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Awesome / Felidae

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  • How does Francis defeat Claudandus? By slicing his stomach open and getting all of his organs to spill out. As one YouTuber put it: "Francis wins. Fatality!"
    • You'll have to give Claudandus credit as well. He's very old and is dying of cancer and still give one hell of a fight!
  • The chase sequence with Francis and the Claudandus sect.
  • When Bluebeard talks down Kong, a cat many times his size.
    • Even better in the novel, where Bluebeard casually reminds Kong that the last time they fought, Bluebeard won. Not bad for someone with only one eye and a mangled front paw!
  • Francis is a hell of an intelligent cat. Not only does he work out several key facts about the case on his own (the murdered cats were all toms in heat, for one), but also manages to get the hang of using a computer, which only Pascal had done at that point.
