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Awesome / Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Unite

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  • One for the artists, we got three full splash page through the crossover (the first fight with Sigma, the Maverick army reveal, and the second fight this time with the Unified Army). Good grief, they were really trying to trump the Robot Masters scene from "Worlds Collide".
  • Despite how you feel about the story, if you're an old school SEGA or Capcom fanboy, chances are you'll love seeing old gaming favorites back in action.
  • Rather subtle, but this is the first time Super Sonic is seen in the new continuity.
  • Amaterasu defeating Blizzard Wolfang with ease. Especially when you consider that most of Sigma's minions required a team effort to beat.
  • Bison making short work of a Maverick he caught trying to set up a Unity Engine on his world.
  • Sticks and X arrive in the world of Monster Hunter and confront Sigma's forces. Just then, Gore Magala appears and destroys the Mavericks. And then Sticks somehow sways the massive creature to their side.
  • The Final Battle. Just like before, Super Sonic and Super Armor Mega Man are back in action, and the two of them absolutely annihilate Sigma, unloading on him for all the harm he's done — and no worse off for wear throughout it all. Special mentions from the chaos-fueled awesomeness go to:
    • Mega Man, who probably steals the best moment in the fight by even trumping the Super Sonic Shot from the last crossover with a fully-charged Super form Charge Shot — which manifests as an honest-to-god Spirit Bomb. Yes, that Spirit Bomb. And we're talking the kind of scale that was unloaded on Frieza and Buu, to boot! Sonic even lampshades the gargantuan amount of power here by poking fun at Rock, asking if he planned on separating their worlds again by blasting them apart.
    • Sonic is told by Sigma early on that speed is nothing without power. Well, that counterattack is the only time Sigma actually lands anything on Sonic, because for the literal entirely of the fight, Sigma is doing all he can to fend off an omnidirectional lightspeed spindash beatdown. What was that, Sigma? We couldn't hear you over Sonic's boot in your mouth.
  • After Sigma is destroyed, it seems that the damage has progressed too far to be undone. Even Chaos Control can't stop the Genesis Portals running amok and unmaking reality. However, even as Sally orders a full retreat from all the volunteer heroes while they still can, Vyse and Arthur show her that, just because they and the others weren't part of the godly-powered final battle, it does not make them any lesser heroes than Mega Man or Sonic themselves.
    Sally: Get to the Delphinius! We've got to get the others back to their home worlds!
    Vyse: Not before we rescue as many as we can from what's left of this world.
    Sally: I can't ask you to sacrifice yourselves like that!
    Arthur: We freely volunteer, your highness. We came here to save lives. We will not settle for half measures.
  • Xander Payne, who in the Mega Man book, is mostly a robot hating zealot, surprisingly is the one to save everyone from Sigma, Eggman and Wily. Sure, it erases the crossover, but that's still very selfless of him, especially when warned of the consequences in changing the timeline and the risk of wiping himself out of existence. He could've easily used the Unity Engine power to wipe out robots. No; instead, he pinpoints the moment in time where Sigma prepares to transfer to Sonic's world and kills him just as he makes the jump. Guess there's still a hero in him after all.
    • Or it could be Pragmatic Villainy: Xander obviously knows what forces are being tampered with, and why he shouldn't tamper with them. He could've wiped out the robots, but there could've been unforeseen consequences, just because he wiped out the ones he knows doesn't mean someone wouldn't try again, and he likely wasn't aware that Sigma's origins tie back to Dr. Light and Dr. Wily. He just took the safest possibility.
  • Shadow was Killed Offscreen. Props have to go the villains for managing to kill Shadow and entirely avert any chance of him pulling what he did last time.
