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Characters / A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story

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Characters of A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story

    BLU Team 

In General

  • A-Team Firing: Zig-Zagged. In most situations, they're pretty awful (Soldier and Demo being unable to kill a group of tightly-packed RED Scouts), but in others, their aim is good enough to win the day.
  • Blue Is Heroic: They're on BLU Team and are the heroes.
  • Nice Guy: They're all pretty nice and fun-loving.
  • Rag Tag Bunch Of Misfits: They're pretty informal and casual, compared to the rather uniform RED Team.
  • Took a Level in Badass: At the start, they were all pretty cowardly and in the Quick Time Event failures, they are downright pathetic in combat. However, as the story progresses, they become more competent until they're a match for the Clan Stackers.


  • Guile Hero: He's not very effective in direct combat, but he uses his wits and skillful usage of airblasts to win when it counts.
  • Last of His Kind: The BLU Pyro is the only surviving member of his former team—the rest were slaughtered by the Clan Stackers.
  • Not Afraid of You Anymore: In the finale, as the RED Soldier has them cornered and about to finish them off, Pyro rushes out declaring he's tired of running, and engages the Soldier, courageously reflecting his rockets, and inspiring the rest of the team to action.


  • A Father to His Men: Is a competent leader and in the end he performs a Heroic Sacrifice to save them.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: After the final boss battle, Soldier temporarily comes back from the dead to give a final farewell to Pyro, and to ask him to stay with the BLU team.
  • The Leader: A type III example for the Granary BLU team.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: The BLU Soldier is killed when he runs in front of the RED Soldier's critical rocket, which was headed to the surviving BLU team members.
  • Rousing Speech: He's not bad at these. His speech to Pyro before the battle with Monopoly Pyro is what gives Pyro the courage to face the RED Soldier head on in the finale.
  • Taking the Bullet: Critical Rocket, actually, but it still counts.


The Badwater Brigade

  • The Cavalry: They serve as crucial reinforcements for the BLU team in the finale.
  • The Worf Effect: They all get wiped out by the RED Soldier, despite earlier proving themselves capable against his Mooks.

    RED Team (The Clan Stackers) 

In General:

  • Mooks: Those who aren't named tend to drop rather easily. At least if the viewer does the Quick-Time events.
  • Sorting Algorithm of Evil: The difficulty in foes ramps up as the story progresses. Early on, a scout rush is relatively easily held off by the BLU team, but later they deal with the fearsome Octo-Heavy and Monopoly Pyro.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Quite a few of them are rather dim. It's most promiment during the Metal Gear Spy Path, where several of them easily believe the BLU Spy's misdirections.


  • Bad Boss: Zig-Zagged. He seems pleasant enough to his team when they're winning, saying they deserve medals, but doesn't tolerate failure. See You Have Failed Me below.
  • Big Bad: He's the leader of the Clan Stackers.
  • Damage-Sponge Boss: It takes a rather ludicrous amount of damage to finally do him in.
  • Final Boss: He's the final foe that fights BLU team.
  • My Rules Are Not Your Rules: The guy takes about three or four stickybombs and a Sentry Gun air juggle and still manages to remain alive, and in the last possible failure sequence, he kills the whole team with a non-critical rocket when they're fairly spread out. That's gotta be hacking.
  • You Have Failed Me: When one of his Scouts reports back that they've been repelled by the BLU team, the RED Soldier tricks him into turning around and then shoots him in the back.

MC Spammer and Justin Beaver

  • Crippling Overspecialization: They lost to an Engineer with no Sentry set up when their shield generator was destroyed. Both Scouts and Demomen would have an advantage in that situation, but clearly those two had been relying too much on their mind tricks.
  • Deflector Shields: The BLU Engineer trying to shoot them reveals they are protected by an impenetrable force field emitted by one of the dispensers. Destroying the right one is key to defeating them.
  • Puzzle Boss: Since the Engineer can't beat them normally, he has to figure out a solution.
  • Shout-Out: To MC Hammer and Justin Bieber. Arguably a Take That!.
  • Take That!: In addition to the above, they're also a Take That! to mic spammers.


  • Damage-Sponge Boss: He's this for his boss battle, and outside of the RED Soldier his fight requires the most quick-time events to eliminate his sizable Medic escort.
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: Used to be one of BLU Pyro's original teammates, but after being revived by RED, he joined them and tries to kill the heroes.

Monopoly Pyro
