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Awesome / Serious Sam II

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As usual, Spoilers Off for moment pages. So proceed with caution. You Have Been Warned

  • Sam launching his attack onto Sirius by landing in its moon, freeing the captives, cleaning up the lunar bases from Mental's baddies and moping the floor with Hugo's face.
    • The Rousing Speech at the end of the Command Center level is a Double Subversion: first the Gnaar ruins Sam's speech on purpose, making it seem like invafing Sirius is a waste of time. But it took a small baby clapping for the rest to join in the assault.
  • After Sam manages to open a portal in Sirius's shields, we see Sam's ship backed up by thousands of ships manned by Simbas, Zixies, ChiChies and Elvians.
  • Sam surviving the three Deadly Games and Sirius being invaded at long last!
  • The entirety of the "Mental Institution" level, as usual per Serious Sam final levels. It's split in several parts, even. Each part consists on waves of difficulty-rising enemy waves which include T-Wrecks, Kamikazes, Soldiers, Kleer, Barbarians, Spiders and Rhino Cybertoys. At some points you get a hovering vehicle whose lasers allow you to tear apart waves without problems. Then you get into a pure Rhino Cybertoy zone. Then into a pure T-Wrecks zone with different turrets. And then into a Giant Spider zone. And if that isn't enough, you'll then get to fight the Final Boss: the Mental Institution itself! Which will spawn countless of helicopters and kamikaze planes towards you and will corner and kill you unless you destroy its core.
