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Awesome / With Confidence

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  • In the very first chapter, Izuku calmly rips into his teacher by reminding the man that he just revealed Izuku's confidential information to the entire class. While the man is initially unconcerned because the principal won't do anything, Izuku threatens to take it to the school board and reveals that he knows one of his classmates already recorded and posted the event.
  • The following chapter features Izuku tearing down all of his classmates as to why none of them have a prayer of being heroes. A couple of his bullies are almost reduced to tears when he explains in detail why they don't deserve to be heroes.
  • When sent to the principal's office, Izuku uses a Brandishment Bluff to make the official think Izuku has loads of evidence of the faculty breaking the Anti Quirkless Discrimination Law, causing the man to agree to wipe Izuku's permanent record clean. When the principal tries to insist Izuku's blackmailing him, Izuku replies it's only blackmail if the principal knew what he was doing was wrong.
  • Izuku shuts down Bakugo's attempt to bully him by acting as though he really was going to kill himself, stating he'd leave a recording of Bakugo's Suicide Dare with his suicide note and force Bakugo to explain to Izuku's mother exactly why the boy killed himself. Then he instantly stops Bakugo's attempted explosion by slapping an ice pack on the boy's hand, evaporating all his sweat.
  • When Izuku tries to bring up how much power he has over All Might now that he knows about the hero's injury and secret identity, All Might gives him a Slasher Smile and warns him that no one will ever believe him. Izuku actually laughs as he admits the man is right.
  • Izuku's attempt to save Bakugo from the Sludge Villain is far more successful than canon, taking out the villain's eye with an improvised slingshot and dragging Bakugo away before he can recover.
  • After the Sludge Villain is recaptured, Izuku responds to Death Arms attempt to chew him out by ripping the Pro Hero a new one over the fact he didn't even try to help. The conversation ends up spawning two different memes as a result. Then Mitsuki arrives to tear into Death Arms herself.
  • When Hada Shiro decides to leave red Spider Lilies and a newspaper clipping of a quirkless girl committing suicide on Izuku's desk, Izuku slams them onto Hada's desk with enough force to dent it, scaring the daylights out of the other boy. Notably, even before Izuku does so, the other members of his homeroom are described as "looking like survivors of a horror movie who realized the danger hasn't passed yet".
  • To punish Hada Shiro, Izuku spends weeks collecting proof of Hada's extremely prejudiced views that he spouts online before sending an email to Shiketsu, where the boy hopes to go to become a hero, along every other hero school in Japan about it. Every one of them preemptively bans the teenager from taking their exams, followed by many regular high schools as well. Though Nezu steps in and recommends a few regular schools take him to prevent the boy from possibly becoming a villain later on. Though Izuku never says a thing to him, Hada immediately realizes it was his doing.
  • In her backstory, after Inko's little brother was Driven to Suicide, she spotted another young boy being beaten in the hallways. She doesn't remember what happened next, just that she came to her senses in the principal's office with her knuckles swollen and bloody. And that was just the start of her career as a Bully Hunter:
    • A group of girls trying to forcibly cut off another's hair with dull scissors? Inko rips out their hair in turn.
    • When Inko found three girls shoving Mitsuki's head into a toilet, she responded by dragging one over to the sink and filling her mouth with soap and threatening to rip another's wings right off her back.
    • Finally, by chance Inko comes across a boy molesting his girlfriend against her will. The next thing said boy knows, Inko is pinning him to the wall by his throat and has ripped out two of his teeth with her quirk.
      Inko: I’ve taken two of your teeth and left you with thirty. Not because you deserve them but to help you understand and remind you. You didn’t like it when I took something of yours without your consent, did you? Imagine how your girlfriend felt. So this first tooth? It’s hers now. If she wants to give it back, that’s her decision. The other one, though? It’s mine forever. So that I know there will at least be one gap in your mouth to remind you that if I ever catch you doing anything like this again, I’ll take them all. One. By. One. As slowly as I want. Please reflect on your actions.
    • Everyone in Inko's high school learned very quickly that bullying wouldn't be tolerated. No matter how sneaky they were, Inko would find out and she would make them pay.
  • After months of Izuku's principal dodging her, Inko finally forces him into a meeting where she reveals she knows full well that he's been covering up her son being abused. And while she doesn't want to take things to court, she's fully prepared to sue the school for their actions. Eventually, she forces him to write her up a check for all the money she spent replacing Izuku's school supplies due to said abuse so Aldera can avoid a lawsuit. Then she leaves... without revealing that the Bakugo family are also filing a lawsuit against the school.
  • Izuku takes the entrance exam without One For All and manages to rack up a decent score all on his own. And when Iida was worried it'd take him and Izuku working together to free Ochako from a slab of concrete, Izuku picked up the whole thing and hurled it at the Zero Pointer. It did absolutely nothing, but points for effort.
  • To stop the Zero Pointer, Izuku performs a Colossus Climb to reach the access panel with the shutoff switch. His actions are so ballsy that Midnight screams in frustration when the test ends just before he can pull the switch and she demands he get credit for it.
