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Awesome / Dost Thou Even Steal Hearts?

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  • When Yaldabaoth teleports the Phantom Thieves to different worlds, Ren and Morgana end up at UA right in the middle of the USJ attack. During that time, he ends up taking out several of Shigaraki's goons and even saves and heals Aizawa from the Nomu.

  • Ren manages to not only tank a hit from the Nomu using Null Physical, but even manages to tank a hit from All Might as well during the USJ attack.

  • Ren's whole daring escape from police custody and managing to leave Eraserhead in the dust.

  • When Ren successfully executes his plan to expose Silver Falcon, all of hero society is left with their jaws on the floor. Laser-Guided Karma hits Falcon real hard when the crowd that was praising him a few moments ago immediately turns on him once his true colors are revealed.

  • Morgana calling out Eraserhead, pointing out that while the hero claims to want to help Joker, he hasn’t actually done anything helpful, and is still going through with the raid despite the danger it could put Joker in.
  • A villainous example - All For One successfully kills Seth.
    • This leads to Orpheus putting his foot down, using Endure to keep Joker alive, then eventually going Picaro.
  • Joker fights off an entire army of Nomu for about an entire day.
  • Joker, with Hitoshi's help, drawing in the power of the masses, because of the livestream of the Nomu battle that All For One deliberately broadcast to show Joker being defeated in front of everyone. Despite being on his last legs, he does what he "should've done from the very beginning," in his words - he summons Satanael. All For One has no idea what he's inadvertently enabled.
    • And then Sraosha decides enough's enough and kills All For One himself. While Joker is horrified, many of the heroes, particularly All Might, are in agreement it was necessary. All Might even takes responsibility for not having successfully killed All For One back in the day rather than allow Joker to take all the guilt and responsibility.
      • All For One's death is heavily implied to have returned most if not all the Quirks he stole.
      • And do you know what that means? The League of Villains is thoroughly crippled. AFO hinged his plans on himself, his quirk (both the original and the copy), and Shigaraki’s growth. Joker destroyed all their plans in that single moment. The League being less successful and less well known this time around means that the decisive death of AFO and his quirk’s destruction sent the League crashing down. While AFO might have broken All Might as he intended, Joker’s intervention allowed people to see heroes as flawed humans and the final battle was less granular allowing a team against evil. The heroes really won while the League is left with nothing.
      • Even better, AFO has NO ONE to blame for the League's loss but himself since kidnapping Joker was HIS idea.
  • Joker meets Akechi in limbo during the short time he's dead. Akechi takes it upon himself to berate Ren for not having his priorities straight and tells himto get back home and take down Yaldabaoth already.
  • After Joker's "death," Hawks angrily confronts Kunikazu and reveals that he leaked footage of him using his Quirk against Joker and exposing his misdeeds to the public. This leads to the prime minister, themselves, relieving Kunikazu of his position as head of the Hero Commission, and he is immediately arrested afterwards.
  • Atsuhiro/Compress begins the road towards Joker's recovery in a very clever way, focusing his discussion around the tales of Arsene Lupin - it turns out in this universe that Lupin was a real thief who wrote his tales under the pseudonym of Maurice Leblanc, and that Atsuhiro is one of his descendants. He also figured out due to Arsene being Joker's first persona that Ren is using a false name, and reassures him that his Personas aren't gone - his proof? The fact that Joker can speak fluent French without even realizing it, a skill he has due to his connection to Arsene.
  • Joker once again using the power of social media for good: he takes the heat off the Yaoyorozu trial (and therefore, Momo) by updating his Spotlight account with a photo of him in front of the new Kamino Memorial statue. And while he has mixed feelings about it, it's actually quite a statue: he and All Might doing Back-to-Back Badasses with Satanael standing behind them, arms and wings spread wide.
  • Joker's reawakening after his temporary death is him deciding to rebel once more to save Eri from Overhaul, complete with a new makeover of his rebel garb.
