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Awesome / Phantom of the Paradise

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  • Shortly after a failed suicide, the Phantom realizes that due to the contract he signed, he is immortal as long as the villain, Swan, remains alive. So, having put up with being manipulated for long enough, he stabs the record producer in the heart. Swan calmly removes the knife, and remarks "I'm under contract too."
  • Winslow exposing Swan as a monster on live TV, saving Phoenix, and prompting the audience members to mob and murder Swan in a entertainment-overload frenzy.
  • You gotta love how Swan, upon seeing the masked freak of nature that Winslow has become, still manages to act calm and collected with no hint of fear in his voice.
  • Phoenix's audition. Just the fact that she shows up again after what happened the first time is in itself badass, but when she first arrives everyone there is either hostile and/or looking down on her. What does she do? Knock their socks off with an awesome performance of course! You Go, Girl!
  • After realizing that Swan has stolen his music again after waking up from a drug fueled night of composing, Winslow goes to confront Swan, only to find the door to the room being bricked. However, after letting out a scream that startles Beef, Winslow has an off screen crowing moment of awesome. Not only does he break through the bricked up door, he takes out the two bikers guarding it. Looks like signing the contract gave Winslow some extra perks in addition to being unable to die.
  • Philbin might deserve a minor note for keeping his head, immediately assessing that the Phantom was responsible for Beef's death (as opposed to some on-stage accident or something), and getting Phoenix on-stage quickly before anything else (well, one murder) could happen.
