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Awesome / Johnny English Reborn

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  • The chase scene in Hong Kong. While the assassin pulls out flashy freerunning and acrobatic stuff, what does Johnny do? He uses ever more practical methods to keep up with him, whilst never moving beyond a casual walk. While the assassin flips over a barb wire fence, Johnny casually opens the door. The assassin leaps over a building, Johnny rides across on a crane and so on. Combined with his total calm and badass slow walk, he actually manages to look totally awesome.
    • It's worth noting that Johnny doesn't just keep up, he actually manages to speed up over the course of the chase. At one point, the assassin has to leap off a building to escape Johnny, and by the time he reaches the ground, quite literally only takes a single step before he's found again.
  • The fight at end of it all also deserves a mention. When faced with 4 armed assailants, he tricks them into knocking all but 1 of them out, and he deals with the other with a well placed Groin Attack. Talk about a competence spike.
  • "Guideline 75 - Never question a senior agent in the field!"
  • Johnny manages to escape MI7 after he supposedly goes "rogue" using a modified wheelchair. This is against every single agent and vehicle the organization has at its disposal. Even more impressive is he had a bullet wound in his leg from gunfire in the church, yet he still managed to escape. Just goes to show how dead wrong Ambrose was about Johnny not being MI7 material.
  • Johnny resisting the orders given to him under the Mind Control drug by Ambrose and attempting to regain control over his own body at the climax. His arm fighting with his other arm is some clever one-man slapstick too.
    • His dancing when Tucker switches the radio signal of his ear-plug to some station playing pop music (Cameo's "Word Up", to be exact) from the one used by Ambrose. If you find this funny...
    • He eventually shoots the gun — but not at Sian Ping, the Chinese Prime Minister whom Johnny was supposed to kill. He fires at Ambrose, showing that he's not going to be controlled... just before passing out.
  • "Ambrose, you five star turd!"
  • Tucker switching an assassins gun with a banana when the lights go out.
  • Tucker pretending to kill the (wanted) Johnny to avoid detection by security forces.
  • The Stinger. Kate asks for English to buy her a takeaway. He agrees... to disagree, as he makes a meal for her instead, set to the tune of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" It has to be seen to be believed.
