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Awesome / World Domination in Retrospect

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Note: Spoilers are unmarked

  • As revenge for Venus beating him in a fight, Gecko spends a little bit of time preparing, then baits as many heroes and military as he can to Memphis, and subsequently gasses the entire city with a hallucinogen. The ensuing riot gives us the first look at just how dangerous Gecko can be when he puts his mind to it.
  • Gecko's final confrontation with Shieldwall. All of it.
    • The battle began with Gecko firing a giant heat laser into Empyreal City from atop the Empire State Building, causing huge amounts of destruction.
    • Honky Tonk Hero attempted to fly up to Gecko and stop the laser at the source, only for Gecko to forcibly turn him insubstantial using a device stolen from Dame in the previous chapter.
    • Mecha-Human Sloth carried most of Shieldwall up the side of the side of the building, only for Gecko to kill him again by setting his nanites to 'grey goo.'
    • Gecko, Moai and Carl then disabled the heroes present until Gecko had a flashback, distracting him from reality and costing him the structural integrity of his neck.
    • With Moai and Carl no longer present and Gecko helpless, the heroes have a long discussion on whether or not to kill him. A discussion that Moai and Carl were broadcasting to at least one news channel.
    • Gecko uses the bypass he installed previously to move despite his broken neck and turn on Dame's bangle, turning him into an energy being whose size and power are fueled by his power core.
    • He uses his increased strength to beat away the heroes who are still an issue, then breaks the Empire State Building down to its foundations, then phasing into the sewers and escaping.
  • Gecko's fight with a Spinetingler-controlled Captain Lightning. Captain Lightning starts the fight by blowing up Gecko's sonic tank and proceeds to ignore everything Gecko throws at him. Out of other options, Gecko stalls for time with a withering "The Reason You Suck" Speech, cuts open his chest, and shoves his power core down Captain Lightning's throat.
  • How Gecko deals with Oligarch. Oligarch is one of the most famous supervillains around, and has put himself in charge of a group who asserted control over Empyreal City with very little effort. When Gecko decides he's a threat, all he does is use the rogue Buzzkills to lure him into the field, sic the heroes on him, then invisibly walk up to him, poke his power armor and persuade it that it would like to blow up right about now, killing a notorious supervillain with less fanfare than he's dealt with some muggers.
  • In The Trial, Gecko is put on trial for, among other things, saving the world by blowing up an entire race of aliens that were in the process of invading. Rather than submit to the normal course of justice on the basis that it would screw him over as hard as a hooker on commission, Gecko decides to fire off a Chekhov's Gun that he loaded several years ago and takes control of Long Life's nanites. He disintegrates the judges, assumes control over almost everyone in the courtroom, and uses their cameras to declare to Planet Earth that he is now its ruler.
  • After ruling Earth for some time, Gecko is contacted by Venus and is given an ultimatum to step down, or the Master Academy will unleash something that they are certain will take him down. Gecko's response, based on his track record thus far and his access to a Humongous Mecha, is Bring It. In response, Venus releases the Master Academy's plan. What is it? A digital copy of Gecko himself, in a completed version of the same Humongous Mecha.
  • Gecko fights and kills Cthulhu. That is all.
