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Awesome / LoliRock

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You have to admit, being a Magical Girl show and all, LoliRock has its moments of awesome.

  • "To Find a Princess" has Iris's first battle. Not only does she immediately acknowledge she is indeed a Princess, but she transforms and rushes into battle. Her first hit against Mephisto is both awesome and funny.
    Mephisto: (laughing) Oh, that's funny. You haven't been trained in magic. What are you going to use on me?
    Iris: (kicking Mephisto in the leg) Whatever I've got!
    • When Mephisto later trips Iris, she fires a small crystal blast into his rear. Note that she hasn't been trained in magic, and she's already conjured up crystal.
  • In "Flower Power", Iris gets one after Praxina brags about having the Princesses as trophies in Gramorr's palace. Big mistake.
    Iris: Statues in Gramorr's palace, huh? Well, guess what? It's not Gramorr's palace, it's mine!
  • In "Be Mine", Iris, though under the effects of a love spell, manages to trick Mephisto into falling under the same spell while her magic is rendered useless.
    • Auriana also gets one for using her knowledge of fairy tales to get Iris and Nathaniel to kiss to break the curse. Talia is nonetheless impressed.
  • In "Heavy Metal", the Twins steal a bunch of instruments to create a musical monster that could absorb the girls' magic and grow larger. Keep in mind that this is Mephisto's plan, after realizing that the Princesses get Oracle Gems by helping people. Even if the girls defeated the monster, it was part of a Batman Gambit in which the girls would restore and return all the stolen instruments and earn an Oracle Gem. Just as Iris is about to claim the Oracle Gem, Mephisto's small monster (which he created earlier), flies in and snatches it, allowing the Twins to actually win the episode. Not bad, Mephisto.
  • In "The Haunting", when the Twins' latest Monster reveals itself, Talia is the first one to go into action. Then the Twins appear and mock her for being a freak for seeing Ghosts back on Ephedia. Talia, having had enough of being teased for the whole episode runs in and, much to the surprise of her friends, immediately blasts them in a Shut Up, Hannibal! style. What makes it better? No one mocks her again for the rest of the episode.
  • In "Super Cute Kitten", Lyna and Carissa get one that makes up for their absence in the episodes after the first of Season 2. As Mephisto and Praxina are about to finish off the main Princesses, all of whom are powerless, they pull off a Big Damn Heroes Moment and even up the playing field. The best part is how little effort it took for them to take down the Twins. Lyna just knocks Praxina away and Carissa does a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on Mephisto, breaking his shield and sword, the latter of which is never used for the rest of the season.
  • In "Wicked Red", the battle scene shows Iris going up against Praxina. Remember all those times when her sword broke or it shattered? This time, she's able to put up a decent fight with her, avoiding all of her strikes, actually forcing her back, and is able to keep her sword intact the entire time. Not bad.
    • There's also Auriana against Talia, Lyna and Carissa. She manages to evade all of their attempts to bring her back to normal. Special mention to when Talia tries to distract her long enough for Carissa to quietly use the antidote on her. Without even turning (she did before), Auriana destroys the second batch of antidote, leaving the Princesses temporarily speechless.
    • Did we mention Iris is the one calling all the shots this time? She did it once when it was just her, Talia and Auriana, but this episode has her commanding all four of the Princesses.
  • Nathaniel's Big Damn Hero Moment when he forces a spell to backfire on the Twins after they brutally defeat Iris. Not only is everyone in shock, but this just goes to show that no one messes with Nathaniel's girlfriend.
