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Awesome Music / One Piece

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"Gather up all of the crew,
It's time to ship out Bink's Brew..."

As should be expected, an epic series like One Piece deserves an epic soundtrack.

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  • Opening 6, "Brand New World" is possibly the best opening, as one of the few that shows exciting scenes from the current arc.
  • “Hope”. This song is also sung by Namie Amuro and is considered by many to be one of the best openings in the New World era.
  • "Super Powers" by V6. An energetic piece guaranteed to pump you up for the coming episode.
  • "Over The Top". Now the fourth opening song sung by mainstay Hiroshi Kitadani, this may be his finest work on the series since "We Are!". Better yet, an instrumental version of it is played during Luffy's fight with Kaidou!
  • "UUUUUS!" For Hiroshi Kitadani's fifth opening, he brings out all the stops on this grandiose song accompanied by splendid animation, signifying the beginning of the end.
  • Say what you want about the 4Kids Entertainment version of the series, but it's hard not to love the rap theme. YA-YO! Years later, the original rapper came back and did an extended version featuring verses for the later additions to the Straw Hat crew.

  • Both versions of the eighth movie song "Compass". So pretty...
  • The Movie 10 ending theme, "fanfare", is just plain epic. Unfortunately, due to legal reasons, it couldn't make it into Funimation's release.
  • The 11th movie, Straw Hat Chase, has "Break into the Light" by the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra.
  • "Ready!" from Folder5. The song's so good it was the main focus of one of the shorts, Jango's Dance Carnival.
  • In building up for Film Red, the announcement of seven different tie-in songs for the movie was made, all featuring the vocals of Ado (Uta's singing voice) alongside seven prolific musicians from Japan, which would all be released weekly up to the release of the movie. "New Genesis", the song featured in the film's official trailer, and the in-universe song that put Uta on the map, features an intense and energetic tune co-produced by Yasutaka Nakata of Capsule fame.

  • All of the Straw Hats' themes are awesome, and fit them to a T. Sanji's is jazzy and suave, Robin's is sexy, classy and elegant, Usopp's is fast-paced and upbeat, Nami's is cute and mischievous, Zoro's is dark and serious, Franky's is triumphant and awesome (So awesome it was even used before Franky was introduced), Brook's starts off creepy, then becomes goofy and happy, mirroring people's reactions to him (At first they're scared, then realize that Brook is a Nice Guy), Luffy's is adventurous, and Chopper's is cute and happy, curious even.
  • "Karakuri Defense System, Activate" is a very foreboding track that usually precedes the appearance of an enemy stronghold or a huge threat bursting onto the scene. Most notably, it's used to introduce Enies Lobby headquarters and showcase the moment when Blackbeard reveals he can use two Devil Fruit powers simultaneously.
  • "Karakuri Castle, Transform" is arguably one of the most intense, fast-paced fight themes in any show, and especially by anime's standards. Played often through the series, KCT makes any scene that much more thrilling.
  • "Overtaken" makes any scene in which it's played instantly better, because it's usually when the Straw Hats have decided that, no matter how much punishment they've taken already, no matter how hopeless the situation has become, no matter how powerful the Big Bad is, these guys will not back down, they will not surrender, they will pull out all the stops and won't quit until they're dead or have put the villains in their place. If "Overtaken" has come on, you know the Mugiwara/Straw Hat Pirates have just officially declared that SOMEONE is about to get their shit DESTROYED.
  • The second part from The World's Number One Oden Store is an amazingly beautiful track, and does a great job of getting across the great things that tend to happen in One Piece flashbacks (Saul's betrayal of the marines and Roger/Rayleigh's first meetings stand out).
  • Karakuri Defense System, Deploy is the kind of theme that makes any dramatic scene twice as intense. Usually played whenever the bad guy has the upper hand in a fight, or when there's impending doom.
  • The song that plays in various flashbacks (such as the barkeep's reminiscence of Gold Roger) is particularly great, providing a trailer-esque quality to the flashbacks, and sounding great on its own.
  • Luffy versus Rachet Round 1 and Luffy versus Ratchet Round 2 from Movie 7. Mostly Round 2; when that plays, you KNOW something big is about to happen.
  • Mother Sea is Tearjerker and Heartwarming put into musical form.
  • Z adds a number of impressive action soundtracks to the series's music collection, such as "Z vs. the Straw Hat Pirates", "Fierce Battle" - a medley of battle music for the Monster Trio, and "A Grand Battle". It also contains the heroic "Now Onward to the Island of the Final Battle! and the melancholy sailors' hymn "Ocean Guide". Of course, there's other awesome tracks that deserve mention. Robin's Dance is a catchy, oriental music played during, well, Robin's dance; ZEAL, the opening theme of the movie, and Z's Tragedy, a dark and sad theme that fittingly plays when Garp reveals Z's Dark and Troubled Past.
  • The New Animal King. A triumphant-sounding tune, fitting for big moments (Vivi's introduction during her coming of age speech) and after big victories (Luffy vs Lucci).
  • The Marine Swordsman's Battle Cry. Serious music for serious moments, perfect for setting up big events (like Shanks' meeting with Whitebeard).
  • Musshuru vs Luffy - Conclusion is intense and triumphant, usually played when there's a big finishing move.
  • The Straw Hats Counterattack is lauded as one of the greatest tracks in the series by a lot of fans, mainly due to one key moment it's played: when Shanks appears to stop the Marineford War.
  • A yet unreleased track has been played a few times in the Dressrosa Arc, essentially solidifying itself as Doflamingo's leitmotif. It's a sinister, chilling theme that fits the character incredibly well.
  • The Time of Promise has joined Mother Sea as one of the most heart-wrenching tracks in the series, and is used beautifully during tragic or emotional moments.
  • The Very, Very, Very Strongest, which plays when Luffy takes down 50,000 New Fishmen Pirates with one burst of Conqueror's Haki.
  • To Victory, which plays when Usopp stands up against Perona on Thriller Bark, and again when the Thousand Sunny's Gaon Cannon is first used.
  • The New World soundtrack features some amazing pieces used in the Dressrosa arc. Dressrosa is an upbeat Spanish guitar piece that does an excellent job of setting the mood for the new arc's setting and Dressrosa's Hidden Secrets is a Ghibli-esque piano piece that gives any scene it's played in a haunting beauty.
  • The theme for Gear Fourth is a standout for a Theme Music Power-Up.
  • Guardian of Alabasta is easily one of the single most intense pieces in the series. It debuted in Episode of Alabasta when Pell sacrifices himself, but it's best known for its use during the Marineford Arc when Luffy launches his attack against the three Admirals.
  • Film Gold has a number of excellent pieces, including the swingtastic Gold & Jive, the badass and intense Daigyakuten, Kyukyoku no Entertainment, or Sakusenkaigi.

    Character Singles 
  • At the count of Jango, you will listen to this beat. 1, 2, Jango!

    Other Music from Anime 
  • Rather than just dubbing "We Are" into German, they made an entirely original song for the show's first opening in Germany. The result? Die Legende.
  • The Italian dub's opening is really catchy from the beginning!
  • The "Soul King's" final song, New World! So kickass that his fans jumped to hold back a force of invading Marines just so they could listen to it. Here's the full version. And now the long-awaited English version by Ian Sinclair is just as awesome.
  • This English cover of "Share the World" is just like how Funimation would handle it if they were still dubbing the theme songs.
  • Big Mom's introductory Villain Song, "Bloody Party", is just as cheerful and violent as it sounds.
  • Zoom Zoom, Queen and Scratchmen Apoo's song for the Golden Festival. The Awesome Art that came with Wano's Art Shift helps makes this song even better.
  • Gear 5's Heartbeat Soundtrack as heard in the anime, first in this teaser before making its full debut in episode 1070, is precisely as joyous, uplifting, powerful, and ridiculous as the manga implied.

    One Piece (2023) Live Action 
Composed by Sonya Belousova, Giona Ostinelli, Marcin and others, it remixes some tracks from the anime soundtrack.

  • 01. "Wealth, Fame, Power" begins with a dark and mighty remix of Gol D. Roger's theme, but then transitions to Luffy's theme as a symbolic meaning of one's end being another's beginning.
  • 02. "My Sails Are Set", sung by Aurora, is a lyrical piece that culminates Nami's storyline in the East Blue Saga.
  • 14. "The World's Great Swordsman or Woman", Rorona Zoro's theme, is a Japanese-sounding piece. It gets remixed into "Wado Ichimonji", reflecting his childhood, and "Ronorona Zoro", which gradually builds up its suspense before erupting into an epic piece.
  • 16. "I'm Gonna Be King of the Pirates / We Are!", Luffy's theme mixed with "Overtaken" and "We Are", capturing the spirit of the series.
  • 22. "Dracule Mihawk", a majestic piece that befits one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, sounding like something out of Bleach and Zorro with its Mexican riffs. It gets combined Zoro's theme to produce two epic pieces: "Zoro Vs Mihawk" and "Wounds on the Back Are a Swordsman's Greatest Shame", both being duels much the scenes they were played in.
  • 27. "Nami": It begins cold and drap, hinting to her Dark and Tragic Past, before transiting to an upbeat and jazzy tune that alludes to her moniker "Cat Burglar Nami".
  • 36. "The Real Adventures of Captain Usopp", Usopp's theme, opens up epic-sounding to reflect his bravado as a liar before winding down into a calmer yet full piece that perfectly shows his personality as someone timid yet willing to face his fears to stand by his friends.
  • 47. "Buggy the Clown" is mix of dark-sounding suspense and circus whimsy, a Dark Reprise of "Buggy's Horror Dai Circus" that befits him and his crew.
  • 65. "Who's Hungry", the Arlong Pirates' theme, is a suspenseful jazz piece. It gets remixed into "Bang" (Rap vocals by Flawless Real Talk) and "Welcome Arlong Park".

    One Piece video games 

One Piece Grand Battle!

  • Choose Your Character!, though repetitive, has a surprisingly good keyboard solo around 0:56 in.
  • Paradise of the Fish People, a catchy Arlong Park theme that will be stuck in your mind. Many people declared this song as "the best theme in the whole game".
  • Fate, an intense track for the final battle in Event Battle mode.

One Piece Grand Battle! 2

  • Select Now!, a character select theme that sounds more upbeat and hopeful than its first game counterpart.
  • Country de Fosha, the cheerful and catchy theme for Fusha Village (Luffy's homeland).
  • Hill Road with a Sea Breeze, a theme for Syrup Village (Usopp's homeland). Based on this progressive tune alone, you know that the composer improved a lot compared to the previous installment.
  • Holiday in the Park, a theme for Arlong Park in the second Grand Battle game. While it sounds completely different from its first game counterpart, it is still a good song.

    Other One Piece music 
  • Future Island, the song celebrating the release of Chapter 1096, the start of the Future Island or Egghead Arc. Done in collaboration with hololive's Calliope Mori, it's an upbeat jpop tune featuring Mori's excellent vocals and rapping. The collaboration with Mori, a vtuber, also goes well with the "future" theme of the arc.
