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Awesome / Final Fantasy VII: Another Side

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  • Yuffie defeating her father in combat, and winning the right to the throne of Wutai.
  • Sephiroth and Genesis having an aerial battle, wherein Genesis shows just how badass he's become, over the ShinRa tower, with Rufus and the Deepgrounds fighting Cloud, Cissnei, and Kunsel below. The entire sequence is one of those things that needs to be animated.
  • Zack's Unstoppable Rage after Kunsel is killed.
  • A backstory one for Zack and Kunsel, but the two of them stopped a Wutai assault by setting off bombs that made the side of a mountain drop down on them.
  • Aerith finding it in herself to knock Rosso, a Tsviet, clear across the room.
