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  • OJ deducing the true nature of the UFO. Notably, he figures it out after his first real encounter with Jean Jacket and before he witnesses the aftermath of the Star Lasso Experience, realising that the being moves like an animal rather than a machine.
    • Angel is the first person to realise where Jean Jacket's been hiding, after only watching a relatively small amount of footage from the Haywoods' cameras.
    • What's more, Antlers notices it by himself after being on the Haywood property for an hour at most.
      "That cloud ain't moved since I got here."
  • The first plan to catch footage of Jean Jacket isn't half bad. They set up a perimeter of inflatable tube men to act as a warning system when it's overhead, and then OJ tricks it into chasing after him with fake eyes attached to his hoodie so that it's in range of Holst's camera. Right as JJ is about to catch up to OJ, he releases a rainbow pennant attached to a parachute to drive it off, after observing earlier that it would associate such a thing with pain or discomfort.
  • After their first plan is ruined at the very last moment, Emerald manages to improvise a plan based on observations from the theme park to get proof of Jean Jacket’s existence, kill it and avenge its victims, and lure a news crew to the site of its corpse.
  • Angel's quick thinking when dealing with Jean Jacket: despite being utterly disoriented and terrified, he still has the presence of mind to wrap himself in a tarp and barbed wire before JJ can suck him up and eat him. This causes JJ to spit him out and allows Angel to survive the film.
  • OJ's staredown with Jean Jacket. This is a man who has been avoiding eye contact with almost everyone so far, and knows firsthand how dangerous it is to stare at a wild animal right on from the front. Yet, he decides to stare down an angelic Animalistic Abomination for as long as possible just to lure it away and save his sister from it. Even better, he actually manages to survive the experience.
  • Em's got some truly mad motorcycle skills, especially considering she's driving on sand, and tops it off with an amazing Akira Slide.
