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Characters / Codex Equus Caerulidae

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Here is a list of characters from the Caerulidae, the Ascendant biological/adoptive children of Blue Suede Heartstrings (now King Caerulus Melodia Equestria-Corporatum).

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  • Badass Family: The Caerulidae is named because all of its members are surviving children are Blue Suede Heartstrings/King Caerulus Melodia Equestria-Corporatum, whether through adoption or biological ties. They're also powerful and ancient deities like their father, with Prince Crystal Clear, Blue Suede/Caerulus' oldest son, being the oldest of them in general. The only exceptions are the youngest Caerulidae, such as Prince Perfect Tone and Princess Baby Blue, who are babies.
  • Deity of Human Origin: Many Caerulidae members were either mortals who eventually Ascended, or demi-deities who eventually became true deities.
  • Divine Parentage: All of them are children of Blue Suede Heartstrings, whether by adoption or by blood. They're also technically related to the Thirteen Empyreans through Blue Suede, who re-Ascended as a Reincarnation 'clone' of Mana Equus, the Empyrean Magician.
  • Foil:
    • To War Rock's children. The Caerulidae was raised by a father who, despite his flaws, genuinely loved all of them and raised them as best as he could. War Rock's children were the result of their father sleeping around with hundreds of mares, yet were treated as unwanted consequences of his hedonistic lifestyle and abandoned (and even aborted, if Winter Opera is of indication) to their fates. War Rock's children were also harshly judged and mistreated by Ponyland for their heritage, regardless of anything they themselves did to truly warrant it, while the Caerulidae as a whole is praised and beloved due to their father being one of the greatest musicians of the Second Age, which brought its own problems.
    • They're also this to the Liberi Lunae, Moon Ray Vaughoof's children. The Caerulidae are large in number, while the Liberi Lunae is much smaller. Most of the Caerulidae were sired biologically by a god who slept around, while most of the Liberi Lunae were adoptees due to both them coming from broken homes and Moon Ray being asexual.
  • Happily Adopted: As shown with Prince Crystal Clear and Queen Krásná Tradice, some members of the Caerulidae were adopted by Blue Suede/Caerulus. All of them so far have been shown to live happy lives under their adoptive father, who loves all of his kids whether they're of his blood or not.
  • Historical Character's Fictional Relative: All members of the Caerulidae are fictional characters and biological/adoptive children of Blue Suede Heartstrings, who is based on Elvis Presley.
  • Hybrid Power: Many Caerulidae are divine Alicorn hybrids due to Blue Suede/Caerulus' friendliness and racial tolerance. This gives them a larger variety of powers depending on what race their mothers are from.
  • Massive Numbered Siblings: Exaggerated and justified. There is likely hundreds of Caerulidae members, and the reason why they're numerous is due to Blue Suede Heartstrings sleeping around with multiple partners.
  • Meaningful Name: They're called the Caerulidae because Blue Suede Heartstrings became the father of a lot of children over three Ages, whether through adoption or siring them with multiple partners. Their group name also refers to Blue Suede's Alicorn name, Caerulus Melodia Equestria-Corporatum, which he gained after becoming a King.
  • Our Gods Are Different: Many Caerulidae members are either Ascendant mortals or demigods who eventually became true gods. Others like Prince Perfect Tone and Princess Baby Blue are infant entities who are Karmic Jackpots personified.
  • Point of Divergence: In real life, Elvis Presley married Priscilla Presley, but they only had one daughter and they divorced sometime after due to Elvis' drug addiction and infidelity. Here, Blue Suede Heartstrings already had a true love, but was forced to marry Venerable Grace in an Arranged Marriage after he was outed as a gay stallion by his corrupt manager. This kicked off a series of events that led to Blue Suede reuniting with his true love and having more children than his historical counterpart.
  • Pretty Princess Powerhouse: Some of the Caerulidae are beautiful Princesses, and they're also competent fighters thanks to their father being a war veteran.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: So far, all members of the Caerulidae are royalty — including their father, who became first a Prince after joining the Equestrian Pantheon, then a King after becoming the leader of the Corporatum Pantheon. All of them are benevolent deities who actively help their subjects instead of sitting around.
  • Warrior Prince: Many male Caerulidae members are both Princes and competent fighters thanks to their father being a war veteran.

    Prince Crystal Clear, the Prince of Sound 
See his folder entry here.

    Princess Sincerus Pecunia Mousikós-Corporatum, the Honest Manager 
See her folder entry here.

    Queen Krásná Tradice, the Dutiful Queen 
See her folder entry here.

    Prince Perfect Tone 
See his folder entry here.

    Princess Winter Opera, the Defiant Symphony 
See her page here.

    Princess Baby Blue 

Classification: Ethereal

Portfolio: Flaws, Acceptance, Life, Rhythm

Rank: Godling

Princess Baby Blue (first introduced here) is the Alicorn-Deer-Draconequus goddess of Flaws, Acceptance, Life, and Rhythm, and is one of the youngest members of the Caerulidae.
  • Alliterative Name: Baby Blue.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: She's an infant Alicorn-Deer-Draconequus goddess who embodies Flaws, Acceptance, Life, and Rhythm. Her entire portfolio represents the acceptance of both one's flaws and the rhythm of life no matter how hard it may seem.
  • The Cutie: As one of the youngest members of the Caerulidae, she's a cute little baby and the apple of her family's eyes.
  • Heinz Hybrid: Like Perfect Tone, she's an Alicorn-Deer-Draconequus hybrid — her Alicorn traits come from Caerulus, while her Deer and Draconequus traits come from Stoltur.

    Princess Belladonna Heartstrings 
See her folder entry here.

    Regal Pillar Heartstrings, the Archduke of Corruption 
See his folder entry here.

    Prince Agathis Heartstrings-Corporatum 
See his folder entry here.

    Riaghladair Math Heartstrings, the King-Maker 

Classification: Ethereal

Portfolio: Sovereigns, Order, Benevolence, Respect

Rank: Divine (Tier I/Godling)

Riaghladair Math Heartstrings (first introduced here) is the Alicorn god of Sovereigns, Order, Benevolence, and Respect, and is the older fraternal twin brother of Caos Caoimhneil Heartstrings.
  • Always Identical Twins: Averted. He's the older fraternal twin brother of Caos Caoimhneil, though he's a Draconequus whereas his brother is an Alicorn.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: He's an Alicorn god who embodies Sovereigns, Order, Benevolence, and Respect.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: Averted with him and Caos Caoimhneil; they're fraternal twins who are of completely different species. He's an Alicorn, while his younger brother Caos is a Draconequus.
  • The Magnificent: Known as "the King-Maker".
  • Meaningful Name: His name translates to "good ruler" in Scottish Gaelic, and he's a god who embodies the good aspects of sovereignty such as Order, Benevolence, and Respect. Ironically, he chose not to become a divine ruler himself like his father, Blue Suede/Caerulus, did, instead choosing to help others become better rulers.
  • Winged Unicorn: He's an Alicorn god.

    Caos Caoimhneil Heartstrings, the Herald of Free Will 

Classification: Ethereal

Portfolio: Rebels, Chaos, Benevolence, Free Will

Rank: Divine (Tier I/Godling)

Caos Caoimhneil Heartstrings (first introduced here) is the Draconequus god of Rebels, Chaos, Benevolence, and Free Will, and is the younger fraternal twin brother of Riaghladair Math Heartstrings.
  • Alliterative Name: Caos Caoimhneil Heartstrings.
  • Always Identical Twins: Averted. He's the younger fraternal twin brother of Riaghladair Math, though he's a Draconequus whereas his brother is an Alicorn.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: He's a Draconequus god who embodies Rebels, Chaos, Benevolence, and Free Will.
  • Big Little Brother: Despite being Riaghladair's younger fraternal twin brother, he's a Draconequus and thus is naturally bigger than Riaghladair.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: Averted with him and Riaghladair Math; they're fraternal twins who are of completely different species. He's a Draconequus, while his older brother Riaghladair is an Alicorn.
  • The Magnificent: Known as "the Herald of Free Will".
  • Meaningful Name: His name translates to "benevolent chaos" in Scottish Gaelic, and he's a god who embodies the good aspects of chaos such as Rebels and Free Will.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: He's a Draconequus, so naturally he has chimeric animal traits that relate to his nature.

    Joyū Heartstrings, the Bewitching Actress 

Classification: Ethereal/Ascendant

Portfolio: Acting, Beauty, Fire, Illusion

Rank: Divine (Tier IV/Greater)

Affiliation: Shinseina Pantheon, Caerulidae

    Splash Page Heartstrings, the Alicorn/Author of Legacies 
See his folder entry here.

    Prince Abyssal Echo Heartstrings, the Song of the Depths 
See his folder entry here.

    King Menelaus Heartstrings, the (WIP title) 

Classification: Ethereal

Portfolio: Magic, Prejudice, Potential

Rank: Divine (???)

Affiliation: Caerulidae, Autumn Court, Corporatum

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: He's a Changeling god who embodies Magic, Prejudice, and Potential.
  • Divine Parentage: His birth parents were Empress Blackrose and Emperor Blackthorn, but later he was adopted by Blue Suede Heartstrings as his son, making him part of the Caerulidae.
  • Happily Adopted. While his birth parents were Empress Blackrose and Emperor Blackthorn, he was later adopted by Blue Suede Heartstrings as one of his sons. As shown by his surname of Heartstrings, he was quite happy with his arrangement and discarded his original family name to make clear his opinions on his birth parents.

    Crimson Night Heartstrings, the Monster Hunter 

Classification: Ethereal/Ascendant

Portfolio: Night, Hunters, Protection, Justice

Rank: Divine (Tier IV/Greater)

Affiliation: Caerulidae

Crimson Night Heartstrings (first introduced here) is the Alicorn god of Night, Hunters, Protection, and Justice, and is the older fraternal twin brother of Scarlet Blade Heartstrings.

    Scarlet Blade Heartstrings, the (WIP title) 

Classification: Ethereal/Ascendant

Portfolio: [WIP]

Rank: Divine (Tier IV/Greater)

Affiliation: Caerulidae


    Prince Shamrock Bloom, the Prince of Luck 
See his folder entry here.
