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Awesome / Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.


  • Anytime a kid is punished after spending the duration of the story or episode being a completely intolerable brat.
  • Nigel Planer's accents are very convincing as if he was from the country of the characters. His Australian ones have been praised by Australians, since it's one of the hardest accents for foreigners to imitate.


  • In “The Stick Men”, Chico’s abusive parents die in a helicopter crash after the Stick Men draw it.
  • In "Fat Boy with a Trumpet," Johnny Bullneck is burnt to a crisp after he relentlessly bullied the eponymous character. This is then topped off by Uncle Grizzly and Spindleshanks sharing a laugh at the boy's expense.
    • In that same story, Timothy actually stands up to Johnny and says Johnny cannot have his trumpet.
    • Johnny's final plan is genius too, despite it being used for negative intentions, just by looking at the caretaker's shed.
  • Burgerskip: After cutting down the rainforest tree, the greedy business tycoon's business is first tarnished by the spirit of the tree before he is spirited away, never to be seen again.
  • "The Urban Fox":
    • The fox outsmarting the hunters.
    • After the rich couple leave for the country, the council sends them a bill to the property they damaged when they chased the fox around the neighbourhood.
  • "Well'ard Willard" managed to successfully steal the sun with a telescope, a magnifying glass, and several jam jars, completely under his parents' noses for an entire weekend.
