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Awesome / The Parent Trap (1998)

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  • The fact that the twins actually manage to pull off their wacky Shipper on Deck Twin Switch Zany Scheme. Lampshaded by Hallie at the end:
    Hallie: We actually did it!
  • The poker game, complete with George Thorogood and the Destroyers’ "Bad to the Bone" playing in the background.
    Hallie: I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'll make you a little deal. Loser jumps into the lake after the game.
    Annie: Excellent.
    Hallie: Butt. Naked.
    Annie: Even more excellent. Start unzipping, Parker. (reveals her hand) Straight, in diamonds.
    Hallie: You're good, James. But… you're just not good enough.
    (Annie’s smile vanishes)
    Hallie: (revealing her hand) In your honor, a Royal Flush.
  • The prank scenes. All of them. How the heck did they manage to get all that furniture up to the roof? Not to mention the entire cabin mess at the end.
  • The fencing scene. It may contain copious amounts of flynning, but it's pretty much impossible to watch without cracking up.
  • What Hallie and Annie do to Meredith on the camping trip. Everything. Particular note has to go to this bit:
    Meredith: Put [that lizard] down!
    Hallie: OK. (puts it on Meredith's water bottle)
    • The face Meredith makes upon lifting the bottle and coming face-to-face with a lizard is absolutely hilarious.
  • After being floated out into the middle of the lake on the air mattress, Meredith delivers an ultimatum to Nick: It's either her or the girls. His immediate response? "Them." When she asks him what he said, he says, "T-H-E-M. Them. Get the picture?"
    • In other words, Nick never giving Meredith a "Reason You Suck" Speech proves that he's above her. In fact, Meredith's angry growling indicates that she knew that he knows what her true colors are.
