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Awesome / Saw V

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Strahm escaping an inescapable trap. With a pen.
  • Strahm's reaction to listening to the previous movie's last tape.
    John: The games have just begun.
    Strahm: Fuck you.
  • Luba knocking out Charles, the absolute dickhead.
    Luba: Survival of the fittest, my ass!
  • In a flashback, Saw victim Paul Leahy manages to fend off his pig-masked attackers (John and Hoffman) for a good two minutes before finally falling unconscious. And that's after he received three straight jabs of sedative. Add to that the fact that he nearly strangled the physically-fit Hoffman despite his immense weight and that made Leahy the near MVP of the kidnap attempt. Of course, it doesn't last due to Paul being Doomed by Canon, but John's Let Us Never Speak of This Again glance at Hoffman cements it.
  • After spending a long time to find and pursue him, seeing Strahm beating the shit out of Hoffman was amazing. Sadly, he doesn't have long to enjoy his victory.
