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Awesome / 91 Days

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Day 1: The Night of the Murder

  • While it didn't save himself, his wife, or youngest son, Testa (Angelo's father) gets props for using a wine opener to stab the hand and leave a permanent scar on Vincent Vanetti's face.
  • A young Bruno aka Angelo gets props — despite witnessing the brutal murder of his family, he keeps his cool long enough to make it to the door and run as fast he can... and get away.
  • Avilio Bruno makes his return to his friend Corteo in a glorious fashion — he uses a wrench to knock out Cerotto's huge brother Botti, who was breaking up Corteo's still.
  • Avilio's reaction when Fango comes in demanding for Nero to step forward. He pulls an I Am Spartacus to bluff Fango, waiting for the right moment, and the second that Fango uses the barrel of his tommy gun to lift up Avilio's cap, he dodges, grabs the barrel, and sticks a knife against Fango's throat.
  • Corteo shows off his brewery skills in the climax by heating some of the alcohol, throwing it in the air, and having it shot by Fango. Causing a big explosion.

Day 3: Where the Footfalls Lead

  • When Fango and his bodyguard Gatto come to retrieve Serpente's corpse, Nero gets ahead of them first and attempt to trick Fango by using Avilio as a substitute. It doesn’t work but Avilio’s managed stun Fango long enough by kicking his gun out of shooting range so that Nero, Corteo, and Cerotto to escape.
  • Nero manages to get a few shots at the henchman that was aiming for him, giving Avilio enough time to make it out without a scratch.

Day 4: Losing to Win, and What Comes After

Day 6: To Slaughter a Pig

  • Avilio's entire plan of capturing Don Orco and delivering him to Fango.
    • Basically, Avilio and Nero go and walk right into his restaurant, bribe him with the Lawless Heaven liquor stash they have, trick him into following them into their distillery. Avilio convinces Orco that he's on his side by revealing his true name and intention to "kill" Nero, when they get ambushed by Volpe, then get him knocked out with the laced alcohol, and finally delivered him to Fango for his ultimate punishment.

Day 7: A Poor Player

  • Avilio managing to manipulate both sides of the Vanettis feud. First, by setting up a fake assassination attempt against Ronaldo and Frate, then killing the only witness of the fake hit, which was Volpe, whom he manipulated into action and set him up as the one behind it, thus inciting the feud, then, he gave a secret message to Fio, leading her to kill Ronaldo so neither of her brothers would get killed by Galassias and then, when Nero and Frate were facing each other in Frate's room, he managed to skillfully take out the bullets from Frate's gun, leaving him defenseless against Nero.

Day 8: Behind the Curtain

  • Corteo has only been the Non-Action Guy since episode 1. This episode? Corteo is brought to Fango's place late at night by Cerotto, and after a brief and very unfriendly chat with Fango, he is approached by the madman, who has just killed a man in that very room and is brandishing the murder weapon. After briefly menacing the young liquor distiller, he opts to let him go, but adds that he might just let a certain revenge-obsessed protagonist know who almost screwed him out of one of his kills. Corteo's reaction? See this episode's Nightmare Fuel entry.

Day 11: All for Nothing

  • Del Toro proves himself an utter badass when he gets stabbed multiple times by treacherous guards on Ganzo's payroll, and fights back with knives sticking out of him while running on Made of Iron and Unstoppable Rage.
  • Throughout the episode, we are led to believe that Corteo's death has caused Avilio to lose sight of his goal and become a willing pawn of Ganzo. There are numerous signs suggesting he's slipped in his chessmaster ways and that he'll die before his revenge is complete. Even the title suggests that. Nope. Avilio knew what he was doing even as he continued to grieve for Corteo. Once he finally has Vincent cornered, making his You Killed My Father statement, he points his gun at him. Vincent closes his eyes, awaiting for his death — only for Avilio to shoot Don Galassia instead, right in full view of Vincent, Strega (Galassia's nephew), Tigre, Ganzo, and members of the Galassia family. This instigates a blood bath amongst the Galassias and the Vanettis, one that will almost assuredly end with the latter's demise. Just like that, Avilio forces Vincent and Nero to feel the same pain he suffered seven years ago at their hands. Vincent, succumbing to his disease thanks to the shock that accelerated it, dies in his son's arms, knowing that everything he's done and sacrificed, including killing his best friend, Avilio's father Testa Lagusa, to save the Vanettis, was all for nothing.

Day 12: Slipping Through the Dirty Sky

  • Nero finally comes for Avilio at the beginning of the episode, easily taking out the two men the Galassias stationed to guard his former right hand man. When Nero finally reaches him and knocks the guards out, Death Glare clearly visible on his face, Avilio only has one reaction: to smirk.
