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Awesome / Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

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  • When the group is trying to escape Janson's safe place, a WCKD soldier chases with a taser gun. Minho, being Minho, decides that surprising the soldier by running straight at him and knee-kicking him is the best solution.
    Newt: Shit, Minho!
  • Winston using a pistol to take out a few Cranks as Thomas and Minho are tying to open the door to run from the Cranks that are currently chasing them. Too bad he ends up getting scratched by a Crank in the process as they escape, sealing his fate.
  • Thomas and Brenda's fight with a Crank in a partially collapsed skyscraper, ending with Thomas shattering the window they're standing on and letting the Crank fall.
  • As everyone in the Right Arm's safe place is currently captured by WCKD, Thomas reveals that he has one of Jorge's bombs in front of Ava Paige's face, and holds the trigger in front of everyone while holding the bomb as well, telling her to let go of all of the hostages or else he will detonate it, killing every Immune in the area. This moment showcases how different Thomas was, compared to his previous allegiance to WCKD. Now, Thomas will not let Ava get her hands on the Immune again, just to enslave them for the fleeting hopes of a cure.
  • When Ava warns Thomas about dooming mankind's survival if he pushes the trigger, Thomas looks ready to surrender... and then Minho, Newt and Frypan all quietly walk behind Thomas, supporting him in his suicidal act. Doubles as Heartwarming Moment. When Teresa tells Thomas not to do it, Thomas rebuts her by using the near exact line that Teresa had previously told Thomas when he questioned her change of allegiance.
  • As it seems that Thomas will detonate the bomb, cue Jorge and Brenda arriving in a truck, ramming it into one of WCKD's helicopters, which creates a distraction when the helicopter blades hurtle towards everyone, allowing some members of the Right Arm to escape and fight back against WCKD's forces. And do keep in mind that back when WCKD was capturing all of the Right Arm, Thomas told Brenda and Jorge to escape and save themselves, proving that Brenda and Jorge are more than just survivors; they are people who will not let their friends die.
