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Awesome / Harriet the Spy

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  • The entirety of the last chapter, when Harriet gets to be the editor of the class paper. She prints some of her observations, thus achieving her dream of having people read what she writes — including some vicious facts about her classmates' parents.note  However, she also prints retractions for the unpleasant truths and observations that her classmates read about themselves in the notebook, taking Ole Golly's advice and referring to her notes as "lies" (even though they were not). She gets her friends and her writing back all at the same time.
  • In the book, the Boy with the Purple Socks reveals the reason he wears the socks is because of a compromise he made with his overprotective mother who freaked out after he got lost at the circus as a kid, she actually wanted him to wear a purple vest but he threw a fit. This moment wins him respect from his classmates, even Harriet, as they see that he mostly agreed to the less worst of the options.
