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Characters / Citadel Of The Heart Dino Squad Cast And Affiliates

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    General Mutants 

  • Adaptation Name Change: From "Perfect Dinosaurs" to "Beast Modes", not only due to the more widespread nature of the original definition of "Perfect Dinosaurs" from the show itself, but also because not all of the forms featured, be it from the very beginning (Buzz as Quetzalcoatlus) or later on (a currently unnamed mercenary for Victor using a Smilodon morph).
  • Decomposite Character: All of their character traits from the show were taken, separated, and organized into different categories that would wind up becoming the basis of their AU counterparts. This also includes several of the villainous characters and countless of side characters and characters of the day, at least until there was enough to work with to form the basis of the reimagined 7 major canonical characters. Only the more noteworthy specifics will be mentioned individually, though, since the list is quite long.
  • Shapeshifter Baggage: All of the mutants in the fic who transform have a required secondary power of their abilities to transform giving them the ability to condense their mass into very tightly packed spaces when in a smaller form, and typically having normal mass when transformed into something larger than their default form. If a mutant is created who doesn't have the mass of the larger form they acquire first, they can't transform at all until they gorge on food as to provide them with the mass necessary to transform into their given form, in which case they basically digest food almost instantly due to just how much food they need to intact before a successful transformation can occur. Peter, whose beast mode is an Alamosaurus, had to ingest well over several tons of food in the span of an entire day of endlessly eating before he could transform for the first time. The various mutants also have a Healing Factor which can allow them to feast on food as to make it so otherwise disastrous wounds can heal when not in a given form which possesses said wound. If for whatever reason the beast mode one particular mutant acquires is smaller than their original form instead of bigger, it's their beast mode that becomes super dense in physical composition rather than their human form.

    Protagonists (canon) 


  • Adaptation Species Change:
    • Roger = Triceratops styrax
    • Caruso = Stegosaurus
    • Fiona = Spinosaurus
    • Buzz = Quetzalcoatlus sp.
    • Moynihan = Acheroraptor
    • One noteworthy case is with Fiona's younger sister Terri; in the original show, she wasn't one of the main characters, but since she's an Ascended Extra in the fic, she actually acquires a dinosaur form of her own, even doing so before Buzz acquires his. Her dinosaur morph in particular is Anzu.
  • Age Lift: All of them are slightly younger than they were in the canon, as to emphasize them being teenagers. In the original, their ages were closer to adults. However, it's only about a year younger for each of the main leads.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Despite all of their clashing ideologies and attitudes, they get along surprisingly well. Cody, at first, seems to be more a case of Vitriolic Best Buds, but he's revealed quickly to be no different from the others.

Roger Blair

  • Adaptation Species Change: From an inaccurate portrayal of Styracosaurus in the show to Triceratops styrax from the video game ARK: Survival Evolved. Originally he was going to be simply altered to a Triceratops, but when noticing the surprising amount of similarities the ARK Triceratops has to Roger's canon morph, the author decided to use Triceratops styrax as his morph.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: From The Generic Guy to Shrinking Violet.
  • Animal Motifs: Rhinos, or rather any large herbivore with horns that can charge things down. He kind of takes offense to it at times, because one of the Jerk Jocks in his college decided to use it with racially charged connotations against him. If his friends make the comparison, he won't bat an eye for the most part.
  • The Big Guy: He's over 6 feet as a human, and he's a linebacker in college. Don't get the wrong idea, though; because of said linebacker role, he's also very swift on his feet in addition to being physically very strong.
  • Big Man on Campus: Literally, yes? The actual trope proper gets played around with in his character overall considering he's kind of not as big as high profile as his appearance and bedroom trophies would make you think he is. He's hardly outspoken, and he's only The Leader of the team overall by virtue of his skills in football, and the fact in situations he can't use his Beast Mode he's unequaled in regards to both strength and agility.
  • Big Eater: He's required to keep a hefty amount of bulk on him for his wrestling side gig, as he's registered as a heavy weight, so this is Enforced.
  • Bully Hunter:
    • He was bullied in most of his middle school years for being a nerdy, Formerly Fat kid who responded to his bullies by trying to chase them with minimal luck due to his poor agility at the time, and nowhere near as impressive strength. As a college student with many of the same bullies still a thorn to his side, they've moved on to targeting weaker individuals because they're not stupid enough to try and target Roger now that he's a Lightning Bruiser with a 6 foot tall Heroic Build to match.
  • Celebrity Paradox: His Beast Mode falls victim to this when at first, ARK: Survival Evolved exists In-Universe as a mere video game. Then they discover a species of Triceratops with frill horns arranged almost exactly like Triceratops styrax as seen in ARK, and it's heavily implied to be the remains of Roger himself.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He doesn't seem to be at all affected by Cody's rather blatantly racist remarks he gives to Roger, and views Cody as a trustworthy friend. Admittedly this does work in Roger's favor considering Cody's Hidden Heart of Gold, it's not as obvious to everyone else as it is to Roger in particular about what Cody is actually like.
  • Rhino Rampage: How he's often using his Triceratops form. At first not so much, since he believes his Triceratops form is more like the actual animal which couldn't realistically pull this off without hurting itself big time. When he learns he's invulnerable enough to damage that self-injury is a non-issue in said form, he begins to play the trope straight as he can while technically not having a Rhinoceros beast mode.
  • Shrinking Violet: He's not very outspoken when it comes to the main leads. He's only really considered The Leader because of his skills in football, considering everyone else is otherwise too much of a misfit in general to keep in line.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: More like drink, actually. If he's not guzzling down fresh water bottles, he's instead guzzling down sports drinks instead. In terms of actual food, he eats a variety of things and is by no means picky, so it's hard to determine a technical favorite in this case. Even when he acquires his Triceratops morph, it doesn't impact his diet at all; he still eats meat and other animal based food products. One time while fasting to prepare for a medical checkup, he's drinking nothing but sports drinks to make sure he doesn't eat any food that would throw off the medical exam and also to at least still sustain himself before it takes place.
  • White Male Lead: Subverted: He's by all means a male, but he's African-American instead of White, leaning more towards the African side due to how dark his skin is.

Fiona Flagstaff

  • Adaptation Personality Change: A very Downplayed example here; her Tomboy aspects are emphasized more, and are more consistent than in the canon. In the canon, she, Roger, and a few others bordered on The Generic Guy.
  • Adaptation Species Change: Subverted: She was originally going to have an Edmontosaurus morph, in at least two versions of the script at that. Like Caruso, she was changed back into the species she transformed into from the show; Spinosaurus.
  • Fiery Redhead: A bit of a teenage rebel when compared to her younger sister and her fellow female students.
  • Herbivores Are Friendly: Nice Gal she may be in-person, her beast mode averts this by virtue of Fiona being under the suspicion that herbivorous dinosaurs were probably just as bad as hippos if not even worse due to their significantly larger sizes.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to Terri's Girly Girl.

Terri Flagstaff

  • Adaptation Species Change: She was never mutated in the original show; here she gets her wish from the canon by not only being an Ascended Extra, but also getting the morph of an Anzu.
  • Sixth Ranger: Subverted. In the canon show, she was a reoccurring extra and nothing more. Buzz in the canon, meanwhile, is one of the main five members of the team. However, not only is Terri part of the main team in DinoSquad RX-Genesis, but Buzz winds up being the Sixth Ranger in context because he doesn't immediately have complete control over his beast mode just yet.
  • Shout-Out: She has the same exact Voice Changeling speculative ability as Saurian's depiction of Anzu.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to Fiona's Tomboy.
  • Voice Changeling: Her Anzu morph can mimic the sounds of other life-forms, and is actually capable of speaking human languages just fine. In fact, she's so good as to speaking in human languages in said form that she often has to tie her mouth shut in this form to make sure she's only speaking through Telepathy and not broadcasting her voice across the whole horizon.

Irwin Caruso

  • Adaptation Species Change: Subverted: He was originally going to be given an Ankylosaurus morph instead of a Stegosaurus morph for a majority of the original scripts. However, he was given back his Stegosaurus morph by the end of the first draft.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: In an attempt to impress the class, he volunteers to answer Moynihan's question regarding wolf behavior. Only problem is he used the outdated Alpha and Beta Wolves concept in his answer.

Neil "Buzz" Buzzmati

  • Adaptational Intelligence: He's smarter when it comes to complex animal knowledge.
  • Adaptation Species Change: Probably the only cast member aside from Moynihan who completely plays this straight, being a Quetzalcoatlus sp. as opposed to a Pteranodon. Quetzalcoatlus sp. was chosen as to give Buzz a case of Adaptational Badass, considering otherwise he would've effectively been the smallest morph in the room next to Terri and Cody.
  • Alpha and Beta Wolves: He correctly answers Moynihan's question on wolf behavior by explaining how wolves actually function as a family unit, making his knowledge on wolf behavior avert this trope.

Joanne Moynihan

  • Adaptation Species Change: To the Late-Cretaceous Acheroraptor, considering her backstory from the show is kept intact, and her original Velociraptor morph was already extinct by this point.
  • Foil: Whereas Victor is given an Adaptational Species Change to be a normal human with possession of a Beast Mode, Moynihan's origins from the show remain intact, although are given a tad more of an explanation as to how it works on her end. As a result, Moynihan is one of the unknown race of Ultraterrestrials capable of shapeshifting, and Victor is nothing more than an impostor of them.
  • Ultraterrestrials: She is from an unknown group of shapeshifters who lived on Earth since the planet's very beginning, with her having been born in the Mesozoic Era in particular. As her primary recurring form was an Acheroraptor, she was not known to exist at all until the very end of the Cretaceous within Hell Creek. Excavation in the area in the early 1900s caused her to escape into the modern day world, and has been at large ever since.

    Antagonists (Canon) 


  • Ascended Extra: If they happen to have existed in the canon as antagonists already, they're automatically this by default with a dose of O.C. Stand-in; Victor himself was the only reoccurring villain in the show, and while Peter is actually named in the pilot episode, he's never seen again afterwards.


Voice Actor: Willem Dafoe

  • Adaptation Name Change: His last name is not Veloci here, but what exactly it has been changed to is not yet known. His originally pitched last name change was "Dakota", considering he was originally planned to have a Dakotaraptor morph, but now that his Beast Mode has been changed to a purely fictional species of theropod, the name was shelved in favor of currently leaving Victor's last name vague.
  • Adaptation Species Change: Was originally a Velociraptor in the original show that gained a human form due to unexplained reasons. Whereas Moynihan keeps this origin but altered to be more accurate, Victor instead was once a normal human who was mutated against his own will initially before later deliberately mutating himself into a fictional theropod which resembles what would happen if the Indoraptor from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom had it's DNA recycled as the base genome and mixed in even more Raptor DNA.
  • Adaptational Villainy: As he was originally a Velociraptor in canon, and he wanted to bring the world back to the Mesozoic Era, he was kind of a standard Saturday Morning Cartoon villain; next to nothing was unique to him in particular. Here? Victor is outright vicious, and actually accumulates quite a body count within moments of his first appearance. Not only that, but he willingly signed up for being transformed into a mutant which could freely transform between human and dinosaur, with his only requests for the experiments to make him an unparalleled killing machine.
  • Animal Motifs: Fictional depictions of raptors.
  • Expy: Of the Indoraptor in terms of his fictional dinosaur form being a featherless, genetically supped up Raptor Attack type of dinosaur intended for warfare.
  • Freudian Excuse: He was a former businessman who carelessly drove his company into the red with various lawsuits filed against him which he lost to. However, it doesn't make him any less vile, considering he deliberately made such hazardous decisions against orders otherwise, and he willfully joined up with a secret group to create dinosaurs solely so he could become a ferocious killing machine that has absolutely to nothing to do with his original self; the closest he gets to such is that he just wants to see the world burn for what he believes are everyone else's mistakes, not his own.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: One of his men in particular made only a single demand in exchange for Undying Loyalty from him, which actually caused Victor to bestow him a Beast Mode which actually defied his own plans. Said Beast Mode is a Smilodon, a mammal, which otherwise has no place in his plans, but considering this strange individual was a giant of a man who was completely calm and literally only asked for this and nothing more in exchange for basically becoming Victor's personal slave. Victor was baffled at first, but the dead seriousness of which this man would submit to him if he sole demand was met was too tempting to pass up, and Victor had to actually shift plans with his schedule to acquire Smilodon DNA to get the contract sealed.
  • Raptor Attack: His Beast Mode is a fictional species of dinosaur designed with functionality in mind over accuracy to the actual appearance of such an animal. Victor calls himself the "Deinoraptor", translating to "Terror Thief".
  • Transhuman Treachery: He goes through multiple phases of this, starting off subtle, before eventually degrading into an Absolute Xenophobe against humankind and eventually every mammal in existence to the point that the moment he gets the opportunity, he experiments on himself to remove his human form and leave him with his raptor form as his pure form, but otherwise ensures his intelligence remains intact.
  • The Unfettered: He willfully signed up for experiments which could've easily killed him in the process, but he deemed the positives to outweigh the cons as considering he was a former businessman long gone into the red, he had literally nothing else to lose if he didn't willfully sign up.

Rolf "Max" Maxwell

  • Adaptation Species Change: He is the only canon cast member to have never been altered in any remote capacity when it comes to the very species his Beast Mode uses as a basis. Tyrannosaurus rex was already too ideal to pass up and the only attempts to change the mode in any way was an early attempt to depict him with feathering before settling with a more show accurate, featherless look that became the basis of this artwork by MF217.note 
  • Adaptational Villainy: Although possibly because of his Beast Mode, Max is not a protagonist early on in the story, and the role of the leader goes to Roger because of that. He's extraordinarily pragmatic about how he functions compared to many of the other pragmatic villains of the continuity, bordering on an Anti-Villain type of characterization.
  • Animal Motifs: Alaskan Malamutes.
  • Body Horror: His transformation from human to beast is more horrific than the others because of the imperfect means he acquired his otherwise perfected beast mode proper.
  • Darker and Edgier: The nature of his Beast Mode being both the result of an indirect infection that only gradually managed to perfect itself all on its own, combined with Tyrannosaurus being an Apex Predator, leads to Max being reduced to at times a thug of an individual who'll go out of his way to inflict casualties just so he can feed on their corpses simply to survive.
  • Establishing Character Moment: He charges down a steel wall to a meat packing plant and begins to rapidly feast on all of the stored meat. His unparalleled strength, and his bestial nature to hunt and eat to simply survive, has shown that his Beast Mode have almost entirely taken control of his mind; however, he planned out the attack in advance; the wall was initially given a mock charge into without the intent of breaking in immediately, as to instead weaken down the wall over time, before taking the entire staff by surprise by using all of his brute strength at once when the wall was already sufficiently weakened first.
  • Face of a Thug: The entire premise of his redesign in human form.
  • Mighty Roar: Played With; Tyrannosaurus is more than capable of living up to this reputation, but Max rarely ever vocalizes with an actual legitimate roar, leading most who encounter him who don't know any better believing that Tyrannosaurus can't actually roar at all. In reality, Max's vocal chords are heavily damaged early on, and the fact he hasn't transformed back into human form in over 5 years since fully mutating is what's preventing him from healing said vocal chords. By the time he does change into human form to regenerate his Beast Mode's vocal chords, by the time he turns back into a Tyrannosaurus, the first thing he does is let out a Mighty Roar.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: If his Beast Mode speaking up when he's in human form is anything to go by, Tyrannosaurus apparently considers their entire species to be combative beyond all reason and highly specialized in fighting be it prey or each other, and that their inherent desire for combat overrides most other logic seen in other predatory animals.
  • White Male Lead: Defied: Even after his Heel–Face Turn, Roger remains the leader of the protagonists.

    Protagonists (OC) 

Cody Smithson

  • Adaptational Badass: His usage of Dilophosaurus as a morph as a whole reminds everyone around him why Dilophosaurus was among the toughest predators of it's time.
  • Ax-Crazy: Tends to be the one guy in the room who's carrying some kind of weapon on hand at all times for whatever given reason. Even if he's not currently armed, he can easily use an Improvised Weapon from the nearest object he grabs.
  • Decomposite Character: He's the result of taking the more noticeably questionable behavior of the canon DinoSquad characters and combining them into a Ax-Crazy, racist, albeit Noble Bigot, type of character.
  • Establishing Character Moment: His racist, rude behavior stands out like a sore thumb in the prologue.
  • Noble Bigot: It's startling just how much of a nasty individual he can be towards everyone, but apparently he's got enough redeeming qualities to be part of Fiona's group of friends.
  • Token Evil Teammate: He's the least morally just of the Dino Squad, but this is perhaps his biggest advantage when it comes to dealing with scumbags like Victor. He knows a lot of the typical quirks with criminals since much of them he himself possesses, which makes him effectively able to seek out potential traitors very quickly.
  • Token Human: Defied, as he's indeed mutated like the others; just the problem is nobody knows what animal in question Cody can turn into.
  • Verbal Tic: He's The Hyena, but unlike most examples of this, he can actually control his laughter at times. However, he does tend to snicker and giggle a lot considering he finds just about everything amusing in some way or form.

    Antagonists (OC) 

"Data Unknown"

A client of Victor who applied for a job at Raptor Dyne specifically to acquire the morph of a Smilodon on purpose. Little to no information is known about them, and when Victor meets this person face to face, he was rather put off by the fact the person looked like they came from another dimension entirely...

  • Beast Man: His Smilodon morph he often times mixes with his own human head to form a feral fusion of his human and beast modes, often to the point of creating a more complete Beast Man appearance in the process if necessary.
  • Deal with the Devil: He effectively sold his soul to Victor simply so he could have free choice over his personal Beast Mode and he would basically be Victor's slave for life afterwards. Victor was actually baffled by this, but the man was too genuine and the offer too good to pass up that he agreed, even going as far as to delay a plan of his to acquire fresh Smilodon DNA to complete the contract with.
  • Mysterious Past: He showed up out of nowhere, swearing absolute obedience and loyalty to Victor should all he get in return be the personal choice of his Beast Mode and nothing more. His absolute dedication to his own genuine request actually unsettles Victor because he's indeed very genuine, but the lack of info on who this guy is unsettles him at times.
  • Our Werebeasts Are Different: His mastery of his Smilodon morph allows him to achieve a state of morph he dubs "Symbiosis" in which the two forms coexist with each other into a complete fusion of each of the other's most noteworthy traits mixed evenly in the same form.
  • The Stoic: He shows virtually no emotion, rarely ever speaks, and acts as what effectively amounts to Victor's personal guard cat. While exactly how much he knows of Victor's plan, his mammalian form was still a worthwhile exception to Victor's plans to eradicate mammals in exchange for the genuine Undying Loyalty this man offered in exchange for having a say on his Beast Mode only and nothing else.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: As his "Symbiosis Smilodon" form, he looks so front heavy that he's described as looking a lot like the titular Werewolf from An American Werewolf in London. Even the feline aspect of Smilodon does little to stop people from making the comparison.
  • Undying Loyalty: He made this promise to Victor in absolute should Victor agree to give him the specific form of his choosing. The fact he's just that willing to go through with it actually unsettled Victor a little.

    Spoiler Character 

RX -Odin-, the weakest of the confirmed multicellular specimens. Do not be fooled; even a single individual is suffice to kill a large dog and turn all of it's insides into newly produced RX -Odin- specimens.

  • Alien Invasion: It's an invasive species to Earth that originates from Jupiter's moon Io. And it has every willing intent to perform Hostile Terraforming of Earth to make Earth into a gigantic version of Io to suit their own needs.
  • Aliens Are Bastards: They are fully sentient despite their primitive forms; they recognize humans as sentient as well, but they have zero regard to what humans they kill in their feasts and plans to forcefully terraform Earth into a Hellfire wasteland that suits only their own needs.
  • Antagonist Title: They're the main threat of the fic, regardless of what other characters In-Universe would have you believe.
  • The Assimilator: It's diet can alter how RX specimens grow and change over time in their continuous state of hunger. After feeding on arachnids, one particular specimen develops spider-like web making and scorpion claws.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: It's hunger is not dictated by Earth organism laws; it digests it's food almost instantly after it finishes chewing through it, but at the same time this doesn't pose any issue towards it as one might expect. In reality, it rarely ever actually needs to eat to simply survive. It eats so that it can continuously grow, as it possesses no means to do so naturally through time.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Volcanic eruptions and lava flows of every kind pose no harm to them, and any debris and ash that follows also poses no harm to them. They can survive in temperatures akin to the surface of the sun, too.
  • Explosive Breeder: RX -Odin- demonstrates this when a single specimen attacks a border collie in the opening act and hundreds more of RX -Odin- emerge from it's corpse to attack it's owner, in which case half of the newfound hive merge together into an upgraded form, while the remnants scatter and find a newer territory for themselves.
  • Horror Hunger: It's hunger is depicted as not a need, but rather a want. It can sustain itself perfectly fine without eating, since it actually gains all of its nutrients alone from sunlight and mineral materials. Organic material, on the other hand, is simply what it consumes so that it itself can continue to grow. As a direct result of this, it eats literally anything it can successfully subdue, including others of it's own kind that are smaller than any given specimen in a feeding frenzy.
  • Hostile Terraforming: Despite their primitive looks overall, they are sentient, and have every intent to tear humankind to shreds by terraforming the Earth into their own ideal habitat, and they lack the empathy to reason with humans or see a point in their existence; they see humans are bigots who kill the RX on sight unprovoked, and believe that they must be destroyed so that only the RX rule Earth in the end.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Breeder specimens typically flee their nesting grounds after laying eggs, due to the fact other RX will not only feed off of each other if they have a size advantage against one another, but even their own parents will not be picky in which specimens they try and eat for themselves.
  • Insane Troll Logic: They can't comprehend that humanity existed on Earth first as the sentient race of the planet, and that the RX are actually invaders to Earth seeking to take over. The RX respond by claiming humanity is just attacking them unprovoked, and the RX see absolutely no reason to empathize with Earth's life-forms and hold no regrets in wiping out all existing Earth-based life-forms to achieve their goals, and then simply recreating normal wildlife based off of what the RX need to fill their own needs in the place of Earth's original animals.
  • Irony:
    • It can't stand the sunlight exposure. Hence why part of it's plan with forcefully triggering volcanic eruptions is to completely block out the sun in the process of performing Hostile Terraforming of the Earth to suit it's own needs.
    • The RX as a whole are the only known OC creatures in this Series Fic to avert Lovecraft Lite and yet are perhaps some of the more mundane creatures created by MF217 in comparison to the gigantic gods that exist with the Ultimorian Deities or Primordial Deities that otherwise fall under Lovecraft Lite.
  • It Can Think: Colonies of them are smart enough to know how to manipulate tools and engineer stuff one would think they would have no knowledge of, such as seismic charges so powerful that they can forcefully ignite volcanic eruptions to occur. A whole swarm of them actively attempt to ignite the Yellowstone Caldera into erupting so that they can better terraform North America to suit their needs, and then proceeding to know where every other supervolcano on Earth is as to begin the process to ignite them as well.
  • Lack of Empathy: Subverted: They have empathy towards their own kind, but the RX have absolutely none to other any other kind of species of animal or sentient being, if merely because they have no desire or want to do so. They only truly show any kind of empathy if it ultimately benefits them in the end, considering they still need to make sure regular prey species exist after they successfully terraform Earth and destroy humankind.
  • The Moons of Jupiter: It is native to Io, noted to be an absolute hellhole of a Lethal Lava Land in real-life. Normally located too deep within Io to be launched out under normal circumstances, but there is a very small chance a dormant hive could be launched out of orbit and wind up elsewhere in the Solar System at large. The beginning of DinoSquad RX -Genesis- showcases such a hive landing on Earth in the opening act.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: Averted; it wants to rapidly perform Hostile Terraforming of Earth to suit it's own needs, and it behaves irrationally violent towards any perceivable threat towards itself.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: They only keep Victor and his company alive because Victor's primordial ooze is necessary to create prey species to populate Earth with that, like the RX, can withstand the volcanic climate they wish to create on a global scale. Despite how much of a hungry species as a whole are, they're smart enough to know to not over-hunt their prey.
  • Prehistoric Monster: It's utterly alien behavior renders it as such. It continuously feasts no matter how hungry it currently is, and it continues to shed so that it can continue to grow in size and form.
  • Tunnel King: A major part of their biology to their larger forms, considering they are primarily subterranean lifeforms from Jupiter's moon Io. This also allows them to know where the magma chambers are in volcanoes all across the world and also what allows them to place seismic charges in the exact spot they need to forcefully trigger a volcanic eruption.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Most other Eldritch Abominations fall under Lovecraft Lite in this Series Fic; the RX are the sole exception, considering their undying determination to fulfill their own goals and how many situations wind up with them being successful in achieving major victories.
  • You Are Who You Eat: Some of their larger forms can be altered in appearance based off of commonly consumed prey.
