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Awesome / The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!

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*insert Bad here*
  • The Super Show's crowning moment has to be in King Mario of Cramalot, where Mario obtains Excalibur (which in this series is a plumber's snake), causing him to go into Super Mode. He then gets into a sword fight with Koopa, who is wielding the Golden Plunger from earlier, all while a Cover Version of Michael Jackson's "Bad" is playing in the background.
    Mario: En guard, Koopa! I'm bad!
  • In "The Fire of Hercufleas", Toad gets a hold of a Fire Flower and, after becoming Super Toad, has a fire fight with Koopa.
  • Mario and Koopzilla fighting in "Mario Meets Koopzilla".
  • Princess grabbing a Starman and curb-stomping her way through Hammer Bros. and Shy Guys in "The Trojan Koopa".
  • Also a Heartwarming Moment, in "Quest for Pizza", Mario is bitten by a poisonous snake and falls into unconsciousness. When it is revealed that pizza can save him, Luigi goes through great lengths to get the pizza ingredients needed to revive his brother: From getting milk from a large Cowazaurus to getting acorns from a giant prehistoric squirrel. When the group later needs a Fire Flower to help them cook their pizza, and Koopa had one heavily guarded, Luigi makes his way through Koopa's forces, gets the Fire Flower, becomes Super Luigi, and sends Koopa running by shooting fireballs at him.
  • Koopa has one at the end of "Flatbush Koopa". Mario banishes him from Brooklyn but upon realizing he's trapped with him, Koopa promptly gives chase.
  • "Toad Warriors": Princess defeating Thunder Birdo by throwing a sack of Bob-ombs in her mouth.
  • Princess thwarting a kidnap attempt in "Little Red Riding Princess" by inflating Koopa with his scuba air tank.
  • The whole gang gets one when they successfully escape Alcatraz! ...Ok, it's not the real Alcatraz but still!
  • In "Brooklyn Bound", Mario and Luigi have the chance to go back to the real world thanks to Salvador Drainotto... but it's a one-way trip. They're almost prepared to leave, but just as they're about to depart, King Koopa shows up and kidnaps Princess Toadstool and Toad. Even though this might be their last chance to go home, Mario leaps into action to help the princess - and for once, Luigi follows without hesitation. Doubles as a Heartwarming Moment when you consider that they decided the Princess's safety meant more to them than their homes.
    • This is quickly followed up with a Big Damn Heroes on Mario's part, as Koopa drags Toadstool away, thinking that he's won with the plumbers gone:
      Princess Toadstool: You'll never get away with this!
      Koopa: Oh, yeah? And who's gonna stop me? Your plumber pals ran out on ya, remember?
      Mario: *shouting from off-screen* WRONG AGAIN, LIZARD BREATH!
      Luigi (annoyed): I thought we were gonna sneak up on him, Mario!
      Mario (sheepish): ...I forgot.
  • As insanely ridiculous as it sounds? The enslaved Quirks themselves are the ones to defeat Moonman Koopa in "Stars in Their Eyes" via shorting out his rocket. How? By playing an EPIC rendition of The Legend of Zelda theme via kazoo as shown here.
