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Characters / Albus Potter Series

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This is the character sheet for the Albus Potter Series. Most characters from the original book series are mostly the same as they were, so they probably don't need to be added here.

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     Albus Potter 
The middle child of Harry Potter, Albus was the first in his family to be sorted into Slytherin.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Is shunned by many students due to being in Slytherin and considered by some to be the "bad apple" of the Potter family.
  • The Chessmaster: Seems to be growing into the role like his namesake. The problem is he tends to try and do this to people far smarter or more informed than he is.
  • Dead Guy Junior: To the point that he has some traits of all 3 of his namesakes.
    • Like Snape, he is a Slytherin who is a potions prodigy
    • Like Dumbledore, he likes to be secretive and plan. He also fights with a Dark Wizard over control of a extremely powerful wand.
  • I Work Alone: A lot of the messes he gets into is because he tends to try and do things on his own. They almost never work out the way he hopes.
    • His father calls him out on this in Book 6, noting that he had Ron and Hermione to help him and keep him in check. Albus on the other hands, while he has Scorpius and Morrison plans to leave them behind.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Much like his dad, Albus can be a real jerk sometimes, but his heart is usually in the right place.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Just like his dad, Albus usually winds up uncovering a magical mystery of some sort.
  • The Unfavorite: Worries about himself being this to the rest of his family. He isn't.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: The Dragonfang Wand injected hundreds of souls into his body. These souls don't know the meaning of collateral damage.

     Scorpius Malfoy 
Albus's best friend and a fellow Slytherin. Scorpius seeks to restore honor to the Malfoy family name, as it was tarnished after the defeat of Voldemort.

  • The Atoner: Sort of. He carries the burden of improving his family's reputation after their past misdeeds.
  • Heroic BSoD: After Lucius Malfoy dies. he has a complete breakdown that leaves him in a quasi-catatonic state
  • Love Hurts: Liked Rose since his first year. Doesn't make any attempt to be with her until his fourth year. In his fifth year he attempted to get her boyfriend to break up with her, failed and was caught doing so.
  • Shorter Means Smarter: The smallest guy out of Albus's friends and the smartest.
  • Take a Third Option: Between the girl he likes and the girl he was just with so he wasn't alone. He choose neither.

     Morrison Vincent 
Al's other best friend and the first major OC introduced in the story. Though a pureblood, he never knew about Hogwarts as he spent much of his childhood in America before turning 11.

  • Big Eater: Most of the time, Morrison can be found eating, trying to find something to eat, or thinking about eating.
  • The Heart: It's up in the air between who is more emotional between Morrison and Albus, but Morrison is the one of the trio who is the most open about what he feels.
  • Inept Mage: Not one for schoolwork, and decided to become the next Groundskeeper at Hogwarts because he had no real ambition to do anything else.
    • Averted when it comes to Apparating. He was the first to manage apparation and put it to effective use very quickly: During a Dark Alliance raid on the Hogwarts Express, Morrison used his tall stature to pick up children, Apparate to saftey and return to get more.
  • Nice Guy: Counterbalances his two cynical, sarcastic best friends by being an easygoing, good-natured guy who most people find it easy to get along with.

     Mirra Tunnels 
Essentially the female lead of the story. She's from Gryffindor and Rose's best friend.

     Rose Weasley 
Ron and Hermione's daughter.

  • Demoted to Extra: Does not have a significant role in the last two books after Scorpius gives up on her

     James Sirius Potter 
Albus's older brother by two years and a member of Gryffindor.

  • Class Representative: Becomes Prefect in the Third book. Gives up his badge at the end of the year after realizing he let power go to his head (and deciding he prefers being a troublemaker).

     Charles Eckley 
A Gryffindor in Albus's year, and one of his main rivals.

  • Expy: In many ways, he is similar to Cormac McLaggen, a Jerk Jock Gryffindor from Harry's days at Hogwarts. unlike McLaggen, he grows out of it.
  • Break the Haughty: After saving his life during the Battle of Hogsmeade, Eckley for the most part lets go of his unnecessary animosity towards Albus, and the Slytherins in general. While none involved are friends, Albus and Eckley have grown out of their outright hostility.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite his dislike of Albus and other Slytherins, he does seem to genuinely care about Rose and Mirra.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: As a Prefect, stops his WAR-supporting fellow Gryffindors from picking on the younger Weasley cousins.

     Headmaster Reginald Ares 
The relatively new Headmaster of Hogwarts who took over after McGonagall retired. Very mysterious and a former Auror and the Big Bad of the series.

  • Big Bad: Turns out that he's not.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Justified, as his Motive Rant is also intended to talk himself into killing Albus, which was not part of his plans and something he regrets having to do.
  • Deceptive Disciple: Was once Harry's apprentice Auror and eventual partner, but always had other plans.
  • Death Equals Redemption: When he speaks with Albus through the Foulest Book, he is regretful over the consequences of finding Darvy and helps Albus out the best he can
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He may have been the Disc-One Final Boss, but he really did love his brother. Even as Darvy undermined him at every turn, causing all kinds of hell and generally being a counterproductive ass, Ares kept him around because he was the only family he had left.
  • In the seventh book, via the Foulest Book, he is much more of a straightforward Mentor and provides Albus with valuable information
  • Red Baron: "Red War" was what the press dubbed him during his Auror days.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He wants to reform the Wizarding World to put an end to all forms of crimes.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Subverted. It's implied that while he takes a significant amount of blood from James he does his best to give the kid a chance to survive. A year later when he has Albus at wandpoint and needs to murder him to obtain full control over the Dragonfang Wand, he has to give a lengthy Motive Rant to talk himself into doing the deed, which goes on long enough for Harry and Ron to show up to interfere with his plans.

     Professor Sebastian Darvy 
The new Potions Professor, head of Slytherin House, and Albus's favorite Teacher. However, in reality he is Ares's brother and Second-In-Command, until he killed his him for the Dragonfang Wand, taking control for himself.

  • Necromancer: Thanks to the Dragonfang Wand, his weak magic abilities are enhanced, allowing him to summon an army of undead monsters.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: At the end of the day, Darvy is this. His entire motivation in helping Ares was because he wanted power and recognition, even though he resented his brother for having a better life. He wanted the respect he felt he deserved from life but when he saw his position as Ares "potion maker", he decided if he couldn't get respect he would instead have obedience. He completely ignored or downplayed the fact that as a professor that many students loved, he had the respect he wanted.
  • Reformed, but Rejected: Subverted, he was a beloved Potions teacher and could've retained that position indefinitely as (unbeknownst to anyone but his brother) a Retired Monster, but rejects it himself as he feels he isn't getting the respect he deserves
  • Villainous Breakdown: Near the end of the book after Albus refuses to kill him he completely loses it

     Professor Sancticus Fairhart 
The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for Albus's 3rd year. He is a powerful Auror and a friend of Harry's.

  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: In the backstory, was a very committed WAR agent before becoming disgusted at their methods. Subverted in the time that Albus knows him: while his actual motives and allegiances never really change, Albus shifts multiple times between between disliking and admiring him, before eventually forming a true friendship with him in book 6.
  • Multiple-Choice Past: He gives a different story on how he got his scars every time someone asks, ranging from an accident with fire to trying to curse pimples off. In truth, they're from Fango Wilde.
  • Mysterious Past: We know even less about his past than we do about Ares.
    • We never learn the full details, but it seems to involve some sort of Love Triangle between him, Samantha, and Fango Wilde, with claims of an abusive relationship thrown in

     Professor Ida Blackwood 
The Potions Professor who replaces Darvy in book 4 and a member of Wands And Redemption, a Renegade Wizard group.

  • Morality Pet: Albus becomes this to her after Fairhart tampers with her mind at her own request. Fairhart made it so that she must protect Albus and when thinking of Albus, she thinks of Fairhart.
    • Any child growing up without a parent. In a one-shot, it is shown that she spares Draco Malfoy because he has a young son, likely because she didn't want Scorpius to have to endure the traumas she did
  • Revenge by Proxy: Lucius Malfoy was one of the Death Eaters who killed her parents, so she takes it out on Scorpius by giving him failing grades for any less-than-perfect work.

     Warren Waddlesworth 
The leader of Wands And Redemption, or WAR for short.
  • Knight Templar: Warren fully believes that he is fighting for a better world, and that anyone who opposes him is keeping that better world from coming to fruition.
  • Non-Action Guy: Averted in the final battle, he even lampshades it only for him to die shortly after.

     Fango Wilde 
A former employee of the Ministry who leaked information to Ares and Darvy.

  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: Without even getting into his backstory, he's true believer in Ares' goal and one of his most loyal fighters, when Darvy takes over he attempts to sell the psychopath out to WAR. When Fairhart and Albus rescue him from Azkaban in Book 6, he sends Fairhart to his death, but:
  • Heel–Face Turn: In Book 7 he helps Albus destroy the Book and leaves without any protest
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: What he really wants is still a mystery.
  • The Un-Twist: The full nature of his and Fairhart's fight is never revealed
