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Awesome / The Professional

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  • Shot in the back as he was almost out of the building, Leon meets Stansfield and makes a send-off for both of them.
    Leon: Stansfield...
    Stansfield: At your service.
    [Leon has something tightly clasped in his left hand. When Stanfield tries to open it, he grabs his hand with his right, then presses something into his palm and closes his fingers around it.]
    Leon: "This is... from... Mathilda."
    [Stansfield opens his hand to see Leon has given him what looks like a grenade pin. He opens Leon's armor and sees he has several grenades attached to his vest. Stansfield looks bemused, unable to respond with anger or fear.]
    Stansfield: ...shit. [BOOM!]
  • The entire opening kill. "Somebody's coming up. Somebody serious."
    • We don't even see Leon fully until all the target's bodyguards are dead, and he just materializes out of a shadow behind the guy. He takes out the guards, blocks the exits and herds the target exactly where he wants, all from the shadows in a way that borders on the supernatural.
  • As the police invade Leon's apartment, it appears to be empty... until his hand closes the door. From the ceiling.
  • "The Ring Trick", from the International version.
  • Natalie Portman's breakout performance.
  • Mathilda giving a wrong 'code' to Stansfield's henchmen just so that Leon knows things have gone wrong.
  • Gary Oldman's delivery of the "EVERYONE!!" line. May be Narm, but it's iconic for a reason.
