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Awesome Music / Spark the Electric Jester

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The soundtracks of both games are chock full of awesome songs with varying styles and tones, made by the team returning from the Sonic fangame duology LakeFeperd created before. Musicians Falk Au Yeong, Pejman Roozbeh, Andy Tunstall, James Landino, Paul Bethers, and Michael Staple all contributed their talents to make two soundtracks ranging from bouncy synths, rocking vocals, and even orchestral tracks that help complete the stages and their environments.

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From Spark the Electric Jester:

  • The main theme composed by Falk Au Yeong. Adventurous and electronic, it captures the sci-fi adventure vibe Spark's world holds, immediately giving the player a taste of the game right on the opening screen. The second part returns for the Vs. Fark theme as a Boss Remix.
  • The Special Boss theme present in the special Freom Virus bosses Fark faces in his campaign starts out as a hard, dark rock track which is good in its own right, but it shines when the boss' health is at half or lower. Vocals by Andy Tunstall kick in, giving an insider look to Fark's current inferiority complex dilemma going on in his head.

From Spark the Electric Jester 2:

  • The Special Boss theme by Andy Tunstall that takes over in Double's boss fight and beyond. Once again, like the previous vocal boss track before it, it starts off as a rocking instrumental with hard guitar riffs and synths. Once the boss is down to half health, the vocals begin, providing another look at Fark's thoughts once he discovers he is Freom's son.
  • The Ultimate Final Boss rock remix that was introduced in the 1.3 update immediately starts with the vocals, kicking the fight into high gear already. The lyrics still carry the confusion and uncertainty present in Fark's other vocal tracks, yet also contain a sense of determination that he'll finally find what he longs for. As the song puts it, "Somebody said my free will is a lie, now I know it's not too late!"
