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Characters / Academy Of Villains

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Character page for Academy Of Villains.

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Academy Students


Salazar Lucia

  • Defiant to the End: After being captured, chained, and having a knife brought to his throat, he still didn't stop throwing insults at his captor, even after being tortured.
  • Technopath : His ability that he rarely uses, Salazar has shown the ability to manipulate technology within certain dimensions whereas he is the epicenter. For instance, after being purposefully captured by Anastasia.
  • Teen Genius: Salazar is a tactical and mathematical genius, capable of calculating odds to such a degree he can use it in combat to see the most likely moves of his opponent before they even know what they are doing.
  • Torture Is Ineffective: Want to force Sal to comply for torture? Expect many tongue lashings.



Rachel Gimik

  • Ax-Crazy: About as sane as stones are high tech, her favorite pastimes are divebombing everyone she meets, killing, torturing, breaking limbs, and sex.
  • The Brute: Strong as hell, durable as hell, evil as hell. She would even enjoy crushing puppies, no lie.
  • Combat Sadomasochist: Nothing is more enjoyable to Rachel than a long fight to the death. She takes large munitions for fun, and delights in torture.
  • Cute and Psycho: Quite attractive, possibly even adorable, until she starts breaking necks because she got bored.
  • Driven to Madness: Having your boyfriend brutally beaten in front of you for no apparent reason does things to a person's sanity.
  • Dumb Muscle: Can survive taking enough armaments to destroy a large building to the face without any major wounds. Can't understand simple questions.
  • Hemo Erotic: When torturing a guy, she ripped off his kneecap and licked it.
  • Kill All Humans: She really enjoys killing, and doesn't believe that humans are good in any way. Thus, she tries to exterminate humanity.
  • Lust : She enjoys sex almost as much as she enjoys snapping limbs.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: One of the oldest students at 18, acts 4, and has more than a couple of screws loose.
