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Awesome / de Blob

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Being at the highest point in the Dam level with a certain soundtrack on does feel like a genuinely enriching experience thanks to the colourful Scenery Porn.
  • For this one, it's when you defeat the Final Boss... in space!
  • The final level of the second game is a thrilling Astral Finale where Blob traverses Comrade Black's giant Hypno Ray using surprisingly solid 3D gravity physics and faces the dictator at the top. The final phase of the fight involves squishing a ton of Comrade Black clones in a bout of pure catharsis after putting up with his antics and taunts. It's even more satisfying if you take the time to save the Graydian hostages.
