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Awesome / Gran Torino

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.


  • Any of Walt's boasts. He isn't just boasting, he's being serious.
    • "Get off my lawn."
    • "We used to stack fucks like you five feet high in Korea. Used you as sandbags."
    • "You ever notice how sometimes you come across somebody you just shouldn't have fucked with?" (spits) "Well, that's me."
    • "If I have to come back here again, it's gonna get fucking ugly."
  • Walt's final showdown against Spider's gang. Unarmed and facing them with absolutely no fear whatsoever, despite having witnessed first hand what they were capable of. Granted, he was already dying from lung cancer anyway, but the sentiment is still there.
  • Father Janovich has his moments. First, not giving up on Walt no matter how many times Walt insults him. Telling him off in regards to stronger men than Walt have gone to confession—the latter of which impresses Walt. Finally giving a better sermon than the opening one at Walt's funeral.
  • While it's understated, after seeing his families cold treatment of him through the movie, his children trying to get him into a home to sell the house and his spoiled granddaughter asking him to give her the titular car and any of his possessions when he dies, Walt gets his revenge by leaving his family absolutely nothing, giving his house to the church and his Gran Torino to Thao. Seeing their reactions as the rug is swept out from under them is a major cathartic moment.
  • Thao gets one in the scene where he helps Walt move the freezer. Walt is having difficulty getting it up the basement steps, so he goes to Thao’s house to ask him for help. Thao is insistent on taking the heaviest part and actually gets Walt to let him do it. What makes it so awesome is that Thao has been meek and quiet the whole movie and this is the first time we see him stand up for himself in any way.
    Walt: Here’s the deal. I take the top because that’s the heaviest. I pull on that and you stand right back here and you push, and help me push it up each step. Just like that.
    Thao: Then let me take the top.
    Walt: No, no, I’ve got the top.
    Thao: No, really, I’ll take the top, it looks pretty heavy.
    Walt: Look, I’m not crippled. I’ve got the top.
    Thao: If you don’t let me take the top, I ain’t helping, I’m gonna go back home.
    Walt: Now, listen to me, zipperhead—
    Thao: No, you listen, old man. I’m here because you needed help. So it’s either top or I’m out of here!
    Walt: (growls) Alright. You take the top and I’ll push. Just don’t let it slip out of your little girl hands and crush me.
    Thao: (smiles) Don’t give me any ideas now.
