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Awesome / Yakuza

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I’m not holding back… If you want to die, come at me!
  • The Tojo Funeral Escape. Framed for attempting to kill Kazama, Kiryu has to fight his way past the entire Shimano Family to get out. It's the first mob battle in the game, and it perfectly sets the tone for just how much of a badass Kiryu truly is.
  • The added cutscene in Kiwami showing Nishiki finally Jumping Off the Slippery Slope. Matsushige finally gets on Nishiki's last nerve by grumbling that, even though Kiryu killed Dojima, he'd rather work under him while Nishiki is mourning the death of his sister. Nishiki stands and drives his knife into Matsushige's stomach, twisting it for good measure, and tells Matsushige that it was him that killed Dojima, not Kiryu. He then pulls his knife out and Matsushige's blood splatters him from head to toe, Nishiki tosses the knife to the side and looks down at his bloody hands...and then slicks his hair back with it. Never has an Expository Hairstyle Change been so hardcore.
  • The flashback sequence of Kazama/Fuma rescuing Kiryu from Lau Ka Long. The man proves not only is he a Parental Substitute to Kiryu, but he's a Papa Wolf as well, storming in guns blazing.
  • The climactic showdown between the Shimano Family and the Kazama Family. Bonus points for the Japanese version of Kiwami using a lyrical version of Receive You as the stage theme.
    • If you persevered and completed Majima Everywhere before the fight (unlocking Majima's Demonfire Dagger in the process) and finish Shimano off with it, then it becomes downright poetic and cathartic to cut the bastard down with the very weapon Majima's eye was sliced off with, on top of avenging Majima's and Makoto's suffering in the process.
  • Kiryu's crowning himself the fourth chairman of the Tojo Clan to stop Jingu's plans. All this occurring when the Tojo was heading to a downhill spiral of ruin throughout the game.
    • This actually extends to later games too: Despite Kiryu stepping down by the first game's ending, his reputation stuck, to the point where he's revered as a legend!
