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Awesome / Nagasarete Airantou

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  • The climax of the Scavenger Hunt Story Arc, where Ikuto defeats Karaage, the Western (and most powerful) Leader. Karaage's Oh, Crap! before the finishing blow was the icing on the cake.
  • An unknown and powerful ice youkai is attempting to take Ikuto off the island and back to home. All of the island girls come together to stop it and are powered up by fusing with Yashiro's 12 shikigamis. After a long and epic battle on top of a mountain, they weren't able to win after Yashiro runs out of strength to maintain the many fusions. However hearing Suzu's cries while unconscious, Ikuto wakes up and breaks out of his barrier and declares that he's staying on the island. Then he wins the duel against the youkai, shattering its helmet, revealing his sister: Misaki.
