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Awesome / .hack//Legend of the Twilight

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  • From the first episode "The Legendary Hero", while brief. Rena explaining the origins of her own and Shugo's special character avatars. Even mentioning Kite and BlackRose by name.
    • The moment when Balmung arrives to save Rena. True he's unable to destroy the monster, due to its corrupted state. Regardless he did manage to hold it back long enough for Shugo to figure out how to destroy it.
  • Episode 2 "Kite's Bracelet", Ouka the Divine Fist is aptly named. She manages to take down a hacked monster all on her own, with only a little help from Shugo's Data Drain.
    Ouka: (grabs the skeleton by the arm, crushing it) Man, how brittle. You must have a calcium deficiency.
  • Sanjuro from IMOQ makes his appearance in episode 3 "The Phoenix Feather". By defeating a monster from a high-level area in one slash. Note that "Divine Fist Ouka", who has an in-universe reputation as one of the strongest characters, had an off-screen fight lasting a few seconds defeating a rogue monster in the second episode.
    • Watching Rena, Mireille and Ouka working together in a party to decimate several mid-level monsters.
  • Episode 4 "Tanabata Night", near the end of the Tanabata race. Another corrupted monster appeared from the water, and attacked the players. Balmung and Sanjuro work together to hold the beast off long enough for Shugo to finish it off with Data Drain.
    • Also, unlike in the manga. Shugo almost wins the event. It's only due to outside interference that the event is abruptly ended without a definite winner.
  • Episode 8 "The Solitary Knight", has the Silver Knight from the .hack//SIGN anime make an appearance in order to help Shugo escape the Cerulean Knights. Sadly, he's eventually caught, and his character avatar deleted for standing up to the Knights. Though not before their progenitor gives them one hell of a What the Hell, Hero? speech.
