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  • Just about every action sequence tends to be pretty intense.
  • While its functionality comes and goes, there's whenever Dib manages to get the Spittle Runner operational. Bear in mind that it's an incredibly advanced piece of alien technology, and he's just a human pre-teen. It definitely says something about his intellect.

     Season 1 

The Horrible Test Flight of Doom

  • Dib staking Norlock with a piece of debris. It doesn't work, since it can't penetrate his rib cage, but it at least shows Dib wasn't willing to go down without a fight.
  • Admittedly it's entirely by accident, but Dib manages to escape by getting the Spittle Runner's weapons online and blowing up Norlock's castle with them.

Parent Teacher Redux

  • A minor detail, but there's the fact that after hours of debate, Dib convinces his father to attend Parent-Teacher Night in person.
  • Notable for also being Nightmare Fuel, Norlock shows his No-Nonsense Nemesis attributes by getting in Dib's face and making it clear he'll suffer for destroying Norlock's castle.
  • As dark as the scene was, it's implied that the man Nny is flaying when Norlock finds him is a pedophile.

The Hideous Returning Girl

  • Dib and Tak vs Norlock. Highlights include:
    • Norlock proving he's a match for a highly-trained Irken by dodging an attack from Tak, grabbing her by the PAK legs, and using her own momentum to slam her into first a fence and then the ground.
    • As Norlock is about to kill a pinned Tak, Dib saves her by spraying Norlock with a water gun full of holy water.
    • Tak returns the favor shortly after, saving Dib by impaling Norlock in the back with all her PAK legs.

GIR and Phil's (and Minimoose's) Excellent Adventure

  • We get a glimpse at just how powerful Phil is, as he stops at nothing to catch MIMI. This includes No Selling lasers and shrugging off being hit by a car.
  • To give MIMI credit, a few of her efforts to distract Phil and slip away from him would have worked if not for dumb luck or her GIR-induced corrupted programming acting up.
  • Minimoose, after going through a Humiliation Conga throughout the chapter, finally hits his Rage Breaking Point and blows up MacMeaties after he's accidentally tossed into a meat processor.

Dib and the Library of Doom

  • One has to give Dib credit. While his attempt to get ahold of Van Helsing's journal may have ended up being All for Nothing, it doesn't diminish all he went through to get it, braving multiple Death Traps to do so.

With Friends Like These…

  • Dib's speech to the senior Swollen Eyeball agents, defending why he broke into the library in the previous chapter, which turns into a heroic Motive Rant about how he's willing to do whatever it takes to defeat Zim and Tak. Even Agent Nessie, his biggest critic, is impressed.
    "Look, I'm sorry that I disobeyed orders and broke into the library, but you all have to realize that I wouldn't have done any of that if I didn't honestly believe that I didn't have a choice. Earth's in more danger now than it's ever been, because as long as Zim has Norlock working with him, I don't know that I'll have any chance of stopping his next plan. Not to mention Tak being out there plotting too, while I'm stuck focused on them. If there's going to be any hope of me protecting the world, I need to get rid of Norlock and knock Zim back down to his normal threat level. And yes, it turned out that that journal was completely and utterly useless. But you know what? If I get another lead even half as promising as that one looked like at the start, I'm taking it, because I'm going to do whatever I have to in order to protect this planet. So if you want to punish me, go ahead, but I'm not going to apologize for doing what I had to do!"
  • Norlock showing up to save Dib and the twins from Tak's cyborg rat monster after their Epic Fail against it, by swooping in and scaring it off with a wall of flame. Then he gives the three of them a brief "The Reason You Suck" Speech about their lack of teamwork before leaving them to think on what he said.
  • Dib calling out the twins on how pointless their rivalry is, which helps them get over it and leads to the three of them all working as a coherent team.
  • Give Zim credit — after learning about Tak's rat monster, he creates a similarly cybernetically-enhanced giant snake in only a day.
  • Dib and the twins managing to work together and destroy and Zim and Tak's monsters. First, Dib goads Zim by suggesting that Tak's monster is better, insulting his ego to the point that has his monster attack hers. Then, while the two beasts are busy with each other, Viera uses a spell drive to levitate them into the air and throw them into some power lines which Steve supercharges, electrocuting both monsters and blowing them up.
    • Then, to tie things off, Dib sprays both Irkens with water guns, causing Tak to flee and Zim to fall down a hole created by his snake.

Return of the Saucer Morons

  • Steve creating working blasters by reverse-engineering the technology from the Spittle Runner. It takes a few chapters before they work properly, but still, he deserves credit for the effort.
  • Tak managing to steal Skoodge's ship for herself.

Clash of the Goths

  • The entire back-and-forth between Viera and Gaz throughout the chapter:
    • Viera getting back at Gaz for her cruel attitude by casting a bad luck curse on her, causing her to humiliate herself by tripping and falling into her food tray in the cafeteria, then accidentally spill Nny's mop bucket over herself, and finally cause a chemical explosion during class, creating a mess that she then has to clean up by hand.
    • Gaz holds her own in payback, somehow building a snare trap for Viera at the skool entrance, leaving her to dangle outside the building.
    • Viera then strikes back by magically dressing up Gaz as a clown in front of all their classmates, then tripping her up as she charges her, leaving a humiliated Gaz to flee.
    • After Gaz counters by sending her flesh-eating robot dolls after Viera, Viera comes after her and they have a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown. Given that Gaz is usually shown to be capable of easily winning any fight, it's impressive to see her be evenly matched.
  • After the above-mentioned chemical accident, Miss Bitters asserts her authority and makes Mr. Elliott punish Gaz, whom he's normally too scared of to discipline in any way.

Dib the Dreamwalker

  • Norlock, due to his nature, is able to see Dib's astral form and figures out what he's up to. When Dib then tries to enter Norlock's dreams, Norlock using his lucid control to trap Dib, give him a brief "The Reason You Suck" Speech about what he's been doing, and then tosses him out.

Tenn's Mission of Doom

  • This is the chapter that introduces Tenn and establishes her as The Ace, so she gets plenty of moments:
    • First of all, it's made clear right away that Meekrob is a Death World, yet she's survived there for a year after losing her base and most of her resources.
    • She sneaks into the Meekrob's capital using a holographic disguise, allowing her to walk right down their streets surrounded by them and not being noticed.
    • It turns out that she took the precaution of planting explosives throughout the city as she made her way to the records. When she's discovered, she detonates them in order to create enough chaos to make her escape.
    • When the Meekrob chase her out of the city, she distracts them by luring a Scuttling Flesh-Render to attack them. Then, when one jumps her as she's entering her bunker, she distracts it by tossing a cloak over it and then triggering a defense cannon that vaporizes it. And finally, she unleashes the malfunctioning SIR Units as a final diversion and line of defense while she gets to her ship and leaves the planet.
  • To give the Meekrob a little credit, it turns out that their ridiculously easy security measures are at least partially intentional. When Tenn accesses the restricted files on Project Domination, the computer lets her do so in order to keep her distracted while it quietly alerts security to her location.

Zim and the Garden of Evil

  • This is the first chapter to feature Viera's Eye of Fire amulet, and she puts it to good use, frying the plant monsters.
  • When the plant monsters burst into Tak's base, she and MIMI easily eliminate them.
    • The scene cuts away after more plant monsters burst in, vastly outnumbering her, but later she shows up at the Central Root's chamber, having defeated them all and somehow tracked it down. The author's notes for the chapter address the logic of this by simply stating "she's just that good".
  • How the Central Root is defeated — Dib sets his damaged BFG to overload and tosses it into the Root's maw, the resulting explosion wiping it out.

Norlock vs the Mall

  • For people who don’t like The Twilight Saga, watching Norlock trash a Fan Convention for a parody of it should be all kinds of fun.
  • Norlock taking on Slab Rankle and his defense systems:
    • Effortlessly dodging a series of cables launched at him. When one gets lucky and snags him, he rips it out of its placement on the wall, and uses it to smash all the others.
    • Nimbly avoiding attacks from several blaster turrets, leading to them obliterating each other. Even Dib is impressed by this.
    • When Rankle decides to deal with Norlock personally, he proves himself capable of holding his own against the vampire, actually managing to get a few hits in.
    • And then Rankle ends things by tricking Norlock into a giant rocket and launching him out of the Mall.

It Came From the Sky

  • Dib tips off the Children of the Bright and Shining Saucer about CREAM having a live captive alien, counting on the UFO nuts to storm CREAM's compound and distract them while his team sneaks in.
  • Norlock easily tearing through Bill's anti-vampire defenses, even the ones that actually work.
  • Minimoose proving his use in battle for the first time, managing to put the twins on the run.
  • One has to give Bill credit for surviving being mauled by Norlock.
  • Tenn's firm determination to triumph after the Tallest reassign her to Earth as punishment for failing to properly deliver the crystal to Tak.

Tenn Meets World

  • Gaz intimidating Tenn upon their first meeting, enough that the Invader gives her a wide berth from then on.
  • When Tak's experimentation with the Meekrob crystal backfires and unleashes a massive energy storm that threatens to destroy their base and the city, Tenn is the one to stop it. She throws herself into the core of the machine responsible, grabbing the crystal shard and pulling herself out, shutting the machine and the storm down.
    • She follows up on this by laying Tak out with a punch to the jaw, smacking aside MIMI when she tries to intervene (momentarily overcoming her robo-phobia in the process), then chewing Tak out for how stupid her plan was and coming out on top when this leads to a brawl between the two. She then forces Tak to acknowledge her as an equal, not a minion.

Beach Trip of Doom

  • Team Save Earth and the two Irken teams have to work together against a demon sea hydra. To defeat it, Dib has the others destroy as many heads as possible. And just as Dib expected, this leads to the hydra growing so many heads that it's left with an inefficient blood flow for all its brains, causing it to collapse.
    • A minor addendum to this, is that Dib goads Zim into helping by casually insulting his ego, suggesting that he couldn’t do much anyway. Naturally, Zim joins the fight immediately.
  • Squidman finishing off the hydra, causing it to explode.

Halloween Horror Spectacular

  • Norlock getting a chance to show how dangerous he can be, summoning an army of demons and other monsters to rampage across Doomsville, and fighting Mortos when an argument between the two turns into a conflict.
    • Even better, it turns out that the entire events of this chapter were a Xanatos Gambit on Norlock's part — the monsters' random attacks were all well and good, but they were really meant as a distraction to stealing Team Save Earth and Tak and Tenn's pieces of the Meekrob crystal. Which he explains to Zim by means of an awesome allegory that's interspersed with scenes of the others realizing they've been robbed.
    Norlock: And let that be one of the most important things I ever teach you, my alien friend. If you want victory, chart more than one path to it. Build plans on top of plans. Let your enemies think that one thing you want is the only thing you want, and they'll never see your true endgame coming until it's too late.
  • Dib getting a chance to call out Mortos for mooching off of him last time they met.
    • While it's played for laughs due to his frustration over it, there's the fact that while the twins are fighting the monsters off with a blaster and the Eye of Fire, Dib holds his own with just a piece of pipe that he picked up.
    • Later, Dib throws that pipe into Zim's face when he's off guard, creating a distraction for him and the twins to escape. And a while after that, he tosses a computer into Nolorck's face, ruining his dramatic entrance into the building that Team Save Earth was sheltering in.
  • Give Mortos credit. When he decides to stop playing around and get serious, he's able to go toe-to-toe with Norlock, who only wins because he plays dirty.

The Game Changes

  • Tak and Tenn rather easily break into Zim's base, MIMI eliminating the security gnomes so they can get into the house, where they proceed to wreck the interior before making their way down into the base proper. Upon seeing the damage, Steve acknowledges how good they are.
    • They also anticipate that Zim will attack the elevator they're riding, so they hide atop it instead of in it to avoid the attack.
  • GIR actually managing to be helpful during the fight in Zim's base, blasting MIMI with a rocket and providing an opening for Minimoose to shock her.
  • Skoodge managing to hold his own against Tenn during the base fight.
  • A few of Zim's canonical experiments are unleashed during the fight, and two of them actually prove to be surprisingly effective — the Robot Gopher knocks out Tenn, while Nick is switched into angry mode and goes berserk against Tak, putting her on the defensive.
  • Dib taking the pragmatic move of trying to stake Norlock in his coffin. Norlock wakes up in time to stop him, but credit for trying.
    • And he does take an opportunity to stab Norlock in the back with the stake during the subsequent fight, distracting him long enough for the team to flee.
  • Zim snapping out of his Villainous BSoD over the truth of his mission after Norlock stokes his anger over the situation, and declaring his intention to build his own empire to take his revenge with.
    Tak: You can't just defy the Tallest! They're the Tallest!
    Zim: Yes they are. And I have spent my entire life obeying them, and for what? To be made a joke, to be thrown aside like trash? Well, to hell with that! I am Zim! I will not be denied my rightful place as conqueror of this miserable planet, and as the greatest Invader to ever grace this universe with his presence, just because it amused my rulers! The Tallest don't want me in their Empire? Fine then, I'll just create my own, and eclipse them in every way!
    • Skoodge likewise deciding to turn against the Tallest to spite them for how they've always treated him.
  • Dib making it clear it doesn't matter to him whether Zim's mission was real or not — he's still a threat to Earth, so Dib's not going to stop fighting him.
    • When Zim and Tak flee the fight in the park by means of flying away on Minimoose and MIMI, Dib tricks GIR into carrying him after them.
  • Norlock calling out the Tallest for wasting Zim's potential and throwing away his Undying Loyalty. Then revealing his intention to be the power behind the throne when Zim builds his new empire.

Gaz vs the Gamers

  • Gaz quickly establishes her gaming credentials amongst her peers, beating an older gamer at the convention by outthinking him. And when he angrily protests having been beaten by a younger child, she shoots him a Death Glare that sends him fleeing.
  • Despite their incompetence, the SMOG members manage to get the jump on Gaz, tasering her and then restraining her while she's out of it.
  • Gaz completely fails to be intimidated by SMOG, even when tied up and surrounded by them. Instead she snarks at every opportunity, undercuts Iggins' attempt to come off as a mysterious figure until he finally drops the act in frustration, and finally breaks free with ease when she's done playing along. She then proceeds to curbstomp the SMOG members.
    • And to give Iggins credit, he manages to make his threats of getting her blacklisted from the gaming community compelling enough that Gaz goes along with the private competition he's set up for the two of them, just in case he can pull it off.
  • Gaz manages to stay even with Iggins throughout the series of VR games, and ultimately beats him — in fact, it turns out that she actually beat him in all the games, because while he was focused on finishing each game first, she was focused on winning by points. She even gives him a brief "The Reason You Suck" Speech about why this makes him an inferior gamer, before inspiring his own former followers to turn on him and beat him up for her.
    • The last game played, Vampire Piggy Hunter, gets the most focus, and showcases Gaz fighting her way through every enemy with relative ease, and ultimately winning the Boss Battle by destroying the chains holding up the platform that said boss is standing on, dropping him into a pit of lava.

Showdown of Doom, Part 1

  • An understated one, but Zim's justification for using "Miz" as an alias (that it's so obvious no one would think he'd actually use it) actually mildly impresses Norlock.
  • Viera and Norlock getting into a magic fire Beam-O-War during the first fight in the sewers.
  • Dib finally gets to unveil his new weapon, a pair of gauntlets capable of generating, absorbing, and firing plasma. These allow him to very quickly win the Trial by Combat that the hobos force on the teams, managing to overpower Zim and Tak.
  • Steve managing to slip a bug onto MIMI which allows Team Save Earth to hack Tak and Tenn's computers and steal the coordinates to Project Domination from them.

Showdown of Doom, Part 2

  • As Team Save Earth and Tak and Tenn face off in their ships, Zim suddenly swoops in out of nowhere, guns blazing and having Norlock play Ride of the Valkyries to set the mood.
  • Tak and Norlock fighting atop of the former's ship while it's still in flight. And she actually manages to win, by knocking him into one of the engines and setting him on fire with the exhaust, sending him flying off the side of the ship as a result.
    • Of course, Norlock then gets even by using a grenade to cripple the ship and send Tak and Tenn crashing.
  • Zim gets the upper hand in the dogfight with Dib and is on the verge of blowing him and the twins up, when Dib uses the Spittle Runner's emergency brake from the first chapter. This causes Zim's Voot to overshoot, allowing Dib to shoot him down before he can reorient.
  • Mixed with humor, there's how Zim works around his ship being shot down. And that's by turning it into a makeshift sleigh, using Phil to pull it.
    • Steve is the one to take the sleigh out of commission, by shooting the steak that Norlock is using to guide Phil off of the fishing pole holding it. When Phil catches it as it falls and stops to eat it, the sudden halt makes the Voot crash.
  • As Team Save Earth fight Tak and Tenn by the side of a river, Viera launches a fireball into the water, creating a steam cloud that burns the Irkens.
  • Dib giving Norlock a "The Reason You Suck" Speech about how he's always hidden behind his various students and fled whenever they eventually faced their downfalls. This is enough to make Norlock drop his Affably Evil facade and slip into a rage.
    • Which then leads into this:
    Dib: Clear. (slams his charged gauntlets into Norlock's chest, sending him flying)
  • Viera ending the riverside fight by conjuring tornados to carry away the Irkens and Norlock. Dib is left both awed and a little scared.
  • Just as it seems Tak and Tenn are about to overpower Team Save Earth and claim Project Domination, Zim comes charging into the Meekrob ship riding atop of Phil. Blocking Tak's attacks, he throws GIR at Tenn to distract her, then uses Minimoose to attack Tak.
  • While their respective allies are all fighting each other, Zim, Tak, and Dib scramble to reach the control node for Project Domination. With assistance from Minimoose, Zim emerges triumphant… and then Norlock jumps him from behind and takes it for himself.

Showdown of Doom, Part 3

  • Norlock calling out Zim for being such a poor partner, laying bare all his flaws as he calls off their alliance.
  • Norlock managing to trap everyone else in a Lotus-Eater Machine (except for the robots, who it doesn't work on, so he sticks them in a magic sphere instead) while he goes after Project Domination. If they hadn't gotten loose, he would have won.
    • Speaking of which, Dib managing to break free of his illusion and then free the others as well.
  • Project Domination turns out to be powerful enough to blow holes into planets the size of small countries. While terrifying, this is also incredibly impressive.
  • Norlock launches a wave of fire, only for Viera to absorb it all into her amulet and redirect it at him, in a Call-Back to him doing the same against her in a prior fight.
    Viera: You're not the only one who can pull that trick, jackass.
  • Knowing that they need to get rid of Phil before they can focus on fighting Norlock, Zim and Dib slap a rocket collar on him, which launches him straight out of the Meekrob ship.
  • In response to the above, Norlock moves in to kill Zim, but before he can finish him off, Dib runs in and grabs Norlock's hands with his plasma gauntlets. Then, while Norlock is trying to dislodge him, Tak and Zim jump in to stab him.
    • And when Norlock breaks free of this and targets the others with Project Domination, Zim kicks him the leg while Tak chops the arm he's aiming with. This throws off his aim while triggering the weapon to fire, and while he's still disoriented, Dib rips the control node off his chest, throwing it into the path of the attack, vaporizing it and rendering Project Domination permanently inert.
  • After Norlock transforms, he seems virtually unstoppable, until Dib sees that the material Project Domination is made of is tougher than he is. So, working together, he and Zim ram Norlock with a component of the weapon, impaling him and pinning him against the weapon's core.
    • After this causes the core to start self-destructing, everyone flees the impending explosion. Norlock, stuck behind, begs Zim to save him, saying Zim still needs him. Enraged at the audacity of this after his betrayal, Zim has a few choice words for Norlock before leaving him to his fate:
    Zim: You dare say I still need your help after you betray me? Zim needs no one, least of all traitors! I did just fine before you came along, and I will triumph without you, in spite of you! And when I do, you won't even be mentioned, left to be completely forgotten. That is the price for betraying Zim. Here ends the lesson.

End of the Beginning

  • Despite Norlock's betrayal, Zim is still determined to carry on their plan of inspiring a revolution against the Tallest. The season actually ends with his first speech to the Empire as the masked figure Miz:
    Zim: Greetings, my fellow Irkens. My name is Miz. And today, I speak to you about our Empire, the past triumphs that we've wasted, and the future glory that we can still have. For too long, our fates have been held in the hands of so-called 'Almighty' leaders, who have done nothing to earn their power and privilege. Who sit back and do nothing, while our Invaders, our soldiers, our workers, all slave tirelessly to preserve and expand our people's rightful place as masters of this universe. Only to have the rewards they've earned torn away and taken by the leaders who don't deserve them, while they're battered aside for amusement.
    But I say no more. I say that our rulers should no longer simply be those who are taller, but those who have earned the right to lead. I say that it's time for a New Irken Order, a better order. An order where every Irken, no matter their height, gets what they deserve. An order where we all bask in the light of our supreme place in the cosmos. An order where our triumphs and victories are not denied to us at the merest whim of those above us.
    I intend to bring this order about, by whatever means necessary. And I ask that you join me, my brothers and sisters, for together we can make this dream a reality. Together, we will tear down the corrupt system that oppresses us all. Together, we will remake this Empire into something the lesser species will truly fear, without question. Together, we will all achieve glories the likes of which few Irkens in all of history will have ever known.
    Together, we. Will. Rise!

     Season 2 

New Doom, Same as the Old Doom

  • Zim's alias as Miz actually working just as he said it would, with no one but Tak realizing it's him (and she's ignored due to her obsession with Zim).
    • More to the point, there's the fact that despite the Tallest brushing off "Miz" as not a threat, he's actually successfully inspiring uprisings against the height hierarchy. We quickly see an example of this, as a mob of Irkens on Slumia raid a military convoy, taking out the guards and stealing all the snacks they were transporting.
  • After Zim imprisons Nyx for knowing too much, she escapes rather easily by casually dislocating her own arm and slipping out of her bonds.
  • Zim somehow quickly deduces what Tak and Tenn's Conversion Engine is and what it's doing, without any context to work with.
  • After Tenn dismisses Nyx as a potential threat, she counters by pulling out a minigun and quickly pinning everyone down with rapid fire. And when Tenn comes up behind her and puts her in a chokehold, she responds by biting Tenn's arm to get breathing room, then grabbing her and tossing her away.
    • Nyx then proceeds to go toe-to-toe with Tenn during the remainder of the fight, before being the one to end it. Which she does by launching a series of bombs at the Conversion Engine and blowing it apart, ruining Tak and Tenn's plan and removing the entire impetus of the fight.
  • When Ying (politely) threatens Team Save Earth, they're understandably not impressed. Then he switches into his Battle Mode, turning into a robotic knight who towers over them, and proceeds to dominate them for the remainder of the fight scene.
  • Whatever the information is that Nyx managed to uncover for him in order to buy her way into his service, Zim is invigorated by it enough to snap out of his creative slump and get motivated to once again try conquering Earth.

New Girls and Explosions

  • Gaz makes it perfectly clear why Zim's attempts to blackmail her won't work, spelling out the flaws in his thinking and then quickly beating him up to hammer the point home.
  • As Zim is rampaging through the city in a mech, Team Save Earth arrive on the scene and blow apart the mech's cannons to get Zim's attention. When he then sends Ying after Steve and Viera while he goes after Dib, the twins deal with Ying's Battle Mode by means of having Steve distracting him with repeated shots from his blasters while Viera absorbs all the flames from the burning buildings around them into her amulet for a single massive attack that sends Ying flying into a building that then collapses on him. He doesn't stay down for long, but it's still a definite turnaround after how untouchable he was in the previous chapter.
    • And in the process of shooting at him to keep him occupied, Steve manages to blow out one of Ying's eyes.
    • Then there's how they end the fight. The twins lead Ying back to the mech, with Steve blasting a hole directly into his path to slow him down long enough for Viera to grab him in a levitation spell and toss him at the mech. At the same time, Dib — who charged his gauntlets by absorbing the plasma shot at him by Nyx's minigun — blasts Ying, which combined with the toss causes the robot to slam into the mech like an artillery shell. He bursts out the other side, taking the Irkens with him and damaging the mech enough to cause it explode afterwards.

The Hunt of Doom

  • Dib and the twins throwing themselves into the fight with the bounty hunters Gabbrot and TRL-69, quickly driving them back. Dib then takes a moment to slightly smugly gloat to Dwicky about how much tougher he's gotten since last time they met. He, the twins, and Dwicky proceed to eliminate both bounty hunters offscreen.
    • In fact, it turns out that Dib has become such a good fighter that Havok considers him a potential Worthy Opponent.
  • Havok easily takes Dwicky out of the fight, then manages to match Team Save Earth even as all three take him on at once. If not for Zim's intervention, he would have won.
  • Havok wins his dogfight with Zim by leading Zim up the side of a building and collapsing a rooftop water tower on him, crushing Zim's ship under the debris.
  • Dib attacks Havok's ship from atop a building to get his attention, and while he's flying at Dib, Viera launches a tornado of flame up at the ship from the ground and Steve fires at its engines from another building. Together, this causes it crash.
    • Havok emerges from the wreckage of the ship, and starts ranting about how pleased he is to be fighting Dib. Dib is less than impressed.
    • Dib wins the subsequent fight by blasting Havok point-blank, sending him flying into his crashed ship and causing it to fall off the roof, exploding upon hitting the ground.

Career Day 2 — The Interning

Rise of the Unknown Rival

  • Without even realizing he's doing it, Dib gets a dig in at Spider Monkey/Arnold Quis by calling out the fake Haunted House he's set up as looking cheap.
  • When the team is in the basement, a giant screaming skull made of flames bursts out of the furnace to attack Dib. Viera jumps in the way and repels it with her amulet, sending it flying back into the furnace and destroying it.
  • The Cyborg Death Clown carving its way through Quis' animatronic monsters, before being defeated by Team Save Earth blasting it into a dumbwaiter and sending it falling into the basement.
  • Zim barely shows up this chapter, yet still manages to prove he's a superior villain to Quis, as his clown not only demolishes Quis' animatronics and ruins his plan, but its self-destruction prevents Quis' attempts to remove evidence, and therefore exposes his con to the Swollen Eyeball leadership, getting him kicked out of the group.

Infernal Inspection

  • Zim's speeches as Miz are revealed to be having an even more widespread effect than previously shown, managing to gain support all over the Empire's underclass. To the point that there's even a cell operating onboard the Massive without the Tallest realizing it.
    • Even better is that this cell is led by Table-Headed Service Drone Bob, who is getting revenge for how the Tallest treated him. And he's an effective leader, keeping everyone in line when they question his leadership with an impassioned speech.
  • When Wiyn makes her dislike of Senior's club known, he shoots back that it's not strictly illegal, so there's nothing she can do about it.
    • Darth then shoots down her rant about the Empire's perfection by sharing a quote from Tallest Miyuki that completely disagrees with her. Wiyn quickly leaves after that.
  • After the New Order cell member who attempted to assassinate the Consulars is exposed, he grabs a blaster rifle and starts firing on the loyalists, only for Senior to shoot the rifle out of his hands with the revolvers he was showing off earlier.
  • The New Order member then whips out a grenade and attempts to blow everyone up, only for Dite to rapid-fire shoot him, grabbing the armed grenade as it drops from his dead hands, and dumps it down an air vent, sparing everyone from the resulting explosion.
  • It turns out that the entire Assassination Attempt and the death of its perpetrator was a Xanatos Gambit on Bob's part. Had it succeeded, they would have struck a blow against the Empire, but even in failure they've managed to cover the tracks of the cell at large, with the Tallest being convinced there was only the one guy aboard the Massive.
    • There's also the reveal that the cell have secretly built a giant communications device in the bowels of the ship, turning it into a mobile hub of their operations, starting the process of binding the New Order movement tighter together.

Through the Looking Glass

  • Nyx going toe-to-toe with Tenn again atop the Energy Harvester. And when Tenn puts her in an arm lock, she dislocates that arm in order to slip free and knock Tenn away.
  • It ends up backfiring, but there's how Dib destroys the Harvester. He feints an attack on Tak, and when she dodges he uses his momentum to kick off of a girder and send himself in the direction of the main Harvester, which he then blows up with an attack.
  • Dib cuts off his counterpart's attempt at an Above Good and Evil speech:
  • Ying, in his Battle Mode, easily overpowering Anti-Steve.
  • Viera defeating her counterpart's Super Mode by using her amulet to drain the magical flames its composed of. Then, before Anti-Viera can respond, Tenn, Tak, and MIMI work together to knock her out.
  • Dib calling out his counterpart's motives — to make everyone acknowledge that he's smarter than them — as completely pathetic.
  • Anti-Dib supercharges his Mini-Mecha with cosmic energy from the Smarkle Rift and starts to curbstomp his combined enemies. To counter this, Zim has Minimoose unleash his full armament, blowing up Anti-Dib and leaving him scorched in a crater.
  • GIR happens to grab a piece of the crystal that Team Enslave Earth were using to drain energy from the Rift as a souvenir, meaning Zim manages to walk away from the situation with a win, without any of his enemies being the wiser.

Space Road Trip

  • When a pair of low-level criminals try to jack Nyx's ship while it's parked on Slumia, Gaz (who was waiting in the ship) makes it clear this was a bad idea. Despite them having blasters while she's only armed with a shock staff, she easily dominates the resulting fight, only being prevented from finishing them off due to the intervention of the local security officers.
  • Grissom's subdued but firm Badass Boast about his control of Slumia:
    "I own this planet. Nothing happens here without my say-so. And if it does, I strike down on the perpetrators like a wrathful god."
  • Nyx takes the security officers who mistook Gaz for an animal and sent her to the pound, and tosses them off of Grissom's office balcony. She then marches off to rescue Gaz, while Grissom has the two crooks who tried to jack the ship beaten to a pulp in his office.
  • Nyx goes to rescue Gaz from the pound by blasting her way into the place, then having Ying knocking out Leashlor (the animal catcher) with a single blow. Then, after she frees Gaz, Gaz takes her own payback by covering the unconscious Leashlor with pet food and letting all the animals out of their cages to maul him.
  • Gaz and Nyx working together to take out the clown-themed mob on Foodcourtia. Between the two of them, the gangsters don't stand a chance.
    • The sole exception is the mob leader, who is armed with a Mini-Mecha. Even then, Nyx is able to win by scrambling over the mech and planting bombs in strategic points then setting them off, crippling it. And when the guy survives that, gets the drop on Nyx and nearly strangles her, she keeps him distracted long enough for Gaz to come up behind him and bash him in the head hard enough to send him flying. Then Ying drops crates on him just to make sure.
  • Nyx blowing up Sizz-Lorr's restaurant before leaving Foodcourtia, as payback for how he treated Zim.

Battle of the Fans

  • To stop the Ikiwikinomicon from turning everyone into mutated monsters, but knowing that it can't be damaged from the outside, Viera channels fire magic into a crystal ball. Then she tosses it at Dib, who uses a prop wizard's staff like a baseball bat to send it flying into the book, which promptly explodes and returns everyone to normal.

Tournament of Doom, Part 1

Tournament of Doom, Part 2

  • Zim proving his chops throughout the tournament:
    • He effortlessly wins the obstacle course race by just jumping from one end of the u-shaped platform to the other.
    • He somehow deflects a teleportation beam with a rock and causes it to hit Flobee instead.
    • Provoking GIR with a threat of no more taquitos in order to make him actually fight the other SIR Units and easily win.
    • Easily winning an eating contest because he's used to GIR's horrible cooking.
    • Beating a game of extreme dodgeball (where the "balls" are explosives) by using Invader Spleen as a bat to deflect them.
    • Mocking the Tallest during the art competition by making a model of his Infinite Energy Absorbing Blob, depicting it eating them.
    • Fighting Tak evenly during the final match, and ultimately only losing because the Dreadnut's command core is blasted away before he can grab it and into Wiyn's unwitting hands.
    • After the tournament is over, Red orders everyone to attack Zim now that he's not legally protected anymore. He Death Glares everyone but Tak into standing down, then uses the momentum from her attack to exit the arena so he can escape.
  • Tenn winning the rhyming competition easily, having apparently picked up the skill as a hobby on Meekrob.
    • Matching Larb during the final round, and ultimately beating him with Skoodge's help.
  • Skoodge defeating Grapa in the final round.
  • Bob eliminating his rival Eloch and faking his own death in one fell swoop.
  • The Resisty managing to steal the Universe's Most Comfortable Couch.

Channel Surfing

  • The assorted groups defeating Dave by throwing GIR into his mouth, poisoning him and blasting them back to reality.

Night Terrors

  • Viera luring the Catastrophe away from the city by summoning a decoy made of her flames to catch its attention.
  • Dr. Membrane's anti-Santa defenses obliterate one of Tak's plans completely coincidentally.
  • When fighting back against the nightmares, all the characters manage to shine:
    • Dib fighting off what used to be a crowd of Irkens, before breaking the dream by leaping up and breaking a screen displaying Zim.
    • Zim blowing apart the nightmare version of the Foodcourtia restaurant he was exiled to.
    • Purely on instinct from an order Zim shouts at him, Skoodge summons a massive amount of weapons to destroy a cavern full of Slaughtering Rat People.
    • When the nightmare blob that used to be her Sergeant attacks her, Tak grabs it and tosses it into the air, blowing it up midair.
    • Nyx gets a moment by shooting her way through a pit full of malfunctioning SIR Units to reach Tenn, and then flies her clear with a rocket. In turn, Tenn summons a suit of battle armor to cut down a crowd of nightmare blobs "like a scythe through wheat", then replaces it with a bomb to blow up the largest blob.
    • Dib singlehandedly fights his way through a crowd to Viera, who upon being snapped out of her fear vaporizes the crowd with a massive burst of flame.
    • Steve uses two large blasters to eliminate an entire crowd of blobs.
  • Dib actually standing up to Gaz when she mockingly suggests leaving Viera in her nightmare.
    "Think we can take a few minutes to enjoy this?" Gaz asked, snickering at seeing her rival suffer emotionally.
    "No!" Dib snapped at her, Gaz cracking open an eye to glare at her brother for actually daring to take that tone with her. But shockingly, for once he wasn't intimidated, his focus instead immediately going back to Viera, where to his horror he saw that the floor underneath her was warping into a pit that she was starting to sink into.
  • It turns out that the Nightmare Weaver was a Dead Man's Switch Norlock was Crazy-Prepared enough to have in store for anyone who managed to kill him.
  • Steve is the one to defeat the Nightmare Weaver, using the invisibility it afflicted him with to get close enough to it to blow up its head with a summoned bazooka.
  • Tak crushing the real world Nightmare Weaver underfoot.

     Mature Edition 

Two Girls In The Wood

  • The fact that once Viera ditches Gaz, she manages to streak all the way from the woods to Dib's house without being seen again.

Buff Run at Skool

  • Viera not only manages to defeat Gaz and the others' prank by managing to get across the skool and dressed again without anyone seeing her (aside from Nny and Dib, neither of whom is going to tell). And then gets payback by stripping the whole group in front of the entire student body, humiliating them all and getting them all arrested.
    • Also, in the middle of her streak, Viera manages a Bully Hunter moment on Torque, causing his swim trunks to tear off and humiliate him.

Not-So-Fun and Games

  • Despite having nothing on him, even clothes, Dib manages to sabotage Tak's missile and ruin her plan. As a side effect, this destroys her clothes, stranding her at the commune and having to embarrass herself by calling Tenn for a ride back to base.

Camping Trip of Doom

  • Steve managing to win the game of tag Kleodora forced him into, by pretending to have been knocked out and then grabbing her when she gets close to check on him, before she can teleport away again.
  • Kleodora punishing Gaz for her petty use of the bad luck spell by doing to her what the spell caused to happen to the others, stripping her naked and dumping her in the woods in the path of the Slaughtering Rat People.

Dances and Streaks

  • After Gaz steals her costume and leaves her stranded naked on the street, Viera chases her to the Hi Skool, sneaks into the building through the air vents, and ambushes Gaz to take her costume back. She then tosses the now-naked Gaz into the party, where she's laughed at by the entire student body.
  • Being Genre Savvy enough about the potential for a Wardrobe Malfunction while only wearing a loincloth, Dib keeps stashes of them stored all along his path to the Hi Skool. This ends up foiling Zim's plans to humiliate him, without even realizing it.

Dancing with Madness

  • The entire fight sequence between Team Save Earth and the completely berserk Gaz. Highlights include Steve saving Viera from her with some homemade Molotov cocktails, and Viera ending the fight by using a spell to banish Gaz to Kastrofi's realm.
