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Awesome / Persona 4 Endurance Run

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Jeff and Vinny beating Shadow Yukiko on their first try in Part 23, despite it looking like they were bound to lose. To elaborate, in that battle, they realize all those SP-recovering TaP sodas they bought don't work inside battles, which killed off their first tactic of spamming Mabufu. This puts them in a much worse situation, as one of their members sits with only 3 SP. And then they realize that same member has Skull Break, which takes HP to perform, and they decide "hey, we're screwed anyways, why not make it go faster." This happens to be what saves their collective asses. Well, that, and the Random Number Goddess not being on her period.
    • Heck, some of the more difficult bosses in the game they managed to beat on their first try.
  • In Part 56, after about 30 episodes since their last encounter, Vinny (and Jeff) get the last laugh over "the king" (Contrarian King).
  • Part 61, where they power through part of Rise's dungeon while they are suffering a blackout, and relying on backup power. "Nothing stops the endurance run, motherfuckers" indeed.
  • Part 83: By pure luck alone, Vinny selects the right card in Shuffle Time and gains Mothman even when he and Jeff had no clue which card was correct, and they were moving too fast for either of them.
  • In Part 88, while they still haven't mastered the battle system, Jeff and Vinny finally see the benefits of Charlie using status buffs when Mind Charge allows them to easily kill the resilient mid-boss in Void Quest.
    • It carries on into Part 90, the party starts having trouble with a robot Shadow that takes almost no damage from any attack, so Charlie casts Mind Charge on himself, Chie increases Charlie's attack power, then Charlie casts Maragion (with more increased power thanks to Fire Amp), and overkills the enemy by doing 300+ damage. It's still not in Jeff and Vinny's first instinct to chain status buffs and debuffs, but they've certainly come a long way from their first tough enemies.
  • In Parts 95 and 96, Vinny revisits the striptease dungeon for extra experience and to face the challenge boss, but this time he uses the B-Team (Kanji and Teddie), and they eventually face their first boss fight throughout the entire Endurance Run. If one can call it a fight. It may be an easy boss in general, but it still shows that Vinny was competently using Kanji and Teddie even without primarily using them.
  • During parts 130-135, when the plot takes a sudden dark turn, Jeff and Vinny actually man up and start trying to logically deduce the killer's identity, getting super invested in the explanations of the truth behind the kidnappings. Watching them react and try to piece the puzzle together is genuinely enjoyable after sticking with them for over five months' worth of videos.
  • Managing to get the true ending of the game. Note that to get the true ending, or even the good ending, can border on Guide Dang It!.
  • There was also the moment at the end where they broke out and sung "Smooth Criminal" while defeating the True Final Boss.
