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Awesome / Significant Digits

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Spoilers Off applies to all Awesome pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

  • Just how far Harry has taken the wizarding world in just a few short years. He's taken it from a corrupt society to a space-faring one.
  • Harry and Draco running opposite sides in a war to keep the system stable.
  • The Bellatrixen.
    A sacrifice. An old spell.
    “Here I am,” said Bellatrix Black.
    “Here I am here I am,” said a second Bellatrix Black.
    “Here I am here I am here I am,” said a third Bellatrix Black.
  • Neville's defeat of Bellatrix.
    Bellatrix: Stop!
    Neville: That's what THEY said to YOU! Avada Kedavra!
  • The battle between wizardkind and the forces of The Three. This includes an army of muggles, basilisks, terrasque, unseelie and the Three themselves.
  • The sacrifice of Lawrence and Annabeth.
  • Moody's various mock-assassination attempts against Harry.
  • The Shichinin are already some of the most accomplished Hit Wizards in the world when we first see them in action, but once Ilya Bogdanova joins up with them, she simply seems to complete them, turning a black op gone wrong into a terrifying victory. It doesn't hurt that her more refined sense of humor dovetails with theirs.
    Bogdanova: After all, I know a place in Cairo that serves an excellent fillet of Muggle.
