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Big Brother 15 Houseguest Tropes


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The Moving Company (Howard, Spencer, McCrae, Nick and Jeremy)

  • Epic Fail: The alliance lasted for only two weeks before it started to fall apart.

The Blonde-Tourage

  • Fatal Flaw: They never campaigned the safety of David and Nick to the other players. And when their biggest archenemy, (Elissa), was safe both times and guaranteed to win MVP...
  • The Rival: To the Area 51 Alliance.
  • Too Dumb to Live: David, Nick, and Jeremy all made themselves out into strong physical threats by staying in the first HOH challenge for over three hours. Andy pointed out that they were taking the game too seriously and drawing too much attention to themselves, but he never told them publically. They ended up being the first, second, and third boots, respectively.

Area 51 Alliance or The House Alliance

The Mom Squad

  • Amazon Brigade: The only all-female alliance of the season.
  • Brains and Brawn: Helen is the Brains to Elissa's Brawn.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Elissa is the Blue to Helen's Red.
  • Those Two Girls: In opposition to Amanda and Aaryn's Those Two Bad Girls.
  • Worthy Opponent: On Day 85, Spencer thought them as this and would have feared them if they have taken control of the game. His reasoning: Helen and Elissa were more logical than McCranda and Helen had a great social game.

Tenexas (Judd & Jessie)

  • Death of the Hypotenuse: Judd was torn between staying loyal to either Aaryn or Jessie. But it didn't seem to matter for long, considering that Aaryn used the POV on Jessie, back doored Judd and Jessie voted Judd out during Double Eviction.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Judd turned on Jessie for Aaryn, in which Jessie ended up feeling betrayed buy Judd. Jessie ended up voting out Judd afterwards.

The Goof Troupe

3 A.M. (Amanda, McCrae, Andy, Aaryn)

The Exterminators (Judd, Spencer, Andy and GinaMarie)

The Winner

    Andrew David "Andy" Herren (The Winner) 

Andrew David "Andy" Herren

D.O.B.: Nov 14th, 1986
Age: 26 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Aurora, IL
Current Residence: Chicago, IL
Occupation: Professor
Number Of HOH Wins: 3
Number Of POV Wins: 2
Number Of Times Nominated: 1
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 3
Prizes/Punishments Won: 0
Finished: 1st Place (WINNER)
Prize Money Won: Won 7-2, Won $500,000)
Number of Votes Received (From Jury): 7/9
Juror Votes Earned: Candice, Jessie, Helen, Amanda, Elissa, McCrae, and Spencer.

  • Action Hero: Both competitively and strategically. Andy won a total of five competitions plus he was by far the strongest mental player due to his scheming and strategizing.
  • Action Survivor: Earlier in the game, Andy didn't show that he was that competitive and depended on his alliance to win competitions.
  • Affably Evil: Will be friendly to your face but will happily stab you in the back.
  • A Lighter Shade of Grey: While he did have a dirty, backstabbing playstyle and trash talked, he is a Saint compared to the rest of the cast this season.
  • Anti-Villain: Andy was originally anti-heroic, being aPragmaticHero or a mild Unscrupulous Hero. As the game progresses, he crosses over into Well-Intentioned Extremist territory.
  • Apologises a Lot: Andy apologizes over everything.
  • Arch-Enemy: Elissa. For some reason, Andy despises her. In fact, he is the one who instigates most of the bashing of Elissa in the house.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Andy can't seem to sit in one place for too long and he is easily distracted.
  • Badass Adorable: Andy is cute but he also can be rather competitive and is actually a social and mental threat in the game.
  • Badass Boast: There was never a time when Andy was not bragging.
  • Badass Bookworm: Andy is very intelligent. He is also a professor and teaches for a living.
  • Badass on Paper: One would expect someone other than Andy to make it to the end and outsmart everyone.
  • Badass Teacher: Andy is a teacher for a living.
  • Badass Unintentional: Who expected Andy to be the one who ran things in the end?
  • The Bad Guy Wins: He was easily the biggest weasel in the house and went to the end by playing lowly moves. Andy won the season by a near landslide vote of 7-2 versus GinaMarie, though GM is not really good either.
  • Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch: By the final stretch of the game, Andy has turned on Amanda and got The Exterminators to evict her.
  • Batman Gambit: Took advantage of the idea that McCranda believed he was still loyal to the alliance and successfully framed Elissa for voting Amanda off, leading to her own eviction. Although it was revealed that McCrae is actually bending his will to the house.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: Andy would convince himself that what he was lying about is the truth.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: At first, Andy seemed to be a harmless, nerdy and quirky houseguest who was not a threat to anyone. However, Andy became the biggest physical, mental and strategic threat. This ended up earning him a win at the end of the season.
  • Big Bad: Stepped up to this role with Aaryn and Amanda gone, becoming the most dangerous player of the season. He was also the one who was responsible for Amanda and Aaryn's evictions.
  • Birds of a Feather: With McCrae, Helen and Spencer. They are all intelligent and the nerds of the season.
  • Blind Obedience: To Amanda and McCrae up to the middle of the game, before he turned on them. Andy was undyingly loyal to both of them until he realized that he was not going to make it the end with a power couple standing in his way.
  • Brutal Honesty: Told Amanda in his goodbye video that he formed The Exterminators and plotted her demise because he didn't want to settle for 3rd place to a power duo.
  • Butt-Monkey: As Andy tries to catch a moth, he falls feet-first into the pool.
  • Camp Gay: Andy displays rather effeminate qualities.
  • Cannot Keep a Secret:
    • Tell Andy any secret and expect him to blab it to others. Andy sometimes shares things that he shouldn't with others, similar to Helen.
    • Defied after forming The Exterminators, he's doing his best to make sure that Amanda, McCrae, and Elissa don't find out about his alliance.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Even though Andy has a bad case of Motor Mouth and Cannot Keep a Secret, ironically, Andy can never tell a fellow a houseguest that they are going home, that he plans on voting them out or that he is planning on blindsiding them.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Andy gets drunk rather easily. A few drinks and he gets going.
  • Can't Take Criticism: Andy hates it when people call him out on his behaviour but he doesn't have a problem criticizing others.
  • The Chessmaster:
    • After being put up on the block, he quickly formed an alliance with outsiders Judd, GinaMarie, and Spencer to ensure his own safety and make sure it was Aaryn walking out that door. Then, he turned the tables on the once-untouchable McCranda by getting GinaMarie to put them up on the block. All of this is while McCrae and Amanda still believe he's on their side.
    • In the double eviction, Andy (who voted to evict Amanda) successfully framed Elissa (who voted to keep Amanda) that she betrayed Amanda and McCrae. After that, McCrae shot his own foot by evicting Elissa, who was a member of his new alliance. After the eviction, Elissa initially thought that McCrae was the one who backstabbed Amanda and formed an all boys alliance with Judd and Spencer, her reason: Because she saw Andy looking shocked when Amanda was evicted. Keep in mind that Elissa was also one of the few houseguests that saw Andy was dangerous.
    • In the finale, he brought up how he told Elissa to get rid of Nick in Week two. Andy's only slip-up was him bragging to Amanda about how he played her in his goodbye message to her. Which appeared to work out in the end - as Elissa, Amanda and McCrae all voted for him to win.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Exaggerated. He has betrayed EVERYONE at one point or another.
  • Co-Dragons: With Aaryn for Amanda (and McCrae). Andy serves as The Mole for the two of them, while Aaryn would be the one who wins the competitions in order to evict the people that Amanda wants gone. While Aaryn seemingly had more loyalty to Amanda before she was evicted, Andy didn't have the same degree of loyalty to them and turned on the both of them.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Andy is the type to play dirty when he has to.
  • Complexity Addiction: Andy loves to come up with complex plans and ideas in order to cover his tracks.
  • Constantly Curious: Andy has a habit of popping up and interrupting every single conversation that goes on between people in the house.
  • Consummate Liar: If Andy's mouth is moving, then he is most likely telling a lie.
  • Control Freak: Andy likes to be in control of everything he is doing, otherwise, he will become very nervous and paranoid.
  • Cool Teacher: Andy is a teacher or a professor for a living.
  • Cowardly Lion: Andy is afraid of making people mad at him so he resorts to lying, backstabbing and blindsiding others instead of telling them the truth to their face. Andy also throws many competitions so that he doesn't have to nominate people and get blood on his hands. This is part of his strategy, but it looks pretty cowardly on Andy's part.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Andy is always strategizing and always has a back up plan.
  • Cute Bookworm: This is to be expected, considering that Andy is a teacher.
  • Cute Bruiser: Andy looks cute and innocent on the outside, but DO NOT underestimate him. He is the most dangerous player by far.
  • The Cutie: Andy is so adorable and youthful that you can't help but go "awww" when you look at him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Andy is very witty and sarcastic.
  • Defector from Decadence: Andy got away from McCranda while the going was good.
  • The Determinator: Andy always wins when he has to and when he wants something, he will make sure he gets it.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Did it to Helen and Amanda by voting both of them out.
  • Dirty Coward: Some of Andy's game moves were very cowardly in nature.
  • The Ditherer: Andy could not make a decision to save his life. Probably because he was playing all sides of the house and if he made a solid decision about something, he would show his cards and end up getting caught.
  • The Dragon: For Amanda and McCrae. For most of the game, he's playing the game for the two of them and he's basically nothing more than their puppet or minion who does all of their dirty work for them.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Andy was working for Amanda and doing all of her dirty work for her. In the grand scheme of things, Andy was the most threatening and dangerous player much to Amanda's obliviousness. Once Aaryn leaves, Andy turns on Amanda and McCrae. Interestingly enough, Amanda and McCrae are completely oblivious to the fact that Andy was no longer loyal both of them and he planned, plotted and schemed with the other houseguests to get them out of the house. Andy gets his first opportunity to strike against Amanda and McCrae on Double Eviction when he ends up being one of the votes to send out Amanda (along with Judd and GinaMarie as the tiebreaker). Once Amanda leaves the game, Andy ends up taking her place and becoming the most dangerous player and biggest threat in the came.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Andy was actually much more dangerous than Amanda. He has been the one who manipulated everyone in the house, including Amanda herself. Even though Andy is the true Manipulative Bastard who's the biggest threat that's controlling things, he had been making Amanda feel as if she's the one in control when she's really not. He was behind Amanda's (as well as Helen and Aaryn's) ultimate demise.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Although Andy had been loyal to Amanda and McCrae since the beginning of the game, Andy had other plans for himself later on. Andy planned on turning on McManda and creating a new alliance (The Exterminators) for himself, leaving McManda in the dust.
  • Drunk with Power: After The Exterminator rise to power, Andy becomes much more spiteful, cocky, and arrogant.
  • Effeminate Misogynistic Guy: Andy is gay and has surprisingly made some rather misogynistic comments about the female houseguests, primarily Elissa.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Andy had very good relationships with many houseguests, including Helen, Judd, GinaMarie, Candice, Jessie, Spencer, Amanda, Aaryn and McCrae.
  • Evil Feels Good: Andy does get a high off of bashing people that he doesn't like. He's talked trash about every single houseguest at some point, with Elissa being his major target of bashing. Every time that Andy would bash Elissa, he would do it with so much happiness and glee and he got off on it.
  • Evil Genius: Andy is very intelligent and strategic. He's the most manipulative houseguest in the house next to Amanda. He's so strategically brilliant that he outplayed and outlasted both Amanda and Helen, two of the strategic power players of the season.
  • Evil Gloating: Andy is the biggest gloater and bragger left in the game. In his DR's, he's laughing and bragging when he gets his way in the game or has made a game move that he knows is the best for his game.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Andy is a Large Ham because he has a very over the top, upbeat and extroverted personality.
  • Evil Is Petty: Andy can be very petty, mean spirited and cruel. He is not outwardly mean to other houseguests but instead, he would resort to trash talking other behind their backs. He would rant about how much he hated Elissa. He's frequently called Elissa many derogatory names and his hatred of her comes off as mere Irrational Hatred.
  • Evil Redhead: Andy turns out to be the most dangerous player and the main villain of the season and he happens to be a redhead.
  • Extreme Doormat: Andy was this for Amanda and McCrae when he was working for them. He would do everything that they say and offer them info when they needed it. Eventually, however, Andy grew sick of being tied to McCranda and decided to turn on them for his own game.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Andy went from being a friendly, sociable, decent and reasonably nice houseguest to a much more hateful, arrogant and manipulative person as the game progressed.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: Andy may look innocent but his intentions are otherwise.
  • Fair-Weather Friend: Andy threw his friends and allies Candice, Helen, Jessie and Elissa to the wolves when they needed help, all because he was afraid of being exposed or them being onto his game of playing all sides of the house and being tied or aligned with McCranda. Eventually, Andy ended up throwing Amanda and MCcrae to the wolves as well. It only showed how ruthless and two-faced Andy could really be.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Can be completely polite to your face but have zero problem with stabbing you in the back and throwing you under the bus.
  • Fiery Redhead: Andy can be rather snarky, opinionated and feisty.
  • Final Boss: Andy was the most dangerous player in the entire game and was the actual true "villain".
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Andy started out as an innocent, overly curious, harmless and adorkable houseguest to the most dangerous player in the entire game.
  • Gay Best Friend: Seems to be this for Spencer, Judd, and McCrae, all of whom are straight.
  • Geek: One of the token geeks of the season along with McCrae.
  • Geek Physique: Andy is of the skinny type.
  • Genki Boy: Andy is very hyper, high energy and eccentric.
  • Good is Not Nice: Before he did a full on Face–Heel Turn.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Before he did a Face–Heel Turn and became a villain later on in the game, Andy was nice but he didn't extend that same kindness to those who were not on his side. He may not have beeb aggressively mean to those that he disliked, but he would be subtley cruel to his enemies.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Andy has a jealous streak. He was clearly jealous of Elissa.
  • Guile Hero: Shares this with McCrae two of the most intelligent individuals cast this season.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: Andy saw that McManda were the biggest targets in the house and were a sinking ship, so he decided to join the side of the house that wants to get rid of the power couple.
  • In-Series Nickname: Reptar. Also, "The Agent".
  • Innocent Bigot: Makes comments which are deemed to be highly inappropriate and offensive.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Some of the comments that Andy has made while in the house are very inappropriate and vile.
  • Insufferable Genius: Andy brags to the other houseguests how good of a player he is, how many moves he's made, and how many jury votes he think he would receive if he went to the final two.
  • Irrational Hatred: Has this towards Elissa later on in the game. Andy concisely bashes Elissa and talks badly about her and says how much he despises her.
  • It's All About Me: Andy is very selfish in the game and constantly talks about how good at the game he is and how he outplayed everyone.
  • Knight Templar: The most ruthless player left in the game.
  • Lack of Empathy: Shows zero remorse for backstabbing and lying to other house guests. It's scary how Andy can backstab and lie to others with such ease and without feeling any guilt.
  • Large Ham: When casting his vote to evict Amanda and Elissa.
  • The Leader: Of The Exterminators.
  • Light Is Not Good: Wears lighter clothing most of the time.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Andy doesn't seem to have a variety of clothing. For a gay guy, this is odd.
  • Lovable Nerd: Andy is witty, loveable and adorkable.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Andy was running the show the whole time, but was content with letting Amanda think she had power in the game.
  • The Man Behind the Man: It's safe to say that Andy really is the puppet master of the game. Without Andy relaying info to them, Amanda and McCrae would have been in the dark for the entire game. In fact, it's because of Andy that McManda stayed as long as they did.
  • Miles Gloriosus: Andy says he is all about making big moves, yet when the opportunity arises for Andy to make a big move out in the open, he immediately chickens out or resorts to sneakiness.
  • The Mole: Andy was the one who relayed conversations and info to them, making McManda all the more powerful in the house.
  • Motor Mouth: Andy is very much a conversationalist but once he gets going, he doesn't know when to stop, especially when he is excited or panicked about something.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Andy is not muscular or built like Howard or Jeremy, but he has shown that he can be a real competitor when he wants to be.
  • Nervous Wreck: When he gets nervous, he starts pacing and freaking out.
  • Nice Guy: Andy is generally kind, nice and polite to everyone.
  • The Nicknamer: Coined Aaryn's nickname "Poopy".
  • Noble Top Enforcer: Is arguably much more noble than Amanda.
  • No Brows: It is very noticeable.
  • No-Damage Run: Obtained zero eviction votes.
  • Obliviously Evil: Andy doesn't realize that he is the actual true villain.
  • Odd Friendship: With Judd, GinaMarie and Spencer.
  • Older Than They Look: Andy is 26 but he looks significantly younger than his age.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Helen, Jessie, Candice, Aaryn, Amanda, GinaMarie, and at one point, Elissa.
  • Orcus on His Throne: At least until Zingbot called him out on it, Andy sat back and floated his way through the game by doing little things to set off others and watching the fireworks erupt. Then he started knocking down even the strongest players by messing them over at the slightest provocation.
  • Playing Both Sides: Part of the reason why Andy has everybody trusting (and unintentionally working) for him.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Andy is very funny, humorous and witty. Especially in his interactions with Judd and Elissa.
  • The Pollyanna: Andy is very optimistic by nature.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Andy only saves people if it's for the betterment of his own game. He'll play the good guy when it suits him, but watch out if it doesn't, because then, you're on your own.
  • The Prankster: Often pulled a lot of pranks and jokes on other houseguests with Judd.
  • The Professor: Andy's profession is a professor.
  • Proud to Be a Geek: Andy seems to embrace the fact that he is a nerd or a geek.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Andy is really good at putting on the sad eyes when he has to.
  • Redheads Are Uncool: Andy is on the nerdy and quirky side.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Andy is the Blue to Judd's Red.
  • The Reliable One: Most of the time, he's pretty reliable for his allies. But at the same time, he'll have no problem throwing people to the wolves if he feels that they won't benefit his game any longer.
  • The Resenter: Before Andy's one-sided rivaly with Elissa, they were close friends and allies of each other. However, once Elissa nominated Andy, Andy began to resent Elissa and started bad mouthing and targeting her.
  • Shipper on Deck: He seems to be supportive of Judd and Jessie being a couple along with Helen and Elissa.
  • Ship Tease: With Nick. Even though Nick's sexuality is unclear, it is clear that Andy and Nick had chemistry and that Nick sometimes flirted with Andy. He also has a good amount with Mc Crae later on.
  • Shorter Means Smarter: The shortest and most intelligent male contestant this season.
  • Sissy Villain: Andy is the most dangerous threat and becomes the Big Bad once Amanda leaves, but on the surface, he looks unthreatening because of his slight build, his Camp Gay tendencies, and friendly nature.
  • The Smart Guy: Andy has a [PhD] and he teaches for a living.
  • Smug Snake: Andy is incredibly manipulative and scheming and is also very arrogant about it. Fortunately for him, his overconfidence did not end up being his downfall as he won the competition. It helps that he only bragged about his manipulations and backstabbing, but not his prowess.
  • The Snark Knight: Andy is snarky towards his allies, his enemies, and to himself.
  • Snark-to-Snark Combat: With Elissa. They engage in funny, light hearted and snarky-filled banter until Elissa left
  • Sparing Them the Dirty Work: Andy is loyal but he has done many bad things in the name of Helen, Elissa, Jessie and Candice.
  • The Starscream:
    • Has become one in regards to his former alliance, 3 A.M.
    • Andy spent the majority of the game being loyal to Amanda, but he eventually turned n them when he voted against Amanda because he did not want to play the game for a showmance.
  • The Strategist: Andy is a very smart and strategic player.
  • Sugary Malice: Looks sweet, friendly, approachable and affable but he's actually the biggest liar, manipulator and schemer in the house.
  • Token Minority: Andy is the sole gay houseguest this season.
  • Token Good Teammate: Considering his closest allies are Aaryn, Amanda, and McCrae, he fits this trope to a T. Subverted now that he has turned on his alliance and joined The Exteminators.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Once he was put on the block, he finally started playing his own game.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: After Amanda and Elissa are evicted, Andy becomes extremely ruthless, mean-spirited, cocky and resorts to trash talking everyone.
  • True Companions: With McCrae, GinaMarie, Spencer and Judd, The Exterminators.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Goof Troupe (Amanda, McCrae and Judd). Subverted, since he has turned on Mc Manda. Andy is now loyal to his new alliance, The Exterminators (Spencer, Judd, and GinaMarie).
  • Villainous Friendship: Has a friendship with both Amanda and McCrae.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Was this with Elissa before he turned on her later on in the game.
  • Worthy Opponent: To Judd, GinaMarie, Spencer, and McCrae. None of them think they can beat him.
  • Youthful Freckles: Comes with being a pale skinned redhead.

The Runner-Up

     Gina Marie Zimmerman (The Runner-Up) 

Gina Marie Zimmerman

D.O.B.: Aug 22nd, 1980
Age: 33 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Current Residence: Staten Island, NY
Occupation: Pageant Coordinator (formerly) note 
Number Of HOH Wins: 2
Number Of POV Wins: 0
Number Of Times Nominated: 4
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 3
Prizes/Punishments Won: Friendship Bracelet Punishment note ; Cone Of Shame Punishment note 
Finished: 2nd Place (RUNNER-UP)
Prize Money Won: $50,000
Number of Votes Received (From Jury): 2/9
Juror Votes Earned: Judd and Aaryn

  • Abhorrent Admirer: For Nick. It's clear that Gina's obsession with him made Nick feel rather uncomfortable.
  • Action Girl: She has won two HOH competitions, the second one being essential to ensure her new alliance stays in power.
  • Action Fashionista: Seems to like fashion and clothing.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Gina was crazy about Nick but Nick didn't feel the same way about her in regards to romantic interest. Subverted in that Nick treated her to a date of sorts after the season came to an end.
  • All Women Love Shoes: GinaMarie seems to have an attachment to shoes, especially stilettos and high heels.
  • Arch-Enemy: Amanda. Gina Marie can't stand her.
    • Candice. She is probably GinaMarie's main enemy.
    • Jessie. Gina didn't like Jessie at all and clashed with her early on over Nick.
  • Attention Whore: GinaMarie is loud, boisterous and extroverted and she seems to love being the centre of attention.
  • Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch: Evicted Aaryn, who was her main ally
  • Badass Boast: GinaMarie has a huge ego and constantly brags.
  • Bad Liar: GinaMarie is really bad at lying, probably because of her loud and boisterous personality.
  • The Berserker: GinaMarie is definitely the most fearless female houseguest of the season and she does not shy away from a fight or a competition.
  • Berserk Button: DO NOT personally attack her or her allies under any circumstances. She will own you. Nick was also a major berserk button for her as it set her off for 48 hours and she never got over it.
  • Beta Bitch: Seems to be one for Alpha Bitch, Aaryn.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: GinaMarie may be a loud and crazy, but do not mess with her. She means business.
  • Big Applesauce: GinaMarie is from Staten Island.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Aaryn and Kaitlin early in the game.
  • Big Damn Heroes: For putting up Amanda and McCrae, the most powerful alliance of the season. She is also the one who sent Amanda home after a tie vote during the live eviction.
  • Big Eater: GinaMarie is often seen eating quite a bit, especially the food for the Have Nots. After she consumes so much frozen yogurt during a Have/Have Not food competition, GinaMarie's stomach becomes huge.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Towards Aaryn, Judd, Spencer, Andy and Kaitlin.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Aaryn and Kaitlin. She develops a lot of this with Judd later on.
  • Bitch Alert: GinaMarie makes it known to everyone that she is a bitch and she is NOT to be messed with.
  • Blood Knight: Has proven that when you cross her, Gina will be very competitive and come from blood.
  • Book Dumb: GinaMarie is not book smart and she seems to be bad at spelling and grammar.
  • Broken Tears: GinaMarie cried for 48 hours after Nick was evicted.
  • Brutal Honesty: GinaMarie is highly opinionated and says exactly what is on her mind.
  • The Bully: Showed spades of this earlier on, especially towards Candice.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: She is highly eccentric but she also proved that she has a strong competitive side.
  • Butt-Monkey: Was often made fun of by the other houseguests because of her over the top behaviour and personality.
  • Cannot Keep a Secret: Part of the reason for this is because she has a loud personality and a Motor Mouth.
  • Cannot Tell a Lie: GinaMarie is much to honest to lie. and even when she does lie, she is really bad at it.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Gina seems to get easily drunk and intoxicated.
  • Can't Take Criticism: Doesn't take it lightly when other house guests, especially Aaryn, tell GinaMarie to get over Nick and stop her over the top behaviour regarding him.
  • Cat Fight: She has been in a fight with Candice, Amanda, and Jessie.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: In regards to Nick. To extreme levels.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: The majority of the house guests find GinaMarie to be highly zany and out there.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: The word "fuck" seems to be GinaMarie's favourite word with the amount of times that it comes out of her mouth. She doesn't even need to be upset or angry for her to say it, but she says it more loudly if she is.
  • Co-Dragons: Shared the position with Kaitlin early in the game.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: She's a bit on the crazy side but she is really good at Endurance Competitions. She even won an HOH against McCrae.
  • Deadpan Snarker: GinaMarie is very snarky and sarcastic.
  • Desperately Craves Affection: How about "Desperately Craves Nick's Affection"?
  • The Determinator: GinaMarie is not the type to ever quit or give up. She is one of the most determined houseguests this season.
  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: GinaMarie has a tendency to not keep things to herself and think aloud.
  • Distaff Counterpart: To Enzo from Big Brother 12.
  • The Ditz: Doesn't come off as particularly brainy or smart. One word: Revengeful.
  • Dogged Nice Girl: Towards Nick to extreme levels.
  • The Dragon: To Aaryn, who's the Big Bad of the season.
  • Dragon Ascendant: After Aaryn is evicted, GinaMarie manages to make it all the way to the Final 2.
  • Drama Queen: She is very dramatic and overreacts to everything.
  • Dumb Blonde: She's ditzy and seems to be lacking in the intelligence department. She seems to be there for a showmance.
  • Entitled Bitch: GinaMarie came off very spoiled and bratty at times.
  • The Fashionista: GinaMarie is highly into fashion and trendy clothing.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Elissa. They join forces briefly in order to take out Amanda and McCrae
  • Foil: To Candice and Elissa. Both Candice and Elissa are very different from GinaMarie and have different personalities and outlooks.
  • Fearless Fool: Doesn't seem to be particular scared of anything.
  • The Fool: GinaMarie seemed to be very happy go lucky by nature, but she was not the sharpest tool in the shed.
  • Freak Out: GinaMarie had a major one when Nick was evicted, to the point where she ended up crying for almost 48 hours.
  • Gasshole: GinaMarie burps and farts a lot. Considering that she's The Lad-ette who also curses like a sailor, this isn't surprising.
  • Genki Girl: GinaMarie is very high energy and extroverted.
  • Girl Posse: With Aaryn and Kaitlin.
  • Girly Bruiser: Likes makeup, shoes and clothing but is a very strong competitor.
  • Good Bad Girl: GinaMarie is very much The Hedonist but that doesn't mean that she's a bad person by any means.
  • Gossipy Hens: Along with Aaryn, GinaMarie is the biggest gossip in the house. She is normally gossiping with Aaryn.
  • Graceful Loser: Took losing to Andy in the Final 2 very well.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Has a very jealous and envious side.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: She has a fiery temper and can get easily angered.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: GinaMarie is a party girl and seems to love her alcohol.
  • The Hecate Sisters: GinaMarie is the Matron to Aaryn's Maiden and Kaitlin's Crone.
  • The Hedonist: Along with Amanda. She seems like she enjoys a fast lifestyle which consists of partying, drinking and sleeping around.
  • Heel–Face Turn: GinaMarie became significantly nicer after Aaryn was evicted.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Aaryn. They had a very strong bond in the house.
  • Hot-Blooded: GinaMarie is extremely emotional, hot headed and impulsive.
  • Hysterical Woman: She is probably the most emotionally and mentally unstable out of all the female house guests this season.
  • Iconic Item: Nick's blue hat which Gina wore around the house all season.
  • Inelegant Blubbering: After Nick is evicted, GinaMarie loses it and cries hysterically and loudly for almost 48 hours. Let's not forget that GinaMarie is an ugly crier and also blubbers a lot when she is crying.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: GinaMarie uses her loud and extroverted personality to mask her insecurities.
  • Innocent Bigot: GinaMarie makes many comments which are deemed highly inappropriate and prejudiced but that could be because Gina is not very smart and is ignorant and uneducated.
  • Irrational Hatred: Had this towards Candice and Amanda. Gina made it her mission to make Candice's life a living hell when she GinaMarie was HOH. She is also not a fan of Amanda either and even got her evicted by her own hand under her HOH.
  • It's All About Me: GinaMarie can be really self-centred and selfish.
  • In Love with Love: She is a little bit idealistic in regards to love and romance.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Nominating McCranda and evicting Amanda by her own hand.
  • Jerkass: She is a mean girl and loves to trash talk many of the other houseguests.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: As awful and insensitive as she has acted, she genuinely loves her family as well as House Guests Nick and Aaryn.
  • The Klutz: GinaMarie is not the most graceful and is rather clumsy.
  • Knight Templar: Can be rather tough and ruthless when she wants to be.
  • The Lad-ette: She curses like a sailor, drinks heavily, is loud and aggressive and burps and farts without caring.
  • Large Ham: Everything about GinaMarie is very over the top.
  • Last of Her Kind: The last woman left and the sole woman of the Final 5.
  • Life of the Party: GinaMarie is very extroverted and loves to be the centre of attention.
  • Love Hungry: GinaMarie was so desperate to be in a showmance with Nick, even though Nick did not feel the same way about her.
  • Love Makes You Crazy: A mild version. She spent almost 48 hours crying over Nick's eviction.
  • Loving a Shadow: Literally. GinaMarie is basically acting as if Nick is still in the house with the way she constantly discusses and talks about him, even though he's been evicted.
  • The Mad Hatter: GinaMarie openly admits that she owns her craziness.
  • Mama Bear: In regards to Nick. She is extremely overprotective of him but most of all, Nick's stuff.
  • Malaproper: She had a tendency to mispronounce words quite frequently.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: GinaMarie is significantly more aggressive, dominating and edgier than Nick, who is much more laid back, passive and sensitive.
  • Mood-Swinger: GinaMarie has rather unpredictable moods and is a bit of a wild card in regards to her emotionally stability.
  • Motor Mouth: Once GinaMarie gets talking, she can't stop. And she also gets louder the more she talks.
  • Ms. Fanservice: GinaMarie is often seen showing off her assets.
  • No-Damage Run: Obtain zero eviction votes, unexpected for someone like her.
  • Nobody Calls Me "Chicken"!: Gina never backs down from a fight, an argument or a competition.
  • Not a Morning Person: GinaMarie openly admits she hates mornings and is not a morning person whatsoever.
  • No Indoor Voice: She's essentially a female Joe who doesn't confine her loud voice to the Diary Room.
  • Obliviously Evil: GinaMarie doesn't really believe that what she was saying and doing was in any way wrong.
  • Odd Couple: With Nick.
  • Odd Friendship: With Judd.
  • One of the Boys: GinaMarie seems to prefer the company of men over other women.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot: GinaMarie has a habit of speaking when she shouldn't and saying things at a time when she shouldn't.
  • Passionate Sports Girl: GinaMarie says that when she was younger, she played a lot of sports.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Judd. It is apparent that other than Nick, Judd is the male houseguest that she is closest to.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Not as much as Aaryn, but it's there.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gave one to Amanda in her goodbye video.
  • The Resenter: Is this towards Candice. For some reason, Gina really had an Irrational Hatred for Candice that was not game related.
  • The Rival: To Amanda and Candice.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: The Energetic Girl to Nick's Savvy Guy. Also this to Judd.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: When GinaMarie dresses up and wears makeup, she looks completely different than her lounging around the house, casual self.
  • Ship Tease: With Judd following Nick's Eviction.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: GinaMarie swears and curses considerably more than her fellow house guests. After every other word, she says the F-Bomb.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: GinaMarie's ego is off the charts. She constantly comments that she is "one of the beautiful or pretty people" while talking down about the other houseguests, primarily Candice.
  • The Smurfette Principle: GinaMarie is the only female member of The Exterminators and also the last female houseguest standing in the game.
  • Stalker with a Crush: She is obsessed with Nick to scary proportions.
  • Terrible Trio: With Aaryn and Kaitlin.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Arguably. She's obviously concerned about McCrae as she's stated at one point that Amanda will ruin his life. She's also apologized for any of the nasty things she's said and feels guilty. She also has Nick as a Morality Pet.
  • Tomboy: Admits to being one when she was younger.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: Gina Marie is a tomboy but she's clearly very feminine as well. She loves dressing up, wearing tons of makeup, doing her hair and wearing many high her shoes.
  • Weight Woe: GinaMarie says she suffered from bulimia.
  • Wild Hair: Some of her hairstyles tend to be rather out there.
  • Womanchild: Andy even lampshaded this in Diary Room, saying that she is a 32-year-old with the mind of a 15-year-old.
  • Yandere: Her obsession with Nick was even compared to Fatal Attraction by the Zingbot. After he was evicted, GinaMarie sobbed for 72 hours and also carried his signature blue cap all around the house.

The Jury

     Candice Dontrelle Stewart (Evicted HG #6, Juror #1) 

Candice Dontrelle Stewart

D.O.B.: Sept 19th, 1983
Age: 29 (at time of competition)
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Current Residence: Houston, TX
Occupation: Pediatric Speech Therapist
Number Of HOH Wins: 0
Number Of POV Wins: 0
Number Of Times Nominated: 3 note 
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 3 note 
Prizes/Punishments Won: $5,000 note ; Clownitard Punishment note 
Finished: 11th Place (6th Evicted, JUROR #1)
Evicted: Evicted 7-0-0 VS. Amanda and Spencer note 
HOH Evicted Under: GINAMARIE (in Week 6)
Voted For (In Jury): ANDY

  • All Women Love Shoes: Like all of the other female houseguests, Candice loves her high heels.
  • Arch-Enemy:
    • Aaryn would talk poorly about Candice behind her back, and when Spencer instigated a fight between them, Candice called Aaryn out on her behavior. They haven't liked each other since then, but got along in the jury house.
    • Candice hated Amanda as much as she hated Aaryn and GM.
    • GinaMarie. She used stereotypes against Candice and pulling her name through the mud. She was ultimately Candice's main enemy, being responsible for her eviction and making jibes about her being adopted as she was leaving, leaving even Aaryn looking shocked. Candice later stated that she'd want GinaMarie to be evicted next, over the aforementioned two (Aaryn and Amanda).
  • Artifact of Doom: During a POV competition, Candice has to wear a Clownietard as a punishment. The unitard tends to be an unlucky item in Big Brother considering that everyone who has worn it either ends up on the block or has been evicted wearing it.
  • Badass Adorable: Candice is super endearing, even when she is calling people out.
  • Badass Boast: Candice will gladly call people out without any shame.
  • Berserk Button: Candice hates racism and racist comments, and she is willing to have a verbal argument against Aaryn and GinaMarie during Bed-Gate if Howard hadn't held her off.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Candice is generally a nice girl but don't push her buttons or cross her in any way.
  • The Big Easy: Candice is originally from Louisiana, but resides in Texas.
  • Blithe Spirit: Candice has a very carefree spirit.
  • Break the Cutie: Candice was the target of much racism, and bullying. She was the target for many racial and derogatory comments which Aaryn and GinaMarie aimed at her, plus, she was also a target for being associated with Howard. Candice also had her only sanity and support system in the game, Howard, evicted by her arch-enemy's hands (Aaryn). By the time Candice was evicted, she was so emotionally broken down. Out of all of the house guests, Candice most definitely suffered the most and had the toughest time in the house.
  • Brutal Honesty: Candice is very opinionated and says exactly what is on her mind.
  • Butt-Monkey: Candice is the easy target to pick on in the house.
  • Catchphrase: "CANDY LAND" or "Welcome to Candy Land!"
  • Chew Toy: Unfortunately, this is how most of the house treated her. And it wasn't funny, either.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Shows spades of this towards Howard.
  • Cute, but Cacophonic: Many fans and even houseguests in the house, such as Aaryn and Gina Marie, found Candice's voice somewhat annoying.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Candice says she is not overly graceful and that she can be on the clumsy side.
  • The Cutie: Candice is loveable enough that you want to root for her.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Candice has her witty and sarcastic moments.
  • Drama Queen: Candice has a habit of being a little over dramatic at times. Sometimes she uses the sympathy card to her advantage in the game.
  • Everything is Big in Texas: Candice is the tallest female houseguest of the season and originally hails from Texas.
  • The Fashionista: Loves fashion and clothing.
  • Foil: To Aaryn. They had completely different outlooks, attitudes, values and beliefs. Because of this, they seriously clashed throughout the game.
  • Genki Girl: Candice is very upbeat, passionate and outspoken.
  • Girly Bruiser: Candice is very girly but knows how to kick ass.
  • Girly Girl: Candice is one of the most feminine houseguests.
  • Good is Not Nice: Candice sometimes crosses into this. She is generally a nice girl but she has her catty, mean moments. Then again, when she gets that way, it's completely justified most of the time.
  • Graceful Loser: Took her eviction very well, even telling everyone that they all deserved to be there as she was saying goodbye to everyone. Despite having the hardest time in the house, Candice still left with a smile after she was evicted even after she was personally attacked by GinaMarie.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Candice gets easily angered and irritated.
  • Happily Adopted: Candice was adopted and discovered her real mom when she was older.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Helen and Elissa.
  • Hidden Depths: Thanks to her past boyfriends (she claimed that she learned her intuition from them), she has a dangerous detective sense. She figures out that there is a male supergroup in the house just after the first eviction.
  • Honor Before Reason: Candice puts her morals, values and integrity before everything else and always believes in standing up for what she believes is right.
  • Hot-Blooded: Candice is very emotional and loses her temper rather quickly.
  • Humiliation Conga: Candice had to wear a Clownietard costume as a punishment from a POV competition. Not only did she have to wear the costume for an entire week but she was also evicted wearing the Clownietard. Could Candice have had it even worse?
  • In-Series Nickname: The Mad Hatter after the Hat-Gate with Aaryn in week 1. Also, Candy Land.
  • Large Ham: Some of Candice's actions and mannerisms are very expressive and over the top, especially when she is telling people off.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: Candice is nice but she had a catty, bitchy side.
  • Nice Girl: Only if you don't piss her off.
  • Only Sane Woman: Especially in comparison to the other female houseguests such as Aaryn, Amanda, and GinaMarie. Candice had her occasional blowups but she never went out of her way to bully others or be mean to other people for no reason. She was the most picked on houseguest yet she managed to keep her sanity in the house.
  • Plucky Girl: Candice is very upbeat.
  • Regal Ringlets: Candice has curly hair although she does straighten it sometimes.
  • The Resenter: Towards both Aaryn and GinaMarie for very good reason.
  • The Rival: To Aaryn. She and Aaryn two have disliked each other since the beginning.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Her showmance or relationship with Howard.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Candice is the tallest female in the house.
  • Sweet Home Alabama: Candice is from Texas and is therefore, a Southern girl.
  • Tall, Dark, and Snarky: Candice is the tallest female houseguest and she is also incredibly sassy and snarky.
  • Twofer Token Minority: She's the only black woman cast this season.
  • Two First Names: Her name Candice is a feminine first name and her surname Stewart is commonly known as a masculine first name.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Candice has been through so much in the house that it is hard to even keep count. She was ostracized and bullied by some of the houseguests,who also talked bad about Candice behind her back. Aaryn made racial comments about Candice and GinaMarie made personal attacks about her upbringing. Candice has been mocked and humiliated by people she considered her friends and allies (i.e. Helen and Andy), who also threw her to the wolves.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Howard. However, it seemed as though Howard didn't feel the same way about Candice as she did about him. Howard has mentioned to Spencer that though he likes and cares about Candice, he sees her as more of a friend.

     Jessie Claire Kowalski (Evicted HG #7, Juror #2) 

Jessie Claire Kowalski

D.O.B.: May 16th, 1988
Age: 25 (at time of competition)
Hometown: Beaumont, TX
Current Residence: San Antonio, TX
Occupation: Unemployed
Number Of HOH Wins: 0
Number Of POV Wins: 1 note 
Number Of Times Nominated: 4 note 
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 2 note 
Prizes/Punishments Won: None
Finished: 10th Place (10th Evicted, JUROR #2)
Evicted: Evicted 6-0 vs. Spencer note 
HOH Evicted Under: ANDY (in Week 7)
Voted For (In Jury): ANDY

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Jessie is not unattractive by any means, but all of the male house guests view Jessie as this and wanted nothing to do with her, especially Nick. Nick even refers to Jessie as a "stage five clinger".
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Jessie was attracted to Jeremy, Nick, David and McCrae. However, Jeremy was taken by Kaitlin, Nick paid more attention to GinaMarie and thought of her as a five stage clinger, David was pre-occupied with Aaryn and McCrae showed interest in Amanda. Therefore, none of them showed any romantic interest in Jessie and showmance wise, Jessie was the odd woman out. Even Candice had Howard to cling onto throughout the game. Later, Jessie starts a "flirtmance" with Judd, but eventually, that begins to fall apart as Judd gets closer to Aaryn.
  • Always Someone Better: Chased Jeremy first, lost him to Kaitlin. Chased McCrae next, lost him to Amanda. Chased Nick constantly, but he wasn't interested in her and spent more time bonding with GinaMarie. Judd was closer with Aaryn than her... And aside from McCrae all of her targets have been evicted from the house, with Jessie having a hand in each eviction.
  • Arch-Enemy: Amanda, GinaMarie and Aaryn. She dislikes all of them and has been in arguments and fights with all three at some point.
  • Attention Whore: Jessie seems to love getting attention. She even uses the pity card or sympathy card to gain attention from her fellow houseguets.
  • Badass Adorable: Jessie is rather tough and feisty. She has no problem with standing up to Amanda, Aaryn and Kaitlin.
  • Badass Boast: Has no problem with calling others out. She called out Amanda of all people.
  • Beta Bitch: Was this to Aaryn very early on, before she turned on that side of the house.
  • Betty and Veronica: There seems to be a bit of a "triangle" between Judd, Aaryn and Jessie, with Jessie being the Betty to Aaryn's Veronica for Judd's Archie.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Jessie comes off as a naive, sweet girl with her head in the clouds, but she is not afraid to stand up for herself when she has to. She stood up to both Aaryn and Kaitlin when they made attempts at trying to bully and intimidate her after she decided to flip and go with the other side of the house.
  • Brainless Beauty: Doesn't seem to be particularly smart or brainy, especially in conversations.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Many houseguests feared Jessie because they felt that it was a possibility that she could blow up people's games.
  • Butt-Monkey: Everyone in the house seems to pick on her or shun her.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Jessie chased after every male houseguest this season, even the ones who were clearly not interested in her, such as Nick for example.
  • Cat Fight: Jessie had a big one with Amanda.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Was this towards Nick at first. Becomes this to Judd later on.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Some of her stories, habits and personality are rather quirky and interesting.
  • The Cuckoolander Was Right: Jessie is eccentric and offbeat but some of her insights on the game and houseguests are actually spot on.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Essentially did this to Amanda as she left the house after losing in the HOH/Jury Returnee competition.
  • Co-Dragons: With Kaitlin and GinaMarie for Aaryn.
  • Cute Bruiser: Jessie may be the smallest and shortest person in the house, but she is not to be underestimated.
  • The Cutie: Jessie is a sweet girl next door who is small and adorable. Is it any wonder why the other female houseguests (especially Amanda) are jealous of her?
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Jessie is a little bit on the clumsy side, although it does make her more endearing.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Jessie has her witty and humorous moments.
  • Designated Girl Fight: With Amanda. The two got into a massive fight over Jessie throwing a temper tantrum over not being chosen by Helen to go to the barbecue (Helen chose to take Aaryn over Jessie instead). Amanda called Jessie out on her entitled behavior which led to the two fighting about how Jessie was making plans or scheming to try to get Amanda targeted and evicted from the house.
  • Desperately Craves Affection: Jessie appears to be there for a showmance instead of there to play the game.
  • The Determinator: Got herself off the block when Amanda was targeting her.
  • Did Not Get The Guy: Jessie had no luck with getting a showmance with either Jeremy, David, Nick, McCrae or even Judd, who was pretty much the only male houseguest who did openly express romantic interest in Jessie early on.
  • The Ditz: Jessie comes off as rather ditzy with her head in the clouds.
  • Dogged Nice Girl: To every single male houseguest in the house who she chased (Nick, Jeremy, McCrae, David). She gets thrown a bone with Judd later on.
  • The Dragon: Jessie was aligned with Aaryn, who was the original Big Bad or villain, during the earlier part of the game. But later on, she turns on Aaryn.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Jessie wanted to turn on Aaryn and align with the "good side" of the house.
  • Drama Queen: Jessie can be very dramatic at times. She plays it up for the sympathy card or for attention.
  • Entitled Bitch: Jessie acted immature and childish when she found out that Helen wanted to take Aaryn to the barbecue instead of her, believing she deserved it more.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Jessie didn't take it well at all when she found out that almost every single person in the house lied to her and betrayed her on the week of her eviction. So, as a result, she got payback on all of them by exposing everyone and starting drama in the house. Her biggest betrayal however was from Judd, who was her closest ally in the game.
  • Everything is Big in Texas: Inversion. Jessie is a petite girl next door who hails from Dallas, Texas.
  • Faux Action Girl: Jessie looks like she would be a strong competitor due to how athletic she is, but she only won one competition.
  • The Fool: Jessie had no clue what was really happening strategically. She got as far as she did by luck.
  • Foil: To Kaitlin. Jessie is more of a tomboyish Girl Next Door and Kaitlin is more of a girly Alpha Bitch.
  • Fun Size: Jessie is the shortest person in the house.
  • Geeky Turn-On: Jessie admitted to Aaryn that her secret is that she has a crush on McCrae and thinks that he is beautiful.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Jessie is a name that can be used for both males and females.
  • Genius Ditz: Jessie comes off as very flighty and ditzy but she is a lot smarter and more aware then she seems.
  • Genki Girl: Jessie is rather upbeat, optimistic and high energy.
  • Girl Next Door: Jessie is the sweet girl next door from Texas that everyone would want to befriend.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Jessie has a very strong jealous streak.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Candice and Aaryn at first.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Had zero luck with the male houseguests romantically or getting into a showmance.
  • Hot-Blooded: Jessie is a little bit emotional, feisty and passionate.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Every single one of the targets of her affection absolutely tower over her.
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: Jessie was very desperate to have a showmance while in the house.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Jessie has stated that she wanted to have loyal allies, but nobody was really loyal to her.
  • In Love with Love: Jessie is very idealistic when it comes to love and romance.
  • It's All About Me: Jessie can be a little self-centered, self-absorbed and attention-seeking.
  • Kawaiiko: Jessie can come off rather childish at times.
  • Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: Jessie is the Light Feminine to Aaryn's Dark Feminine.
  • Like Brother and Sister: With Howard. They had a very close sibling like relationship.
  • Little Miss Snarker: Jessie is very feisty and opinionated.
  • The Load: Jessie was a weak competitor and player.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: Jessie is generally a Nice Girl but she is also rather catty at times.
  • Love Hungry: Jessie seems more focused on having a showmance, instead of wanting to play the game.
  • Love Hurts: Jessie cannot catch a break in regards to having a showmance or having any kind of luck in the romance or love department.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: For Judd. Jessie is upbeat, cheerful and provided a lot of attention and affection for Judd whenever he got stressed or paranoid in the game.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Some of her outfits can be rather revealing. Many of the male houseguests thought Jessie's buttocks was her greatest physical asset.
  • Naïve Everygirl: Jessie is a bit on the naive and gullible side.
  • Nice Girl: Especially when she joins the "good side" of the house.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: She can be quite aware of what is going on in the house.
  • Out of Focus: Many show watchers often said "Jessie who?" because Jessie was hardly featured on the show. The only time she became noticeable on the week of her eviction.
  • Passionate Sports Girl: Jessie said that she was in athletics and that she is highly athletic.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: Jessie is petite and is the smallest houseguest of the season. Yet, she's still tough, strong and incredibly feisty.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Judd, although there were hints of a showmance.
  • Plucky Girl: She appears to be rather upbeat and positive.
  • The Pollyanna: Jessie has a very upbeat and spontaneous personality. Although she has her occassional temper tantrums, she is still a rather optimistic individual.
  • Really Gets Around: She's flirted with almost every single guy this season. And almost all of her targets have been evicted.
  • Romantic Runner-Up: To Amanda for McCrae, to Kaitlin for Jeremy, to GinaMarie for Nick, and to Aaryn for Judd. Poor girl is not lucky in the romance department.
  • Serial Romeo: Jessie has literally chased after every single male houseguest.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: Jessie is a bit of a tomboy but she looks completely different when she dresses up.
  • Ship Tease: With Nick, Jeremy, and Judd.
  • Shorttank: Jessie is feisty and a little bit of a tomboy but she is also very cute and loves cute things.
  • Show Some Leg: Mostly when Jessie was wearing shorts, skirts or dresses.
  • Single Girl Seeks Most Popular Guy: First with Jeremy and then with Nick.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: First with David, then with Nick, then with McCrae and finally, with Judd.
  • Sixth Ranger: Was this to the alliance of Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, Jeremy, David and Nick.
  • Southern Belle: Jessie hails from Texas.
  • Stalker with a Crush: She can't take the hint that Nick doesn't want her following him around. Jessie was labelled as a "stage 5 clinger" by the other male houseguests because she would follow them around the house.
  • The Starscream: Jessie turned on Aaryn and her alliance when she aligned with the good side of the house and voted out Nick.
  • Sweet Home Alabama: Jessie is originally from Texas.
  • The Tease: Jessie is very boy crazy and flirtatious by nature.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Jessie is the Tomboy to Aaryn's Girly Girl.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: Jessie is a tomboy but she also has a strongly girly and feminine side.
  • Tomboyish Name: Jessie is a name that can be used for boys as well. Jessie even says that her name is not Jessica and that it is Jessie.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail: Jessie often wears her hair in a ponytail.
  • The Unfavorite: Mostly everyone, most notably Judd and Helen, seems to side with or prefer Aaryn over her.
  • Unkempt Beauty: Doesn't tend to dress up or wear as much makeup as the other female house guests.
  • Vanity Is Feminine: Says that the women will probably go after her because they're jealous of her looks, this winds up being the first nominated. Realizing her mistake, she kept her mouth shut and let the higher profile targets (David, Elissa) take the fall while she snuck past them into week two.
  • Waif-Fu: Jessie may be the smallest girl in the house but she can definitely kick ass.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Comes with being a bit ditzy and boy crazy.
  • Will They or Won't They?: With Judd. They do though not to the extent of McCranda.
  • Woman Scorned: When she found out that Judd betrayed her, Jessie didn't take it well at all and decided to throw Judd under the bus to the rest of the house. During Double Eviction, she even voted Judd out with no regrets and with a smile on her face.

     Helen Martha Kim-Fitzpatrick (Evicted HG #8, Juror #3) 

Helen Martha Kim-Fitzpatrick

D.O.B.: May 06th, 1976
Age: 37 (at time of competition)
Hometown: Falls Church, VA
Current Residence: Chicago, IL
Occupation: Political Consultant
Number Of HOH Wins: 1 (in Week 3)
Number Of POV Wins: None
Number Of Times Nominated: 2 note 
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 4 note 
Prizes/Punishments Won: Bed Curfew Punishment note ; Barbecue Prize note 
Finished: 9th Place (9th Evicted, JUROR #3)
Evicted: Evicted 4-1 vs. Spencer note 
HOH Evicted Under: AARYN (in Week 8)
Voted For (In Jury): ANDY

  • Academic Athlete: Helen is highly active and athletic but she is also a Badass Bookworm.
  • Affably Evil: Helen appears to be polite and nice to everyone but she is actually plotting your demise.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Helen is generally nice and friendly but she does have an aloof side.
  • Alpha Bitch: Due to the fact that she was partially controlling the house.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Sometimes it was hard to tell whether Helen was on the good side or the bad side since she played both sides.
  • Anti-Hero: Type III. Then a Type IV. Helen is a Nice Girl but she's absolutely unscrupulous and ruthless when it comes to playing the game. Even though she's ruthless, Helen has never gotten personal with her game moves and it's purely strategic on her part.
  • Anti-Villain: Helen later veered into Well-Intentioned Extremist territory.
  • Arch-Enemy: Jeremy. Helen did not like him or get along with him and she even referred to Jeremy as a bully.
  • Ascended Fangirl: Helen is a huge fan of Big Brother.
  • Asian and Nerdy: Helen is smart, intelligent, an quirky.
  • Badass Bookworm: Helen is highly intelligent and educated.
  • Bad Boss: Helen is very controlling, aggressive and dictatorial in nature. She doesn't always treat her allies with much respect and expects them to just do all of her dirty work for her.
  • Battle of Wits: Often versus Amanda. It was clear that Helen and Amanda were running the house and Helen wanted Amanda gone because Helen wanted to be the only one running things in the game.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Helen is nice but do not mess with her, cross her or try to underestimate her.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Towards Judd, Jessie, Elissa, GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Andy.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Elissa. They are both married and they are both moms, which caused them to have an instant bond and understanding between them very early on.
  • Brains and Brawn: Helen could be considered to be the Brains to Amanda's Brawn. Helen is the intelligent and brainy one who comes up with all of the plans and uses strategy to get her way while Amanda is more physical and aggressive and uses intimidation to get her way. Helen and Amanda were the two power players of the season and they were both running the house. The only difference between the two is that Helen was more subtle and diplomatic in her approach and Amanda was more overt and aggressive in her approach.
  • Brainy Brunette: Helen is smart, practical and well educated.
  • Cannot Keep a Secret: Helen has a habit of spilling info that she shouldn't be spilling to certain house guests. Comes with having an extreme case of Motor Mouth.
  • The Chessmaster: Helen is probably the most strategic houseguest this season.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Helen constantly throws every single houseguest under the bus, even those who are her own allies!
  • Consummate Liar: If Helen's mouth is moving, she's lying.
  • Control Freak: Helen has been seen to be very dominating and controlling in most situations, especially when she is in power. Some of the house guests have complained that Helen suffers from HOH-itis, because she displays rather controlling and dictatorial behaviour. It appears to have stuck even when she is not in power. Helen (along with Amanda) is basically the one controlling everything and running the house.
  • Cute Bookworm: Helen is very smart but she is also very endearing.
  • The Cutie: Helen is very loveable and endearing.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Helen has her witty and humorous moments from time to time.
  • The Determinator: Helen is very determined and persistent. She never gives up when she wants something.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Helen was evicted by a near unanimous 4-1 vote. She was one of the power players of the season next to Amanda.
  • Drunk with Power: When Helen was HOH, she became much more bossy, dictatorial and controlling. Some of the houseguests have even complained about it and said that Helen is suffering from a bad case of HOH-itis.
  • Genki Girl: Helen is rather upbeat and high energy.
  • Go-Getter Girl: Helen is very accomplished and determined.
  • Good is Not Nice: Helen is generally nice but she has a ruthless side.
  • Etiquette Nazi: Helen is obsessed with everyone treating everyone in the house with politeness and kindness. She is also obsessed with referring to herself as one of the "good people".
  • Fatal Flaw: Being too hesitant and lack of skill in listening.
  • Faux Action Girl: Helen is not overly that strong at competitions and seems to rely mostly on strategy.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Can be polite to your face while stabbing you in the back at the same time.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: Helen (along with Elissa) is often the one who cooks in the house.
  • For Happiness: Helen seems to want to make everyone in the house content and happy in one way or another. Her motto is "for the people", "for everyone" and "for America".
  • Happily Married: One of the two house guests who are married this season.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: One could never tell whether Helen was really on the good side or the bad side.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Elissa. They had a lot in common, especially considering they were the moms of the season.
  • Hypocrite: During Week 4. Helen got angry with her friend Elissa after Elissa revealed the plan to Kaitlin to get her evicted over Aaryn. However, Helen has revealed her alliance's plans several times over to other non-alliance members.
  • Hope Bringer: Helen often tries to make the other house guests feel hopeful and enthusiastic mostly about the game, normally with an epic speech.
  • Knight Templar: What she's becoming, having backstabbed nearly all her allies to get where she is.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Sometimes Helen has a habit of coming across as holier than thou and condescending especially when she is talking to people.
  • Insufferable Genius: Helen is very smart, but she brags about how manipulative and smart she is.
  • Large Ham: Helen could be overly expressive in her actions.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: Helen was likeable but she had some very controlling and domineering aspects to her personality.
  • Magical Asian: Helen seemed to have become this for Aaryn. She would often encourage Aaryn to make big moves by telling her that by doing so, she would be comparable to Janelle.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Was initially this to Amanda, and to Aaryn at a point too.
  • Motor Mouth: Sometimes Helen has a habit of talking too much. When she gets going, she doesn't know when to stop. Quite a few feed watchers complain about this.
  • Nerds Are Sexy: Helen is a nerd but is very attractive.
  • Nice Girl: In comparison to many of the other house guests this season, even if she is a bit manipulative.
  • Older Than They Look: Helen is 37 but she looks significantly younger than her actual age.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Judd, Spencer and Andy.
  • Plucky Girl: Helen is very optimistic and enthusiastic about everything. Almost too enthusiastic.
  • The Pollyanna: She seems to be very positive, optimistic and highly enthusiastic about everything. Almost to a fault.
  • Professional Butt-Kisser: Helen is the biggest butt kisser in the house. She sucks up to everyone, whether they are in power or not.
  • Proper Lady: Helen was very polite and had good manners. She would often criticize those who don't display manners.
  • Shipper on Deck: Helen seems to be supportive of a Judd and Jessie romance along with Andy.
  • The Smart Girl: Helen works in politics for a living and is highly educated.
  • Smart People Play Chess: Helen was seen playing chess with many of her fellow houseguests. It's understandable considering that Helen was both smart and very strategic.
  • Smug Snake: Helen came off smug and arrogant at times.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Helen seems to get the most screen time out of all of the house guests.
  • The Stoic: Helen doesn't show that much emotion. Even when she is crying, it comes off as fake and nobody really buys it when she is crying or upset.
  • The Strategist: Helen was one of the most strategic players of the season alongside Andy and Amanda.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Helen displays sugar towards some houseguests and ice towards others.
  • Team Mom: Helen is the parental figure of the house, as she is the oldest houseguest this season.
  • Those Two Girls: With Elissa. They seemed to have formed a strong bond and alliance with each other mostly due to the both of them being mothers.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Allegedly, she and several others decided not to nominate Gina Marie because of her breakdown.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: She starts as a sweet motherly figure to the house, and then becomes more ruthless and willing to stab her allies in the back. Ironically, she was voted off before her "targets" (Elissa and Andy).
  • Twofer Token Minority: Helen is Asian and a woman.
  • Two First Names: Her first name Helen and her last name Kim are both first names.
  • The Unfettered: Helen is becomes more ruthless later on.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Helen eventually became this after Judd's first eviction and acted as one all the way up to her eviction.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Helen suffered from a severe case of HOH-itis during her HOH reign. Many of the houseguests complained about Helen's controlling, bossy and dictatorial behaviour.
  • Worthy Opponent: When Andy lied to her and voted to evict her (after not using the veto), Helen started to turn on Andy. However, once she was in the Jury house, Helen insisted she was proud that Andy got rid of her - because he saw her as a threat.

     Aaryn Elizabeth Gries (Evicted HG #9, Juror #4) 

Aaryn Elizabeth Gries

D.O.B.: Sept 03rd, 1990
Age: 23 (at time of competition)
Hometown: San Angelo, TX
Current Residence: San Marcos, TX
Occupation: Model/College Student
Number Of HOH Wins: 4 note 
Number Of POV Wins: 1 note 
Number Of Times Nominated: 3 note 
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 1 note 
Prizes/Punishments Won: Barbecue Prize note 
Finished: 8th Place (10th Evicted, JUROR #4)
Evicted: Evicted 5-0 VS. Andy note 
HOH Evicted Under: ELISSA (in Week 9)
Voted For (In Jury): GINAMARIE

  • The Ace: Aaryn was particularly strong in competitions. She won 4 HOH titles and a POV within a span of six weeks (which set a record for the fastest time someone has won that many HOH's).
  • The Atoner: Meeting with Julie and getting booed at from the audience was an eye opener for her. She seemed to genuinely apologize to Candice and Helen. Once the season was over, Candice even said "I truly believe that Aaryn has changed. She is not a racist, she was just ignorant. I saw her grow as a person."
  • Action Girl: Aaryn is a strong competitor and won FOUR HOH titles and a POV within a span of six weeks. She was also the last female to hang on in the very first HOH competition.
  • Action Fashionista: Aaryn is a Girly Girl, loves fashion, makeup and clothing, and she's also this season's resident Action Girl so far.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Aaryn admitted that she thought Jeremy, the resident bad boy of this season, was hot and that she would bone him.
  • Aloof Ally: Aaryn has declared herself the slave of the house and has aligned or joined with the majority of the house in order to stay in the game.
  • Alpha Bitch: Easily being portrayed as the bitch or the female villain of the season.
  • Ambiguously Bi: Aaryn has implied that she might be bisexual.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Aaryn is willing to scheme, lie, backstab and resort to hurtful tactics in order to get farther in the game.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Elissa and Candice.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Girl: One of the most overconfident and egotistical forces in the season, and proud to boast her success outside the house.
  • Asshole Victim: When Aaryn was kicked out of the house, she had it coming and even the studio audience approved of her eviction.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: With Judd. Aaryn has developed a bond with Judd and the two have gone from being "enemies" to being closer with each other and becoming allies.
  • Badass Boast: Aaryn did a lot of bragging and thought a lot of herself.
  • Beauty Is Bad: Aaryn is physically attractive but her character needs a lot of work.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: Aaryn is delusional and she consistently denies making bigoted comments. Instead of taking responsibility for her actions, she decides to blame others for it, primarily Candice.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Has tons of it with Judd.
  • Beta Bitch: Aaryn becomes this to Amanda later on in the season.
  • Betty and Veronica: There seems to be a bit of a triangle brewing between Aaryn, Judd, and Jessie with Aaryn being the Veronica to Jessie's Betty for Judd's Archie.
  • Big Bad: She is being portrayed as the "villain" of the season.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With GinaMarie before. Now with Amanda.
  • Big Bad Friend: To Judd. Aaryn genuinely likes and cares about Judd but it doesn't make her any less of a villain.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Ultimately turned out to be this, as Amanda was an even bigger villain than Aaryn was.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: With Judd. Interestingly enough, Judd has also kissed Jessie as well.
  • Birds of a Feather: With GinaMarie and Kaitlin. Both of them are mean girls who love to gossip.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Looks like the sweet girl next door from Texas but is actually a mean girl to boot.
  • Blind Without Them: Aaryn has mentioned that without her glasses or contacts, she's almost blind.
  • Blonde Republican Sex Kitten: Aaryn has said that her political views are Conservative.
  • Break the Haughty: Outside of the house, she gets about one hate tweet per week and has recognized her hatedom as well-deserved and is trying to make up for it the best she can. She also goes through two rough pregnancies and falls apart at the seams and has to pull herself back together.
  • Brutal Honesty: Many comments she has made has proven to be rather hurtful.
  • The Bully: Her treatment towards Candice and Elissa is seen as very hateful, especially when Aaryn flips Candice's bed.
  • Can't Take Criticism: Aaryn doesn't react well to people criticizing her and telling her she's in the wrong.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Even Aaryn herself knows she's being portrayed as the bitch or the villain of the season.
  • Cat Fight: Aaryn had fights with Jessie and Candice.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Aaryn doesn't understand the definition of loyalty. She's backstabbed almost every single person whom she has deemed as an "ally".
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Aaryn got jealous of Jessie over Judd.
  • Co-Dragons: With Andy for Amanda and McCrae.
  • Competition Freak: Aaryn is a pretty strong competitor and has won a total of five competitions (4 HOH's and 1 POV).
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Aaryn has admitted that she has a bond with Judd but that she is also loyal to the 3 A.M. (Andy, Amanda and McCrae). When it came time to choose, she chose the A.M. and put Judd on the block where he was evicted.
  • Consummate Liar: Aaryn is a pro at lying and being deceitful.
  • Cute Bruiser: Aaryn is one of the stronger female competitors so far this season.
  • The Cynic: Aaryn is very pessimistic and cynical. It is no wonder her nickname was "Poopy".
  • Deadpan Snarker: Aaryn is intensely prone to sarcasm and snarkiness.
  • Death Glare: Aaryn gives this to those she doesn't like, particularly Candice.
  • Demoted to Dragon: Aaryn was seen as the major villain of the season, but later on, Aaryn becomes The Dragon to Amanda, a much more dangerous Big Bad.
  • The Determinator: Seems to have a fighting spirit in the game.
  • Devour the Dragon: Amanda votes out Aaryn over Andy.
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: Constantly got herself in trouble and made herself a target.
  • Dirty Coward: Aaryn likes to pretend that she is all tough, but when she finds herself in trouble, she starts to break down and cry about how it is so unfair that it is happening to her.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Acts the villain, but in the end she's really just a puppet of the true Big Bad, Amanda.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: She flips out on and completely alienates Candice after she accidentily sat on Aaryn's hat. She also gets mad at her showmance, David, because he doesn't trust her anymore.
  • Ditzy Genius: While Aaryn has proven to be very strong competition-wise, she's not as good strategically and she also says rather ignorant and illogical things.
  • The Dragon: To Amanda, the Big Bad.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: In terms of competitions, Aaryn is much more dangerous than Amanda.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Has thought about turning on Amanda and McCrae a few times.
  • Dumb Blonde: Subverted. Aaryn is more like an Ignorant Blonde.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Aaryn's nickname "Poopy", which was coined by Andy.
  • Emotionless Girl: Aaryn doesn't seem to show that much emotion, if ever. With the exception of Judd's eviction, in which Aaryn was basically bawling.
  • Entitled Bitch: Came off very entitled and spoiled.
  • Even Bad Women Love Their Mamas: Aaryn said that she is very close with her mom.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Aaryn cares about a select group of house guests, primarily Judd, GinaMarie, Helen, Amanda, McCrae and Andy.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Aaryn thought that GinaMarie went a little bit too far when she attacked Candice's family by saying that Candice's mother doesn't like her (Candice).
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Amanda openly admitted that if she were a lesbian, Aaryn would be her type and she would have sex with her.
  • Everything is Big in Texas: An inversion. Aaryn hails from San Marcos, Texas.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Aaryn doesn't understand why Elissa would want to be there for Candice, be her friend or want to show support towards her, when Aaryn and GinaMarie have done nothing but humiliate Candice and treat her horribly.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Elissa's Good Counterpart.
  • Evil Eyebrows: Aaryn's eyebrows have been beginning to take a turn for the worse. No longer so as of now. They are more of the Big Ol' Eyebrows variety.
  • Evil Gloating: When is Aaryn not gloating or bragging about herself?
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humour: Aaryn makes constant racist jokes and she thinks it's funny.
  • Evil Is Petty: Aaryn is extremely catty, hateful and mean-spirited.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Aaryn occasionally butts heads with Amanda.
  • The Eeyore: No wonder Aaryn's nickname is "Poopy".
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: Aaryn is a very innocent and attractive looking girl physically but her personality is rather unappealing and even horrid. Subverted in that post-game Aaryn is now a mommy and her personality is very endearing and even tender.
  • The Fashionista: Aaryn loves clothing and fashion. Comes with being a Girly Girl.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Aaryn's niceness or politeness towards other houseguests is in no way genuine whatsoever. She puts on the "nice girl act" so that she can gain allies and stay in the game.
  • Femme Fatale: Aaryn will use her feminine wiles and sexuality to flirt with some of the male house guests and further herself in the game.
  • Friendly Enemy: With Jessie and possibly Elissa.
  • Foil: To Elissa. They couldn't be more opposite in terms of personality.
  • For the Evulz: Aaryn seems to like causing drama and fights between her fellow houseguests just for fun. Some of her fellow houseguest, such as McCrae and GinaMarie, refer to Aaryn as a "shit stirrer".
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Even Aaryn's own "friends" and allies (GinaMarie, Kaitlin and Jeremy) are critical of her at times. Now subverted. She seems to be friends with everyone in the house and gets along with the majority of the house.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Aaryn went from having no allies to becoming the strongest competitor and forming an alliance that would guarantee her a spot in the final four if it wasn't for Elissa.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Woman!: Does this to GinaMarie numerous times after Nick was evicted. After Gina Marie was blindsided by Nick's eviction and was having a n emotional breakdown, Aaron tried to comfort her and told her to keep it together. Aaryn told Gina that by getting too broken up by Nick's eviction, she would be destroying her game.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Aaryn's name is unisex and can be used for both males and females.
  • Girl Next Door: Subverted. Aaryn appears to be a nice girl from Texas at first but has actually proven to be the opposite.
  • Girl Posse: With GinaMarie and Kaitlin.
  • Girly Bruiser: The girliest girl in the house but also probably the strongest female competitor in the house so far.
  • Girly Girl: Probably the girliest girl in the house next to Elissa. Amanda, GinaMarie, Kaitlin, Helen and Jessie are all either more tomboyish, aggressive and edgier than Aaryn in terms of physical appearance and attitude.
  • Gossipy Hens: Aaryn is probably the biggest gossiper in the house. She talks about everyone behind their back, including her own allies.
  • Hate Sink: Aaryn is one of the most despised contestants and most likely the one who is hated most among the cast of BB 15 next to Amanda for being all parts bitch on her worst days, and Julie Chen's own personal punching bag due to making racist comments about Asians that, being one herself, and most of these insults directly leveled at her, made Julie furious. Take her out of the house and you have somebody who realizes she was uneducated.
  • The Heavy: Aaryn is considered to be the "main" villain of the season and she is the one that drives most of the plot for the season.
  • The Hecate Sisters: Aaryn is the Maiden to Kaitlin's Crone and GinaMarie's Matron.
  • Hero Killer: Aaryn unexpectedly and shockingly backdoored her own ally Judd, resulting in Judd's eviction under Aaryn's HOH reign. Judd being evicted was so awful that even Aaryn felt bad that she back doored Judd.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With GinaMarie.
  • Humanizing Tears: While she's no saint, she looks so huggable and consolable when she cries.
  • Hypocrite: Aaryn complains about other house guests making mean comments and throwing her under the bus, when she has made the most mean comments and thrown many house guests under the buss more than anybody else.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Aaryn chose to stick with her deal with Helen by letting Helen and Amanda decide her nominations as HOH in exchange for safety in the house.
  • Ice Queen: Aaryn is very cold and icy in personality. Becomes less icy and cold around certain house guests.
  • Iconic Item: Aaryn's clown doll, Clowny.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Especially when she stares at others with her famous Death Glare.
  • In-Series Nickname: Her nickname is "Texas Tornado", a nickname that Judd coined for her. Andy has nicknamed Aaryn "Poopy" and GinaMarie calls Aaryn "Bunny". Her moniker inside of the 3 A.M. alliance is "The Beast".
  • Irrational Hatred: Seems to have a strong dislike for Elissa since the beginning.
  • It's All About Me: Aaryn is very selfish and self absorbed. 1000% subverted with her personal life.
  • Irony: One of the cast members of this season is named Nick (Uhas). Aaryn would later go on to marry a man named Nick (Williams).
  • Jerkass: She mistreats various house guests, but she targets Candice (African American), Helen (Asian American) and Elissa (Rachel's sister) the most. Howard is also a primary target of hers, just because he's African American too.
  • Lack of Empathy: Aaryn shows no remorse or guilt for her poor treatment of other houseguests, primarily Candice.
  • Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: Aaryn is the Dark Feminine to Jessie's Light Feminine.
  • Like Is, Like, a Comma: She uses the word "like" more than she even blinks, and in her vlogs online, it's practically every other word she says. It's even more overused than David's, and still very embedded in her speech even to this very day. She seems to be unconsciously using it as a sentence filler.
  • Little Miss Snarker: Aaryn is the snarliest houseguest of the season.
  • Love Hurts: Aaryn's showmance, David, was evicted the first week in the house.
  • Kick the Dog: Sitting on, and flipping Candice's mattress and driving her to tears was one of the meanest things she's done in the game. She also stole Nick's belongings from Gina Marie and laughed in her face.
  • Kill the Cutie: In order to not be a target and to secure her position, Aaryn backdoored Judd, which resulted in his shocking eviction.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Aaryn can be very manipulative when she wants to be.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Aaryn is physically attractive, despite her unattractive personality.
  • My Nayme Is: Her name is spelled with two A's in the beginning, instead of a more typical spelling like Erin or Aryn.
  • Narcissist: Aaryn has a huge ego and thinks a lot of herself. This has diminished a whole lot after meeting her husband.
  • Never My Fault: Aaryn constantly blames others for her own wrongdoings and never takes any responsibility for anything she does or says. This even continued during her eviction speech. Present-day Aaryn acknowledges her mistakes.
  • Not So Stoic: When Aaryn backdoored Judd and Judd was evicted afterwards, Aaryn broke down and almost lost it.
  • No Sympathy Between Mooks: There is no love lost between Aaryn and Amanda. In fact, Aaryn wants Amanda gone from the house sooner than later.
  • Obviously Evil: Aaryn is the obvious villain of the season.
  • The Pawn: Aaryn is a huge puppet for Helen and Amanda and Aaryn doesn't even realize it. Aaryn is doing Helen and Amanda's dirty work and getting more and more blood on her hands as the game progresses.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Frowning seems to be Aaryn's permanent expression.
  • Pet the Dog: She shared some nice, genuine moments with some of the houseguests.
    • Seems to have genuinely cared for David. Aaryn has also shown to genuinely care for Amanda, Gina, Judd, Helen, McCrae and Jessie. Aaryn says that back dooring Judd was one of the most horrible moments for her and that she felt bad about it.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Judd. Before that, Aaryn was a Friendly Enemy to Judd.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: She has ignorantly made many racist and homophobic comments. The sad thing is, the ignorance is not the stereotypical kind, but her Blind Obedience carried over from college where people pushed the boundaries without consequences.
  • Reality Show Genre Blindness:
    • Said that the weaker players were going to team up on the stronger players until one of the weaker players win. Somebody has clearly never watched many seasons of Big Brother.
    • She's also the biggest example of the consequences of saying ignorant comments when you are being filmed 24-7.
  • The Resenter: Towards both Candice and Elissa.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Aaryn ends up getting evicted by her fellow 3 A.M. members when they choose to keep Andy over her.
  • The Rival: To Elissa and Candice of course.
  • Ship Tease: With Judd and David.
  • Show Some Leg: Sometimes uses this as a tactic to charm the male houseguests.
  • The Snark Knight: Aaryn is very snide and sarcastic. There is never a time when a sarcastic or snide comment isn't coming out of Aaryn's mouth.
  • Sour Supporter: Aaryn gives her allies her vote of confidence, but it's not uncommon for her to bemoan their antics first.
  • Southern Belle: Aaryn is originally from Texas.
  • The Starscream: To the 3 A.M alliance along with Andy.
  • The Stoic: Aaryn doesn't show that much emotion and is a certified Ice Queen.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: For the most part she's very unemotional and The Stoic. But once she gets to know people or if she's around people that she likes or is comfortable with, she lets her guard down more.
  • Smug Smiler: Aaryn has the smuggest personality in house.
  • Sweet Home Alabama: Aaryn is originally from Texas.
  • Tagalong Kid: Aaryn is the youngest houseguest of the season.
  • Terrible Trio: With GinaMarie and Kaitlin.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Her allies at the start were Jeremy, Gina Marie, Kaitlin, Nick and David. All of them end up getting evicted in the first five weeks, with the exception of Gina Marie. She starts to align with Amanda, McCrae, Andy and Judd later on, but out of all of them, she is the most villainous personality. After Aaryn is evicted, Amanda takes over the role.
  • Tomboyish Name: Despite being a Girly Girl, Aaryn has a unisex name.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to Amanda and Jessie's Tomboy.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Aaryn started to win more competitions as the game progressed. In the end, she has won 4 HOH's and 1 POV.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: Anyone who hangs around Aaryn for a long period of time is bound to become corrupted.
  • Tsundere: Towards Judd, GinaMarie and her other allies. Although Aaryn is portrayed as a mean girl who doesn't show much emotion or sympathy, she actually had many Pet the Dog moments towards her allies.
  • Ungrateful Bitch: She came across as a brat who would complain if things didn't go her way.
  • The Vamp: Aaryn would use her sexual or feminine wiles to get farther in the game.
  • Villainous Friendship: Aaryn is allies and friends with Amanda.
  • Villain Team-Up: With Amanda. Amanda and Aaryn were both deemed the villains of the season. However, int eh second has of the game, Amanda embraced the role of Big Bad while Aaryn became The Dragon for Amanda. Amanda and Aaryn ended up working together and were in an alliance.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Amanda and Judd.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Amanda and McCrae have no use for Aaryn anymore and they feel that she has done her fair share of dirty work for them so they have no problem with voting her out.

     Amanda Joy Zuckerman (Evicted HG #10, Juror #5) 

Amanda Joy Zuckerman

D.O.B.: May 11th, 1985
Age: 28 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Current Residence: Boynton Beach, FL
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Number Of HOH Wins: 0
Number Of POV Wins: 1 note 
Number Of Times Nominated: 3 note 
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 3 note 
Prizes/Punishments Won: 50 Shades Of Orange Punishment note 
Finished: 7th Place (11th Evicted, JUROR #5)
Evicted: Evicted 3-2 VS. Spencer note 
HOH Evicted Under: GINAMARIE (in Week 10)
Voted For (In Jury): ANDY

  • Abhorrent Admirer: While McCrae does seem to care about her, Amanda is being way too pushy and often does things against his wishes.
  • Affably Evil: Amanda is capable of being nice to your face when she has to but she won't hesitate to backstab you or turn on you easily.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: She's pretty much almost guaranteed to go home now and rather than celebrate it, some people are feeling sorry for her.
  • All According to Plan: Amanda always has a plan in action and she always prepares for her next move. For the majority of the game, all of the plans that Amanda has made have managed to work out in her favour. Whenever she wanted someone gone or had a specific target, that houseguest would end up getting evicted.
  • All Women Are Lustful: Amanda seems to have a rather high sex drive and has claimed to have slept with 100 men.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Amanda is rather icy and cold in personality. She also has a rather aggressive side.
  • Alpha Bitch: Became one of the most bossy, mean, and controlling women in the house. However she is also very sensitive under her tough exterior and also really cares for Aaryn, McCrae, and Andy.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Amanda doesn't care how many people she hurts, lies to, or backstabs in order to get farther in the game. She is highly ruthless.
  • And There Was Much Rejoicing: Amanda was so reviled and unpopular that the Big Brother fans celebrated when Amanda was finally evicted. Not only were the fans happy she was gone, but the other houseguests were overjoyed to be finally rid of her. An alliance was created called The Exterminators for the simple mission of getting rid of Amanda.
  • Anti-Villain: Amanda is quite mean-spirited but all she wants to do is help McCrae and her alliance win and at least get to Jury.
  • Arch-Enemy: Howard, Elissa, GinaMarie, Candice, Jessie. Pretty much everyone in the jury phase besides McCrae can pretty much be seen as her arch-enemy now.
  • Asshole Victim: Amanda was nominated alongside McCrae by GinaMarie. The same week, McCrae ends up winning the pOV, which would ensure his safety, ultimately sealing Amanda's fate. On top of it, Amanda ends up getting sent home by GinaMarie's own hand. Amanda was her own worst enemy.
  • Attention Whore: Amanda seems to thrive on attention and drama. When she doesn't get attention, she starts to throw a fit.
  • Axe-Crazy:
    • Amanda threatened to slit Jessie's throat. This is something that should not be taken lightly, because Justin Sebik of Big Brother 2 was expelled under similar circumstances, and Amanda was teetering on the edge of expulsion herself.
    • The live feeds went dark for an hour because Amanda's bullying of Elissa went so far that production had to step in and stop her.
    • Andy, GM, and Spencer, during the Final 3 recap episode, remarked that they thought Amanda's bullying was awful. Three of the most infamous houseguests of the US run all gave their seal of disapproval to Amanda.
  • Badass Boast: Amanda is the biggest gloater and bragger in the house BY FAR.
  • Badass Bystander: Amanda was not targeting both GinaMarie and Elissa hardcore until they both put her and/or McCrae on the block.
  • Badass in Distress: Amanda has had many moments of weakness but she fights to stay in the game.
  • Bad Boss: Amanda sometimes treats her alliance members like crap, bosses them around and talks down to them, especially when they don't agree with her or go against her.
  • Bait the Dog: At first she seemed nice, but when she got power, she let her true colors show.
  • Battle Couple: With McCrae. She and McCrae have basically been running the house for the entire game.
  • Beauty Is Bad: Amanda is attractive but she is very bitchy.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: Amanda will lie and then try to make it seem like it's the truth. She is beyond delusional.
  • Berserk Button: Don't flirt with McCrae. Ask Jessie. Also, going against her and McCrae in any way, shape or form will set Amanda off.
  • Big Applesauce: Amanda is originally from New York although she lives in Florida.
  • Big Bad: Amanda is definitely the ultimate villain of the season, alongside Aaryn.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Aaryn. Now that Aaryn has been evicted, with McCrae.
  • Big Bad Friend: To Andy. He's not trusting of her anymore, however.
  • The Big Girl: Amanda is the tallest and most imposing girl in the house.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Particularly towards Judd, Andy and Aaryn.
  • Bitch Alert: She sometimes alternates between this and Bitch in Sheep's Clothing. Amanda sometimes makes her bitchiness very obvious and apparent.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Acted nice to McCrae but later on seemed to care about him less over time. Subverted later on when she actually decides to marry him.
  • Black Widow: Amanda has openly admitted that she likes to date older rich men for their money. In actuality, Amanda is very much a Gold Digger.
  • Blood Knight: Amanda will never back down from a fight. She goes in head first without ever thinking of the consequences. She takes competitiveness very seriously.
  • Boisterous Weakling: Pretends that she is badass, tough and strong, but when it comes to winning any competition on her own merit, she is a weakling and a coward who cries.
  • Brainy Brunette: Amanda is manipulative, strategic and smart but sometimes over-strategizes.
  • Brooklyn Rage: Amanda is from Long Island, New York.
  • Brutal Honesty: Amanda is known to be rather overly honest and blunt. Sometimes her honesty can get her into a bit of trouble.
  • The Brute: Serves as this for Helen, while Helen veers more towards Evil Genius territory.
  • The Bully: Frequently tries to intimidate other houseguests by bossing them around and even displaying bullying behaviour towards them in order to get them to do what she wants. Though not as bad as Jeremy was.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Whenever Amanda gets drunk, she becomes completely out of control.
  • Can't Take Criticism: Amanda doesn't react all that well to personal criticism and despite her tough exterior, she is actually quite thin-skinned and sensitive. Especially if you question her affections for McCrae.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Amanda seems to embrace that she is a villain. Before she was more of a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, someone who appeared to be nice and decent but was actually Evil All Along.
  • Cat Fight: Amanda has had huge fights with Candice, Jessie, and Elissa.
  • The Chessmaster: Before the Exterminators came, Amanda wass basically controlling everything in the house. She's had a direct hand in every eviction so far and basically runs other people's HOH reigns, such as Aaryn.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: In regards to McCrae. Amanda went off on Jessie for McCrae simply sitting next to Jessie.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Amanda resorts to dirty tactics and bullying if she has to in order to farther herself in the game.
  • Consummate Liar: Amanda is an expert at lying and deceiving.
  • Control Freak: Amanda can be rather bossy and overly aggressive at times. It has irritated some of her house guests, primarily those who are in her alliance.
  • The Corrupter: Amanda brings out the absolute worst in everyone, from a Lovable Nerd like McCrae to an Alpha Bitch like Aaryn. She is most definitely the poison of the house and is a bad influence on everyone.
  • Crazy Survivalist: Amanda is willing to do anything to stay in the game. She was always extra prepared and always had a back up plan.
  • The Cynic: Amanda tends to be rather pessimistic and cynical by nature.
  • Dark Action Girl: Although Amanda wasn't a strong competitor, she was the most strategic player.
  • Darker and Edgier: Amanda became a much darker and more negative as the game progressed.
  • Deadpan Snarker: After becoming a Have-Not for the first time, she makes an extremely snarky flight attendant impression.
  • Death Glare: Amanda gives these towards those she doesn't like, in particular Candice, Jessie and Elissa.
  • The Determinator: Amanda is one of the most persistent and determined house guests in the house. When she wants something, she always has to make sure she gets her way one way or another.
  • Devour the Dragon: Amanda votes out Aaryn over Andy, which results in Aaryn being evicted.
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: Went from being the dominant force of the game to slowly turning the house against her.
  • Dirty Coward: Amanda acts like a bully and acts all tough and intimidating but when she loses a competition, she cries about it and throws a fit like a brat.
  • The Dragon: To McCrae in Week 1.
  • Drama Queen: Amanda is very dramatic and seems to love being the centre of attention.
  • The Dreaded: Everyone in the house seems to be scared of Amanda. It's understandable considering that Amanda has a major temper and displays bullying ways.
  • Driven by Envy: Amanda's desire to get Elissa, Judd, Aaryn and Jessie out of the house is due to her strong jealous streak. Amanda wants Elissa gone because Elissa is nicer than her, she wants Judd gone because he is super likeable, she wants Aaryn gone because she is a strong competitor and she wanted Jessie gone because of fear of Jessie and McCrae getting close.
  • Drunk with Power: Amanda doesn't even have to have HOH in order for her to have a huge ego.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Amanda constantly demanded respect from others but did absolutely nothing to earn respect.
  • Enraged by Idiocy: Amanda gets irritated if any of her alliance acts stupidly or against her wishes and logic.
  • Entitled Bitch: She thinks it's OK to lie and backstab her allies, but when someone else does it to her...
  • Ethical Slut: Amanda bragged about how many men she has slept with.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Although Amanda is a huge Jerkass, she does seem to genuinely care for her alliance members, notably McCrae, Andy, Judd and Aaryn. Out of those four, she only really cares about McCrae and that's stretching it.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Let's put it this way- GinaMarie thinks she's nuts. Oh, but it doesn't stop there. Andy was revolted at how far she went to torment Elissa, and he's gone as far as to jokingly say he wished he had broke Elissa's leg by accident after the OTEV competition. He had intended for Amanda to just razz her up a bit to get her off-balance and protect himself from elimination while she was HOH, not realizing that Amanda was so violent-minded and took it to the extent of outright bulling her.
  • Evil All Along: Amanda was thought to be one the good houseguests this season as she was against the bad side of the house in the beginning (Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlin, David, GinaMarie, Nick). However, it turns out that Amanda's true colors came out and she is actually the real Big Bad of the season.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Elissa and Judd's Good Counterpart.
  • Evil Gloating: Amanda is the biggest gloater in the house. She has a very large and overblown ego, so much that she could give Jeremy a run for his money.
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humour: Has made hateful sexist, homophobic and racist comments and she finds it humorous. She also finds her bullying and torturing of Elissa funny as well.
  • Evil Is Petty: Amanda is extremely hateful and spiteful towards other houseguests and she even veers into bullying territory with Elissa.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Amanda and Aaryn frequently butt heads from time to time.
  • Face–Heel Turn: She spent the early part of the game rallying the outcasts against the majority alliance, defending others from bullying, and speaking out against the house's racism. Flash-forward a couple weeks: she's best friends with the resident Alpha Bitch, has said arguably more racist things than anyone else in the cast, and has bullied most of the house for their perceived attempts to vote her out. Thus becoming this season's Big Bad.
  • Fallen Hero: Amanda went from a decent houseguest to the Big Bad of the season.
  • False Friend: To Judd. It was clear that Amanda's friendship towards Judd was never genuine.
  • Faux Action Girl: Amanda thinks that she is a competitor, but is actually useless in competitions.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Amanda can appear polite to others while scheming, manipulating and stabbing others in the back.
  • Female Misogynist: Amanda has made sexist comments about the other female houseguests and she seems to hate all of them. There is not a female houseguest that Amanda has not clashed with.
  • Femme Fatale: Uses her sexuality as strategy and one of her tactics to get farther in the game.
  • Foil: Could be seen as this to Elissa. While Elissa is generally kind, calm and quiet, Amanda is very loud, aggressive and confrontational.
  • Geeky Turn-On: Her attraction and showmance with McCrae.
  • Genki Girl: Amanda is very energetic and upbeat.
  • Give Geeks a Chance: Started a sort of showmance with McCrae. At least once she's even referred to him as "her delivery boy."As of week 3 it's a romance.
  • Gold Digger: Amanda has openly admitted that she dates men for their money.
  • Good Bad Girl: Before Amanda did her Face–Heel Turn.
  • Good Girl Gone Bad: Amanda seemed to be a tolerable or even a nice houseguest earlier on. Turns out we were all wrong about that.
  • Gossipy Hens: Amanda loves to gossip and trash talk about other house guests behind their back. Her targets are normally Candice, Howard, GinaMarie, Jessie, Elissa and Judd.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Amanda has a very strong jealous streak.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Amanda has a short temper, gets easily angered and goes off on people easily.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: Amanda seems to enjoy her alcohol. She drinks just as much as the guys in the house.
  • The Heavy: Amanda is the major villain after Aaryn is evicted, however, it is Andy that is the true villain.
  • Head-Turning Beauty: Easily one of the most attractive women in the house, which she of course uses to her advantage.
  • Hot-Blooded: Amanda is very hot headed, emotional and impulsive.
  • Humiliation Conga: Elissa HOH is just a prologue of her fall...
  • Hypocrite: Amanda called out Aaryn for being racist, yet she continuously makes prejudiced and racist comments herself.
  • Hysterical Woman: it is evident that Amanda is absolutely emotionally and mentally unstable.
  • Ice Queen: Amanda has a rather cold, bitchy and icy side to her.
  • Iron Lady: Amanda is very stern and dictatorial.
  • Irony: She kept Spencer around thinking he wouldn't be any trouble. Guess who would later become part of an alliance that aids in her destruction?
  • Irrational Hatred: Towards Candice, Howard, Elissa and Jessie.
  • It's All About Me: Amanda can be really selfish. It has to be her way or the highway and she doesn't seem to have any consideration for anybody else's input.
  • In-Series Nickname: "The Mastermind".
  • Jerkass: Easily becoming one of the least nice house guests of the season with her aggressive behaviour, mean comments and bullying tactics. Even Aaryn is sick of her attitude and behaviour. Easily the meanest Houseguest this season. Her callous disregard for McCrae's feelings also counts.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Despite being a major bitch, she is rather smart and she is a pretty wrong strategist.
  • Jewish American Princess: Has all of the qualities, spoiled, rich and entitled.
  • Jews Love to Argue: Amanda has gotten into a lot of disagreements and arguments with other house guests.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Amanda completely loses it when she realizes that she is going home and that she is completely powerless.
  • Karmic Death: Amanda is evicted by GinaMarie's hand. And on top of it, she walks out of the house to a crowd of boos.
  • Kick the Dog: After Judd's eviction, McCrae tries to reach out to her and what does she do? She just ignores him and mentions who's going next, showing utter disregard for McCrae's feelings. Her racist remarks and jokes about homosexuality and autism also count.
  • Knight Templar: Amanda is very ruthless, manipulative and scheming. She will cut people in the game with little to no remorse. Once she spots someone who she believes is a threat to her or McCrae's game, she shows zero mercy.
  • Lack of Empathy: She doesn't seem to care when she hurts other people's feelings.
  • The Lad-ette: Amanda is significantly edgier and more aggressive than her fellow female house guests, primarily the Girly Girl 's such as Aaryn and Elissa.
  • Lady Swears-a-Lot: She swears almost as much as GinaMarie.
  • Large Ham: Amanda has a very dramatic and over the top personality, like GinaMarie.
  • Lazy Bum: Amanda seemed to be rather lazy and wasn't a good competitor.
  • The Leader: Amanda clearly takes the lead in her alliance, the Goof Troupe and 3 A.M.
  • Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: Amanda is the Dark Feminine to Elissa's Light Feminine.
  • Like an Old Married Couple: With McCrae according to Andy.
  • The Load: Competition wise. She excels at manipulation though.
  • Mama Bear: Amanda is very protective of her alliance, in particular McCrae. Don't cross her allies or she will GO OFF on you.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Amanda is really good an manipulating and scheming in order to get things to work in her favour.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Amanda is much more aggressive, assertive, dominant and controlling then McCrae, who is more submissive, laid back, sensitive and emotional. It's pretty clear that between Amanda and McCrae, Amanda is the one who wears the pants in the relationship.
  • The Millstone: Amanda is completely and utterly useless and doesn't really contribute anything of substance unless it's threatening others to get her own way or bullying other houseguests. Amanda was completely incompetent when it came to winning competitions for her alliance that she had to depend on Aaryn, McCrae and Andy to win competitions for her and ensure her safety.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: Amanda is substantially much more ruthless and intimidating than any of the male house guests, including McCrae and Andy.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Amanda likes to show off her assets.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Despite all of her talk as a serious competitor, she can't hold her own in most competitions with the exception of a single POV. As a result, she mostly relied on her manipulation to get by instead.
  • No Sympathy Between Mooks: Amanda and Aaryn frequently butt heads. Aaryn is even sick of Amanda's attitude and wants her evicted sooner than later.
  • Obliviously Evil: She seriously can't tell how much of an ass she is making of herself.
  • Odd Couple: With McCrae. Who would expect a high maintenance real estate agent from Florida would have romantic interest in a humble pizza boy from Minnesota? In Amanda's eviction interview, Julie Chen lampshades that her and McCrae are a very odd pairing.
  • One of the Boys: While Amanda is feminine, she seems to prefer the company of the male house guests over the female house guests. When Amanda was invited to Helen's "Nail Party", which included all of the female house guests getting manicures and pedicures together, Amanda shunned the Nail Party to hang out with McCrae and the rest of the guys instead.
  • Only in Florida: Amanda originally hails from Florida.
  • Opposites Attract: With McCrae.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Judd. Besides McCrae, Judd was Amanda's closest male friend in the house. Subverted now that Judd and Amanda hate each other.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: She knowingly makes offensive remarks just for the sake of being offensive, which had included jokes about racism, autism, and homosexuals.
  • Really Gets Around: Amanda has a high sex drive and has been around the block.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives a heavy-handed one to Aaryn, Jeremy, Gina Marie, and Kaitlin.
  • The Resenter: Towards Howard. Howard has been Amanda's main target for weeks. Now that he's gone, Elissa has become her main target.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: The Energetic Girl to McCrae's Savvy Guy.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: Flaunts her assets without any shame whatsoever. She even walks around in her underwear with her butt hanging out.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: Amanda is a bit on the tomboyish side but she looks really good when she dresses up and wears full makeup.
  • Shipper on Deck: Seems to be supportive of Judd/Aaryn romance.
  • Slouch of Villainy: Amanda has terrible posture. Probably because she spends a lot of time laying in bed and being lazy.
  • Smug Snake: Amanda is becoming very condescending, controlling and smug as time passes on.
  • The Snark Knight: Amanda is the definition of sarcasm and snarkiness.
  • The Sociopath: It's clear she doesn't give a damn about anyone but herself and maybe McCrae.
  • Sore Loser: Amanda doesn't take losing very well.
  • Spirited Competitor: Amanda is very competitive and controlling by nature. She always wants to get her way.
  • Stepford Snarker: Amanda resorts to the use of sarcasm in order to hide when she is worried, stressed or upset.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: How she views herself. In reality, it's more of an inverted trope.
  • Tall, Dark, and Snarky: She's big, she's brunette, and she's SAVAGE.
  • Tattoos As Character Type: Amanda has a tramp stamp on her back. Even the Zingbot commented about Amanda's tramp tattoo with the following zing: "Amanda, don't worry. You can visit McCrae in Minnesota. Just mail yourself using your giant TRAMP STAMP! ZINGGGG!"
  • Tomboy: Amanda is much more aggressive and edgier than her fellow female houseguests.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to Aaryn's Girly Girl.
  • Tomboyish Voice: Amanda has a noticeably deeper and raspier voice than some of the other female houseguests such as Aaryn and Candice who are most definitely Girly Girls.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Of the 3 A.M. alliance that includes herself, Andy, McCrae, and Aaryn, Amanda comes off as the worst of them all. She is the villain or the Big Bad of the season while all of the other members are merely The Dragon to her.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Amanda was originally generally well liked in the house. However, she became more mean spirited and spiteful and she became the season's main Big Bad.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Goof Troupe (McCrae, Andy, and Aaryn).
  • Ungrateful Bitch: Her allies, mainly McCrae end up doing everything forAmanda but it still is never enough for her. She still manages to treat her allies terribly despite their loyalty and devotion to her. It is no wonder why the majority of her allies became fed up with her and her antics.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Subverted. Amanda thinks what she's doing is the right thing for her and her alliance, but the way that she goes about her plans comes across as very dirty, scheming, manipulative and immoral.
  • The Vamp: Amanda constantly uses her sexuality and her feminine charms to get her way in the game.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: For McCrae. Not really violent but don't mess with her pizza delivery boy.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Aaryn. Surprising because Amanda gave a "The Reason You Suck" Speech speech over Aaryn's racism, but Amanda is closer to Aaryn than any other woman in the Big Brother house.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Before Aaryn and Amanda, Big Brother was, at worst, rated PG-13 and very few racist or homosexual remarks were said.
  • Villianous Breakdown: Basically, her whole attitude after being nominated by GinaMarie.
  • Villain Team-Up: With Aaryn. Also with McCrae after his Face–Heel Turn.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Whenever Amanda has any kind of power or control of others, she becomes extremely controlling, bossy, paranoid and resorts to bullying tactics and behaviour.
  • Yandere: Towards McCrae. Especially when he's talking to another girl, except for Helen and Elissa. Though she is no where near as bad as Gina Marie when it comes to this trope.
  • Yoko Oh No: Part of reason why the Moving Company was destroyed. When Nick told alliance that Amanda was the next target, McCrae (who had a bond with Amanda) decided to abandon the alliance and vote Nick off because of her.
  • Younger Than They Look: Amanda is only 28 but she looks much older.

    Elissa Anne Slater (Evicted HG #11, Juror #6, America's Favorite HG) 

Elissa Anne Slater

D.O.B.: Feb 09th, 1986
Age: 27 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Cancord, NC
Current Residence: Kannapolis, NC
Occupation: Nutritionist/Yoga Instructor
Number Of HOH Wins: 1 note 
Number Of POV Wins: 2 note 
Number Of M.V.P. Wins: 3 note 
Number Of Times Nominated: 5 note 
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 4 note 
Prizes/Punishments Won: America's Favorite Houseguest Prize note ; POV Competition Punishment note 
Finished: 6th Place (12th Evicted, JUROR #6)
Evicted: Evicted 3-0 VS. GinaMarie note 
HOH Evicted Under: MCCRAE (in Week 10)
Voted For (In Jury): ANDY

  • Action Fashionista: Won 2 POV's and 1 HOH in the show.
  • Action Mom: Elissa is one of the two mothers of the season along with Helen. She is extremely athletic and a pretty badass competitor.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Judd would sometimes call her "Lissie".
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: During Double Eviction, Elissa basically begs to everyone for them to not vote her out. It doesn't work.
  • All Women Love Shoes: Elissa seems to love her high heels.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Elissa comes off as rather aloof and distant, but she is still a Nice Girl.
  • Aloof Big Sister: An inverted case to Rachel as she's her younger sister. In terms of personality, Elissa is much quieter, shyer, more introverted and reserved than Rachel, who is more boisterous, outgoing, sociable and loud in personality.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Elissa is very ripped and toned although she is still rather slight. This could be because Elissa does yoga on a daily basis.
  • Anti-Hero: Keeping the resident Big Bad of the season, Amanda, in the house to avoid being a target.
  • Arch-Enemy:
    • Aaryn. Elissa and Aaryn have animosity towards each other. Although the two were targeting each other, Elissa's dislike of Aaryn was more personal. Elissa disliked Aaryn because of her racist and hateful behavior that she exhibited at the beginning. She hated the way that Aaryn treated Helen and Candice, who were two of Elissa's closest friends and allies. Elissa had a personal vendetta against Aaryn because Aaryn had made it her mission to target Elissa since the start for extremely petty reasons. Elissa was finally able to be rid of her enemy in Aaryn when she won HOH in Week 9, nominated her for eviction and sent her packing.
    • Amanda. The two are extreme enemies, especially after Aaryn was evicted by her own hand. Elissa hates Amanda because she dislikes her aggressive and brash personality. She's called Amanda a bully and a Spoiled Brat who throws a tantrum when she doesn't get her way. Amanda has gone out of her way to personally attack Elissa by insulting her physical appearance.
  • Anti-Climax: Her winning the America Favorite, in no small part of an unlikable cast.
  • Badass Family: Elissa's older sister is Rachel Reilly, who is known as one of the strongest female players in Big Brother history and she was even a winner. Elissa is not as badass or competitive as Rachel, but she can be competitive when she wants to be.
  • Berserk Button: Don't attack Elissa's family or her faith/religion. Also, racism and racially derogatory comments get Elissa riled up.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Elissa is generally a nice girl, but don't cross her or mess with her under any circumstances.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Elissa is very shy and introverted and doesn't talk much unless she is spoken to. However, just because she is not as outgoing and sociable as her sister Rachel, does not mean that she does not have strong opinions and will not speak her mind. Elissa had zero issues with confronting Aaryn about her bad behaviour and she called her out in front of the entire house in a house meeting.
  • Big Good: Along with Judd. In opposition to the season's "villains" and Big Bad's, Amanda and Aaryn.
  • Big Sister Worship: Elissa seems to think very highly of Rachel and talks very positively about her.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Helen. They are both married and they are both moms, which solidified an instant bond between the two of them.
  • Blessed with Suck: She has a winner mentor who is her sister (Rachel), and became MVP for three weeks in a row. However, the MVP power is only temporary, and the she's against 15 other houseguests with only her having a special status. Plus, the fact that Rachel already won Big Brother along looking very similar to her sister, she was already facing a constant uphill battle before the season even started.
  • Born Lucky: Been voted as MVP three weeks in a row.
  • Break the Cutie: Elissa was targeted and mistreated by the other house guests simply because she was Rachel's sister.
  • Brutal Honesty: She is very honest and to the point, to the point of being rather blunt and harsh at times.
  • Butt-Monkey: Elissa was picked on and ostracized by everyone earlier just because she was Rachel's sister.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Elissa seems to get drunk rather easily. And when she's under the influence of alcohol, she also acts really crazy and out there.
  • The Cassandra: One of the people who knew that Andy can't be trusted. Sadly for her, everyone else trusts Andy despite her giving signals about him.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Surprisingly, in regards to Judd. Earlier in the game, Elissa would make jabs against Jessie and Aaryn regarding their relationship with Judd. Elissa also grilled Judd about his relationship with Jessie and Aaryn.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Comes off as out there and strange to some of her fellow house guests at times.
  • The Conscience: Elissa is the moral compass of the season. Morals and values seem to be something that Elissa takes very seriously.
  • Cool Shades: Elissa is seen wearing sunglasses frequently.
  • The Cutie: Elissa is likeable and loveable so much that you can't help but support her and root for her, especially amongst all of the unkind houseguests.
  • Damsel out of Distress: In the beginning, Elissa was a target from week to week. She managed to save herself when she could.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Elissa is rather sarcastic and witty at times.
  • The Determinator: Elissa is a fighter, a competitor and she never gives up. This trait runs in the Reilly genes.
  • Disc-One Nuke: The combination of Rachel's fanbase and the MVP makes her really powerful in the first three evictions, but after the MVP rule change, she becomes just like anyone else.
  • The Ditz: To some Elissa can come off as a bit of an airhead. It mostly has to do with her speaking style and social awkwardness around other houseguests.
  • The Dog Bites Back: The 3 A.M. alliance were untouchable until she won HOH.
  • The Dreaded: Everyone was targeting Elissa at the beginning of the game because she was Rachel's sister, she was MVP, and because they feared that she will be a beast at the game like Rachel was.
  • Dumb Muscle: Horrible at quizzes, good in physical competitions.
  • Emotionless Girl: Elissa doesn't seem to show that much emotion in the beginning.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Keeping Amanda in the house in week 10.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: Aligning with a showmance (McManda) that will ultimately take each other to the Final 2 if she doesn't win HOH? Or surviving and befriending a dominant alliance that is willing to taking her out? No matter what she's now screwed at the Final 7.
  • The Fashionista: Elissa seems to have a penchant for trendier clothing and fashion.
  • Fatal Flaw: Elissa reacts too passively when she was not in power, she never tried to cut deals and just going along with other houseguests despite knowing there was something wrong.
  • Faux Action Girl: Only in the first few weeks. Elissa started to become more competitive later on.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: Elissa is most definitely the cook of the house.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Aaryn, then GinaMarie, and after that Amanda.
  • Foil: To Aaryn. They have differing outlooks and views and because of it, they often clashed throughout the game.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Elissa is the Responsible Sibling to Rachel's Foolish Sibling. While Rachel is more outspoken and extroverted, Elissa is more calm and collected. Her strategy is more sound than Rachel, who often targeted people she just wanted revenge on, whereas Elissa is more calm-minded and knew how separate emotion and gameplay (although she really needed some time for that).
  • Friendly Enemy: With Aaryn. Elissa and Aaryn were on friendly terms at the start of the game, but their relationship became strained once Aaryn revealed her true colours. Elissa was turned off by Aaryn's bigotry and racist behaviour. Aaryn eventually became Elissa's Arch-Enemy.
  • Frozen Face: Elissa has clearly had a few to many Botox injections.
  • Girly Bruiser: Elissa is very feminine but very competitive.
  • Girly Girl: The most girliest and most feminine female houseguest in the house alongside Aaryn.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Elissa is generally nice to everyone but don't mess with her.
  • Good Counterpart: To Aaryn and Amanda's Evil Counterpart.
  • Granola Girl: Since Elissa is a nutritionist and practices yoga on a daily basis, it is not surprising that she qualifies as this trope. Elissa seems like she is a mega health nut and cares about her body and her physical fitness.
  • Happily Married: One of the two house guests (the other being Helen), who are married this season.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With both Helen and Candice.
  • Holier Than Thou: Her faith is something that she often takes to heart.
  • Hypocrite: Elissa constantly picked on Aaryn for her ignorance and racist comments but she gives Amanda and GinaMarie a pass for their racist and derogatory comments because she believes that they make racist comments out of humour or as a joke.
  • It's Personal: Elissa seems to want Aaryn gone for mostly personal reasons more so than for game-playing or strategic reasons.
  • Karmic Overkill: Even though Amanda is not the nicest person, Elissa didn't have to laugh in her face while she was crying.
  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: Elissa can look be fashionable and still kick ass.
  • Kick the Dog: Not Elissa herself, but America voting Elissa to be the third nomination was very mean spirited, considering that she's been on the block every single time.
  • Lady of War: Elissa is a fighter and a competitor and she does this while maintaing her sense of dignity and grace.
  • Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: Elissa is the Light Feminine to Aaryn and Amanda's Dark Feminine.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Elissa is really strong but she is also pretty fast and quick as well.
  • Long Hair Is Feminine: Elissa is a Girly Girl and is one of the most feminine female houseguests of the season. Having long hair only emphasizes Elissa's femininity.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: Elissa is generally a Nice Girl, but sometimes she her Alpha Bitch and catty moments.
  • Master of None: In terms of social, strategic and physical aspects, she is rather balanced at all three of them. However, all of them lack refinement, leaving her outclassed by the other competitors, who at least excel in at least one aspect.
  • Mood-Swinger: Mainly because she can say things that can change the tone in the house. Just ask what happened in McCrae's 24th birthday.
  • Nice Girl: Compared to the rest of the house.
  • No Social Skills: Elissa says she is very introverted, socially awkward and that it takes quite a bit of time for her to warm up to people.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Appears to be a ditz with her head in the clouds but is actually alot smarter than everyone thinks.
  • Only Sane Woman: Seems to be the only female houseguest that is not unstable, if you do not overload her with alcohol or pressure.
  • Platonic Life-Partners:
    • With Judd. Out of all of the men this season, Judd is her favorite guy BY FAR.
    • Also with Andy before he turned on her.
  • The Pollyanna: Elissa remained very positive and optimistic, despite being mistreated by other house guests early on.
  • Proper Lady: Elissa is very sophisticated and generally polite. Although a bit snobbish and condescending.
  • The Quiet One: Elissa doesn't really speak too much unless she is being directly spoken to. The polar opposite of her sister, Rachel.
  • Reality Show Genre Blindness: Somehow says that this game is all about good sportsmanship some time after Nick's eviction. Especially hilarious because her sister is Rachel, who is far from a good sport.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Elissa is the Blue Oni to Candice and Helen's Red.
  • The Resenter: Towards Aaryn and GinaMarie, for their poor treatment and racist remarks towards Candice.
  • Shipper on Deck: Elissa seems to like the idea of Judd and Jessie as a romance.
  • Ship Tease: With Judd when he comes back. Even though Elissa is married, it is clear that Elissa absolutely adores Judd.
  • Shrinking Violet: Elissa is incredibly shy and introverted, the complete opposite of her extroverted sister, Rachel.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: While Elissa and Rachel may strongly physically resemble each other, their personalities are quite different. Elissa is much more shy and introverted than Rachel, who is significantly more extroverted and loud.
  • Signature Headgear: Elissa is seen hair accessories such as flowers and headbands.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: She looks calm, stoic and collected but don't think she doesn't have sharp claws.
  • Snark-to-Snark Combat: With Andy. They ocassionally engage in light hearted and teasing banter.
  • The Snark Knight: Elissa is rather snarky and sarcastic to the point where she can be seen as condescending and rude to others.
  • Southern Belle: Elissa is originally from North Carolina and is therefore, a Southern girl.
  • The Stoic: Elissa is actually very unemotional and she is the opposite of her sister, who expresses her emotions openly.
  • Stepford Smiler: Elissa often hides her real emotions behind a smile, even when she is upset.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She looks like her sister, who is none other than Rachel Reilly. She tried to keep it a secret, but was quickly found out and targeted for it in week one.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Sometimes Elissa can be really warm to others and sometimes she can be rather icy towards others. It all depends who she is interacting with.
  • Tall Poppy Syndrome: Is targeted solely because of her association with Rachel. Granted, given that Rachel somehow got a twist helping her out the second she was in trouble, they may not be that unjustified.
  • Team Chef: Elissa seems to be the one who does the most cooking in the house.
  • Team Mom: One of the two houseguests, along with Helen, who is a mom and a maternal figure in the house.
  • Those Two Girls: With Helen. It is to be expected that Elissa would bond the most with Helen, considering that they share motherhood in common.
  • Too Dumb to Live: She made too many risky moves and passive-aggressive comments that could easily made herself evicted earlier than she should (notably Week 4).
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Andy. She had a tight bond with Andy since the start but they occasionally bicker with each other. Elissa was oblivious to Andy's trash talking about her behind her back and was shocked by some of the personal attacks Andy made about her at the end of the season.
  • When She Smiles: Elissa has a very infectious and pleasant smile.
  • Wild Card: Elissa is very unpredictable. Must be in the Reilly genes.
  • Younger Than They Look: Although Elissa doesn't look old by any means, she looks very mature for 27.

     Judd Andrew Daugherty (Evicted HG #12, Juror #7) 

Judd Andrew Daugherty

D.O.B.: Nov 26th, 1986
Age: 26 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Englewood, TN
Current Residence: Etowah, TN
Occupation: Property Appraiser
Number Of HOH Wins: 1 note 
Number Of POV Wins: 1 note 
Number Of Times Nominated: 2 note 
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 3 note 
Prizes/Punishments Won: $5,000 note , Chicken Suit Punishment note , 24 Hr Solitary Confinement note , Drill Sergeant Punishment note 
Finished: 10th Place & 5th Place (7th Evicted/13th Evicted, JUROR #7)
Evicted: Evicted 7-0 VS. Spencer (1st Time) note ; Evicted 2-0 VS. GinaMarie note 
HOH Evicted Under: SPENCER (in Week 11)
Voted For (In Jury): GINAMARIE

  • Affectionate Nickname: Some of the house guests call him "Judd The Stud". Aaryn has given Judd the nickname "Juddy" or "Juddy-Bear".
  • The Alcoholic: Judd really loves his liquor, especially his beer. His biggest concern about being a have-not is not having any liquor to drink. To be fair, he mentioned at one point that he had depression.
  • All Guys Want Bad Girls: Judd seemed to have had a flirty relationship with the resident mean girls of the season, Aaryn and GinaMarie. It's uncertain if Judd was just flirty with them for game purposes or whether or not he actually enjoyed their company.
  • Always Save the Girl: At least when it came to Jessie, Aaryn, and Amanda.
  • Anti-Hero: Like McCrae, he's become more manipulative and isn't trusting anyone anymore, especially not his old friend (McCrae).
  • Arch-Nemesis: Amanda. Judd despises her and wants her out of the house badly.
  • Ascended Fanboy: Judd tried five times to get on the show before he was cast this season. He is a certified Big Brother super fan alongside McCrae.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: With Aaryn. Judd has developed a bond with Aaryn and he has become much closer to her as of recently.
  • Badass Adorable: Judd is adorable when he is kicking ass.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Has loads of it with Aaryn.
  • Berserk Button: Judd has said that what gets him fired up and angry is when other people are being bullied, threatened or mistreated.
  • Better as Friends: How Judd sees his relationship with Jessie. Originally, he had romantic interest in her, but their chemistry fizzled out when he realized he couldn't trust her in the game. In addition, he got closer to Aaryn.
  • Betty and Veronica: There seems to be a bit of a "triangle" between Judd, Aaryn and Jessie, with Judd being the Archie to Jessie's Betty and Aaryn's Veronica.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Judd may be a nice and funny guy, but there is a serious competitor hidden within him. Some house guests, such as Spencer for example, are viewed Judd as a threat.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards McCrae.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: With Aaryn and Jessie.
  • Big Good: Along with Elissa, in opposition to the Big Bad's, Aaryn and Amanda.
  • Big Man on Campus: In the house, Judd was popular and very well-liked by everyone.
  • Birds of a Feather: With McCrae. Both are the token Big Brother super fans of the season.
  • Born Unlucky: Judd probably has the worst luck out of all of the houseguests. He won HOH when he didn't want to win, got 24hr solitary confinement during his own HOH reign, was a Have Not more often than not, was suspected of being MVP by everyone in the house, had his own alliance (The Goof Troupe) turn on him and plot his demise behind his back, was completely blindsided when he was backdoored by his own ally (Aaryn), was evicted by his allies and as of recently, has to wear a chicken suit as a punishment for 48 hrs. And then for 24 hours he has to listen to a drill sergeant and do push-ups and jumping jacks. Poor Judd.
  • Break the Cutie: Judd wins HOH when he least wants it, ends up getting stressed and overwhelmed with being HOH. On top of it, in the POV competition, Judd ends up taking a 24 hour punishment in solitary confinement during his own HOH reign. His eviction also counts.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Judd appears to be not much of a threat game wise, but many of the house guests, primarily Amanda, McCrae, Andy, Helen, and Spencer all fear him and see him as very smart and brilliant.
  • Butt-Monkey: Everyone in the house thought that Judd was the MVP. Later on, GinaMarie and Spencer call him "shady" and he's forced to listen to a drill sergeant for 24 hours. Ouch.
  • Came Back Strong: A week after he was blindsided and evicted, Judd returned by winning a competition.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: His feelings for Jessie ....and Aaryn.
  • Catchphrase: "J-U-DOUBLE-D PARTY DAUGHERTY!"
  • The Casanova: Judd has managed to charm many women, and even a few guys.
  • The Charmer: Judd is very charming to women in general. All of the female house guests aren't immune to his Southern charm.
  • Chick Magnet: He is really popular with and well liked by the vast majority of the female house guests.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Judd is very flirtatious with all of the female house guests. He is probably the most flirtatious male houseguest this season. His nickname "Judd The Stud" suits him perfectly.
  • Class Clown: According to Judd himself, he was given the title of "Party Animal" during his high school years.
  • Clothes Make the Legend: Judd's iconic Bear shirt. The Bear shirt is the biggest symbol of Judd and it has basically become Judd's signature.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Judd comes off as rather quirky and off beat.
  • Cool Shades: Judd wears sunglasses from time to time.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He's pretty under the radar early on (his name is not mentioned that much by his fellow house guests), he stays out of the drama, is likable, has a competitive streak, and has a rather solid social game.
  • The Cuckoolander Was Right: Judd is probably the houseguest that has the best read on the house guests. He is also pretty accurate and sharp regarding who are the big threats. He's only rivaled by McCrae.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Judd is very witty and sarcastic.
  • The Determinator: Judd isn't the type to give up or quit. When he wanted Aaryn to stay in the house over Kaitlin, he did everything to make that happen, include making a fake alliance and lying about Helen. On top of that, Nick's video about how to audition for Big Brother has him remarking that he thinks Judd said he had to try out at least five or six times before getting accepted.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Judd being blindsided was a complete shock to him.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Had a bit of a flirtatious relationship with Aaryn. During his HoH week, he stuck his neck out and created a lie against Kaitlin to keep Aaryn in the house. This would come to back to bite him hard when the rest of the house figured out he was lying and Aaryn went behind his back to take his spot in his alliance with Amanda, Andy, and McCrae. Taken to the upmost levels when Aaryn ends up back dooring Judd and he is evicted under Aaryn's HOH reign.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Judd voted out Aaryn after being backdoored by her. Also when he evicted both Amanda and Elissa.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Might be becoming one in regards to Jessie. He doesn't seem to see that Jessie might possibly not be interested in him in a romantic way. Though him and Jessie have had a lot of Unresolved Sexual Tension as of week 2.
  • The Dreaded: Some of Judd's house guests feared him because they believed that Judd was the MVP. His own alliance turned on him simply because of their belief and their paranoia that Judd was dangerous and threat to the entire house because he was MVP.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: Judd was given this as a punishment by Spencer. He has to follow the commands of a Big Brother Drill Sergeant Nasty on the PA.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: There are quite a few straight guys, including Judd's fellow male houseguests, who find Judd really dashing and appealing.
  • Fearless Fool: Judd was completely unaware that he was the house's biggest target. He thought that he was completely safe. This resulted in Judd being completely blindsided when the house went against him and evicted him as a result of being back doored by his own ally (Aaryn) and his own alliance voting him out (McCrae, Amanda, and Andy).
  • The Fool: Judd was completely blinded by his faith and loyalty to his alliance that he didn't realize that they were all plotting his demise behind his back.
  • Forgiveness: Before he was evicted for the second time, Judd forgave McCrae for everything that had previously happened and even hugged him when he left.
  • Frat Bro: Judd has said that he loves drinking an partying. When he had to become a Have Not for the week, he said that he would be most disappointed because he wouldn't be able to have any beer.
  • Functional Genre Savvy: From what is seen on the feeds, Judd is rather knowledgeable about his Big Brother history and all of the Big Brother seasons. Comes with being a fan of the series.
  • Genius Ditz: Judd came off overly naive but he's actually rather smart.
  • Genki Guy: Judd can be really high energy and hyper, especially in his DR's. His nickname even highlights this
  • Good Counterpart: To Amanda and Aaryn's Evil Counterpart.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Judd is a generally nice guy but don't cross him or piss him off. He will call you out.
  • Good Luck Charm: His signature Bear shirt from Walmart. Judd has said that he wears it for good luck.
  • Good Ol' Boy: Being from the South, it's only to be expected.
  • Graceful Loser: Despite being blindsided by his own alliance and being shocked by his unexpected eviction, Judd seemed to have taken his blindside much better than expected.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: According to Judd himself, he has a very fiery temper and gets easily angered.
  • Has a Type: Judd admits to liking exotic girls who are brunettes with brown eyes. Hence, his attraction to Jessie.
  • The Heart: Of The Goof Troop and of the season.
  • He's Back!: After being the last jury member standing in the HOH competition, Judd is back in the game and given a second chance at winning Big Brother.
  • He Will Not Cry, so I Cry for Him: When Judd was evicted, he didn't cry or shed a tear. But the entire house cried for Judd and mourned him after he was evicted.
  • The Hero Dies: Judd is evicted in a shocking manner. After he is evicted, the entire house cries and mourns his eviction.
  • Heroic BSoD: Judd has a HUGE one when he is completely blindsided and evicted from the game. Judd seemed so out of it that it was incredibly painful to watch.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With McCrae. Later, he has this relationship with Spencer.
  • Hidden Badass: Judd appears to be a calm, down to earth Southern Gentleman, but do not underestimate him.
  • Hopeless Suitor: At first, to Jessie, who clearly showed more interest in David, Nick, McCrae and Jeremy. Now that three out of the four of those guys are gone, Jessie seems to be developing feelings for Judd. Eventually, it seems as though Judd has fallen out of infatuation with Jessie.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Judd was completely blinded by his loyalty to his alliance (The Goof Troupe) that he didn't realize that Amanda (and by extension, McCrae and Andy) were secretly plotting his demise. Judd thought that he was still part of the Goof Troupe alliance and that they were going to the end. He also ended up trusting the wrong people (Amanda, Helen, Aaryn, McCrae and Andy) while not trusting those who actually did have his back during the game (i.e. Jessie, Candice, Elissa, Spencer, Howard). Even when he comes back, he trusts the same people who voted him out.
  • Hot-Blooded: Judd can be overly emotional and can becomes easily paranoid, stressed and angered.
  • Humble Hero: Judd's humility was one of his endearing traits or qualities.
  • Iconic Item:
    • His signature Bear shirt from Walmart. It's become so popular and iconic both inside the house and outside the house that TEN house guests (Aaryn, Amanda, GinaMarie, Helen, McCrae, Andy, Kaitlin, Nick, Candice, and Jessie) have worn it. Big Brother 11 and Big Brother 13's Jeff Schroeder, a Judd fan, even has a pillow with the Bear shirt printed on it.
  • Iconic Outfit: His infamous Bear shirt.
  • Idiot Ball: Why do you have to be extremely loyal to McManda?
  • Idiot Hero: Judd's downfalls was trusting the wrong people. To be fair, these people were with him from the start and even if he didn't trust them, he would have been evicted anyway.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Judd has said some really nasty things, but he never meant any of them and he's genuinely a good guy at heart. He even forgave McCrae before he was evicted for the second time.
  • Large Ham: Judd is very expressive.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: For McCrae and Elissa. After Judd was evicted, McCrae almost had an emotional breakdown.
  • Loved by All: Everyone in the house loved Judd on a personal level. On Double Eviction, the entire house was heartbroken over Judd and went into mourning over his eviction.
    • Aaryn (who's the resident mean girl Alpha Bitch) was bawling after she put Judd up on the block and even stated in her DR that she feels horrible about it because she adores Judd on a personal level, and they grew to become friends.
    • Amanda (who was the resident Big Bad or villain of the season) shed some tears for Judd when he was blindsided even though she had felt that he was the MVP and a huge threat.
    • Jessie, although angry at him for his betrayal, felt a degree of sadness and credited Judd for being a good player.
    • Andy was bawling when Judd was evicted and even wanted to be alone after he was gone.
    • GinaMarie was in tears while voting out Judd.
    • Elissa felt sad by Judd leaving and even said that he was one of her best friends in the house.
    • Even Spencer, whom he was up against on the block, looked extremely sad that he was sitting next to him.
  • Magnetic Hero: Literally everyone in the house loved Judd, both male and female house guests. Even the resident villain, Aaryn, fell under Judd's spell or charm.
  • Men Don't Cry: Judd admitted openly that he is not much of a crier and he only cries when on rare occasion.
  • Morality Pet: For Aaryn. It is clear that Aaryn has a soft spot for Judd.
  • Nervous Wreck: Judd gets easily paranoid about things.
  • Nice Guy: Judd is kind, sociable and friendly to everyone, even to those he doesn't particularly like. He's also one of the few houseguests who has never said a racist or sexist remark about anyone.
  • The Nicknamer: Coined Aaryn's nickname, "Texas Tornado".
  • Non-Action Guy: Judd has said that he is not particularly good at the competitions, especially the physical ones. He seems to be relying more on his social game and strategy then winning tons of competitions. However, he averts this when he first won HOH and then won a competition to get back into the game.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Judd's behaviour comes off as rather offbeat and quirky, however, he does seem to be rather observant and has a fairly good read on the house guests in general.
  • Odd Friendship: With Jessie. Also has a good friendship with McCrae.
  • Out of Focus: He didn't get much attention in the first half on the show.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Elissa, GinaMarie and Helen.
  • Playing Both Sides: This was Amanda's reason for wanting Judd out so bad. Also, Amanda and Helen's paranoia that Judd was the MVP.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Judd has great comedic timing and is known to be quite witty.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Judd sometimes resorts to making sexist comments, although, most of the time he does make such comments, it's when he is either angry, frustrated or when he rants or vents.
  • The Pollyanna: Judd is rather positive and optimistic by nature, sometimes to a fault.
  • The Prankster: Judd was the biggest jokester and prankster of the house alongside Andy.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Adds to Judd's adorableness.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Judd is the Red to Andy and McCrae's Blue.
  • Sanity Slippage: When he came back into the house, the mere prospect of being sent home again while put up on the block as a pawn made him lose it. It was an unfortunate turn of events because it cause the other Exterminators to lose faith in him and re-evict him.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: The Savvy Guy to GinaMarie's Energetic Girl.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Judd as of recently has frequently reminded the other house guests that he is not into Jessie in a romantic sense. Judd has even started to separate and distance himself from Jessie but has also seemed to have grown closer with Aaryn at the same time.
  • Ship Tease: With Jessie. Though he starts to develop this with GM and Aaryn later on. And then Elissa since he returned to the game.
  • The Social Expert: Judd had a very excellent social game and he had good relationships with all of the houseguests, hence why he was seen as such a huge threat in the game.
  • Southern-Fried Genius: Judd was seen as very smart and manipulative by his fellow house guests, so much that they all viewed him as a threat.
  • Southern Gentleman: He is generally kind to everyone and he is very polite towards the women.
  • Stepford Snarker: Judd will use sarcasm and humour to hide his emotions at times.
  • Sweet Home Alabama: Judd hails from Tennessee.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Had Judd kept his cool in Week 11, he would have stayed in the game, but his panicking and tantrum-throwing made Spencer remark he was doing the stupidest move ever. This caused Andy and GinaMarie to decide he had gone out of control and needed to be the first Exterminator sent packing, and the remaining group could take care of McCrae themselves.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: During Week 10 and Week 11. He freaked out about being used as a pawn and lost it, smacking granola bars off the kitchen island, pacing around the house in a huff, flipped off one of the cameras, and raised hell after McCrae saved himself with the Power Of Veto.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Judd has mentioned on a few occasions that he's obsessed with Skittles.
  • Tragic Hero: Judd's time in the house and his game were cut way too short.
  • The Unintelligible: About 80% of the time. It's because he has a very thick and drawling Tennessee accent.
  • Undying Loyalty: Part of the reason why he was evicted twice.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Jessie.
  • Unwanted Harem: Judd has basically all of the female house guests adoring him and falling for his Southern charm. That includes the villains, Amanda and Aaryn.
  • Third-Option Love Interest: To Jessie at the end of week 2.
  • True Companions: With Andy, Spencer, and GinaMarie as part of The Exterminators.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Aaryn. Along with a little bit of Belligerent Sexual Tension.
  • Will They or Won't They?: With Jessie.
  • Worthy Opponent: How many of his fellow houseguests viewed him. Not only did they see Judd as a threat and someone who is very smart, but they also assumed that Judd was the one who was MVP.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Judd got blindsided, then rescued himself and returned to the house, but by then he was so distraught he couldn't hang in there and ruined his own game.
  • Younger Than They Look: Judd is only 26 but he looks more mature for his age.

     McCrae John Olson (Evicted HG #13, Juror #8) 

McCrae John Olson

D.O.B.: July 21st, 1989
Age: 24 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Oak Grove, MN
Current Residence: Oak Grove, MN
Occupation: Pizza Delivery Boy
Number Of HOH Wins: 2 note 
Number Of POV Wins: 3 note 
Number Of Times Nominated: 4 note 
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 1 note 
Prizes/Punishments Won: $5,000 note , Friendship Bracelet Punishment note 
Finished: 4th Place (13th Evicted, JUROR #8)
Evicted: Evicted 1-0 VS. Spencer note 
HOH Evicted Under: ANDY (in Week 11)
Voted For (In Jury): ANDY

  • The Ace: McCrae is the resident competition beast of the season and has won a total of six competitions. He always wins a competition when he needs it the most. McCrae is also good at all kinds of competitions, including endurance, physical, skill, and mental.
  • Affably Evil: McCrae smiles almost all the time and says "yeah" and "I don't know" a lot. Don't let that fool you. He's ruthless.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Often referred to as Pizza Boy.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: He's a good guy at heart but has made some morally questionable decisions such as staying with Amanda even though she's a terrible influence on him. Ultimately his eviction is very tragic, despite no real tears being shed.
  • Always Save the Girl: In regards to Amanda. Many question why he keeps trying to save her, protect her or why he even stays aligned with her.
  • Anti-Hero: McCrae has been slowly descending into anti-hero territory as of lately due to his strategy.
  • Anti-Villain: McCrae a good guy at heart but Amanda has been slowly changing him as a person. He gets better after his breakdown in Week 10.
  • Arch-Enemy: Elissa. He hates her with an undying passion. Subverted as he and Elissa have apologized to each other.
  • Ascended Fanboy: McCrae is a superfan of Big Brother.
  • Badass Adorable: McCrae was one of the strongest competitors by far.
  • Battle Couple: With Amanda. He and Amanda were the ones running the house for the entire game.
  • Birds of a Feather:
    • With Andy. Both are definitely the nerds or the geeks of the season. They are also super fans of Big Brother.
    • With Judd. Both are the superfans of Big Brother this season which is why Judd was one of McCrae's closest friends in the house.
  • Became Their Own Antithesis: Went from being an optimistic, happy go lucky and friendly guy to being an anti-social, negative and emotionally broken individual in a span of 10 weeks. McCrae can thank Amanda for his change in attitude and personality. He goes back to normal following Amanda's eviction.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He's a goofball but when he wants to be, he is a really dangerous player. He's also really good at endurance challenges as he easily won the first HOH competition and nearly won another one which was also endurance based.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Most of McCrae's vocabulary includes "I don't know" and "yeah" and he really doesn't converse all that much, but he is by far the most dangerous player and he is not to be underestimated.
  • Berserk Button: Racism. Also don't insult Amanda. Bullying in general also seems to be this for McCrae especially after he stood up to Amanda after she drove Jessie to tears.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: McCrae tries to talk tough but in reality, he comes off as more of a coward. It has more to do with his association with the Big Bad's, Amanda and Aaryn. He starts to subvert this however after his breakdown in Week 10.
  • Big Damn Heroes: McCrae completely threw a wrench in The Exterminators plans by winning the POV during Final 5, which ensured his position in the Final 4 and cause the members of The Exterminators alliance to scramble and turn on each other.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: McCrae has the potential to be a very good player, but he seems to spend most of his time lounging around the house and cuddling up with Amanda more than anything else. This may be part of his strategy.
  • Break the Cutie: Judd's eviction really took it's toll on him the hardest. The longer McCrae stays in the house, the worse he gets. Comes to a climax in Week 10. Afterwards, McCrae is slowly getting better.
  • Butt-Monkey: Highlighted in a challenge when he's doing worse than Howard, who is purposely throwing it. Though he says in the DR he has been throwing challenges.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: McCrae doesn't seem to have that much vocabulary that extends beyond "I don't know" and "yeah".
  • The Champion: For Amanda. McCrae always tries to do what makes Amanda happy, even if he doesn't necessarily agree with it.
  • Chessmaster Sidekick: To Amanda. Although McCrae could easily outsmart or turn on Amanda, he stuck by her side and remained loyal to her until she was evicted.
  • Chick Magnet: Not necessarily in a romantic sense, but he is really popular with and well liked by the vast majority of the female house guests. He does seem to have the affections of both Amanda and Jessie.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He's really weird at times. Although he's an incredibly smart guy, he seems to have his head in the clouds a lot of the time. Sometimes during conversations, the only thing that he contributes to it is the word "Yeah".
  • The Conscience: For Amanda. Whenever Amanda gets out of control or paranoid, McCrae makes sure that she doesn't get too out of control. He generally keeps Amanda as calm as possible especially whenever she is stressed out.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: Before McCrae got involved with Amanda, he was a Nice Guy.
  • The Corruptible: It seems as though Amanda's been a bad influence on McCrae. This is also a part of the reason a lot of people want Amanda gone as without her influence, McCrae would go back to his normal nice guy self. He goes back to his optimistic self in Week 10, when Amanda is long gone.
  • Cowardly Lion: McCrae comes off as this especially around Amanda, because he doesn't want to make her mad. Also, afraid of winning tons of competitions and having to get blood on his hands and anger people so he just throws most of the competitions. After Amanda is evicted, he's out for revenge.
  • The Cuckoolander Was Right: McCrae is probably the houseguest that has the best read on the house guests. He is also pretty accurate and sharp regarding who are the big threats. He's only rivaled by Judd.
  • The Cutie: McCrae is dorky and adorable which makes you want to root for him.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass:
    • Everyone thought he would just be an oddball...and then he won the first HOH endurance competition. He even won a Veto without even trying. Everyone knew he was a threat but by week 3 they think he's harmless again. Also the houseguests are scared of making Amanda mad so no one is going after him. Even when they do target him, McCrae wins POV even in his broken state.
    • During the 2nd Double Eviction, McCrae knows that 4 of the remaining 6 people in the house are gunning for him. He wins his 2nd HOH in a Curbstomp Battle, ensuring his spot in the final 5. He was targeted again in Week 11, but won the POV once more. Now he is guaranteed a secured spot in the final four.
    • McCrae, without even knowing Andy/Spencer/GinaMarie and Judd are in alliance called The Exterminators (even though McCrae suspects them and trusts no one), wins the POV at the Final 5 and ensures himself a spot in the final 4, while screwing over The Exterminators' plan and forcing them to turn on each other. Special mention goes to the fact that so far, McCrae has made it to the final 4 without ever being eligible for eviction.
  • Darkest Hour: After Judd was evicted, McCrae completely loses it and breaks down emotionally and mentally. In Week 10, McCrae is nominated alongside his showmantic partner, Amanda and realizes that he has to fight to stay against her, even if it means Amanda facing the possibility of going home. McCrae's showmance is evicted (Amanda) and he realizes that he is the next target once she is gone and that he is completely alone. In Week 11, he is nominated for a third time, feeling like the outsider and the loner in the house especially after Amanda was evicted.
  • Dating Catwoman: Everyone in and out of the house seems to disapprove or dislike his relationship with Amanda.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He is rather snarky and witty especially in the DR.
  • Destructive Romance: With Amanda. Most people can agree that McCrae's relationship with Amanda is not the healthiest relationship.
  • The Determinator: McCrae is definitely not the type to quit or give up, especially when he wants something. Even when he is on the block and broken down emotionally and mentally, he will try to win the challenges
  • Distracted by the Sexy: When by himself, McCrae shows solid gameplay and a good understanding of the rest of the cast. But he generally allows Amanda to dominate his game and her paranoia and bullying can put him in bad spots.
  • Distressed Dude: Especially when McCrae mentally and emotionally breaks down during the later weeks of the game.
  • The Dragon: To Amanda. He would pretty much do anything or everything that Amanda asked of him. She was the one controlling everything, including McCrae's game.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Judd has stated that while Amanda is playing a good game, McCrae's own game is on par with his own because no one, not even Amanda, has figured it out yet.
  • Dragon Ascendant: He's become this after Amanda was evicted.
  • Drunk with Power: After Week 10, he stops. Though he was never really this at all. It was mostly Amanda.
  • Eleventh Hour Super Power: By the 2nd Double Eviction, it looked like Andy had this game all wrapped up. Then McCrae started winning comps again. So far, he has made it from the final 7 to the final 4 through comp wins alone. He managed to make it to the final four which was still pretty impressive.
  • Extreme Doormat: For Amanda. It seems as though in the relationship between McCrae and Amanda, Amanda is the one wearing the pants. Oddly enough this trait is good for him as it makes Amanda the bigger target over him. He later subverts the trope, as he stands up to Amanda's constant racism and bullying.
  • Face–Heel Turn: McCrae went from being a happy go lucky, optimistic guy to a much darker, more negative person. He subverts this around week 9.
  • Four Is Death: McCrae was evicted by just one vote casted by GinaMarie and he finished in 4th place.
  • Friendly Enemies: With The Exterminators. In fact, the reason why they told him about the alliance was because they respected him so much that it was only fair for him to know about it.
  • Functional Genre Savvy: From what is seen on the feeds, McCrae is rather knowledgeable about his Big Brother history and all of the Big Brother seasons. Comes with being a fan of the series.
  • Geek Physiques: Of the skinny type.
  • Geeky Turn-On: Amanda finds McCrae appealing. Who would have ever thought that a high maintenance and outgoing real estate agent from New York would ever fall for a younger, nerdy, socially awkward pizza boy from Minnesota?
  • Genius Ditz: McCrae is a smart and intelligent guy but sometimes he comes off as completely out of it. He is also really good at competitions and he is okay at game strategy, but his social game is not all that great.
  • Good Is Not Soft: McCrae is a Nice Guy but he is also a competitor and he will always win when he needs to. In other words, McCrae is very clutch when it comes for him to win. He also has an ally and showmantic partner in Amanda, who defends and protects him.
  • Graceful Loser: Despite being horribly blindsided when Andy, GinaMarie, and Spencer revealed to him that they were in alliance together called The Exterminators, McCrae was upset at first but he still accepted his fate. He managed to take his eviction very well, despite some minor regrets in the game.
  • Guile Hero: McCrae may be a competitor who has the ability to win competitions when he needs to, but he often uses strategy to get farther ahead in the game.
  • Heartbroken Badass: McCrae falls apart when Judd is evicted, so much that he emotionally breaks down. The second time he falls apart is when he is nominated alongside Amanda and he realizes that he has to fight against her. The third time McCrae falls apart is when Amanda is evicted.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: He's this with Judd, especially after his eviction. The two instantly bonded over being super fans of the show and Judd displayed a strong Big Brother Instinct towards McCrae. After Judd was evicted, McCrae took it extremely hard and ended up spending hours and hours crying alone.
  • Heroic BSoD:
    • After Judd's blindside and eviction on Double Eviction night, McCrae has a complete categorical emotional breakdown. He's so distraught by Judd's leaving that he spends hours and hours crying. He even goes to the photo booth isolating himself away from everyone and just breaks down in tears. Poor guy took Judd's eviction harder than anybody (and a lot of the other people took Judd's eviction pretty hard so that should tell you how hard he took it). It makes sense why he reacted so extreme to his eviction since Judd was McCrae's closest friend and ally in the house next to Amanda.
    • After being on the block again in Week 10, McCrae just breaks down emotionally. He doesn't communicate or talk at all. He's completely distraught over being on the block or nominated against Amanda. And he knows that he has to fight for himself by winning the POV and he doesn't have a chance in saving Amanda by doing so. Even when McCrae ends up winning the POV that week, he's not even happy enough to celebrate his win, because he knows that once he takes himself off the block, Amanda becomes the main target to go home. It's clear that after weeks of being in power along with Amanda, he completely emotionally shuts down once his reign of power is gone.
  • Heroic Spirit: Despite everyone being against him, McCrae still had the strength and the competitiveness to go on. Especially after the majority of his alliance, namely Amanda, was evicted, he still had the strength to win a few competitions.
  • I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me: Gender-Inverted. McCrae may have not said it out loud about how much he is out of Amanda's league, but being the nerdy pizza boy-next door, we all know he's thought that way a few times.
  • Iconic Item: His bandanas. He's either wearing his bandana's on his head or he's wrapping them around his arms or wrists.
  • Idiot Ball: Nominating the wrong person (Elissa) at the crucial moment is being outplayed (by the Exterminators). Actually knowing the real culprit (Andy evicting Amanda)... and then telling your worries to the audience is idiotic.
  • In-Series Nickname: "The Enforcer".
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: McCrae is seen to be more in touch with his emotions and is seen as less stereotypically manly than the other male house guests this season. He is not as athletic as Howard, Jeremy, David and Nick and he is more emotional and sensitive than Judd and Spencer.
  • Irrational Hatred: Towards Elissa. McCrae seems to have a very strong dislike or solid hatred towards her for reasons which are not clear. It is possible that McCrae is jealous of the fact that Elissa is rich. Subverted as he and Elissa have apologized to each other.
  • Keet: Not as much as Judd or Andy, but he's very eccentric.
  • Last of His Kind: Last houseguest who is not a member of The Exterminators in the final 5.
  • Like an Old Married Couple: With Amanda according to Andy.
  • Limited Wardrobe: His wardrobe doesn't seem to be all that vibrant.
  • Living Emotional Crutch:
    • He is this for Amanda. It can be assumed that if McCrae was ever evicted, Amanda would completely lose it.
    • Judd was apparently this for McCrae. McCrae doesn't take Judd's eviction very well. After Judd's blindsided eviction, McCrae chooses to isolate himself from everyone else and break down crying alone in the photo booth.
  • Lovable Nerd: Especially when he is the only person in the final 5 who isn't part of The Exterminators.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: McCrae is much more sensitive, submissive and passive in comparison to Amanda, who is much more dominant and aggressive.
  • Messy Hair: It looks like McCrae has never even picked up a brush never mind seen a brush in his life.
  • Minnesota Nice: McCrae originally hails from Minnesota and for the most part, he's an incredibly down to earth Nice Guy.
  • Morality Pet: He sometimes serves as this for Amanda, especially when she acts out of control, makes offensive comments, gets into fights with other house guests and displays general over the top or bullying behaviour. He's usually the one to talk her out of things, and makes her apologize when she goes too far.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: He is skinny. However, unlike Judd, he has been a beast in every challenge so far though no one has noticed it.
  • My Greatest Failure: McCrae feels incredibly guilty for helping back door Judd, his closest ally in the house next to Amanda.
    • This happens again when Amanda leaves but to a MUCH lesser extent.
  • Nerds Are Sexy: McCrae is one of the biggest nerds of the season but he's also a nerd and someone that can be considered attractive. Amanda most definitely found him appealing as she did get into a relationship with him while in the house.
  • Nice Guy: One of the few people (along with Judd) this season not caught saying something bigoted on the feeds. He also gets frustrated with the house's constant trash-talk and stays on good terms with everyone in the cast. He's also the one telling off Amanda whenever she says anything racist or tries to bully someone.
  • Noble Top Enforcer: To Amanda.
  • Non-Action Guy: In appearance only. His main strength has been his social and strategic game however.
  • Not Himself: In the later weeks of the game, McCrae breaks down emotionally and mentally and it seems like he had lost the fight to stay in the game. Turns out he is more determined than ever.
  • No Social Skills: McCrae is one of the most, if not THE MOST, socially awkward houseguests of the season.
  • Number Two: For Amanda.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Nobody in the house has targeted him while he knows who everyone else is targeting. Helen tried to target him recently, but since Andy is very close friends and allies with McCrae, it's unlikely he'll be going any time soon.
  • Odd Couple: With Amanda.
  • Odd Friendship: With Judd and Andy.
  • Official Couple: With Amanda. They even had a wedding sponsored by Big Brother. Subverted now that they had a nasty breakup.
  • Only Sane Man: Of the Goof Troupe.
  • Opposites Attract: With Amanda.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: McCrae may be a small guy and rather skinny but DO NOT underestimate him. Competitively, he can kick everyone's ass.
  • The Pig-Pen: McCrae doesn't have the best hygiene and he doesn't seem to shower that much. He starts to subvert this in week 9.
  • Pizza Boy Special Delivery: Subverted. McCrae may be a pizza boy for a living, but he's a nerd and that probably means that he doesn't score that many women.
  • Playing Both Sides: Everyone in the house trusts him and no one targets him. Even when a majority of the house goes against McCranda they really just mean Amanda. No one is really trying to get rid of him.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: McCrae is definitely one of the most witty and humorous houseguests of the season. It is a shame to see that change later on in the game since he becomes so emotionally worn down.
  • Pragmatic Hero: McCrae is a very logical, practical and strategic player. In fact, he could even be considered more logical than Amanda, because Amanda is very impulsive and Hot-Blooded.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: McCrae is the Blue to Judd's Red. He's also the Blue to Amanda's Red. While Amanda and Judd are more emotional, impulsive and hot headed at times, McCrae is more calm, stoic, and practical in his approach.
  • The Remnant: Of The Goof Troupe and the 3 A.M. Alliance. By the final 5, he is the only person left who is not part of The Exterminators alliance.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: The Savvy Guy to Amanda's Energetic Girl.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: McCrae is the Sensitive Guy to Jeremy and Nick's Manly Man.
  • The Smart Guy: Easily one of the most intelligent houseguests this season along with Nick, Judd, and Andy.
  • Smug Snake: For a bit. In Week 9, after being put on the block, he snaps out of it.
  • The So-Called Coward: McCrae appears fragile, weak and submissive but in reality, he is not to be underestimated and has proven that he has a lot of fight, spirit and determination. It especially shows after Amanda is evicted.
  • The Starscream: It's implied that he's about to become this, though mostly out of necessity. He's even claimed Amanda is his shield.
    • He did eventually become this, but not in a true malicious example. With him and Amanda on the block, he won the POV and ensured Amanda's eviction.
  • Supporting Leader: Of the Goof Troupe, with Amanda being The Leader.
  • Spanner in the Works: McCrae has been the standout for this trope for the entire season. In Week 2 when it looks like The Moving Company would rule and run the game, he decides to flip, turn and betray them and screws them over by evicting his alliance member Nick. When he and Aaryn, who is his alliance member in 3 A.M., are on the block together in Week 9, Amanda wins the POV and uses it to save him from the chopping block. Later in Week 10 during the Double Eviction, McCrae wins the 2nd HOH when The Exterminators alliance had him as their #1 target. McCrae then proceeds to win the POV at Final 5, which effectively screws over the exterminators and their plans on evicting him, and forcing them (the members of The Exterminators alliance) to turn on each other while earning himself a secured spot in the final 4.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: He's trusting Amanda over everyone else, even the people who had his back. This is starting to be subverted recently, as he has began to be the nice guy he was in the beginning. Turns out that Amanda was the bad influence on him.
  • Token Good Teammate: Even when McCrae tries to be mean, he really can't. He is just a nice guy who happens to be hooked up to a crazy woman (Amanda). At the final 5, he really becomes this when he is the only person who is not part of The Exterminators alliance.
  • Tragic Villain: What he's become recently, especially knowing he's likely going home after being informed about the Exterminator alliance at the Final 4
  • True Companions: First, with The Moving Company (Howard, Spencer, Nick and Jeremy), second with The Goof Troupe (Amanda, Andy and Judd) and third with 3 A.M. (Amanda, Andy, Aaryn).
  • Two First Names: Inverted - He has two last names.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Amanda and his former alliances, The Goof Troupe and 3 A.M.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To Andy.
  • Villainous Valor: Ever since he was nominated alongside Amanda, he has gotten the underdog edit.
  • Weak, but Skilled: McCrae doesn't look physically intimidating by any means, but he is most definitely the biggest threat and the most dangerous player left.
  • Who's Laughing Now?: McCrae has been targeted frequently as of recently, but his ability to win competitions has secured his safety.
  • Will They or Won't They?: It's unclear if McCrae and Amanda will stay together outside the show, especially with Amanda having been fired from her job due to her behavior.
  • Worthy Opponent: To the Exterminators (Judd/Spencer/Andy/GinaMarie). Especially when McCrae makes them all scramble and turn on one another by winning the Final 5 Veto.

     Spencer Blythe Clawson (Evicted HG #14, Juror #9) 

Spencer Blythe Clawson

D.O.B.: Feb 16th, 1982
Age: 31 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Conway, AR
Current Residence: Conway, AR
Occupation: Railway Conductor
Number Of HOH Wins: 1 note 
Number Of POV Wins: 1 note 
Number Of Times Nominated: 9 note 
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 1 note 
Prizes/Punishments Won: $10,000 note ; Chicken Suit Punishment note ; Bullhorn Punishment note ; Bahamas Vacation note 
Finished: 3rd Place (14th Evicted, JUROR #9)
Evicted: Evicted 1-0 VS. GinaMarie note 
HOH Evicted Under: ANDY (in Week 12)
Voted For (In Jury): ANDY

  • The Ace: Spencer was part of a huge all male alliance which fell apart after two weeks. He lost two of his alliance members in the first four weeks, Nick and Howard. Regardless, he managed to go undetected that he was part of the all male alliance. He was nominated 9 times throughout the season, yet he was never a target. He was simply used as a pawn who nobody would want to take out. Despite being nominated so many times and not even winning that many competitions, he manages to make it all the way to Final 3, until he is evicted by Andy. In addition, he won $10,000 in a Luxury Competition. If Spencer had won a few more competitions, such as the Final HOH, Spencer would have ended up in the Final 2.
  • Arch-Enemy:
    • Amanda. He, along with Judd, Elissa, and GinaMarie, absolutely despise her. Most of it has to do with the fact that Spencer hates her loud, bullying personality but he also grew to hate her when Amanda was targeting Howard, who was Spencer's closest ally earlier on. Ever since then, Spencer has made it his main mission to make Amanda miserable.
    • Elissa. Spencer is not a fan of her at all. The reasons why Spencer hates Elissa so much are not clear, however, Spencer has made many personal attacks against Elissa. It was exaggerated towards the very end of the game, when Spencer aligned with Andy, Judd, and GinaMarie and targeted Elissa with many personal attacks. Spencer's final time in the house consisted of constantly bashing Elissa, which was often fuelled by Andy.
  • Ascended Fanboy: Spencer is a superfan of Big Brother and has said that he has watched the show since the beginning. He called being cast on Big Brother a dream come true.
  • Bash Brothers: With Howard. Spencer was aligned with an alliance called The Moving Company, which consisted of himself, Howard, McCrae, Nick and Jeremy. Although on both a game and personal level, Spencer was the closet to Howard. Howard is The Leader to Spencer's The Lancer. Once Howard was evicted, it seemed as though he was heading to be this way with Judd and Andy, as both of them were a part of his alliance (the Exterminators). However, Spencer's closest ally after Howard was Andy.
  • The Bear: A heterosexual example. Spencer is physically one of the bigger guys in the house and he is also rather hairy as well. Andy had openly said to Spencer that he reminded Andy of a big, cuddly teddy bear.
  • Berserk Button: Amanda and Elissa. He hates both of them and both of them push his buttons. Spencer seems too hate Amanda's bossiness and her bullying ways, which only made him want to join an alliance that would target her and get her out of the house. And for some unknown reason, Spencer just despises Elissa and he constantly bashes her whenever he gets the chance.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards Howard, Judd and Andy. He seems to show a very protective instinct towards all three of them. At first, Spencer was the closest to Howard but Judd and Andy seem to take Howard's place later on.
  • Big Eater: Probably the biggest eater in the house. Although Spencer's eating habits are not shown on the show, the live feeds show that Spencer was a huge snacker.
  • Big Fun: Spencer can sometimes have his fun moments.
  • The Big Guy: Since Jeremy and Howard have left, Spencer is currently the largest male houseguest left of the season. Spencer could classify as Class 2.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Andy and with Judd. In regards to Andy, both are certified nerds who are very smart and are very strongly strategic. Spencer and Andy are also super fans of Big Brother. In regards to Judd, both Spencer and Judd are from the South, with Spencer being from Arkansas and Judd being from Tennessee. So, Spencer shares the nerd, super fan trait in common with Andy while Spencer shares the Southern background trait with Judd.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Spencer is very sociable and fun loving.
  • Born Lucky: Spencer won $10,000 in a luxury competition. He has been on the block a total of nine times, had never been a target or in danger of going home and made it to final 3.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Spencer is very smart and is a good strategist but he has nothing to contribute in the way of competing or winning competitions.
  • Butt-Monkey: He spent four consecutive weeks on the block, he's been in a chicken suit, he lost his job and his house is being searched for evidence that he may be a pedophile. Things have not been going well for Spencer. He did win $10,000 and a vacation to the Bahamas though. He also won an HOH for The Exterminators, possibly ensuring McCrae's eviction. Finishing the season, Spencer has been nominated nine times, holding the Big Brother record for the most nominations within a single season.
  • Carpet of Virility: Spencer is noticeably hairy, especially in his chest area.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Spencer loves women and seems to love talking about women and sexual affairs. In fact, his biggest subject to discuss in the house is women and sex.
  • The Chessmaster: It could be argued that Spencer was probably the smartest player on a strategic level next to Andy. Spencer's strategic game managed to get him all the way to the Final 3.
  • Co-Dragons: With GinaMarie for Andy. Both GinaMarie and Spencer are working for Andy.
  • The Comically Serious: When Spencer was sitting on the couch stoically listening to Amanda and Elissa argue, while wearing a chicken suit. Also, he seems to deliver his one liners in a very serious stone and manner.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Spencer can be very sarcastic and witty when he wants to be. Some of Spencer's one liners in the DR are rather witty and humorous.
    Spencer (about Amanda asking him to use the POV on her if he wins): "Amanda asking me to use the POV on her is like the Joker coming to Batman looking for help."
  • Deep South: Spencer is originally from Arkansas. Spencer seems like he is a blue colour country boy and he has a very strong Southern accent.
  • The Determinator: Survived nine nominations while being on the outs during a time when Amanda had everyone wrapped around her finger.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Out of revenge, Spencer takes Amanda's vacation to the Bahamas and forces her to suffer the "Fifty Shades of Orange" punishment. He then gleefully gloats about it in his DR session saying that he will be sipping alcoholic drinks on the beach while Amanda is getting sprayed with orange.
  • The Dragon: To Andy, who becomes the Big Bad. Spencer becomes Andy's closest ally, especially after The Exterminators are formed.
  • Devour the Dragon: Andy won the Final HOH and chose to evict Spencer and take GinaMarie instead. Andy did this, not because he was being disloyal to Spencer, but because Andy had said in his Final 2 speech that he had more loyalty to GinaMarie because he had made a Final 2 deal with her in the very first week of the game. Spencer, of course, was not bitter against Andy and voted for him to win.
  • Fat and Proud: Spencer is on the heavier side and has a strong self acceptance of his body type. He even comments that he will never have the Heroic Build that Howard did or will never be skinny like Andy and McCrae. Spencer even self deprecatingly tells himself that he thinks he's disgusting because he is overweight and he does not care.
  • Fat and Skinny: Spencer is the Fat to Andy's Skinny. Spencer and Andy are Those Two Guys who have been allies since the beginning. Physically, Spencer and Andy fit the trope, but this is a bit of an Inverted Trope since their personalities don't fit the exact trope. Andy, as the Skinny one, is more of an upbeat and optimistic personality while Spencer, the Fat one, is more cynical and stoic. In terms of intelligence, Andy and Spencer are both equally strategic and smart, although it seems as though Andy would come up with more ideas than Spencer and Spencer would follow along.
  • Fat Bastard: Although Spencer was reasonably likeable at the beginning to the middle of the game, he becomes significantly more vile, hateful and unlikeable towards the end of the game. Much of it has to do with his misogynistic comments towards the female houseguests and his trash talking of other houseguests, in particular Elissa (who has done nothing to Spencer for her to warrant such animosity from him).
  • Fat Best Friend: To both Howard and Andy. Spencer is more overweight and out of shape while Howard is very physically fit with a Heroic Build. And with Andy, Andy is significantly much thinner and skinnier than Spencer. Spencer is more of the Type A personality, as he is known to be somewhat of a witty character who actually seems to accept his overweight physique and even seems to make fun of himself at times. Spencer even flat out says out in the open that he thinks that he is disgusting.
  • Fat Comic Relief: Even though Spencer is a reasonably smart guy with a lot of good game sense, he is pretty much a Joke Character who doesn't really contribute all that much to the season except to spout off dirty jokes and humor.
  • Fat Idiot: It's not that Spencer is stupid. He is capable of using strategy to get ahead. Plus, he is a very good speaker and conversationalist and has good game instinct. It's that Spencer makes stupid and inappropriate comments when he knows he shouldn't, especially since everything inside the House is broadcasted.
  • Fat Slob: Spencer comes off as lazy at times. Although he is strongly dependent on game instinct and strategy, he is a horrible competitor and he is not the type to work all that hard in competitions.
  • Geek Physiques: Spencer is of the bigger type.
  • Genghis Gambit: This is how Spencer has survived so many times being nominated. He basically plays it cool and lets the other nominee soak up all the attention and take all the heat.
  • Genius Bruiser: Spencer has proven that he is rather observant and intelligent game wise.
  • Genius Slob: Spencer is very smart but his hygiene and manners are awful.
  • Gentle Giant: Spencer is a big guy but he is not intimidating.
  • Good Ol' Boy: Spencer hails from Arkansas.
  • Guile Hero: Spencer is more of a strategist than a competitor.
  • He Cleans Up Nicely: As shown in the pictures in his HOH room, he looks very different without his beard.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Howard. Seems to be heading in this direction with Judd.
  • Irrational Hatred: Spencer really hated both Amanda and Elissa.
  • Jerkass: On the feeds. Not so much on the broadcast, where the worst of his comments aren't shown.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Spencer has shown to genuinely care for his fellow houseguests and for the most part, is just joking around and having fun.
  • The Lancer: To Howard. He later becomes this to Judd.
  • The Load: Spencer was not that strong of a competitor and he only won 1 Head of Household. However, he was very strong socially and strategically and these factors were the main reasons as to why he made it to third place.
  • Non-Action Guy: Spencer is not that strong of a competitor even though he is won a POV when nominated once and an HOH at the Final 5.
  • Odd Friendship: With Andy and McCrae. Although, his friendship with both of them is not really that odd considering that all three of them are superfine of Big Brother and all three of them are also nerds and outsiders.
  • Offstage Villainy: The broadcast doesn't show any of his negative traits.
  • Pedo Hunt: On the live feeds, he made a rather unfortunate joke about child pornography that has led the police into investigating his house. Basically, he toyed around with McCrae's body mic while the dude was showering and thought it would be amusing if what he said into it would be associated with the person who wore it, than pretended to be McCrae and said he loved beating off to child porn, especially 3 or 4-year-olds. At a comedy tavern or a gig like Ron White's where the material can go as blue as you like, that would have been funny. On a show with a crowd full of concerned Moral Guardians among the group, he got an absolute bollocking post-season.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Helen and GinaMarie.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Albeit, only shown on the feeds. Then again, for the most part he's just joking around.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Spencer has made many sexist comments about the female houseguests.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Spencer gave a good one to Amanda. He even told her to shut up.
  • Red Herring: Willingly let himself be nominated as the replacement for McCrae after he won the POV in order to throw off suspicions of an alliance.
  • Redheads Are Uncool: Spencer is a nerd afterall.
  • Revenge: One of the reasons he voted off Elissa was because she nominated him as the MVP in Week 3 and lied to him about it.
  • Rule of Two: Spencer was evicted at Final 3 by Andy's hand as he chose to take GinaMarie, Spencer's Co-Dragon, to the Final 2 over him.
  • Self-Deprecation: "I AM disgusting!" Well, at least Spencer is completely self aware.
  • The Smart Guy: One of the smartest and most strategic players.
  • Southern-Fried Genius: Spencer is a red-neck Good Ol' Boy from Arkansas, and he's The Strategist and The Social Expert. He's one of the best strategic and social players of the season, rivalling Andy.
  • The Social Expert: Spencer got very far because of his solid social game.
  • The Stoic: Spencer doesn't show much emotion, however, this could be all part of his strategy to not show his cards and make himself a target.
  • The Strategist: Spencer is one of the most strategic players in the house.
  • Those Two Guys: With Howard. Seems to be heading this way with Andy.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Spencer originally starts off as The Load and The Pawn. He is put up for nomination nine times, which is a record for the show, and he seems to be rather useless at competitions. However, Spencer is rather strong socially and strategically and that made up for his lack of competitiveness earlier on. Not to mention that he was part of The Moving Company and later formed an alliance with The Exterminators. Later on, Spencer steps up his game competitively and wins an HOH at Final 5.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Spencer became more hateful later on, especially regarding Elissa.
  • True Companions: First, with Howard, Jeremy, McCrae and Nick as part of The Moving Company. Later on with Judd, Andy, and GinaMarie as part of The Exterminators.
  • Villainous Friendship: Spencer is best friends with Andy and they especially bonded in the last few weeks of the game.
  • Younger Than They Look: He's only 31 but he looks a lot older, mostly because of his beard.

Evicted (Pre-Jury)

     David Luther Girton (Evicted HG #1) 

David Luther Girton

D.O.B.: Jan 22nd, 1988
Age: 25 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Current Residence: San Diego, CA
Occupation: Lifeguard
Number Of HOH Wins: 0
Number Of POV Wins: 0
Number Of Times Nominated: 1
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 0
Prizes/Punishments Won: 0
Finished: 16th Place (1st Evicted)
Evicted: Evicted 7-5-0 VS. Elissa and Jessie (Received eviction votes from Amanda, Andy, Spencer, Judd, Helen, Howard, and Nick).
HOH Evicted Under: MCCRAE (in Week 1)

  • Badass Adorable: David is endearing because he is very quirky and upbeat. But he is also very adorable when he is being competitive and showing off his skills. He did this during the Have Not competition when he was trying to show off his water skills to Aaryn in attempts to impress her. It worked.
  • Boy Next Door: David is the classic all American nice guy. He is the classic Surfer Dude who hails from California and he seems to be very friendly, sociable and outgoing.
  • Brutal Honesty: David is very honest and opinionated and doesn't hesitate to say exactly what he thinks. Have you seen David's Twitter? It is Truth Tea Central.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: David is really offbeat and quirky. Interestingly enough, many of the houseguests didn't think David was too weird in regards to personality, they just saw him as a huge physical threat.
  • Deadpan Snarker: David is pretty funny albeit in a strange way.
  • The Ditz: A male version of course. David has shown that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed and seems like he is completely unaware of what is going on most of the time.
  • Dumb Blonde: He spent so much time trying to spell a long word (the word in question being "Competition") that he ended up not spelling anything in the Veto. He seems a lot more intelligent outside of the house during interviews.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: In all fairness, that word would have been more or less a guaranteed win. He just was so fixated on trying to find the letters for it (rather than getting every letter you can and trying to make the biggest word out of it) that he wound up making an Epic Fail.
  • Dumb Jock: He fits all of the criteria of a jock who doesn't have that much in the way of brain matter. Not only is he completely unaware of what is going on, but the guy could not even find the proper letters during a spelling competition. It could be assumed that even if he did find the appropriate letters to spell the word, he probably would have spelled the word competition incorrectly anyways. David is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
  • Expressive Hair: David's hair is rather noticeable. Some even questioned whether or not David owned a comb or hairbrush, his hair was always wild and all over the place. The only time when David's hair looked normal was when it was wet.
  • The Fool: David had no idea what was going on and was completely unaware of everything that went on around him. He was even unaware of all the racist things Aaryn said according to interviews.
  • Genki Guy: David is very upbeat. He seems to also be highly energetic and athletic and seems to like moving around a lot. David is also a Motor Mouth and cannot seem to stop talking; he is also very animated when he talks.
  • Genius Ditz: David is a very strong competitor but he seems to lack in the brains department. David would probably ace physical competitions such as endurance competitions but if he had to compete or win mental competitions (such as the POV comp which was a spelling competition), then David is most likely doomed.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: David clearly dislikes Judd because Aaryn had become close with Judd in the house. David bashed Judd on his Twitter although one probably could think that David was doing all of that for attention.
  • Hair of Gold: David has blond hair and is generally a Nice Guy. He is a little on the odd side, but ultimately, his heart is in the right place. Unfortunately for him, David does have a rather Horrible Judge of Character, especially in regards to Aaryn.
  • Heroic Build: David is not as built as Howard or even Jeremy, but he is definitely athletically built and he is rather ripped.
  • Hollywood California: David originally hails from San Diego, California.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He thought Aaryn was a sweet Girl Next Door from the South. Yeah, that was totally off. Perhaps not so horrible a judgement in that he never really saw most of her comments in the house. And who would ever have thought that a 22 year old college-educated, "sweet" Southern girl could behave like this? We were also surprised at the beginning.
  • Hunk: David is physically attractive and is one of the manlier houseguests along with Howard and Jeremy.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: To match his Hair of Gold.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Ken".
  • Keet: Is this during interviews. In the house though, he seemed to be much quieter and more introvtered. Although, maybe he was this way so that he wouldn't be a target or come off as too brash, cocky or unlikeable.
  • Like Is, Like, a Comma: David says the word "like" a lot when he is talking.
  • Lovable Jock: David is athletic as he swims and surfs.
  • Messy Hair: David's hair is very...interesting.
  • Motor Mouth: Once David gets going, he can't stop.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Along with many of the male houseguests of the season, David is physically appealing.
  • Nice Guy: Despite his association with mean girl Aaryn, David is generally a nice guy.
  • No Indoor Voice: David sounds pretty loud during his DR sessions.
  • The Pollyanna: David is very positive, enthusiastic and upbeat.
  • Shocking Elimination: In-Universe. David was blindsided when he was voted out over Elissa by a 7-5 vote. The house was in shock and went quiet after David's unexpected eviction.
  • Surfer Dude: David is a lifeguard for a living.
  • Tall Poppy Syndrome: The Moving Company wanted him out because he was a physical threat.
  • Too Dumb to Live: David: got knocked out right away because he just had no clue how the game worked. He also had the bright idea that there would be only one person on the eviction block this summer when Julie mentioned a twist. If that were the case, voting wouldn't matter at all, because whoever was on the block after the Veto meeting would automatically be out.
  • Totally Radical: David talks like the typical California Surfer Dude. Some question whether or not David has any other vocabulary other than the word "like".
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: David was shirtless at least 90% of the time.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: First houseguest eliminated and hardly got any screentime without Aaryn by him.
  • Wild Hair: David's hair approaches Frank Eudy's levels of wild.

     Nicholas Alexander "Nick" Uhas (Evicted HG #2) 

Nicholas Alexander "Nick" Uhas
some caption text

D.O.B.: Mar 30th, 1985
Age: 28 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Columbus, OH
Current Residence: New York City, NY
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Number Of HOH Wins: 0
Number Of POV Wins: 0
Number Of Times Nominated: 1
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 0
Prizes/Punishments Won: 0
Finished: 15th Place (2nd Evicted)
Evicted: Evicted 7-5-0 VS. Elissa and Helen (Received eviction votes from Andy, Spencer, McCrae, Judd, Amanda, Jessie and Candice).
HOH Evicted Under: AARYN (in Week 2)

  • Ambiguously Gay: Some of the house guests question Nick's sexuality and whether or not Nick is gay.
  • Anti-Hero: Type III.
  • Badass Normal: Not many houseguests know how to cause crazy feats of science. One can only wonder if he had lasted longer on the show or had ended up on a season with America's Player missions what kind of mayhem would have ensued in the house if he orchestrated scientific pranks!!
  • Bash Brothers: With Howard, Spencer, Jeremy and McCrae, his fellow Moving Company allies.
  • Big Applesauce: Nick is from New York, New York.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Had this towards Jeremy and McCrae.
  • Camp Straight: Nick is clearly heterosexual however, he does seem to display some qualities that make others question his sexuality or whether or not he is gay.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Nick comes off as really offbeat and quirky.
  • The Charmer: Nick had some endearing qualities. The online clip of his first performance on America's Got Talent even calls him the "Charming Scientist".
  • Chick Magnet: Both GinaMarie and Jessie were attracted to Nick.
  • The Chessmaster: Was shaping up to be one until McCrae and Spencer betrayed him.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Nick was always scheming and strategizing and he always had a plan of some sort regarding the game.
  • The Dandy: Nick seemed to care a lot about his physical appearance. Some fans described Nick as metrosexual.
  • Deadpan Snarker: His DR's tend to be rather sarcastic and humorous.
  • Death By Genre Savvy: Unfortunately, his genre savviness resulted in Helen and Candice immediately figuring out that there was an all boys alliance... and causing him to go out.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Nick is the second evicted houseguest and finishes in 15th place. Yet, he was set up as one of the most dangerous.
  • The Face: Of the Moving Company.
  • Foreshadowing: Unintentionally provides some.
  • Genius Bruiser: Nick is athletic but he is also vert intelligent.
  • Guile Hero: Nick depended on strategy and his intelligence during the game.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Andy has commented that he thought that Nick was the cutest or most attractive boy in the house.
  • Hunk: One of the more dashing men in the cast this season.
  • I Coulda Been a Contender!: Nick was a favourite to win preseason but unfortunately, he didn't live up to expectations.
  • In-Series Nickname: "BIG".
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: Andy comments that Nick wore pink underwear and showed it to him. Also, Nick is a bit of a metrosexual. Part of the reason why many of the house guests constantly question Nick's sexuality.
  • Knight Templar: Nick can be rather ruthless.
  • Large Ham: Especially during his DR sessions. He is so over the top in his actions and his expressions.
  • The Leader: Of The Moving Company.
  • Lovable Jock: Nick is very athletic but is also a generally nice guy. The opposite of Jeremy, who is more of a Jerk Jock.
  • Mad Scientist: In real life, Nick loves to do all sorts of mind-blowing experiments, like microwaving objects, dry ice, and more.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Nick is much more sensitive and laid back while Gina is more aggressive and outspoken.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Some of the houseguests questioned whether Nick was really gay or not considering that Nick used to openly flirt with some of the male houseguests such as Andy and David.
  • Morality Pet: For GinaMarie. She has a soft spot for Nick and he prevents her from going over the edge.
  • Motor Mouth: Once Nick starts talking, he can't shut up. He almost sounds manic when he talks.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Nick is not as athletically built as Howard and Jeremy.
  • Nice Guy: Nick is a nice guy albeit being a bit offbeat and quirky.
  • No Guy Wants to Be Chased: Nick didn't like it when Jessie was chasing him in the house.
  • No Indoor Voice: Nick sounds extra loud during his DR sessions.
  • No Social Skills: Nick is not anti-social but he can be rather socially awkward around others at times. Which bit him in the ass as Elissa (who was weighting him and Kaitlin) decided to MVP nominate him, because he didn't give her a clear answer to vote off Kaitlin.
  • Odd Couple: With GinaMarie.
  • Odd Friendship: With GinaMarie.
  • Perma-Stubble: Always seemed to have a 5 o'clock shadow.
  • The Pig-Pen: According to Elissa, Nick hardly showered.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With GinaMarie.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Nick has been seen wearing pink items of clothing.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Leader of the most powerful alliance in the house, one of the biggest physical competitors of the season, evicted week two. His eviction would also lead to the collapse of the Moving Company and a complete switch-up of the power in the house.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: The Savvy Guy to GinaMarie's Energetic Girl.
  • Scars Are Forever: In his audition for the show, he displayed his scars from wiping out while rollerblading on numerous occasions.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Nick is the Sensitive Guy to Howard and Jeremy's Manly Man.
  • Ship Tease: With GinaMarie, oh so much. Those two were attached at the hip, and his elimination sent GM spiraling into madness, and is one of the reasons why she became such a monster in the game. In fact, Nick's very belongings were treated as TragicKeepsakes and GinaMarie got very upset when Aaryn coveted them just to aggravate her. Finally, Nick chose to enjoy a date with GinaMarie at the end of the game.
  • The Smart Guy: Nick graduated with a 3.92 B.S. Biology (Pre-Med Major), Minor in Economics at Yale University.
  • Spiky Hair: His signature hairstyle. Goes with the whole Mad Scientist vibe.
  • The Stoic: Nick never showed much emotion. According to Andy, Nick came off as cold and icy.
  • The Strategist: One of the most strategic players. Unfortunately, it came to bite him in the behind.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality
  • Tall, Dark, and Snarky: He's physically attractive with dark hair and eyes, and is quite sarcastic.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Nick let McCrae sweet-talk him into dropping out of the first HOH competition on the grounds he wouldn't be put on the block or backdoored in the next week. Well, GUESS WHAT?
  • Too Powerful to Live: Nick was incredibly well-rounded and one of the biggest intellects in the house, but he got backstabbed when he was seen as far too powerful for his own good.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Nick would walk around shirtless from time to time, giving the female Big Brother fans a treat to view.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He had the potential to be a strategist that would make Dan Gheesling proud, but he was evicted before he could even try to dominate the game.

     Jeremy Dale McGuire (Evicted HG #3) 

Jeremy Dale McGuire

D.O.B.: Nov 29th, 1989
Age: 23 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Katy, TX
Current Residence: Katy, TX
Occupation: Boat Shop Associate
Number Of HOH Wins: 0
Number Of POV Wins: 1
Number Of Times Nominated: 2 (in Week 2 by MVP Elissa and Week 3 by Helen)
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 0
Prizes/Punishments Won: "Never Not Pass" note 
Finished: 14th Place (3rd Evicted)
Evicted: Evicted 9-1-0 VS. Spencer and Aaryn (Received eviction votes from Andy, GinaMarie, McCrae, Judd, Elissa, Amanda, Jessie, Candice, and Howard).
HOH Evicted Under: HELEN (in Week 3)

  • Abusive Parents: On the live feeds, Jeremy confessed to Elissa and Helen that his father used to punch him in the face when he was younger.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Many of the female house guests, most notably Kaitlin, Aaryn, and Jessie, were drawn to Jeremy, who was this season's resident bad boy.
  • Alpha Bitch: Jeremy is very egotistical and cocky.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Jeremy was highly determined and competitive.
  • Anti-Villain: Type I or Type II.
  • Arch-Enemy: Elissa. He hated her and constantly targeted her since the very beginning.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: He doesn't practice kung fu or any martial art, but he's got the personality down to a tee.
  • Asshole Victim: Jeremy was his own worst enemy and the reason why he was evicted. If he was nicer to people, he would have lasted longer.
  • Attention Whore: Jeremy loves being the center of attention.
  • Bad Liar: Jeremy is one of the worst liars in the house.
  • Beauty Is Bad: Jeremy is attractive but he is a Jerkass, very egotistical, cocky and arrogant.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: Jeremy would lie quite a bit. Problem is, Jeremy believed his own delusions.
  • Berserk Button: Attacking him personally is a sure way to get Jeremy angered. Also attacking Kaitlin will make Jeremy go off.
  • Big Eater: Jeremy was the biggest eater in the house.
  • The Big Guy: Jeremy is the tallest houseguest this season at 6'5", towering over all of the girls and being comfortably taller than almost all of the guys.
  • Big Man on Campus: Jeremy thought of himself as this but it was only in his own mind.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Jeremy is outgoing, brash, bold, and cocky.
  • Brutal Honesty: Jeremy's honesty often gets him into trouble, hence why he was evicted so early.
  • The Bully: According to many houseguest, primarily Helen and Andy, Jeremy displays bullying behaviour.
  • Can't Take Criticism: Comes with having an overblown ego and being too cocky.
  • The Casanova: Jeremy is a womanizer and seems to enjoy lots of women.
  • Catchphrase: "My dude", "FLABBERGASTED!" and "Cherokee Wonder."
  • Celebrity Resemblance: To Taylor Lautner, as pointed out in the very first episode. Not only that, but in episode 2, Jessie mentioned how she liked both Nick and Jeremy, and explicitly compared it to The Twilight Saga, with Jeremy as the Jacob in this scenario (and Nick as the Edward).
  • Combat Pragmatist: Jeremy is the type to play or fight dirty in order to win.
  • Commitment Issues: Jeremy openly said that he is not good at serious, long term romantic relationships.
  • Competition Freak: It's not that Jeremy has won tons of competitions, but it's that Jeremy is extremely competitive by nature and even calls himself a "champion at heart".
  • Condescending Compassion: Showed this towards numerous houseguests.
  • Control Freak: Jeremy likes to be in control of everything and everyone.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: According to Jeremy, he comes from an abusive household.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Jeremy is very sarcastic and witty.
  • Deep South: Jeremy hails from Texas.
  • The Determinator: Jeremy is one of the most determined and persistent people. He is not the type to quit or give up and he is very much a fighter.
  • Dirty Coward: Stole wine and hid it from the Have Nots so that he and his friends (i.e. David, Aaryn and Kaitlin) could drink it all. When the Have Nots discover the situation, Jeremy decides to lash out and bully the Have Nots.
  • Distracted by My Own Sexy: Jeremy thought a lot of himself and he was rather egotistical.
  • Does Not Know How to Say "Thanks": Jeremy's ego is too big for him to show or give gratitude.
  • The Dragon: For Aaryn. Aaryn was the Big Bad and the main villain of the season and Jeremy was basically following her orders and doing what she wanted.
  • Drunk with Power: When Jeremy gains any kind of power, he becomes very cocky and arrogant and resorts to bullying behaviour.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Constantly demanded others to respect him, yet did nothing to warrant respect from others.
  • Dumb Jock: Doesn't appear to be overly intelligent or logical in his thinking.
  • Entitled Bastard: Definitely comes across as this both on the show and on the feeds.
  • Enraged by Idiocy
  • Everything is Big in Texas: Everything about Jeremy is big, from his height to his ego.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Didn't like the racist comments said by Aaryn and Gina Marie.
  • Face of a Thug: Jeremy's face is rather intimidating.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Jeremy likes to dub himself as the "Cherokee Wonder" but he doesn't really live up to his own hype.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Jeremy is capable of being fake polite to your face, but talking behind your back and plotting your demise.
  • Fool for Love: In regards to Kaitlin. It was clear that Kaitlin and her influence brought out a much gentler and softer side out of the normally cocky, macho and arrogant Jeremy.
  • For the Lulz: Jeremy often made comments or committed actions which might have been deemed inappropriate to others for his own amusement. An example was Jeremy wiping his butt with Elissa's hat.
  • Freudian Excuse: He was beaten by his father according to him on the live feeds.
  • Gentle Giant: Only when he was around Kaitlin. Around everyone else, he was definitely more of a brash and cocky individual.
  • Glory Hound: Jeremy has a huge ego and seeks constant glory.
  • Hated by All: Jeremy is nowhere near as hated as many other contestants this season, but he earned a ton of dislike in the house for shamelessly stealing all the wine from the Have-Nots and drinking it and showing a no fucks given attitude about it. He is directly responsible for ruining David's, Nick's, and Kaitlin's games as their ally, and was the third boot of the season just to be rid of him because of how selfish he was.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Jeremy became slightly nicer before he was evicted.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Nick.
  • His Own Worst Enemy: Jeremy's mistreatment of other house guests has lead to his ultimate downfall.
  • Hot-Blooded: Jeremy is very impulsive and hotheaded.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: The Huge Guy to Kaitlin, Jessie and Aaryn's Tiny Girl.
  • I'm a Man; I Can't Help It: Jeremy blames all of his poor actions and decisions on the fact that he is male so he can't help himself.
  • Implausible Deniability: Jeremy pretended or denied at first that he didn't take the wine to drink with his friends, even though the other houseguests knew that Jeremy (and by extension Aaryn) was behind it. Jeremy did later confess that he did take the wine though.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Jeremy says some comments which are deemed highly offensive which he believes to be said in humour or sarcasm.
  • Insufferable Genius: It's not that Jeremy is overly smart or a genius by any means, but he constantly brags about his skills and how great and talented he is.
  • In-Series Nickname: "CHEROKEE WONDER" and "The Sailor".
  • Irrational Hatred: Had this towards Elissa. Jeremy really hated her.
  • It's All About Me: Jeremy can be very selfish ("Red Wine-gate" for example) and self-centred.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Even though Jeremy knew that his game was pretty much done, he still wanted Kaitlin to do well for herself, go far, and bring the money home.
  • Jerkass: Jeremy can be very arrogant, selfish and cocky towards others.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Despite being a jerk, there are times when he has been actually rather logical and strategic.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Although he displays highly jerkish behaviour, he seems like he has enough humility and heart to admit when he's in the wrong and that he needs a lot of growing up to do. He also seems to genuinely care for Kaitlin. Too bad when the time that Jeremy started to become nice, his first impression and his competitive nature made himself evicted.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: He wiped his naked butt with one of Elissa's hats. That action was considered so revolting by production that they actually pulled him aside and told him he was going to be expelled if he tried anything as bad as that again.
  • Jerk Jock: Jeremy is very cocky and arrogant. He is the contrast to Nick and Howard, who are Lovable Jock's.
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: As if Elissa wasn't picked on and targeted by all of the other houseguests enough, Jeremy took one of Elissa's hats and wiped his butt with it.
  • Knight Templar: Jeremy can be rather ruthless.
  • Ladykiller in Love: With Kaitlin. Despite being a womanizer, Jeremy genuinely cared about Kaitlin.
  • Large Ham: Jeremy has a very big personality and overblown ego.
  • Lazy Bum: Although Jeremy was competitive, he also showed that he is rather lazy around the house and spent his days either eating, sleeping or lounging around with Kaitlin.
  • Love Redeems: His romance with Kaitlin. Jeremy openly admits that his relationship with Kaitlin managed to change him as a person and influenced him to be a better individual.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Jeremy is actually rather cunning and manipulative.
  • Manchild: Jeremy is rather immature. He even admits that he has a lot of learning and growing up to do.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Jeremy is almost always shirtless.
  • Narcissist: Comes off as self-interested and in love with himself. He could give Jessie from Big Brother 11 and Big Brother 10 a run for his money in terms of who has an overblown ego.
  • Never Bareheaded: Jeremy is always wearing a cap.
  • Never My Fault: Puts the blame on others for his behaviour and his actions.
  • Noble Demon: Especially later on before he was evicted.
  • Odd Couple: With Kaitlin. Their showmance was just really weird and over the top at times.
  • One Head Taller: With almost every single female houseguest, especially Jessie, who is the shortest girl in the house. Jeremy basically towers over every female houseguest, even the ones who are on the taller side.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot: Sometimes Jeremy talks when he shouldn't.
  • Passive-Aggressive Kombat: Jeremy often resorts to being passive aggressive towards others in order to gain something from others or a situation.
  • Pride: Jeremy admits that his pride is his biggest vice.
  • Really Gets Around: Jeremy is heavily flirtatious with all of the ladies including Aaryn, Kaitlyn, and Jessie, but he ended up setting his sights on Kaitlyn in the end and they became a short term showmance.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Jeremy is the Red to Nick and McCrae's Blue.
  • The Resenter: To Elissa. He has had it out for her since the beginning of the game.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Jeremy is the Manly Man to Nick and McCrae's Sensitive Guy.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: With Kaitlin. Shows the most PDA out of any couple this season.
  • A Sinister Clue: Jeremy is left-handed and he's on the "bad side" of the house.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Jeremy curses and swears a lot.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Jeremy probably has the most inflated and biggest ego in the house.
  • Smug Snake: Jeremy is extremely egotistical and smug in his demeanour.
  • The Snark Knight: Jeremy is highly sarcastic and snarky. He's incredibly biting in his remarks and comments.
  • Tall, Dark, and Snarky: Jeremy is 6'5", darker-complexioned, and is very sarcastic.
  • Tattooed Crook: Has many tattoos all over his body.
  • Troubled, but Cute: Jeremy is attractive, but boy does he come from a Dark and Troubled Past.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Another aspect of his Celebrity Resemblance to Taylor Lautner.

     Kaitlin Marie Barnaby (Evicted HG #4) 

Kaitlin Marie Barnaby

Born: Feb 19th, 1990
Age: 23 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Vadnais Heights, MN
Current Residence: Minneapolis, MN
Occupation: Bartender
Number Of HOH Wins: 0
Number Of POV Wins: 1 (in Week 3)
Number Of Times Nominated: 2 (in Week 3 by Helen and Week 4 by Judd)
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 0
Prizes/Punishments Won: 0
Finished: 13th Place (4th Evicted)
Evicted: Evicted 9-0-0 VS. Aaryn and GinaMarie (Received unanimous eviction votes from Andy, Spencer, McCrae, Elissa, Amanda, Helen, Jessie, Candice, and Howard).
HOH Evicted Under: JUDD (in Week 4)

  • Affably Evil: Kaitlin is the type to smile to your face but backstab and turn on you behind their back.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Her show mance with bad boy Jeremy shows that she has a thing for the bad boys.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Kaitlin comes off as rather icy in personality.
  • Anti-Villain: Type I.
  • Arch-Enemy: Jessie. The two didn't see eye to eye.
  • Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch: Kaitlin has thought about turning on Aaryn many times and has even thrown her under the bus on multiple occasions.
  • Beauty Is Bad: Kaitlin is very beautiful but she was one of the mean girls.
  • Beta Bitch: For Aaryn, alongside GinaMarie.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Aaryn and GinaMarie. All of them are mean girls who love to gossip.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Can be rather snarky and bitchy but knows when to act nice to your face.
  • The Bully: Kaitlin was originally one of Aaryn's posse. She would bully other house guests and her main target was Jessie.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Shows shades of this towards Jeremy.
  • Dark Action Girl: Kaitlin was a strong competitor.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Kaitlin is very sarcastic and snarky.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Around Jeremy, she becomes much warmer and less bitchy and icy.
  • The Determinator: Kaitlin fought to win POV and won it when she was on the block and facing possible eviction.
  • The Dragon: To Aaryn, the Big Bad. She was one of her right hand women along with GinaMarie and basically followed orders from her. Unfortunately for her, Kaitlyn's association with Aaryn made her an early target and she ended up being evicted early.
  • Emotionless Girl: She often came across as The Stoic and hardly showed any emotion.
  • Evil Eyebrows: Has a pair of sharp, thick, and angular brows and is one of the meaner people in the house.
  • Faux Action Girl: Many of the houseguests kept insisting that Kaitlin was a strong competitor but that was never really proven or shown, despite the fact that she did win POV when she was on the block and facing eviction.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Kaitlin can be nice and polite when she wants to be.
  • Femme Fatale: Seems to like using her feminine wiles and sexuality with Jeremy to get farther.
  • Foil: To Jessie. Jessie is a tomboyish Girl Next Door and Kaitlin is a sexy Alpha Bitch.
  • Girly Bruiser: Kaitlin was taken out of the game and evicted because most of the house saw her as a huge threat and a possible strong competitor.
  • Good Bad Girl: Kaitlin was a mean girl but she had a nice streak as well.
  • Gossipy Hens: Not as much as Aaryn or GinaMarie but it's there.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Kaitlin is very envious and jealous.
  • The Hecate Sisters: Kaitlin is the Crone to Aaryn's Maiden and GinaMarie's Matron.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Kaitlin is the Tiny Girl to Jeremy's Huge Guy.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: To an extent, had a hand in Jeremy's eviction. Helen told her to use the veto to backdoor Jeremy or she would be the one evicted in his place.
  • Ice Queen: Kaitlin is rather cold and icy.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Icy Green Eyes: Her physical defining feature.
  • I Can Change My Beloved: In regards to Jeremy. Her influence has managed to "change" Jeremy as a person and make him more humble and understanding. Even Jeremy admitted it himself.
  • Identical Stranger: Bears a strong resemblance to Erinn from Survivor.
  • Irony: Kaitlin was voted off first (of the Terrible Trio) because of her challenge prowess (being close to her last two HOH's and won a POV), but then Aaryn and GinaMarie then won the next three HOH's (with Aaryn also winning a POV).
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A huge Jerkass in the beginning, possibly even more than Aaryn. Eventually, Kaitlin does start to mellow out and becomes nicer before she is evicted.
  • Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: Kaitlin is the Dark Feminine to Jessie's Light Feminine.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Kaitlin could be very cunning.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She is often seem wearing skimpy and revealing clothing. She's even seen walking around the house in her underwear.
  • Never My Fault: After being evicted, Kaitlin has said in interviews that the reason why she had acted bigoted, mean and behaved like a bully was because she was associated with Aaryn.
  • Noble Demon: Although she's one of the bad guys, she's still fairly nice and noble and isn't the most mean of the bad guys side. She has even openly disagreed with Aaryn's behavior and has felt that she took it too far. When she's evicted, she even admits that she didn't agree with the behavior of those she was aligned with and even said that she chose the bad or wrong side.
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: Kaitlin wasn't a bad guy so much as she was a Horrible Judge of Character.
  • Show Some Leg: Kaitlin never has her legs covered.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: With Jeremy. They are probably the showmance of this season that shows the most PDA.
  • Sugary Malice: Kaitlin can appear sweet and friendly on the surface, but she definitely has a very bitter, sour side underneath the facade.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She is the only female houseguest that will not be participating in the jury.
  • The Stoic: Kaitlin didn't show too much emotion.
    • Not So Stoic: When Kaitlin discovered that Jeremy was going to be back doored and evicted, Kaitlin lost it and broke down in tears to Helen.
  • Terrible Trio: With Aaryn and GinaMarie.
  • Villainous BSoD: Kaitlin has a huge one when she realized that Jeremy was going to be evicted. When she discovers this, she has a huge emotional breakdown.
  • What Beautiful Eyes!: Kaitlin's eyes were her most outstanding physical feature.

     Howard Travaras "Howie" Overby (Evicted HG #5) 

Howard Travaras "Howie" Overby

Born: Sept 03rd, 1983
Age: 30 (age at time of competition)
Hometown: Hattiesberg, MS
Current Residence: Hattiesberg, MS
Occupation: Youth Councillor
Number Of HOH Wins: 0
Number Of POV Wins: 0
Number Of Times Nominated: 1 (in Week 5 by Aaryn)
Number Of Times As Have-Not: 1 (in Week 1)
Prizes/Punishments Won: 0
Finished: 12th Place (5th Evicted)
Evicted: Evicted 7-1-0 VS. Candice and Amanda (Received eviction votes from Andy, GinaMarie, McCrae, Judd, Elissa, Helen and Jessie).
HOH Evicted Under: AARYN (in Week 5)

  • 100% Heroism Rating: Howard was very kind to all of the houseguests, even if they treated him poorly.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Howie, which is coined by Candice. Unfortunately, Howard has mentioned how he hates to be called Howie.
  • All-Loving Hero: Howard never showed any hate or malice towards any houseguest, even those who have hurt him or bothered him.
  • Arch-Enemy: Amanda. Amanda had been targeting Howard for weeks.
  • A Father to His Men: Howard cared about all of his allies, including his Moving Company members and even those outside of his alliance. Howard was often the one who kept his Moving Company allies in check.
  • A Friend in Need: For Candice. Howard was a support system for Candice and was there for Candice when she went through a rough time.
  • Bad Liar: Howard is the WORST liar ever. Probably because lying goes against Howard's morals and values.
  • Badass on Paper: Howard seemed like he would be a strong physical threat, but it turns out that he was a huge disappointment on a game play level.
  • Bash Brothers: With Spencer, Jeremy, Nick and McCrae. Howard, along with all of them, were part of an all guys alliance called The Moving Company. Spencer was Howard's number one ally other than Candice.
  • Being Good Sucks: Howard is the nicest guy ever, yet he was ostracized and looked down upon by the majority of the other houseguests.
  • Beneath the Mask: Although Howard appears to be calm, cool, stoic and collected, Howard admits that he has always had anger issues and issues controlling his temper.
  • Berserk Button: Racism. Also, people being bullied and mistreated.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Although Howard is generally nice, quiet and shy, he has proven that he is a huge possible threat. Many of the other house guests are scared of him.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards Jessie, Elissa, McCrae, Jeremy, Judd, and Nick.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Howard is always there for his friends as much as possible.
  • Big Good: Of the season. Howard was the nicest and most noble houseguest of the season and had strong morals.
  • The Big Guy: Howard is one of the bigger and more muscular guys this season. This is in opposition to Aaryn, who is the Big Bad.
  • Black and Nerdy: Howard may be athletic but he does have spades of nerdiness, especially with how intelligent and articulate he is.
  • Brains and Brawn: Howard is the Brawn to Spencer's Brains.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: Although Howard is an athletic and muscular big guy, he's very gentle and shy.
  • Butt-Monkey: Howard was ostracized in the house because of his connection to Candice, who was basically the house target.
  • Chick Magnet: All of the female houseguests in the house, including Elissa, Jessie, Candice, Helen and even Aaryn and GinaMarie either like, love or respect Howard. The only exception is Amanda, although the reason why Amanda didn't care for Howard is because she saw him as a huge threat for her. Not only did Howard have all the love from the girls, but he is was also loved by the guys as well (Judd, Nick, Spencer, McCrae, Andy, Jeremy, etc).
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Howard constantly felt the need to help others.
  • Closer to Earth: Howard is the sole black man of the season, but he is the most moral houseguest of the season.
  • The Comically Serious: Howard has a very dry sense of humour.
  • Dandere: Howard is extremely shy and introverted, almost to a fault.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Howard has his witty moments.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Howard hates it when others feel sorry for him. Ironically, Howard can't help but feeling sorry for others and helping others during time of need.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": Howard hates to be called "Howie".
  • Emotional Bruiser: Despite being the biggest guy in the house, he is very sensitive.
  • Epic Fail: His speech to the other houseguests was so bad that even Spencer called him out on it.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: McCrae admitted in the DR that he's not gay, but if he was, he would want to "tear Howard apart."
  • Extreme Doormat: Howard lets others walk all over him. The major reason for this is because Howard openly says that he has a major anger problem and that he doesn't want to lose his temper in the game.
  • Genius Bruiser: Howard is The Big Guy and very athletic, but he's rather intelligent and articulate.
  • Gentle Giant: Howard is the most muscular guy in the house but he is very kind, noble and good hearted.
  • Genre Blindness: Knowing that Big Brother is a game about having good social skills, Howard doesn't seem to understand that not being sociable is definitely one way to guarantee that you make yourself an easy target.
  • Good Is Not Dumb: Howard is actually very intelligent and well spoken.
  • Good Samaritan: Howard is always lending a helping hand.
  • Fanservice Pack: A sweet guy to be around, a religious youth counselor, and good looking to boot. This man could make any woman happy, especially with something that is extremely well grown between his legs.
  • The Fettered: Howard has the strongest morals and values in the house.
  • Friend to All Children: Howard councils young people for a living.
  • Get Out!: On the live feeds, this happened. He had a tense emotional breakdown in front of one of the mirrors after he got blindsided and holed himself away from everybody. Feeling betrayed, Howard wept and held himself over the dresser, chanting several quiet prayers, shaking, and panting angrily. He was holding back a ton of anger, and when someone walked in to check on him, his immediate response was an almost murderous "GET OUT."
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Howard admits that he has problem controlling his temper and anger in the past.
  • The Heart: Definitely the nicest and kindest houseguest of the season.
  • The Hero Dies: Howard is evicted by a near unanimous 7-1 vote.
  • Heroic Build: His physique is very built and muscular.
  • Heroic Resolve: Howard is not the type to stand by while other people are being targeted. Howard is always willing to speak up and stand up for those who are in trouble.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Whenever Howard feels like he let someone he cares about down or he didn't defend someone the way he should of, he takes it rather hard.
  • Heroic Spirit: Has it more than anyone in the house and it is something that motivates him in the game.
  • Heroic Willpower: Despite all of the racist behaviour and comments which was occurring in the house, Howard still manages to keep calm, cool and collected without blowing up on all of the houseguests or those who were spouting racist comments (i.e. Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, etc).
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Spencer. Spencer was Howard's number one ally.
  • Hidden Depths: Howard actually has a huge anger problem and had problems controlling his temper in the past. Who would have thought that Howard, who is so calm, cool, collected and stoic, who have an anger management problem?
  • Honor Before Reason: Howard always puts his morals and values before anything else.
  • Hope Bringer: Howard tries to always get people to be positive and believe in themselves.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Howard seemed to trust the wrong people and also seemed to be rather naive and gullible.
  • Humble Hero: Howard is very humble and is not arrogant.
  • Hunk: Along with Nick, one of the more physically attractive male house guests this season, both in personality and dashing good looks.
  • The Idealist: Howard always believes in the good in everything, although this does make up very naive.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Howard is the nicest, kindest, noblest and most genuine houseguest of the season. He never got corrupted by the dark side or gave up his morals and values.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Howie", in which only Candice calls him.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: For Candice. Howard was always there for Candice whenever she needed someone or whenever she was going through a rough time emotionally.
  • The Last DJ: Howard is probably the houseguest that had the most dignity and integrity this season.
  • Last of His Kind: Howard was the last houseguest to be evicted before Jury began.
  • Light Is Good: Wears a lot of lighter clothing.
  • Lovable Jock: Howard is highly athletic but is also a nice, polite guy. The opposite of Jeremy, who is a Jerk Jock.
  • Loved by All: Howard was so well liked that all of the houseguests felt sad when he was evicted.
  • Manly Tears: Whenever Howard cried, a thousand hearts would break. Much of his crying in the house would come after he or Candice were being severely mistreated by some of the other houseguests due to their race and the both of them being the Black houseguests.
  • Messianic Archetype: Howard was seen as the Big Good of the season because he had strong morals and values. It helps that he's strongly religious and is a man of faith and God.
  • Morality Chain: For the whole house. Howard is tries to keep the other houseguests in check and tries to get them to understand playing the game with morals, integrity and values.
  • Morality Pet: To Spencer. Howard keeps him in check.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Howard is very physically fit and often walks around the house shirtless.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: Subverted. Howard is very athletic, fit and muscular but his muscles did nothing to help him in physical competitions or when he needed to win competitions to secure his safety. One would expect such a fit and athletic dude like Howard to win tons of competitions especially comps of a physical nature.
  • Nerves of Steel: Howard always kept his cool and never lost his temper, despite having anger issues in the past.
  • Nice Guy: Howard is kind, caring, compassionate, understanding, empathetic and non judgemental. His good personality and his kindness was one of the many reasons why everyone in the house loved and respected him as well as why he was very beloved and popular outside of the house.
  • Only Sane Man: Out of the houseguests this season, Howard was definitely one of the saner and more stable ones.
  • The Quiet One: He's quite the opposite of Dan, Joe, and Peter - even in the diary room he speaks with a rather quiet tone! His voice is very soft and peaceful.
  • The Paragon: Howard was the most moral and upstanding houseguest.
  • Perma-Stubble: Always sported some hair on his face and never had a clean shaven face.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Jessie, Candice and Helen.
  • The Pollyanna: Howard is very positive and optimistic.
  • Real Men Love Jesus: Howard is a strong Christian and has strong faith.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Howard is the Manly Man to Nick and McCrae's Sensitive Guy.
  • Shrinking Violet: Howard is extremely shy and introverted. He's probably the least social and the most shyest houseguest this season.
  • The Smart Guy: Howard is very intelligent, intellectual, and well spoken.
  • Soul Brotha: Subverted. Howard may be cool but he is more introverted and nerdy.
  • Southern Gentleman: Howard originally hails from Mississippi.
  • The Stoic: Doesn't show much, if any, emotion in the house and always keeps his emotions in check.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality
  • Taking You with Me: Is more than willing to become a Have Not just to see Aaryn and Gina Marie suffer. Too bad that Mc Crae is amazingly horrible in that challenge.
  • Those Two Guys: With Spencer. They were Bash Brothers and Heterosexual Life-Partners who were each other's #1 ally in the house.
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Oh Howard. He was mistreated so badly in the house, mostly because of racial issues and tension, and when he left, it was so incredibly sad to watch. The fact that he left under the HOH of Aaryn the openly racist houseguest, makes it even worse.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Candice.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Much like his fellow Moving Company members Nick and Jeremy, Howard is often seen shirtless.

Alternative Title(s): Big Brother 15 Evicted, Big Brother 15 The Jury, Big Brother 15 Winner Runner Up, Big Brother 15 Alliances
