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Awesome / For a Diamond Is a Marveled Thing

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     Aliens Steal Cable 

  • Ronaldo somehow using his conspiracy nut skills to become a respected researcher and scientist.
  • Jaime becoming the producer for a Gem theatre group, and later on, getting his big break in the movies like he dreamed.
    • In the same chapter, Greg also got another big break being hired as a movie composer.
  • A Rose Quartz (implied in the Character Tags to be Shy Rose Quartz from SU:F), holding thirteen floors of rubble over her head for 37 hours to protect a trapped human family.
  • Buck becoming a famous doctor by working with Gems in human medicine.

     Like A Word, A Sound, A Song 

  • The way that Connie takes Steven's inhuman moments in stride.
  • Priyanka and Doug being Badass Normals, being able to help Steven when he has a Gem emergency.

     Diamond Drop 

  • Remembering that this takes place after Steven Universe: Future, the fact that Steven is doing so well, a far cry from his mental state during most of Future.
  • Seeing Thor be more proactive in politics, even against his father's wishes.
  • Thor and Steven's duel being a Curb-Stomp Battle- in Steven's favor.

     Three Can Keep A Secret, If Two Of Them Are Dead 

  • Bismuth being as much of an infamous cultural icon to Gemkind as Rose Quartz. Hero of Another Story, indeed.
  • Though it's horrifying, Bismuth being able to engineer a way to erase the data from a gemstone speaks to her genius.
    aenor_llelo: bismuth is the most dangerous crystal gem, change my mind
