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    Loptr, the Prophetic One
Click here to see his child form.

"I see you've already discovered the truth. They don't call you the Left Eye for naught, do they?"
Voiced by: T. J. Ramini (EN), Takumi Yamazaki (JP)

A youth who looks almost exactly like Loki, but is far more malevolent. He frequently appears in Loki's visions and seems to have a grudge against him.
  • Agent Peacock: If you thought Balder was flamboyant, wait until you see Loptr's white/blue lipstick, neatly and fabulously tied hair and his ridiculous outfit, that looks like a burqa and yet manages to be very skimpy underneath (particularly in contrast to Loki's more traditionally masculine clothes). It makes him look like Ghirahim. Suffice to say, just like Ghirahim, he's exceptionally dangerous and one of the world's most powerful beings. These pieces of concept art show he was originally going to have a more feminine appearance.
  • A God Am I: Well he's half of one to be precise, but he's so arrogant he sees himself as above all other beings including his other half.
  • Big Bad: Killed Rosa and manipulates the events of the second game in order to regain the Eyes of the World and become whole.
  • Big "NO!": When Loki destroys the Eyes of the World to render him much less powerful.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Had he simply killed Loki after draining him of his Sovereign Power, Loki wouldn't have been able to use his power over Nothingness to erase the Eyes of the World and render him weak enough to overpower. Admittedly, despite once being part of him, he didn't know Loki had this power.
  • Chaos Is Evil: He is the half of the original God of Chaos that represented the negative aspects of chaos.
  • The Chessmaster: Masterminded the events of the second game and retroactively causes the events of the first game.
  • Cold Ham: While his tone of voice is perfectly measured and calm, his actual dialogue drips with theatricality which is only accentuated by his exaggerated arm movements.
  • Colony Drop: Can call down meteors. In particular, the fight with him in his child form has him using his hands to pull a meteorite from space to toss at Bayonetta.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: Is a complete Foil to Jubileus from the previous game. Jubileus was a beautiful statuesque goddess of light, the sun, and angels. She was gigantic compared to Bayonetta, and spent most of the first game as an immobile statue. The fight against her mostly involves chipping away at her armored headdress and body until Bayonetta can summon Sheba to destroy her. Loptr starts off shorter than Bayonetta, is fought multiple times throughout his game, is much more mobile than Jubileus. Jubileus's fighting style mostly involved Powers Do the Fighting while she hovered out of reach, allowing her Combat Tentacles or projectiles to attack Bayonetta. Loptr was much more aggressive, and unlike the goddess actually beat Bayonetta twice.
  • Creepy Child: In his kid form.
  • Creepy Monotone: How he normally talks.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: His fights with Bayonetta usually end with him winning. Not to say that she doesn't put up a valiant fight though. Finally on the receiving end of this when Loki renders him weaker.
  • Deader than Dead: His fate after suffering a massive beatdown, getting his body punched from his soul and then having said body devoured by Gommorah, trying to escape but then the past version of Balder containing him within himself before he returns to the 1400s. The scene at the beginning of Bayonetta 2 is Loptr trying to escape from Balder, but Balder keeps him inside until the moment they die so Loptr will definitely die with him.
  • Death Dealer: Like Loki, he can use tarot cards as a form of attack. Rosa learns this the hard way.
  • Devour the Dragon: Pulls this on Balder, stealing the Right Eye out of Balder's head and tossing him aside. Balder lives, but is in noticeable pain afterwards.
  • Didn't See That Coming:
    • Luka swinging in to rescue Loki after he's drained him of his Sovereign Power causes Loptr to react with genuine surprise and briefly drop his calm demeanor. Bayonetta doesn't miss a beat in Lampshading it.
      Loptr: What on earth was that?!
      Bayonetta: Just some fool always swinging in out of nowhere, albeit with absolutely impeccable timing. I suppose not even a god can see him coming?
    • Later on when Loki reveals to have Aesir's power over Nothingness, which Loki uses to erase the Eyes of the World and leave him powerless, he's totally dumbfounded as it directly leads to his rather humiliating and comedic defeat. Loki doesn't miss a beat in Lampshading it.
      Loki: His first mistake was thinking all I had to me was some shit "Sovereign Power." Stupid fool doesn't get why I'm the better half.
  • Energy Weapon: One of his signature attacks is firing beams of blue light and he can call down golden beams of light from the sky.
  • Enfant Terrible: In his child form during the 1400s, Loptr works with the angels to bring about the Witch Hunts and murders Rosa, all in an attempt to seize the Eyes of the World and become Aesir again. Actually averted, because he is no child despite he looks like one.
  • Establishing Character Moment: The first time we clearly see him separately from an event with Loki, he murders Rosa, showing his evil up front and how he masterminded the entire plot.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Loki, Bayonetta and Balder.
    • He IS Loki's evil half, with similar card playing tricks and hidden godlike powers. While Loki is ultimately benevolent, yet mischievous, Loptr is sadistic and cruel. Loki chooses to destroy the Eyes when they’re used for evil, while Loptr wants to use them to conquer the human world. Loki respects and shows faith in humanity while Loptr sees humans as sheep that need a ruler.
    • Like Bayonetta, Loptr calls upon monsters to fight for him and also fights with insane fisticuffs and giant projections of limbs. He has a similar dramatic flair and a connection to the Eyes of the World, and can manipulate time in a manner that exceeds Bayonetta's own time-manipulating powers. Both are also the "dark half" of a divine pair of beings — while Loptr is the evil in Aesir made manifest, Bayonetta is simply dark as the holder of the Left Eye.
    • Lastly, Loptr and Balder both model themselves after divine figures — Loptr is one half of Aesir, while Balder gave himself numerous parallels to Father Rodin and Jubileus. Both of them use light attacks, command angels to aid them, and summon huge objects to throw at Bayonetta in battle. However, Balder is not evil prior to Loptr’s soul corrupting him, and considers human free will their greatest asset. Loptr considers human free will to be a sick joke.
  • The Evils of Free Will: Believes human free will to be an illusion and that humans should obey only him.
  • Evil Twin: Looks exactly like Loki, almost. He uses this to frame Loki for Rosa's murder.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's infallibly polite and cordial towards others, but none of it is real and he always carries an arrogant, condescending tone.
  • Final Boss Preview: He fights you early on as The Prophet.
  • Foreshadowing: His appearance, his faux-politeness, his manner of speaking, his Summon Magic cinematic attacks, and even the specific demons he killsnote  all point to him having some connection to Father Balder, which is made much more blatant when we learn that Balder was actually quite heroic when he was younger.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: If you fail to guide Loptr into Jeanne-Gomorrah's mouth after beating him, he will suddenly stop mid-air, smirk at you, then lunge towards the screen towards you (not Bayonetta or Jeanne, you), giving you an instant Non-Standard Game Over.
  • Frame-Up: Does this to Loki by killing Rosa while in his child form.
  • Giant Hands of Doom: His other Signature Move is creating giant hands of blue light in a manner similar to Bayonetta's Wicked Weaves. His child form takes things a step further with six hands to fight with that he keeps out for the whole battle.
  • God of Evil: As the evil half of the Top God. Loki's goal is to prevent him from becoming the only half of Aesir in him.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: He is the true instigator of the Witch Hunts in correspondence with the Angels of Paradiso, and his corrupting influence within Balder eventually drives him insane with evil, retroactively causing the events of the first game.
  • Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Every one of Loptr’s boss fights ends with him being victorious over Bayonetta in the following cutscene even if the player takes no damage whatsoever. The only exception is the Final Boss fight against him as Aesir, wherein Loki destroys the Eyes of the World and takes away all of his power.
  • Humiliation Conga: Hoo boy! It wasn't enough for him to get beaten by Bayonetta. Oh no, he had to suffer first. First, Loki uses his power over nothingness to destroy the Eyes of the World and render him powerless. Next, Bayonetta and Balder beat the everloving crap out of him, then summon Omne to drop kick him so hard that his soul is separated from his body. His body is sent flying over the horizon and is eventually eaten alive by Gomorrah, summoned by Jeanne. And as his soul tries to make an escape to another era, Balder absorbs him. Much later, when Balder dies, Loptr dies with him.
  • Hypocrite: Spouts constant lines about The Evils of Free Will and cites the clan wars as an example. The trouble is he instigated the wars in the first place.
  • An Ice Person: Can fire ice shards during battle.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: The symbol on his forehead is different from that on Loki's. This allows Bayonetta to play Spanner in the Works by letting Balder know who his lover's murderer really was. His young self is also seen wearing blue rather than Loki's yellow and orange.
  • It's All About Me: The man is utterly incapable of acknowledging the value of anything that isn't him.
  • Karmic Death: In two ways. The plot of Bayonetta 2 starts with him sabotaging one of Bayonetta's summons and directing the demon Gomorrah to rip her soul out. Instead it gets Jeanne. In the ending of the final boss fight, his physical body is separated from his soul and Gomorrah takes great pleasure in eating it. To add insult to injury, Balder absorbs Loptr so when he dies, Loptr will die with him just like a human.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The game gets much darker when he decides to get up and do something (bar his very humiliating defeat, of course), with Bayonetta being shown that he personally killed Rosa to manipulate Balder into going after Loki.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After being separated from his body, Loptr's soul attempts to escape into another era to be reborn. Balder stops him by absorbing him into his body. When Balder dies at the end of the first game, Loptr dies with him.
  • Lack of Empathy: Loptr cares only for himself. Everything else is no different than an insect as far as he's concerned.
  • Light 'em Up: His primary attacks are light-based, from laser beams, to giant hands, to energy blades.
  • Light Is Not Good: While he isn't specifically aligned with Paradiso (though he does bear the Right Eye for longer than the Left Eye), his attacks include blue beams of light, and he is thoroughly associated with gold.
  • Meaningful Name: Loptr is another name for the Norse god Loki.
  • Mind over Matter: Has powerful telekinesis which he employs in his first fight with Bayonetta, constructing and tossing a large building at her.
  • Mind Rape: Does this to Bayonetta by using the Remembrance of Time to show her how he killed her mother.
  • Mr. Fanservice: He's a disgustingly malevolent being, but in his adult form, he's got quite a Heroic Build.
  • Naked People Are Funny: For most of the game, his near-nudity is both Fanservice and otherworldy, but after his soul gets punched out his body during his Humiliation Conga, Loptr’s body’s pathetic flails as Gomorrah devours him are that much funnier for him being in the buff.
  • No-Sell: Shrugs off all of Bayonetta's demon summons during cutscenes. In battle, he can parry any Wicked Weave unless it's being used during Umbran Climax.
  • Not So Stoic: Has several instances of this in the finale. First there's the Didn't See That Coming instant mentioned above, during the final battle with him as Aesir, he lets out an Evil Laugh on occasion, he lets out a Big "NO!" when Loki destroys the Eyes of the World, and has an Oh, Crap! when Omne drop kicks his body from his soul. And while he is flying through the sky straight toward Gomorrah's waiting maw, he's frantically flailing through the air in a very comical manner.
  • Oh, Crap!: The exact look on his face when Omne drop kicks his body from his soul.
  • Physical God: He's half of one to be precise. The evil half of the god Aesir.
  • Power of the Void: One of his attacks is to create a small void to suck Bayonetta in. Fittingly enough, he also has ice powers to go along with it.
  • Rasputinian Death: Much like Jubileus. He has the Sovereign Power and the Eyes of the World erased from him, takes a beatdown from Bayo and Balder, a hitherto unseen union of power from Inferno and Paradiso is summoned to kick him out, his body is chewed on by Gommorah, and his lingering soul is absorbed into Balder, who himself goes through a Sequential Boss fight in the first game, gets headshotted, ends up crushed under Jubileus's eyelid, and then follows her head through atmospheric reentry. And even then, Loptr's soul still has the strength to try and ditch him.
  • Recurring Boss: Fought three times throughout the game. Four if you count Aesir.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: His ultimate fate: his body destroyed by Gomorrah, and his soul trapped in Balder. Though he manages to corrupt him in order to attempt to make him do the very same thing he once did, Balder manages to keep him inside and die with Loptr.
  • Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains: Yes, really. He wears a see-through cloak, plenty of gold jewelry, a g-string, and nothing else. He might not need any protection, but it does convey an alarming lack of shame.
  • Significant Double Casting: His young self and Loki are both voiced by Mark Daugherty and Junko Minagawa, which becomes significant when it turns out that they're Aesir's Literal Split Personalities.
  • Slasher Smile: In his child form, especially when he kills Rosa.
  • The Sociopath: Cruel, manipulative, remorseless, and extremely arrogant. Everything to him is either an expendable tool or an insect to crush.
  • Space Master:
    • Like Loki, his powers encompass both time and space, but his time powers are more limited compared to Loki's. His powers over space are far more developed, and he uses them in combat through telekinesis (during his fight at the gates to Inferno) and force constructs (through both his hand projections and the meteor creation he uses in his Witch Hunts fight).
    • As Loptr-Aesir, both his time and space powers get some extra oomph, making his red Witch Time-like slowdown move much harder to wiggle out of. His cinematic attacks now exclusively consist of Summon Magic pulling machines from different times and places, including the Ithavoll Kill Sat and Isla Del Sol missiles from Bayonetta, along with an entire space colony. He also brings the fight off of Fimbulventr into a dimensional void located in the upper atmosphere.
  • Terms of Endangerment: His child self in the past initially addresses Bayonetta with "love" like Loki, but once Bayonetta quickly blows his cover, he switches to "my dear" while trying to kill her.
  • Time-Shifted Actor: He is voiced by TJ Ramini and Takumi Yamazaki as an adult and by Mark Daugherty and Junko Minagawa as a young boy.
  • Vapor Wear: A rare male example. The cloak he wears is made of see-through material, but is still dense enough to not fully expose him.
  • Walking Spoiler: His placement in the plot ruins the big reveals of it.
  • You're Insane!: His reaction to Balder attempting to absorb his soul.

    Aesir, God of Chaos
"Human free will is a joke; it is a worthless illusion. You need only obey me."

Ruler of the Realm of Chaos of the Trinity of Realities as well as God of Chaos, he is the creator of the Eyes of the World. First appears in Bayonetta 2.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin is entirely blue, with various traces of gold.
  • Balance of Good and Evil: As the God of Chaos, he oversees this.
  • Cool Plane: He can summon Valkyrie Military Transports to carpet bomb the arena.
  • Energy Ball: Two variations. Large ones he tosses at Bayonetta and smaller ones.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Towers over Bayonetta and the Masked Lumen.
  • Evil Laugh: Does this frequently during the boss fight. It is Loptr controlling him after all.
  • Final Boss: Of the second game. More accurately, he's just Loptr in complete control of his form.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: Unlike the normally dressed Loki or the skimpier Loptr, Aesir wears only jewelery. Given the fact that he’s God and that he has Barbie Doll Anatomy, he has little need for clothing, but it still makes his Celestial Body look all the more intimidating.
  • Giant Hands of Doom: Just like Loptr, he can create projections of his arms to attack.
  • God Is Good: Before splitting into his good and evil halves, he took actions that gave humanity its free will.
  • God of Chaos: As mentioned, he is the god of chaos.
  • God of Evil: Played with. He's not a bad guy per se, but Loptr absorbing the Eyes of the World allows him to reform into Aesir with Loptr in complete control.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: As the creator of the Eyes of the World, he is this to the first game. Except it's subverted. He isn't actually a bad guy, but his evil half steals his name and most of his powers. The Eyes weren't intended to be artifacts of doom, but tools of knowledge.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: In the last leg of the fight, he tries to throw a large particle cannon at Bayonetta, Bayonetta tosses it right back at him, causing massive damage.
  • Kill Sat: After taking more damage, he takes a page from Father Balder's playbook and uses one to nuke the arena, knocking the Masked Lumen out of the fight and forcing Bayonetta to fight him solo. He also uses it in the last leg of the fight.
  • Light 'em Up: Primarily makes use of light-based attacks. Just like Loptr.
  • Light Is Not Good: Played with. Aesir himself is not evil, but his evil half, Loptr, regaining the Eyes of the World allows him to reform into Aesir with Loptr in control.
  • Literal Split Personality: When Aesir split his power into the Eyes of the World, he split his soul into his good and evil halves, Loki and Loptr. By the end of the game, however, Loptr forcibly takes both Eyes and Loki's Sovereign Power, taking over the body of Aesir and becoming the game's Final Boss.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: He can summon a swarm of Gjallarhorn surface-to-air missiles to attack Bayonetta.
  • Physical God: He is the god of chaos and the combined, true form of Loki and Loptr.
  • Portal Network: Uses his control over time to summon various objects from across time and space to fight.
  • Power of the Void: The true power of the God of Chaos is "nothingness", or the ability to erase anything from existence. Loki uses it to outright destroy the Eyes, rendering Loptr-as-Aesir almost powerless.
  • There's No Kill like Overkill: When you try to finish off your opponent by throwing a giant microwave cannon at them, that's beyond overkill.
  • Walking Spoiler: Due to his place in the story, this is inevitable.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: As the deity in charge of the balance between light and darkness.

    Omne, Controller of Creation (SPOILERS
"Adraman, amma ors, avavago!"Translation
- Bayonetta's half of Omne's incantation
"Zedekiel hononol obelisong!" Translation
- Balder's half of Omne's incantation

A mysterious being existing outside of the Trinity of Realities. Though she resembles a fusion of Jubileus and Queen Sheba, she is actually a different being altogether. Summoned by both Bayonetta and young Balder to finish off Loptr.
  • Call-Back: To Queen Sheba from the first game. Both of them look similar, both are the summons used to finish off their respective final bosses, both are team summons between Bayonetta and someone else (Jeanne for Sheba, Balder for Omne), and both of them separate the souls of the targets from their bodies. The latter results in a sequence where the player guides either a soul or body flying in to a target, although in the sequel's case a lot less effort is needed.
  • Diving Kick: Uses a massive drop kick to hit Loptr so hard his body is separated from his soul!
  • Fusion Dance: Subverted. Although it looks like half Jubileus, half Sheba, it's a separate being altogether that looks like them.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: Specifically, one used by the player to finish off the Final Boss.
  • God: An omniscient being called the Controller of Creation, who boasts power on par with Sheba.
  • Outside-Context Problem: Omne exists outside the Trinity of Realities, being formed by uniting the powers of Inferno and Paradiso. It's to the point that while sages and witches are vaguely aware of her existence, none of them had any clue how to even interact with her, let alone summon her forth. Doing so would required Crossing The Streams between light and darkness with a familial bond, something ABSOLUTELY impossible due to the tenets of faith banning unions of Witches and Sages.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: The most extreme example yet in the series.
  • Walking Spoiler: Comes completely out of nowhere to beat the already spoilery final boss of the second game.
  • Wink "Ding!": Right after she's summoned, she winks with both the sound and a cute little heart accompanying the beating.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Is the result of being summoned by the power of Paradiso and Inferno together.
