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Awesome / Sonic Boom Legends

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Being a series that's building blocks are intensity, action, story and adventure, not to mention takes place on Bygone Island's neighboring island, clearly, Awesome Moments are to be only expected.

     Fox and Found 

  • Upon seeing Alkira being hurt by her abusive father, Ensham, Fixer has an immediate instinct to defend her, being able to successfully hold on his own against Ensham, who's far stronger and bigger than Fixer. And considering Fixer is an established Fragile Speedster, getting into a fight like that is very risky. But upon seeing Ensham about to hit Alkira, Fixer wastes no time smacking down on him!
    • Keep two things in mind:
      • For starters, this is the very first episode of the series, and as such, this is very much an Establishing Character Moment for Fixer. He's far faster than he is strong, and can be knocked down easy in combat, but when he puts his mind to it (especially when one of his friends is in danger,) he can and will win in a fight.
      • And let's not forget that at this particular point in the series, Fixer and Alkira has just met, and barely know a thing about one another. However, whether it be platonically or romantically, it's clear as crystal that the two take a shine to one another. So it doesn't matter if you're as brutish or as intimidating as Ensham. If you harm Alkira, Fixer will not hesitate for even a second to throw down.
  • The fight itself is no slouch on Fixer's end. He manages to nail Ensham in the back of the knee, and dodge one of Ensham's punches, tripping him along the way. Even after being temporarily blinded by Ensham, he gets back up instantly and punches Ensham in the eye, knocking him down long enough to make sure Alkira's okay. After that, Fixer gives him a pretty good "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
    Fixer: What is wrong with you?! You should never treat anybody like that!
    Ensham: Heh, what do you know? I’m her father! I own her! She belongs to me!
    Fixer: Not anymore you don’t! Nobody deserves to live with such a terrible life. You’ve kept Alkira locked up in a cave all this time, treating her with such poor parenting. You’re nothing but a monster! Alkira deserves better, and she made it clear that she does not want to live with you anymore. Now that she left home, she no longer belongs to you.

     Informal Occasions 

  • Forge quickly establishes the type of person he is when the lights go out. When he detects someone going near the stage, he whips out his hammer and go right for them. He misses, but his instincts were certainly correct.
    • Also, major props to both Wake and Fixer, as they leap into the fray when they see Dawn in danger. Even once Wake has gotten Dawn to safety, Fixer makes haste after the Book Thief, despite her evading him at nearly every turn.
    • Speaking of whom, the Book Thief should get some credit for ultimately succeeding! Yeah, she manages to get past the heroes at almost every opportunity, and manages to escape. In fact, the only time she was really slowed down was someone tackled her on her way out.

     You Barked Up the Wrong Circus 
