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Awesome / Mirai Nikki The Abridged Series

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  • Yukiteru actually having the nerve to stand up to Yuno and flat-out tell her that she can't intimidate him. He still fails to rat her out, but the fact that he tried is impressive.
    Yukiteru: Wait, Mr. Detective. There's something very important I have to tell you.
    Mr. Detective: What is it, sonny boy?
    Yuno: (appearing from Mr. Detective's car) Yeah, what is it, sonny boy?
    Yukiteru: Yuno has three dead bodies stashed away in her house!
    Yuno: Yukki!
    Yukiteru: You didn't think you could intimidate me just by standing there, did you?
    Mr. Detective: That's okay. I wasn't really listening anyway.
  • Yuno pulling a pillow out of nowhere to block Reisuke's scissors from stabbing her in Episode 6.
    Yuki: Yuno! Are you alright?
    (Reisuke moves aside to reveal a pillow Yuno had to prevent him from stabbing her)
  • Episode 8: Kousaka, of all people, has this when he single-handedly takes on the pack of hungry dogs with his unwashed feet.
    Kousaka: Smell it. Smell it. I want all of you to f*cking smell it.
  • Episode 5, in which Yuki throws a dart at Tsubaki's diary.
    Tsubaki: That's a dart.
    (cue explosion)
