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Awesome / Freefall

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  • Sam tricks the mayor into ordering no less than FIVE AIs into hitting her with a pie.
  • Florence sums up her personality.
  • Blunt's line about his survival of a solar flare from when he used to work in orbit.
    Blunt: I have looked. The Blue Screen of Death. In the eye. And forced it to reboot.
  • Sam showing off how cunning and Crazy-Prepared he can be.
  • The last part of the Ecosystems Unlimited arc where Sam pulls together an Indy Ploy to rescue Florence from Mr. Kornada attempting to put her back into cold sleep. Also provides a hilarious moment where Plan B involves Tongue on the Flagpole.
    Sam: Immediate meeting in the cryogenics room to discuss misuse of company resources. Somebody needs a spanking.
    • And best of all? He directs suspicion away from himself by handing in Kornada's wallet at the lab's lost and found - with all the money inside.
  • Florence and Winston avert a robot war, and Winston is rewarded with ten thousand Facebook friends.
  • The mayor's assistant goes behind the mayor's back and orders Florence to do whatever she needs to do to save the robots from Gardener in the Dark, risking his career.
  • Mr. Kornada finally gets his just desserts, as the employee he'd intended to use as The Scapegoat had actually recorded every interaction he'd had with Mr. Kornada.
    Blunt: He must have know. You'd be. Too modest to. Take credit. Sir.
  • The robots have civil rights. All the efforts of Florence, Sam, the robots, and Max Post have paid off. Perhaps only temporarily. But, legally speaking, robots are no longer Just a Machine.
  • Sam figures out how Mr Kornada planned to make money from lobotomizing robots from overhearing a single comment of Qwerty's.
  • Blunt puts up posters supporting lobotomizing robots. Max Post (who opposes lobotomy) responds by having robots speak to every single human being on the planet personally.
  • At the debate, Edge is able to point out a serious design flaw by being his normal, Jerkass self.
  • Thanks to Florence connecting the computers in the Ecosystems Unlimited compound to the commnet, the robots discover the security holes that the Robotic Safety Department put in their software to act as 'failsafes' — as Mr. Raibert finds out when he gets a message from them asking permission to initiate Failsafe "Armageddon". Raibert's reaction?
    Raibert: [thinking] If I give the robots permission to patch themselves, we lose the ability to remotely get into their systems. My bosses are going to want those holes left open. They don't know who their friends and enemies are.
    Raibert: [responding to the robot's requests] SEND: Patch the security holes.
    Raibert: [thinking] My view? If you don't know who your friends are, you don't have any friends.
  • Just to show how determined Florence is to escape her captors and save Jean's robot population, she blocks out the shutdown signal from her remote by putting water in her ears, and pulls off an audacious ruse to pick her captor's pocket of her remote so she could smash it in a bathroom stall door and flush its remains down the toilet. This shows: One, she—an ordinarily very lawful character—is not above picking up some tricks from Sam; and two, she's willing and able to overtly defeat the safeguards she had since she was very young and feared for much of her life.
    • Not to mention she refers to it as "the classic battle between male and female for control of the remote."
  • Doctor Bowman. An uplifted chimp, created as a supersoldier, neuters himself with a plastic spoon to make himself safe, and creates a newer model of AI/uplift that is more easily socialized than he could ever be.
    • After learning just how many times the Emergency Shutdown option has been used on Florence, Dr. Bowman is... less than pleased.
      • When you realize what he can do, the fact that any of his enemies are still alive shows his incredible self control.
  • Sam convinces the police to throw him into prison, and with the help of a graffiti artist, turns the floors into works of art.
  • The mayor, who just days ago didn't think A.I.s were people, puts her career on the line to defend their rights against Ecosystems Unlimited, the company that practically owns the entire planet.
    "I told Ecosystems Unlimited that until I'm convinced they're not sapient, the robots are colonists and they can go pack sand."
  • Two more for the Mayor: first, she decides to leave office after the Ecosystems Unlimited imbroglio, understanding that as a politician she can no longer claim to serve public interest as long as she keeps having issues with the robots as people.
    • Then, she drives around Jean to learn more about the robots, with the JarJarBot as her traveling companion. As for her travel itinerary, she wants to drive around the world, knowing that with the rate Jean's importing water, the two of them will be the only ones to ever manage to do this.
  • Florence gets Sam to share sqid legends with her. Realizing that humans need to know the bare basics about his world as much as he needs to know the bare basics of theirs, Sam lays out the first rule of sqid legend: gods do not give, so mortals must take. It starts with Monumental Theft (their planet, land sea and sky, is a bounty), drives right through Intangible Theft (plagues were a lesson in "easy to steal = nobody wants it"), and goes all the way out to "a sqid is born when they steal from the goddess of life, and death is when she gets her belongings back".
  • Apparently, although Sam is an omnipresent nuisance on Jean, he's Shrouded in Myth off-planet. The docking receptionist thinks twice about short-changing the crew of the Savage Chicken when he finds out who it belongs to. Yes, being Sam Starfall is enough to get his crew a discount.
    Worker: Sam Starfall!? I thought he was an urban legend!
