is not as happy as one would expect her to be.


One of the students in the class and a member of Team B, along with Tress, Dirty Girl and the PC. He has the power to create shockwaves by clapping his hands. He wears golden armor with a matching helmet and visor.
  • Closet Geek: If you earn his confidence and he invites you back to his apartment you find out he's a huge fanboy of the most famous superheroes and gushes over how lucky he is to have all the rare memorabilia in his collection.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He seems like a jerkass; but once you become friends with him, he shows his nicer side.
  • Put on a Bus: He's accepted into Prestige, the really big-time hero school, at the end of the first game. On the other hand the second game shows he was indeed serious about staying in a relationship with the player's character (if they were) despite the distance.
  • Smug Super: Seems like this when he is first met, until it's revealed that he has a nicer side.

Dirty Girl

One of the students in the class and a member of Team B, along with Tress, Stunner and the PC. She has the power to produce smoke. She wears casual clothes with an aviator cap and goggles.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Implied in the sequel, as she is one of the three students able ace Professor McCormick's test. It's worth to note that this particular test is said to be more difficult than the previous ones (In-Universe at least). Case in point? TRESS herself didn't get an A, which was why she was especially bitter when DG showed off her paper.
  • Costume Evolution: This occurs somewhat in the second game, during the 1990s themed party she throws for Crook, resulting in her leggings being replaced with skin-tight jeans and her wearing a bullet-belt instead of her normal regular leather one.
  • Functional Addict: She is addicted to ecstasy but it doesn't really affect her life to the point that you only find out about it if she chooses to offer you some.
  • Hip-Hop: Apparently a big fan of the genre, especially the old stuff.
  • The Nicknamer: She makes nicknames for a lot of people. Examples being "Muscles" for Stunner, "Tangle" (later "Stressy Tressy") for Tress, and "Captain Powerless/CP" for the PC.
  • Punk Rock: Also an even bigger fan of this genre, with references to it throughout the games.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: This with Crook and several of the other more questionably motivated students, who spend their free time doing shady things at even shadier bars.
  • Steampunk: Her aforementioned aviator cap and goggles, combined with a preference for leather jackets, are very prominently pointed out. In the second game, someone even calls her "goth Amelia Earhart".
  • Unpopular Popular Character: She may have a tendency to throw majorly successful parties, but if the PC romances her, she tells them that she feels bad for the fact that people don't seem to take her seriously.


One of the older students in the class and a member of Team H. He has the power to create portals through solid objects. Wears a green cloak and a domino mask.
  • Beard of Sorrow: He gets pretty scruff after Origami's death.
  • Costume Evolution: To go along with his rapidly increasing amount of facial hair, he replaces his usual green outfit with a black version, which is even accompanied by a tuxedo during the 1990s party thrown for him by Dirty Girl.
  • Deadpan Snarker: One of the snarkier students in the class.
  • In the Hood: In addition to his domino mask, he also wears a cloak to hide his identity.
  • Old Superhero: Labeled as such by Dirty Girl because of him being the oldest student at the school, even leading to her throwing a 1990s themed party for him in the second game.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: This with Dirty Girl and several of the other more questionably motivated students, who spend their free time doing shady things at even shadier bars.
  • Teleportation: His power, which involves moving through portal.


Considered the strongest student in class and a member of Team H. She has a force field surrounding her. She wears a grey sweatsuit and a domino mask.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Towards the end of the second game, she comes back just in time to save Synergy from being eaten alive by Monstrosity X. This was despite her previously refusing to stay and help defend Speck. The scene itself is both a CMOA and a CMOH.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Not immediately apparent, but she shows shades of this towards Origami, as seen in Team H's conversation after taking the finals in Downfall's and The Hedonist's classes. In the second game, she snaps at a civilian when she talks about Origami, implying that the loss of her really shook her, deep down.
    Sadie: I'm just so sorry about your friend. Sorry I launched into all that other stuff. I mean, I know you don't want to talk about her but-
    Stoic: So don't talk about her.
  • Brought Down to Normal: She loses her shield after blocking an attack by Monstrosity X.
  • Changed My Mind, Kid: She leaves school before Manipulator's attack, but comes back to save the group from Lady Ash and Monstrosity X.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Very much so in the second game. The best example would be if you choose to improve your Power(Pow) in the Breaking People and Things Class. You will be rewarded with a scene where the PC trains by punching at Stoic (specifically, her shield) like one would a punching bag, which is hilarious in and of itself. Then, you get this gem from Stoic:
    Stoic: So now I'm a piece of gym equipment. Great.
  • Deflector Shield: Her power.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In the side story, "A Very Stoic Christmas", she planned to leave. She changed her mind at the end though.
  • The Stoic: Pun not withstanding, she never really says much or react to anything. As she puts it, her power is "things don't bother me." She even shows an immunity to Monstrosity X's aura of fear in the second game.
  • Stone Wall: Nothing has been capable of penetrating her shield but she has shown no offensive capability. At least, it seems impenetrable, until it gets destroyed by Monstrosity X at the end of the second game.


One of the students in the class and a member of Team H. She has the power to turn into paper and fold herself into intricate shapes and items. She wears white robes and a domino mask.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: Looks younger and acts more childish than the rest of the class.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She was killed when she was trying to get the bomb away from the hospital.
  • Never Found the Body: The main character can choose to believe she's still alive somewhere since 99% of her body mass was somewhere else when she was killed.
  • Not Quite Flight: Her paper form can glide on wind currents.
  • Older Than They Look: Looks younger than everybody else but says she is around the same age as everybody else. Subverted when it turns out that she is 13.
  • Sacrificial Lion: A game that's willing to kill an upbeat 13 year old is definitely playing for keeps.
  • Vengeful Ghost: Appears to be this for a brief moment during the fight with the Manipulator in the second game, but subverted when its revealed that Tress was distracting the villain by creating a fake version of her.


One of the students in the class and a member of Team H. He has the power to draw strength from the people around him. He wears a blue costume with a domino mask and glasses.

Combat Wombat

A student who wears very bulky armor.
  • Animal-Themed Superbeing: Subverted. Wombat is actually an acronym.
  • Costume Evolution: His armor has several readjusting and interlocking exterior plates added to it in the second game, as an attempt to boost its resistance to damage.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Wondrously Original Mobile Brute with Advanced Tech.
  • Lovable Nerd: Tends to turn many things into mathematical equations and makes references to video games in certain social situations, which can lead to conversations becoming awkward, but most people still like him anyway.
  • Nerds Are Virgins: He admits to never kissing a girl, so it's safe to guess he never did the deed either.
  • Not in the Face!: Because it is the one spot his armor doesn't cover.
  • Put on a Bus: At the end of Book 2 if he lives, his parents call him back home; thus, causing him to leave the team.
  • Sixth Ranger: He was later included in the Team B & H study group and soon the PC's core group of friends.
  • Surprisingly Sudden Death: If the PC doesn't do anything to protect Tress from Lady Ash, he will do it and die.


A student introduced in the second half of Part 1.


A student introduced in the second half of Part 1.

Unicorn Fish Girl


A student who is introduced in Part 2.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Everyone seems to find him annoying, and none of the player's teammates takes the idea well if they suggest him as a new member to replace their losses.
  • Super-Speed: His power, but only for a few seconds at a time.


A student who is introduced in Part 2.


A student who is introduced in Part 2.

    Teachers and Other Faculty Members 

Dean Meg Tolly

The dean of Speck.

Professor Sandy McCormick

An attorney who teaches the Hero & Enemy Law & Liability class in Speck.
  • Fun with Acronyms: The acronym for her class is HELL, which even she herself makes jokes about at the subject's expense.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Her glasses are the first things to be mentioned about her and her class is the most academic among the four subjects in Speck.
  • Token Human: She is the only regular professor among the staff, aside from Tolly. Subverted in Part 2 when Tolliver joins the program.


A teacher who teaches the Basics of Defense class. He is also said to be on a loan from Savior.
  • Anyone Can Die: Becomes another victim of the Manipulator in the second game, despite seeming like he's completely invincible beforehand.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Despite his fitting name and reputation, he is shown to clearly care about the students he teaches, even if it might seem to be taken a bit too far in some ways.
  • Innocently Insensitive: He thinks very highly of himself and sometimes this seems a bit demeaning as a result, but he often seems unaware of how his boasting about defending the students can be perceived.
  • Sexual Extortion: Implied from all the mentions of his "unethical" grading methods. If the PC is either a gay male, a straight female, or a bisexual of either gender, they can even experience this first hand by unlocking the option to use it for a better grade on their initial Defense Test in the first game.
  • Super-Strength: He can rip telephone poles out of the ground with ease.
  • Super-Toughness: He claims that even Downfall can't actually hurt him, though he's not invincible.


A teacher from New York who teaches the Breaking People and Things class.
  • Power Copying: And she can even use the students' powers better than they can.
  • Tough Love: She justifies her brutal lessons for the students on the grounds they'll need it to survive the real world. The thing is, she's not wrong, proven especially true when the A-List supervillains launch a brutal attack at the end of the second book, where it's possible for multiple characters to die.


A mysterious teacher who teaches Secrets 101.
  • In the Hood: Wears a cloak that hides any notable feature they could have.
  • The Mole:
    • A non-villainous example. Was sent by Mega Cat to gather information on the school and its students.
    • If you end up as Nil's pet, they will flip over to your side, promising to provide you with information.
    Book 1: "The Smarts have your secrets. I will help you get theirs."
    Book 2: The first sentence reads: "It would be folly to trust her." The emphasis on "folly" is not missed. Folly rhymes with Tolly. Is Nil telling you to question the motives of your own dean? The last two lines of the note read: "You desire proof? Proof you shall have."
  • Otherworldly and Sexually Ambiguous: Always remarked to be somewhat inhuman and the cloak always hides any feature that helps determine Nil's gender.

Captain California

See his entry under Others.

Tammy Tolliver

A reporter who became the teacher for Speck's Media Relations in Part 2, replacing Nil's Secrets class.

     Other Characters 

Jacob Pitts

A young boy with Progeria who becomes friends with the Protagonist and Origami after their visit to the children's hospital.
  • Precocious Crush: He has a crush on Origami. This gets downplayed when you learn Origami's secret.
  • Rapid Aging: His illness made him look like a 75-year-old despite being 10.

Doctor Stench

The C-list villain who was also the Protagonist/PC's father.
  • Beyond the Impossible: He was able to obtain information about the Diabolical Dozen.
  • Inevitable Mutual Betrayal: He was stabbed 12 times (4 in the neck, 4 in the chest, 4 in the stomach) in prison by a cellmate working for the Diabolical Dozen, after he also betrayed them by gathering information about their operations.
  • Laughably Evil: A stench focused villain whose outfit focused on the nose of all things. Most citizens initially found his crime spree funny.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: He was caught first, but he was getting ready to switch from stink to tear gas. The protagonist notes his technology has a lot of potential. After all, everyone needs to breathe.
  • The Stool Pigeon: He ratted out everyone he knew to avoid life in prison, including the Diabolical Dozen. He still ended up spending his life in jail.

Captain California

A superhero from Savior School who immediately appeared during the finals. He replaces Downfall in Part 2.
  • Noble Bigot: A downplayed example, but he seems to think powers = heroism, so he tends to forget about the protagonist during his inspiring speeches. He still takes time to give them private lessons on more mundane training, and seems legitimately impressed when the protagonist takes down Wyvern all on their own.
  • Surfer Dude: He acts like one though, he later reveals that it is just an act, during the Wyvern's Night of Chaos.

Dick Rycliff

A pesky reporter for the Speck Gazette who tries to tarnish the reputation of the PC and their school in both games by turning the public against them through references to the trouble they've brought to the city.
  • A Dick in Name: Definitely applies here, as he is such a douchebag that he causes Tress to run away crying from an onstage speech about the Manipulator in the first game, and tries really hard to get the school's superhero program shut down.
  • Karma Houdini: Even in a more antagonistic role, he's not one of the main supervillains in the series, which allows him to get off basically Scot-free in both of the games so far.

Mega Cat

One of the first Zeniths and the founder of Prestige University.
  • The Ghost: Has been mentioned frequently, and talked up as the world's greatest hero. Has never yet been seen in the two games currently out.

Booksmart (Briana Salazar)

One of the co-founders of Savior School along with her brother, Streetsmart.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: To create a society free of war, crime, hunger, disease, ignorance, and intolerance, Booksmart advocates for the unification of all minds - which basically means everyone will be able to read the minds of everyone else.

Streetsmart (Santos Salazar)

One of the co-founders of Savior School, along with his sister, Booksmart.
  • Seers: His power set allows him to see into the future.

The Protagonist's Mother

The mother of the protagonist and the wife of Dr. Stench.


The Wyvern

An armor-clad supervillain with no real explanation for being evil, who sets his sights on the PC and their school early on in the second game.
  • For the Evulz: His motivation for being evil is never really explained note , with this being the closest thing to a "logical" answer, since he even tries to start a Night of Chaos in the game's main city just so that the criminals have something to do.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: He wears a massive suit of dragon-themed armor, uses a homemade jet pack, carries an electrical rifle, and wields a handheld retractable cannon.
  • It's Personal with the Dragon: He introduces himself at the beginning of the second game by kicking the ever-loving shit out of the PC, whilst continuing to cause major problems within the main city of the series and personally targeting the PC themselves on numerous occasions despite not even being part of the Diabolical Dozen, before eventually being defeated in a final confrontation with the PC.
  • Obligatory Joke: The series as a whole has quite a sense of humor, but there's a particular joke about the Wyvern being an inferior cousin of the Dragon that repeatedly pops up throughout the second game with regards to this villain.
  • Super Wrist-Gadget: The PC eventually gains an opportunity to steal a laser-firing weapon attached to their wrist from his secret lair, which they can later use during the final confrontation with him.

The Manipulator

A member of the Diabolical Dozen with a more civilian appearance as just a normal young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, with the ability to teleport objects or people within a mile at will.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Monstrosity X ripped off one of her arms. In her private meeting with the PC, the PC will comment about it.
  • Enemy Mine: Near the end of the second game, after getting beat up by the PC's allies and betrayed by the Diabolical Dozen for her failure, she decides to form a secret alliance of convenience with the PC against her former employers after teleporting them to a private meeting with her.
  • It's Personal: She specifically targets the PC and their friends throughout both games, which even leads to her killing Origami toward the end of the first game, causing the entire school of students to swear for revenge against her.
  • Obfuscating Insanity: Many times throughout both games, she seems to be riding the borderline of sanity and insanity, but the second game reveals she is definitely just playing an act to entertain herself.
  • Weak, but Skilled: She isn't as physically weak as Hag, but she's ultimately just a regular person with little defensive capabilities in comparison to the rest of the Diabolical Dozen, so she needs to use her powers for most of the dirty work.
  • Weaponized Teleportation: Although she utilizes teleportation much like Crook, her powers are on a larger scale and work directly instead of through portals, which leads to her often using them more for combat than transportation.
  • You Have Failed Me: The Dozen nearly kills her after her failed assault on Speck, which was apparently not the first time she'd failed.

Lady Ash

The leader of the Diabolical Dozen. She can cause immediate combustion of any object within a 500-foot radius.

Monstrosity X

A giant humanoid figure up to 20 feet tall of unknown gender, made out of black sludge with constantly shifting mouths all over it, which possesses immense physical strength and induces inexplicable fear in almost any opponent just by its mere presence alone.
  • Eldritch Abomination: This and Blue Morpho are the two most Lovecraftian-looking members of the Diabolical Dozen.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: You don't want to mess with anyone called "Monstrosity."
  • The Strength of Ten Men: Has this in massive quantities, and it is even enough to destroy Stoic's seemingly indestructible personal forcefield at the end of the second game.
  • Supernatural Fear Inducer: Generates an aura of intense fear that brings seemingly any foe to their knees, unless you count Stoic, who actually had enough of an iron will to openly confront it before her shield was destroyed by this creature.


A vicious ape-like mutant with a sadistic edge and some definite anger issues, who is in a duo with Hag.
  • Covered with Scars: Both from battles and the initial mutilation of his mutation, scars crisscross on his entire body, especially his face.
  • Evil Duo: Has this with Hag, who he carries around due to her frailty.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Clearly has a more sadistic side, which is shown in the second game, when a simulation of him for practicing negotiations tells a story about crushing cockroaches as a kid whilst remaining relatively calm until he freaks out at the end.
  • Was Once a Man: Mutated beyond belief into a simian appearance, but was once entirely human.


A woman with an unnaturally frail appearance, who must be carried around by Lowlife in their duo, and has the ability to wield immense psychic powers.
  • Evil Duo: Has this with Lowlife, who carries her for transportation.
  • Evil Old Folks: Appears like a creepy old woman, with heavily wrinkled skin and a wild bundle of hair on her head.
  • Glass Cannon: Due to her old and wrinkled appearance, she is immensely frail in a physical sense.
  • Psychic Powers: Wields these with immense skill, although they are offset in their range by her lack of independent movement.
